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Cataluna LPMP Has Sent You A Package


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Whee! Makes this grey morning a bit brighter knowing my parcel will arrive in a few days. You folks must have got a real wiggle on. Thank you!


Of course then I have to wait two weeks until Mom brings it over. Deep breaths...

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Oh wow, I think I have a LP package arriving today. That means my Marsha Mellow spray with H&S will be here today. :D

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Oh woohoo, you did it! Hope you love it as much as I have!

I did!! :) Knew I'd be sad to miss it. I Love the label on the spray bottle too.

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YA-HOO! My package has arrived! Thank you so much for the little extras and for the fun packaging! :D I love my Mardi Gras beads especially! And Hummingbird Nectar!!! I knew I was right to order one unsniffed - it's delicious! Just perfect! :D

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So when are all you ladies gonna change your AVIs to close-ups of you wearing your beads, the proper NOLA way? :D

Edited by quietguy
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Just wanted to extend my thanks again (to Heather for her help) and Mara for her

kindness ~ in regards to receipt of my item today (which corrected one of the

selections on my invoice). Thank you so much again ... it was apppreciated.

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So my mom has been asking pretty much every day since I ordered her bottles of the Big Easy, when do I think it might get here? There was great squeeing in the land when I told her I got the ship notice.


LP addiction by proxy, people! Warn your loved ones -- IT CAN HAPPEN. :Emoticons04263:

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Wowza! My shipping notice came a couple of days ago, but I didn't check my email. Tracking says it's the cities!!! likely won't get to my house til tomorrow since it has to get down to my 'burb, but what a pleasant surprise!

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Holy smokes!! Are you guys getting the Crayons already?!

That's the sixty dollar question! I have a feeling it's the rest of my earlier order, with my PEs, and that this box will not include the sampler and PEs created by others that I just ordered. But won't know until I actually open it!

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Shipment notice today here, too! It HAS to be the crayons, as I've already received all my other orders.


COME ON CRAYONS!!!! :Emoticons04235:

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BUT there were actual crayons!!


You mean like [insert brand name here] crayons?? Or one of those little tiny prize-size boxes you can buy for kids' birthday parties? How cute!!!

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Squee!! Mine is actually out for delivery! I thought it wouldn't get here until tomorrow!


Now if only the mailman will actually put it on my porch or give me the right key for the holding box...

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Squee!! Mine is actually out for delivery! I thought it wouldn't get here until tomorrow!


Now if only the mailman will actually put it on my porch or give me the right key for the holding box...

Mine too!


I mean, they came and went while I was at the dentist, so it was the peach slip, but that means I can pick it up tomorrow and not have to wait until Monday!!!!

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Seriously hoping everything's on target for my order. I had to ask for an invoice in order to override the US address and ship to me in France. A glitch with the invoice meant I already waited longer than I'd hoped. I haven't gotten any confirmation, except the one from PayPal that took my $$. Does no email mean it's still being processed?


Now I sure wish I'd hurried up and shopped instead of browsing at leisure. But there's so much to browse through!


I have to say, Heather in CS has been great, and SO responsive...on weekends. Even huge companies haven't got that level of service. When people at LP say they're working hard, it's true!!


Super-eager to try out my pheromone orders on personality-disordered on-the-way-out hubby, and maybe the unsuspecting folks on the Paris public bus! Actually...there's a business college right next door and the 18-to-22 set congregate on the sidewalk...I have to weave through naturally on my way back from shopping or when walking the dog. Might try some of my Cougar Potion sample, just to see what happens.

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I hate PayPal...it says that you can pay by credit card even without a PayPal account...but if you DO have a PayPal account, it won't let you proceed without entering the password, even if you don't want to pay using PayPal!!! And it wouldn't let me input a non-US billing address OR shipping address. It would calculate international shipping charges, but that's kinda not so helpful if there's no way to pay them.


I could probably have gotten around it by using another email address, one not associated with a PayPal account, but I haven't got one, and I was kind of peeved that I would have to make a whole new email account just to do something I should be able to do anyway!!


LP's CS was great about figuring out how I could order, but now it's 2 weeks later and I am sad because, were it not for dopey PayPal, I could be perfumed up all that much sooner...


: (

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Welcome to the forum Goddessinjapan!

Usually you do get an email when your package ships, but I'm not sure if it works exactly the same for international orders.


Goddessinjapan, you should get an email from PayPal when your package ships. I know it feels like a long wait, but it will be SO worth it once your package arrives. ;)

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You get a paypal confirmation immediately, and with normal orders you get an order confirmation when they start actually working on your order then a ship notice from stamps.com when it ships. You may not get the order confirmation since you used an invoice but rest assured the order is being worked on.

Goddessinjapan, you should get an email from PayPal when your package ships. I know it feels like a long wait, but it will be SO worth it once your package arrives. ;)

I don't get my shipping notice from Stamps.com, I always get mine from service.intl@paypal.com 'cause I'm international - I just didn't want her to miss her SN. That's one of the most exciting parts of ordering: that's when the REAL count-down starts! :lol:

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Thanks, Eggers...nice to hear from someone who's been there.


One thing I'm sure of is that the people at LP are working overtime to make us all happy! But I think that it's only called "overtime" if you work regular hours usually....so maybe I should just say "all the time".


Coming on the forum and seeing so many people who ARE so happy, that's got to be great for them to see.


And as a new customer, there's nothing more reassuring. Except maybe a note from the concierge to come down and get my package!


Problem is, in the meantime I already thought of 15 other things I want to order too....

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I'm still waiting and that's ok. I ended up getting Blatant Invitation added to a LP Red and the Vermillion so I know it will take a bit longer. Of all the pheros I've tried, I never imagined that the one I would end up adoring would be BI. It's just exciting to hear which ones everyone loves and how its smells on them. It's Christmas and birthdays all rolled into one every month!

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