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Who's That Lady?

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BERRIES ~ Healing, money attraction, protection.

APRICOT ~ Love, love, love! Romance, passion, femininity.

BLACK FIG ~ Wisdom, fertility, love, luck, protection, aids restful sleep, divination. Feminine sexuality.

MANDARIN PEEL ~ Strong 'magnet' to attract men; eternal love, marriage, fruitfulness, thoughtfulness, happiness, tribute.

VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.

ORRIS ROOT ~ Attracts and helps inspire love. Protection, divination.

HELIOTROPE ~ Clairvoyance, healing, protection, wealth, exorcism, invisibility.

ROSE ~ Self confidence, strong aphrodisiac properties, attracts affection & love, fertility, divination/clairvoyance.

LOTUS ~ No man can refuse the woman who wears this; lovers reunited, protection. Symbolizes intellect, mental energies and illumination. Inspiration, clarity, purification.

LILY ~ Soothing and calming on the nerves. Sweetness, mental prowess, happiness.

WHITE JASMINE ~ Self confidence, anxiety reduction, prosperity; powerful love attractant, spiritual love.

FRANKINCENSE ~ Purification, Consecration, Protection, Exorcism.

MYRRH ~ Stimulating, soothing. Powerful guard against evil.

MUSK/LEATHER ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.

EASTERN & ARABIAN SPICES ~ Good fortune, prosperity, lust, protection, fidelity, exorcism. Love, lust, virility, enhances perception of beauty; wards away evil. Wishes granted, healing, protection.

WILLOW ~ Ruled by the moon, powerfully feminine in energy. Healing, inspiration, fertility. A willow wand is a perfect wishing stick to help make dreams come true.

BIRCH ~ Symbolizes renewal and cleansing, birth, healing, Lunar energies, and protection.

SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric; aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism

To help you turn heads and win hearts we've given this a boost of Popularity Potion, our pheromone mix for star quality and attractive allure.

There's a vague reminder of Mapacho in this one for me, which is a high complement! Although it's very ultra feminine in a an exotic & classy way. Lies very close to the skin. Love, Love, Love...hopefully I can get a beta spray before it flies off of the shelves, lol.

Edited by Beccah
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I am so glad that Popularity Potion is back and Who’s That Lady which is packed with some powerful ingredients is the perfect compliment. I love anything with Jasmine in it. Anything that smells like flowers actually. WTL which is going to be my short version has such a heady combination of scents. OMG , the Lotus, Willow, Lilly and Rose is very intoxicating to me. The sandalwood and leather gives it a smoky sexy undertone that I can’t get enough of. I can’t stop sniffing myself. I smell so good I would do me in a minute..

I love the effects of PP it never disappoints. Already people have started falling all over themselves. Popping into my office to say he and complimenting me on little things like my blouse that I’ve worn a million times before or my hair or my lipstick. My HOT CFO has come to my office twice and a while ago he came to a complete stop in front of my door and gave me the biggest smile I’ve ever seen.


This scent makes me feel all sparkly, sexy, and confident. Also everyone who passes my office is sneaking little peeks in and smiling or saying hi as they go down the hall. It’s as if there all saying hey Who’s That Lady. I love it. I will be buying another bottle tomorrow.

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Great reviews ladies! Can't wait to get my package!

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I caved & bought another bottle. I figured I could always get a DIY kit or just make one myself, but I need @ least 2 bottles, lol!

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Ohhhh,loved to hear about the PP in this :) ...flower scents are not really my thing,with the exception,so far,of how LP does rose,oh but I cannot wait for my sample collection and PP spray to get here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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Ohhhh,loved to hear about the PP in this :) ...flower scents are not really my thing,with the exception,so far,of how LP does rose,oh but I cannot wait for my sample collection and PP spray to get here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


The flower scent isnt overpowering. I think you'll enjoy it.

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This scent makes me feel all sparkly, sexy, and confident. Also everyone who passes my office is sneaking little peeks in and smiling or saying hi as they go down the hall. It's as if there all saying hey Who's That Lady. I love it. I will be buying another bottle tomorrow.


Yeah, that is one thing I noted last time I wore PP for my Halloween party, I get major self effects, and it's not crash and burn self effects, they seem to last.

The perfume description of WTL is not what typically go for, I like sweet foody scents or cleaner slightly romantic ones , but I will definitely get a sample of it, just because it has PP in it.

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I say at least get a sample of this one, it's like Mara took the note I liked best out of all of my favorites & combined them into this fragrance. I swear it has just enough sweetness, the perfect touch of exotic & ultra femme notes, it smells like something you would pay waaaaayyyyy more for in a department store, lol.

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I say at least get a sample of this one, it's like Mara took the note I liked best out of all of my favorites & combined them into this fragrance. I swear it has just enough sweetness, the perfect touch of exotic & ultra femme notes, it smells like something you would pay waaaaayyyyy more for in a department store, lol.



I took a look at your scent page, and we do have similar taste I believe. And it reminded me that I liked Cheap Girls, which on paper wasn't my typical kind of scent, very floral, and I like Neanderlicious very very much, even though it's very resinous (guess cause it's very sweet too), so sometimes it's good to break the rules.

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Ok - I just have to.


I ordered a full sized sampled of WTL. It came today. I went to the PO, signed, and as always, whipped out the handy/dandy knife and sorted through my LPMP goodies right there in the parking lot.


Some things my VGF's are simply congruent with the universe.


I rooted like some sort of humanoid truffle pig through the full and bitty-sized samples and picked this as one of my first try-ons. Yes - I smell like a french whore. Look - I keep track of what went where and my head ache is my d*mn business. Whew - as I was saying...


WTL...may be my fave LPMP (besides Port Jolie which is so seriously under rated but I digress) in the past year. It's elegant, totally great for work, covers all the notes mentioned above that if I said again I'd be repetitive. And that would just be wrong.


It's smokin' enough that I'd had the sample all of 4 hours before I had a 2 full bottle purchase order in. (Duh - with other things - like the afore mentioned Port Jolie which as long as you want to be idiots and not order I'm great. More for me. I'm good.)


Phero effects? I went scent and phero naked waiting to pick up the box of all things good at the PO today. So the only thing I had on for pheros was the WTL and I did not load up on my beta sprays when I went out to run errands.


Unimpacted WTL? The manager and all the staff at lunch place acted like complete idiots serving me - to the complete confusion and dismay of the other diners at the time. I jumped the line at the Pharmacy both dropping off and picking up my scripts. The cashier at a very busy big box couldn't have been nicer if I'd slipped him a tenner.


So - WTL and the much loved and now returned PP? 1. LOVES THE WTL... smells like a massively expensive scent and 2) OMG - I know I've said how much I loved PP and how much I've missed it - I have after all been here a while but H*LL - I'VE MISSED PP. And dear sweet baby J*s*s- PP in 100% alcohol for diffusion? SWEET!!!! I am Shelly hear me ROAR.


That said - WTL plus alcohol based PP? Bound to be a ROCK STAR hit.

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Yee Hah...now there is the Shelly we know and love :lol:




You got that right sister. Shelly brings it all into the right perspective. And she's right WTL will have you all partying like a ROCK STAR. I know I am. I'm buying more tonight.

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Love your review Shelly! I've 1 bottle (thnx LadyRose) & 1 one on the way, but I feel like I need 3 more to make it 5 total, & a BIG lotion!

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Shelly, you are PRICELESS! So happy to see you post again, you've been missed.


I'm really glad everyone seems to be enjoying this one! ;)

I felt like I needed to do one "perfumey" scent this month, I'm glad it's being well received!

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So - it cried out to be done - WTL PLUS 1X PP Beta in Alcohol - to work. It's been a LOOOONNNNNGGGGG week and I was feeling battered and bruised. So - WTF right? Right... I just knew ya'll understand.


Anyhoo - that combo is just takin' candy from a baby.


1) I felt like a rock star and let's be honest - you can't work it if you aren't feelin' it. And despite a major wardrobe malfunction that normally would have just ruined my day- (Pants way to big due to pretty large weight loss - long story short - I did not intend for one of my direct reports to know I have both a tramp stamp and a preference for thongs - but there you are. Some days just don't go as planned. Sadly - given how conservative work is and who saw - I'm pretty sure I am now a legend in my own time.) I kept on stride, no worries, and laughed it all off.

2) My new team member who was in for training this week - not only said "seriously - if you weren't my boss - I'd think you were part of my family or my girlfriend from high school", asked how fast I was getting her back into town and when we were going out, *and* hugged me on the way out

3) Two different people I've addressed work place challenges with - went WAY out of their way for me today.


It's the congruent scent, awesome phero, cover it up with the PP Un and HOLY SHITE! Let the fun begin...


I'm not touching my sample again until my trip next week. Must make sure I have some precious left until the 2 full bottles show up...

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(Duh - with other things - like the afore mentioned Port Jolie which as long as you want to be idiots and not order I'm great. More for me. I'm good.)


I say the exact same thing aobut Delicious Wood...fine people, don't buy any, because Quince and I will enjoy all of it then! :)

(It may take us a while, but we'll do it, you just watch.)


This definitely has the "classic perfume aura" of something like Chanel No 5, so in that respect it's a great secret workplace weapon for the arsenal. This is something I'd wear on an interview, for example, or a situation in which I wanted to impress people beyond whatever it was I supposed to be doing to be impressive. :o

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Haha @ Shelly & Luna. IDT people don't like them I just think that people only have so much room in there drawers....but I will fo'sho' be giving you a run for your money on hoarding WTL? Honey B :o

Edited by Beccah1
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I smell jasmine! and a touch of leather! Yeehaw! I really like this one. Popularity Potion had the effect of giving me a headache before, so I sold my bottle, but it might not be too bad in lower concentration here.


This is definitely a feel-good, lovely, sophisticated scent. Will try it by itself to see if I can tolerate the PP.

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This scent is really hard for me to describe.


It's definitely sophisticated, and complex. The overall effect is kind of aquatic on me, with some subtle florals, and if I get my nose really close, I can smell some exotic spices and I think some sandalwood.


And I've heard so much about Popularity Potion! This scent really screams sophistication, so I can see how it would help you feel like a movie star. :lol:

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This scent really screams sophistication, so I can see how it would help you feel like a movie star. :yeahthat:


Trying to figure out if I'll like this. Any other LP scents that smell close this?

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Trying to figure out if I'll like this. Any other LP scents that smell close this?



Hmm scratching my head on that one....IDK not in my time here, unless I missed something. It very vaguely has a hint of something in it, that Mapacho.

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Hmm... I'm sorry, JOC, I really can't think of any it reminds me of off the top of my head.

I just re-sniffed the vial I have of it, and I could be misremembering, but it does have that 'classic perfume' scent that I seem to recall Cuddle Bunny has? Don't quote me on that, though-- I gave away my Cuddle Bunny to a friend who liked it months ago so I can't compare the two.

Plus I'm not really good at this whole reviewing thing. Thought I'd get better at it as time went on, but I still have nothing compared to the pros here. :yeahthat:

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Plus I'm not really good at this whole reviewing thing. Thought I'd get better at it as time went on, but I still have nothing compared to the pros here. :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co


HAH...now that is how I feel,I was waiting for some grand epiphany lightbulb but it has not happened.I know what I like and am getting better at ordering what works for me ...the ones that make me smile :yeahthat: I love reading all the reviews!


Then there is the whole rediscovering ones that did not grab your attention the first time,for whatever reason,and finding more treasures :)

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Wow. This is definitely the most interesting and complex fragrance in this month's collection. And it reminds me of something, what I can't put my finger on it, but it is trying to connect *strongly* to some obscure, long-forgotten memory in my brain.


Right now I'm just sniffing it from the vial. I'm afraid of putting it on, because if it changes on dry down and/or on my skin, it might disrupt this nostalgic feeling that is getting dredged up.

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Scent: ultra polished and grownup, ie, not me at all :lol: -- I get booming florals and an Evening at the Opera kind of feeling. Powdery, maybe even soapy -- not in a bad way, in a very-expensive-hotel soap way.


Phero: at first, a surprisingly "serious", though glam, kind of confidence...not celebrity-sparkly like Cougar, but more like a powerful person... maybe Anna Wintour. I felt that traffic should stop for me, and feel honored to have the opportunity to do so. This isn't a bad thing...but weird, right?- not really what everyone else gets. Why do I have such different reactions to PP from everyone else??!!? :/


...ok, so then I went to a gathering and there was a guy there who is reticent and prickly - it can be difficult to have a conversation with him. He is NOT AT ALL TOUCHY FEELY - I am, very much, and one time (months ago) I tapped his elbow appreciatively as I laughed at something he had said, and he snapped "DON'T TOUCH ME!" Well tonight, I must credit the phero for making him 'present', talkative, relaxed and much more physically open/receptive.


Another person was there, a woman who usually prattles incessantly about herself and always gave me the strong impression that she considered herself soooo much better than me in every way, very snobby and condescending. But tonight, though she did talk almost exclusively about herself as usual, she didn't talk as much, and most interestingly, she was very obviously approval-seeking -- pausing after everything she said and gauging my reaction, visibly anxious for my response. It was a FASCINATING change. This makes me think this would indeed be a TERRIFIC respect-garnering phero for work, as suggested on the description page.


Throughout the event I do believe PP made me feel noticeably more socially confident/competent (I can sometimes get self-conscious/insecure).

Edited by tyvey
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Funny you shoul say that, because I got the exact same feeling from this oil, maybe because of the Popularity Potion.


I have been anxious to try this oil out, because of the PP in it. Maybe I was expecting to feel the same way as I do with Cougar (on top of the world, fun and feminine), and PP did make me feel pretty badass - but also haughty. I am not so sure I dig that to be honest, but it is awesome for work purpose. Funny thing is, I thought Leather would give me that badass feeling, but Leather feels quite feminine with a 'wip' more than just 'badass'. I love the scent of Who's That Lady, so that is a bonus!


Scent: ultra polished and grownup, ie, not me at all :Hug_emoticon: -- I get booming florals and an Evening at the Opera kind of feeling. Powdery, maybe even soapy -- not in a bad way, in a very-expensive-hotel soap way.


Phero: at first, a surprisingly "serious", though glam, kind of confidence...not celebrity-sparkly like Cougar, but more like a powerful person... maybe Anna Wintour. I felt that traffic should stop for me, and be honored for the opportunity to do so. This isn't a bad thing...but weird, right?- not really what everyone else gets. Why do I have such different reactions to PP from everyone else??!!? :/


...ok, so then I went to a gathering and there was a guy there who is reticent and prickly - it can be difficult to have a conversation with him. He is NOT AT ALL TOUCHY FEELY - I am, very much, and one time (months ago) I tapped his elbow appreciatively as I laughed at something he had said, and he snapped "DON'T TOUCH ME!" Well tonight, I must credit the phero for making him 'present', talkative, relaxed and much more physically open/receptive.


Another person was there, a woman who usually prattles incessantly about herself and always gave me the strong impression that she considered herself soooo much better than me in every way, very snobby and condescending. But tonight, though she did talk almost exclusively about herself as usual, she didn't talk as much, and most interestingly, she was very obviously approval-seeking -- pausing after everything she said and gauging my reaction, visibly anxious for my response. It was a FASCINATING change. This makes me think this would indeed be a TERRIFIC respect-garnering phero for work, as suggested on the description page.


Throughout the event I do believe PP made me feel noticeably more socially confident/competent (I can sometimes get self-conscious/insecure).

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The scent continues to remind me so much of Chanel No 5 - not that it was meant to, but its' construction is that classic mode of French perfumery: delicate bright sweet florals scattered upon a powdery base with a sensual undertone of musky leather, just enough to lend weight and smoothness to the finish. This is absolutely one of the ultimate workplace fragrances, a scent of sophistication which basically tells the world Why yes, I do know what I'm doing. In fact I would feel underdressed wearing this unless I did have the power suit with heels (so not me) but on the other hand a nice frilly dress would be perfect too. I'm betting my mom will love this one, I'm going to have her try a dab this weekend. If she doesn't, I'll eat an Easter bonnet with all the frills upon it! :2143:

Edited by luna65
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I LOVE the scent, and I LOVE the Popularity Potion in it! This was wild. I wore it out shopping and to dinner with my Mom and my daughter. We were all over a department store, then had an early dinner at a Macaroni Grill. EVERY SINGLE PERSON who helped us, was our cashier, maitre D'ed us, waited on us, whatever, were friendly and super attentive. They all chatted with me, and were nice to my Mom and daughter too. I mean, all I had to do was pause and look across the store and a sales assistant would appear out of nowhere and try to help me. This is *not* usual. I'm friendly, but I'm not a people-magnet. We even had another customer come find us and hand me a shirt for my daughter, because she'd heard us talking about sizes! Whew. It was great fun! And I felt the oft-hidden outgoing side of myself come out to play. I am SO wearing this stuff to my Christmas gigs!!!

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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OK, definitely want some unscented PP......not quite sure about the WTL scent, because my skin chemistry tends to completely adulterate some florals.....so far (after about 30 min), it smells quite nice.....I'm not getting any loud screaming florals, so we shall see.....will update after wearing for a while.....

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The scent is light and lady-like. I'm still not sure if this is a scent for me, but I noticed that other people around me seem to like it very much. I have worn it twice and on both days I noticed amazing chattiness from strangers. At first, I thought it might be some coincidence, but on the second day again it happened that a few people on the train all out of a sudden started some friendly conversation with me (very unusual!). I have already ordered a bottle of unscented PP and eagerly waiting to try it with some of my LP perfumes. :lol:

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Ok all I know is I love this one, I truly do. I think PM knows the xtent of my undying devotion. Anyway, it is the actual scent I adore. If this was phero free, I'd probably be like ..YIPEEE I can buy at leats one more bottle LOL! Anyway, there 7 bottles in the cart & I hope if this disappears before I get it in some B&B that it comes back phero free, because I'd love to add some LAM or Sexpionage to this fragrance Woot-Woot.

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This one didn't work for me I'm afraid... It's too "perfumey" for me and the florals have a strong sharp note in the background which is a bit soapy & woody :)



Same here Rosebud...I've come to the conclusion that my skin "loves" deep resinous notes only. Anything floral smells too strong and a bit soapy as you said..WTL didn't match my chemistry unfortunately...


ETA: I just saw it has vanilla in it, so anything with vanilla definitely is not for me...Same thing happened with Dolce Far Niente :) :)

Edited by dimitra
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  • 3 weeks later...
This one didn't work for me I'm afraid... It's too "perfumey" for me and the florals have a strong sharp note in the background which is a bit soapy & woody :)


Im getting that too!!! Thought i will be able to love this because there's no honey or spices.. but there's something sharp in the scent that really distracted me from enjoying the potion :D

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