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Hmmm,a hindsight hit :lol: ...I bought a shirt that the light spring colors were marked down and the just in new dark colors were not.I was cheerfully given the sale price,even though it scanned in at the higher price...was wearing Garland & Lace,and of course asking for it helped,but usually does not work with just in merchandise :icecream:

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  • 3 months later...

My 2 big blasts of 1x unLace to the chest this am resulted in my blasting music, dancing around and singing as I got ready for work this am. It would be impossible to overstate how abnormal this behavior is for me.


ETA aha looking back upthread, I see that I was indeed probably overdoing it - 3 was probably too many sprays for me. Thanks y'all for the advice!!

Edited by tyvey
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My 2 big blasts of 1x unLace to the chest this am resulted in my blasting music, dancing around and singing as I got ready for work this am. It would be impossible to overstate how abnormal this behavior is for me.


ETA aha looking back upthread, I see that I was indeed probably overdoing it - 3 was probably too many sprays for me. Thanks y'all for the advice!!




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I have UN Lace under Ravished on last Sat. It was a rather cool day and I was grossly underdressed for the outdoor event with my family. Although we had to queue up for at least an hour to collect a small portion of food, my children, who took turns to queue with me, were in rather good mood.

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Got myself LP Pink with Lace unscented as phero add-in, and OMG this stuff is amazing! The scent is to die for, the self effect beautiful, and putting together LP Pink + Lace was kind of an obvious thing to me. Girly, fun, sexy, I love it! This is gonna be a fun one to wear!

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  • 9 months later...

Lace 4 sprays in chest, belly neck.

I felt nothing on myself, no self effects, but female seems to be soft around me. Felt giddiness in afternoon and a lot of headache, kind of migrane, so I came back home early and rested. I saw no other hit today… or that was itself a hit that i felt so delicate to come home n put myself at rest...???

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Lace – 2 in chest at 10 am

Was uplifted and fine during the day. Went to another office and sprayed EST- 2 sprays in neck before getting out of car. I had a DIHL look from my friend. He was observing me walking to him on the office entrance. Had DIHL when asked me to wait outside office. He came but could not say anything and just left after saying that lets talk on phone. He was emotional and did not had courage to say anything because of the fight we had 2 days ago. And maybe EST made him think that I am being sensitive so he just did not say anything.

Overall a normal day. Not many hits… may be due to cold temperature And less diffusion.

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  • 1 year later...

I've had some interesting Lace experiences lately. I wore it for my first visit to my old chiro, thinking that I wanted him to be extra-attentive to me and my situation. Worked fine! Then I wore it to the first visit with my NEW chiro, and I dissolved into a puddle of tears explaining my pain! He was awesome, comforting and I felt well taken care of (if quite embarrassed). No more Lace for a while...then, I wore it on Thursday, and what a disaster. Not only did I cry at the chiro again, later in the afternoon I melted down into a hysterical, screaming freak with Mr. Goddess!


I've never had such a reaction!! BTW, my Lace is in a beta spray with Empress of Persica, and I used a total of 4 sprays each time.

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I have had a couple of weepy meltdowns when using anything that is EST heavy, or when I have used a larger amount of a phero containing EST. I don't recall a time this occurred specifically with Lace, but I have been lowering the amount of pheros I put on that contains EST and that seems to have helped. Using 4 sprays would probably have turned me into a puddle of tears as well. Also, if it is nearing shark week, then I seem to be overly sensitive to EST.

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Gosh,Lynne,I am sorry you had such a reaction,but happy you like your new chiro,and hope you get the relief you need! :Hug_emoticon:

...it boggles my mind how different people react to different stimuli,even at different times !! ... could be dose related maybe,I've never had a bad reaction to Lace,that being said I wear it mostly in G&L,or Red Lace...but even the sample bottles I added G&L to spray in my hair work well with me,and all in range being extra nice,cheerfull.

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  • 1 month later...

So I have a similar "happy potion" self effect from wearing Lace, and love the carefree vibe it creates around me, but I'd like to see if I could mix that happy sexy vibe with a deeper intimate connection vibe....

anyone tried/think it would work to combine Lace + BAM? just to add some bnol... or Lace + Treasured Hearts + cops?

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  • 2 months later...

Okay, I wore this to work today, covered with Ionia, and MAN, WAS I IN A GREAT MOOD! :lol: I was positively giddy! Even my co-workers commented on my awesome mood! And it seemed to transfer to them, too, which was really, really nice. I'm not sure if my customers were affected or not, and I, quite frankly, didn't care! I was just so darned happy! Even my usually cranky boss - the Chef boss, I mean, not the manager dude - tweaked me in the ribs *TWICE* when he was teasing me about something I did that irritates him. :o I've gotta wear this to work more often. I really can't figure out why I haven't before, except that I *am* a little worried about how happy/absent-minded I can be when I wear it. But OOH! FUN!!! :D

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^ that's me on Lace. I have Red Lace and the scent really adds to the whole experience. I need an Un tho. It is a pretty ubiquitous phero...


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I have it in a few different things, and love them all. But I really appreciate having the UNscented, so I can wear it with whatever I want. And now that I think I could wear it to work, (on days that aren't so busy - a bit of ditsiness happening there! LOL!), it's doubly nice to be able to pair it with some of the less strong scents. :)

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I have it in a few different things, and love them all. But I really appreciate having the UNscented, so I can wear it with whatever I want. And now that I think I could wear it to work, (on days that aren't so busy - a bit of ditsiness happening there! LOL!), it's doubly nice to be able to pair it with some of the less strong scents. :)

Yes! I tried to use my sample if Silk and Fur the other day ( blind scent test). I tried to use it with Un Gotcha. LOL .. not

Un Lace would have been perfect.

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I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but for some reason, from the very first moment I started using LPs, (and Lace was one of my first - in Garland & Lace), Lace is one of the phero blends that BF, um, responds to the best. With or without cops, Lace always seems to put him in the mood.


I have a "period tracker" app, and it lets you write down when you get lucky, and it lets you keep notes at the bottom of the page, so I always write down what LP & phero I was wearing, day and night, (and of course I "check in" whenever BF & I have a romp). Looking back over my notes today, it seems as though Lace might be one of my most solidly-hitting pheros with him - even without added cops. I mean, he responds perfectly well to other pheros too, but it seems Lace might actually be the one that gets me laid the most! Weird, huh? :huh: But good to know! :lol: I guess he likes me giving off a "Marilyn-esque" signature? I thought it was weird that he loved Some Like It Hot so much! :lol:

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  • 3 months later...

I was over on the LFM thread and made mention of this so I decided to take my Lace business over here!


I had said that Lace is the real charmer as far as getting people to talk to you. I had two experiences not too long ago both with Lace...One when I was in line at the post office and there was a young guy in front of me who turned around when I walked up and just turned his back on me with no reaction (no biggie) but then after a few minutes he turned completely around to face me with a dazzling smile and engaged me in convo with something like "what do you think of this weather!?" which was so unnecessary as it was the summer...in the desert...which obviously means the same degree of hot it was yesterday and the day before and...you get the picture.


Then I went to lunch and sat up at the bar one seat down from a guy sitting alone who barely looked at me when I sat...after a few minutes....same thing! Completely turns on me with whatever his bright idea of conversation was (don't remember now) as if I DEMANDED to be noticed and chatted up. Neither times was I especially dressed up or acting especially charming so I chalk it up to the inhalation of Le Lace!!

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Lace is great. I always want to wear something lacey when I wear Lace. It really gives you that lovely soft, sweet girly feeling. And it makes people behave very sweetly.


I think I may have overdone it a little though. This is only the 2nd time I've used Lace and I get overexcited when I try new things, so I used 4 sprays of Un Lace plus added a couple of sprays of DHEAS for extra giddiness. I find it so hard to control my trigger finger. People responded really nicely, but I went from feeling really good early in the day to being really tired by lunch time and now I've got a headache. Is that all the A-nol?

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yeah, I'm pretty sure. Drink a lot of water and some people suggest popping a b-multivitamin for phero ODs.

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Wow, Lace must have a heap of A-Nol in it. Today I tried flying potion instead and did at least 10 sprays in one go, and never got that sort of OD reaction from it. Unless perhaps other pheros in blends can maybe buffer the A-nol somehow...

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Flying Potion is 1/3 strength of UN Lace.


*Hits self on head in exasperation* Of course it is! I keep forgetting the Un's are sooo much stronger and just keep spraying them round like pretty perfumes. I really need to stop doing that.

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I wore this in Tease, and later, the guy said, "I hope I didn't say anything stupid. I just felt like a deer caught in the headlights!" I just love when people describe their hit, and they don't even know! lol

:lol: Good goin' BB!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes. In Jan I have to get a Lace spray in Un.

I have Red Lace in Spray. I have Tease, G&L IV & V. Somehow I managed to go without it for all this time.

I actually think Lace may be more congruent than Topper with a few of my phero blends.

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I've used Lace to chill out Sexpionage and lighten it up. Like MissD, I've worn it along side PM too...just wanted PM to be a little more flirty and girly instead of unisex. Also with BAM! too on the man :)

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  • 2 months later...

Does unscented Lace have a strong odor to it?

I cant decide if I should get it lightly scented because I would like to use it in my hair as well as my body.

I have un Topper and I find that it does not have a bad odor but I dont like how it smells in my hair.

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I have ordered my sprays Un and wound up lightly scenting them myself with Pure Sugar because of that reason. I sometimes spray my hair or clothes and want a little something to cover the mone smell. I believe it may have been Raq On who gave me the idea, but a trial vial nicely scents a whole 1oz spray lightly...it's been perfect every time :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried this today in Garland & Lace. I felt a bit disappointed because my target this evening didn't seem to respond (I'm not sure anyone this evening did, actually). I thought, though, that I'd just read through here about what kind of effects Lace can give before I dismissed the day is hit-less. I especially because suspected the Anol might have been at work. OMFG was it ever. I missed a massive hit, or should I say a series of them!


ETA: The longer review really belongs in the Garland & Lace thread, so I've moved it, but I just had to pop on here and say that Lace is ace!

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Great report Donsie! Hehehe, it's always fun to review the day at the end and see where things sprung up :) Looks like you had things popping up all over! Lace is another favorite I can't imagine being w/o.

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Great report Donsie! Hehehe, it's always fun to review the day at the end and see where things sprung up :) Looks like you had things popping up all over! Lace is another favorite I can't imagine being w/o.

Thanks! It does seem very useful, having happy times in a bottle. And although I like the scent of Garland & Lace I can see the value of having an UN bottle to use when you're not in a Garland mood scent-wise.

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And to be fair, the description says there's a "woozy" amount of alpha androstenol. I have to be careful not to be too heavy handed when I wear the Un as opposed to a scented version of Lace. I've done it twice while tinkering for my sweet spot, where I used too much and really felt a bit tipsy! It only lasted for 10-15 minutes, but it was completely unexpected! :lol: Lesson learned....

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  • 2 months later...

I finally added this blend to my arsenal. I like the very feminine feel of this one. I am going to be trying it out in different situations over the next week to see where my sweet spot is for it. I think it will go nicely with some of the light scents I found for summer use.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I wore two spritzes of this today -- my first spritz was higher on my neck than i wanted it to be, so I spritzed lower down on my cleavage -- and went to meet some men (work mates) for a going-away lunch at Old Chicago. I held my breath while sprtizing, bc I was trying to avoid getting that first spray sniffed all the way into my sinuses. I'm not sure that helped much, as I could still feel it tingling my nasal passages when I finally took a breath. ANYway... all through lunch I was a happy giggly girl. I could not stop laughing at stuff -- and I could not stop chat-chat-chatting! (until the food arrived, at least!) OMG, this was more than a little bit outside my norm, but i felt great -- if a little manic. I love Lace!!! And next time I am stopping at ONE spritz and testing out that doseage -- hopefully I will still be Marilyn-esque, but without that manic edge to it.


Also, I did not notice any particular male reactions, but no matter. I definitely wear Lace for me. :)

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