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Perfect Match?

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This is like a basic to me PM works so well, and if you add a tiny bit of H2H it seems to enhace it's effectsand also a tiny bit of LAM.

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Recently, I meant to wear OW to be happy and relaxed around someone I have painfully, barely gotten over and needed him to NOT be into me in That Way or express it. He spent the whole time gazing longingly at me, which I tried to ignore but it was difficult since we were alone at my place. I finally had to just tell him to leave. Later I saw I had used freakin PM by accident instead. (yes MDC it was "my ex"....just shoot me in the head plz) LESSONS: i need to move my LPs to a better-lit area; and PM makes people who are already favorably inclined toward you ADORE you so wear with great caution.

Edited by tyvey
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Recently, I meant to wear OW to be happy and relaxed around someone I have painfully, barely gotten over and needed him to NOT be into me in That Way or express it. He spent the whole time gazing longingly at me, which I tried to ignore but it was difficult since we were alone at my place. I finally had to just tell him to leave. Later I saw I had used freakin PM by accident instead. (yes MDC it was "my ex"....just shoot me in the head plz) LESSONS: i need to move my LPs to a better-lit area; and PM makes people who are already favorably inclined toward you ADORE you so wear with great caution.


Yeah I figured as soon as I read this!!! LOL!!!

OMG...the one and only time I tried my sample of PM was when HG made a very sly attempt at getting me to move in with him. I haven't touched that evil potion since. It is beyond a doubt a very dangerous phero indeed...no good can come of it!

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Huh... I wore this last night with no evident self-effects, and no effects for BF either.

Then I refreshed this morning with another 3 inches of this, and the Luv Truffle I covered it with, and about an hour later I got a HUGE rush of anxiety, (and I DO mean HUGE), and then a big ol' surge of horny. And then BF got a big ol' surge of horny, too! WTH? Is that normal with this blend? Anxiety? (On par with what I used to be medicated for!). And arousal??? Really? Anyone else experience either of these effects?

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Actually, come to think of it wearing PM has probably made me horny before. The nerves thing-maybe something in there requires you take a longer break or else it was just a bad day? I've had increased anxiety after a few things, but worse when I am sleep deprived, well sleep deprived worse than usual.

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I'd actually just had the first full night's sleep I've had in a few days, otherwise I'd have thought it was sleep-deprivation, too. The weird thing was that it was such a strong-and-fast flash of anxiety. It didn't last. So weird. Maybe next time I won't top up with so much PM. I just figured I'd 'slept it off', you know?

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I notice the anxiety with my fiance occasionally but it never lasts more than maybe a half an hour when I first put it on and am immediately in her presence. As for horny, I can vouch for that affect on her as well. I'm finding I like this for 'relationship enhancement' better than the phero combinations that are designed more for sex. I think that being in a relationship it is more about the comfort and feeling of security more than just hit 'em over the head and drag 'em back to the cave.


My fiance and I are going through a lot of challenges right now (a psychopat stalker ex of hers) and this works exceptionally well to keep her calm, cool, collected and helps remind her that I am on her side. That she doesn't have to be alone and she can lean on me (which I like). It also helps her to relax enough to feel ready for romance. Oh, and it also seems to work exceptionally well when she is having female issues.

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Female issues, huh? That's really good to know - thank you for that!


The anxiety thing really threw me. It didn't last long at all, thank goodness, but it was so intense while it did! Once it was gone, it was as if someone had abruptly changed the channel to 'Horny'. Thanks for letting me know it's not just me. (I wonder if I had this reaction because I'm pre-disposed to having anxiety attacks? IDK).


I have to say that this really seems to *do it* for BF. I also have to say that I'm shocked that it was so effective in that regard. But whatever! :) It works!

I also noticed that he was talking *with* me today, as opposed to talking *at* me, which he tends to do. He's always thinking about his responses before I've actually finished speaking. Not today. And that was really nice for a change. I'd like to wear this around the house a bit more often. Anxiety aside, I enjoyed my afternoon off with BF!


I'd worn this with Luv Truffle, (can't remember if I mentioned this above), which was a great pairing for us - BF *loves* LT, so he was breathing pretty deeply! Lol! ;) And I love smelling like Luv Truffle - so it was totally a win-win! :D

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  • 1 month later...

I just wanted to say that I love the cumulative effects of Perfect Match. Well actually, I love this phero full-stop. Lately though, I have noticed that for days after I wear it BF is happier, more considerate, and cuddlier. Kissier too. It doesn't seem to matter what phero I wear the next day, either. Wearing PM is like smearing him with an icing-layer of sweet that takes a few days to wear off, and he may still react to whatever phero I'm wearing *now*, but there's always a hold-over effect from the Perfect Match. It's pretty neat.

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Thanks, I had done a search but could not find those initials....


Try entering "empathy potion" in the search function of the shopping cart, you should see "unscented phero blend for women- Heart 2 Heart * empathy potion" further down the page

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just wanted to say that I love the cumulative effects of Perfect Match. Well actually, I love this phero full-stop. Lately though, I have noticed that for days after I wear it BF is happier, more considerate, and cuddlier. Kissier too. It doesn't seem to matter what phero I wear the next day, either. Wearing PM is like smearing him with an icing-layer of sweet that takes a few days to wear off, and he may still react to whatever phero I'm wearing *now*, but there's always a hold-over effect from the Perfect Match. It's pretty neat.


I just got Perfect Match and can't wait to use it! And for lots of the reasons you have here. My guy's always been a kinda macho, I Man- you Woman type of guy :lol: Which I DO like- GrrrrRufff! But since I've been experimenting with pheros his softer, warmer side busts out more often and unexpectedly. IMO I'd say due to the pheros I've been choosing he really seems to have become more comfortable, laid back and relaxed more often. Even after visiting his mom he's less wound up or gets unwound more quickly (trapped in the car with his phero-gurl :P ) I hope PM works as well with him too! Will tell when I know....

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I wore Perfect Match with Hungry Heart last night when I went to pick BF & two of his friends from a concert they'd gone to. BF sat behind me in the back seat, and I drove with the window down. They boys were all jazzed about the show, and generally being boy-dorks, and then all of a sudden BF threw his arms around me from the back seat! It was so funny! He rarely does stuff like this, which is why I always feel the need to comment/note it when he does.

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Wore Perfect Match last night and also spruced it up with OCCO: Ambrosia so it did go to another level later...


For PM itself, I had lightly scented it (1 trial vile of LP PINK into a 60/40 spray bottle of PM). I had showered and applied 3 sprays, 1 to abdomen, 1 to chest over collarbone and 1 split between wrists (split a couple drops of the OCCO behind ears and collarbone - GOODNESS that Ambrosia smells great- I have a full bottle on my wish list now lol! Are all the OCCOs this fantastic?)


Hubby gets off work and settles in. Usually he's tired and wound up from a stressful night but I made sure to snuggle up to him, just sitting closer together on the couch. He notices the scent and asks about it so I tell him it's either the PINK or the apricot in the Ambrosia, so he's wuffling away- YES! Within 10 minutes his mood had lightened and he's getting playful, teasing, tickling, joking. This guy is beautiful when he smiles, but the running joke is that his scowl is his smile- all photo ID's (work, DL, permits) all have the "angry man" look :lol: I am LOVING how quickly and obviously I can tell if the pheros I have on are effecting him positively. I love anything that can put him in chill mode. I'm the extrovert and he's the introvert. We're Yin & Yang, I'm silly, happy, let things roll off me and he's serious, don't draw any unnecessary attention to me. :blink: ( he says that works out because this way people pay attention to me and leave him be, lol) I guess with PM I thought we'd be getting snuggly and we did eventually, but in the beginning there we were like giddy kiddies. This will definitely require more experimentation.


All in all, a good evening none the less :D

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I like how you boosted this... This is on my list for my next order...


Another boost option, courtesy of Miss Shelly B, PM, boosted with cops & a shot of Topper or DHEAS = Man Nip in her abode :) If opportunity allows, will try this one this weekend!

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  • 2 months later...

I wore this (in the new Unisexy) to a panel interview. I've worn PM to meetings with success, and I wanted this to feel less like an interview and more like a meeting. I had applied liberally to my hands and wrists since i do tend to talk with them. As I did more talking, the group loosened up. They also started out lined along the curve of the conference room table opposite of me, but by the end of the interview, they had wrapped themselves around like a typical meeting instead of "me vs them." So don't be afraid to try this one in a work environment!!

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I wore this today with passion and desire. I got complimented on how I smelled and that's it so far. I dropped my trial vial of UN perfect match before I even used it and it broke. I mopped it up with my today (I know, weird visual) so I am thinking I have a fairly large amount on. Plan on snuggling with husband later so we'll see.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been slathering PM on ever since I received it last week. All I can say is everyone seems to want to hang around and tell me all their stories. Doesn't matter the subject line..... various subjects. The IT repairman sat and told me almost his whole life story and including all his siblings. Usually these guys do their geek work and high tail it back to corporate but he just didn't seem to want to leave.




And, Boyfriend's kisses are definitely more passion infused. :Emoticons0424:

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I love PM for cuddle nights with hubs. He responds really well to it.


@ Raq that suck about dropping your vial! At least you got a taste of it and it wasn't a complete wash...


@ Caracia I never even thought to wear this one to work...forming thoughts...future plans...lol

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I love PM for cuddle nights with hubs. He responds really well to it.


@ Raq that suck about dropping your vial! At least you got a taste of it and it wasn't a complete wash...


@ Caracia I never even thought to wear this one to work...forming thoughts...future plans...lol


Yes, do wear it to work! I like to use it for meetings that have the potential for difficulty but where I want an air of collaboration.

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Yes, do wear it to work! I like to use it for meetings that have the potential for difficulty but where I want an air of collaboration.

I wear it to work sometimes. It's a great choice for anyone working for gratuities.


NICE! On BOTH counts! :great:

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is emerging as a GO TO phero for me. I like to spritz some on when I wear BAM. It seems to make husband very attentive and considerate. We've had some of the best talks while I was wearing Perfect match. I have seriously considered dropping a few drops into his cologne on the dresser. Wonder what it would do if we Both wore it. I do have a sample vial of Port Manteau that I've set out for hime to wear, and when he does I'll spritz some PM on me and report back.


Also, I've used this on top of BAM brown sugar. The key is just a light app. of both, which I stumbled upon by accident: I only had a smidge of Bam left and was trying to save it so I just dotted it on on pulse points rather than rolling it on and then sprayed 2 sprays of PM on top when dressed. That was the magic amount for me, which is weird, b/c I'm heavy handed with the pheros

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It seems to make husband very attentive and considerate. We've had some of the best talks while I was wearing Perfect match.


Yes, on it's own it's like that for us too! And my guy's more of a chatter than a deep conversationist most days, lol, so this is golden!

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I've been thinking of getting a bottle of UN Perfect Match since late last year. I know BB and Eggers have used this at work. I'm just wondering whether this is suitable for my work situation where I'm firefighting half the time, micro-managing boss with does not have a clear big picture in mind and most importantly puts you down due to skin color, under-staffed. The saving grace is that my clients and my ex-boss think highly of me.

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I would think so. I don't know if y'all remember, but about this time last year, my relationship with my boss was just horrendous. I hated going to work every single day. I had to Leather her a couple of times, but then I started consistently using PM and it has turned it around! She's now one of my favorite people in our department!! Our level of trust is better and the lines of communication are opened. (and DHEAS are always a hit with me.) Have you used PM successfully in other situations?

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I don't have PM and I might have a sample vial of PM boosted scent. I usually use SWS around her and it was much more "pleasant" during out weekly meeting. I had SS4W, not knowing that I will be around her. We spent close to 2 hours on 2 separate occasions and the second time round, she was much more chatty and respectful.


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PM has worked really well for me at work. I like it because it makes people comfortable with you - perhaps due to the way the beta-nol is blended with the other ingredients - as if they've known you for a long time. In my line of work that comes in surprisingly handy. PM is also a great mood-lifter, which is nice when you're working with people who are normally grumpy, brusque or abrasive.

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This is a go-to one for me. During the sale I had The Good Witch boosted w/ PM and it was such a good choice. I feel content and in a pleased, good mood whenever I wear this. I usually have cops on also, but I don't notice any self effects from the cops. I notice that people are generally nicer to me when I have PM on. Young, old, male, female, grouchies, wallflowers, friends, strangers...just about everybody is in a better lightened mood. Not the same elevated mood as when I wear Open Windows, because that one feels like a party just entered the room. This one is just happy.


I haven't been in a situation where the intent was sexual or intimate, so I can't comment on how it would work w/ the opposite sex for those situations. But for most other situations, this one is a consistent hit for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been really loving on Perfect Match lately. Like everyone else has reported, this gives an amazing snuggly, cuddly vibe. Men and women respond well to it when I'm wearing it.

When I wear it to my job (dept store makeup counter) women just love anything I have to say. Want their makeup just like mine, and will happily buy almost anything I suggest. Works GREAT at work. Had an old man comment on my " beautiful blue eyes" I said thank you... Although my eyes are BROWN lol!

Today I wore 4 sprays PM with a few healthy swipes of Provocative Paradise (has cops). Drove around with two guy friends sandwiched between them in the front seat of a truck running errands for a 2nd job. So they were both really exposed to my PM cloud. And they were both turned to mush. Lol. Both were really talkative but in a calm mellow way. Suggesting/joking we skip work and go watch movies on the couch at home. We stopped for pizza and they bought my food. Doors were opened for me. It was a nice day and I just LOVE the vibe this phero puts out.

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