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Nommy-Smelling Butterstuff

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Yeah I was thinking I'd do that once I run out of the lip butter.


I use my butterstuff everyday on my hands (at work and at home) and it is indeed the awesomeness.

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Oh there is Rocket Fuel butter stuff up. I didn't notice before. Or did that just happen? If so, thank you Mara. I'm plotting my order for Friday (pay day) and that's definitely on the list.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I got the butter with MRF with the order I received Friday (still working my way through everything) and it was cloudy on top and grainy so I suspect it didn't react well to the temperature changes while travelling from California to Canada.


Moisture wise it's lovely and smells amazing.

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So I got the butter with MRF with the order I received Friday (still working my way through everything) and it was cloudy on top and grainy so I suspect it didn't react well to the temperature changes while travelling from California to Canada.


Moisture wise it's lovely and smells amazing.


Some of the butters, like Shea and Grapeseed, are a little grainy, you just have to let it melt in your hands for a minute before you apply. It may look funny but it works great!

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Some of the butters, like Shea and Grapeseed, are a little grainy, you just have to let it melt in your hands for a minute before you apply. It may look funny but it works great!


I received a sample tub a while back. It does take a while for the grainy bits to melt but my daughter is getting the hang of it. It smells delicious!

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I adore this stuff!!! I saw that one of us ladies (I'm too lazy to go back and check who...) was using it around her eyes. I tried that, and my eye-skins love it! So do my lips & face & neck. No problems with clogging pores, either--just GREAT, anti-aging moisturizing! It's also a wonderful barrier cream for my hands when I oil paint. I put it in my hair from time to time, too, like Luna. And I use it alllll over after my showers.


Nommy-Smelling Butterstuff is literally head-to-toe body care for me! Of course, then there's the whole massage arena. I have the flavored one. Heh. 'Nuff said. :P

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Ya I wasn't too worried about the grainy-ness of it. I know that shea can do that especially if it encounters changes in temperature which I'm sure it did on it's journey to me. The moisture factor is wonderful once it starts to melt with body heat.

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Did you get it mixed up enough to get some flavor out of it? Mine didn't want to cooperate in that fashion.


I get a quiet flavor and scent from it. "Quiet" is the first word that jumped to mind; then I thought subtle...and changed back. I like it that way, as it mixes with whatever scent I choose to put over it, and the *ahem* flavor is an intriguing addition to the skin it's rubbed into. *smirk*


Anyway, I haven't gotten to the bottom of the tin, yet. Didn't your tin have some flavoring in the bottom?

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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  • 2 weeks later...
The Mango Madness batch has a much creamier texture, it spreads wonderfully!

I just got some of this...same texture here! Luna, have you used it on your face, or do you avoid the face with the more scented ones?

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I haven't although it's not that I would be afraid to; it's primarily for my hands which I am irrationally vain about, lol (like it does any good "but there 'tis," as Q says).

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  • 4 weeks later...
I adore this stuff!!! I saw that one of us ladies (I'm too lazy to go back and check who...) was using it around her eyes. I tried that, and my eye-skins love it! So do my lips & face & neck. No problems with clogging pores, either--just GREAT, anti-aging moisturizing!

that was me :drunk: i started using it on my face too, with some trepidation as I have had crazy cystic breakout problems in the past year or so, but it has posed no problem at all - I put it on at night - it feels amazing going on, and in the am I don't wake up with a mask of glop still just sitting on the surface of my face the way it happens with so many night creams. it is completely absorbed and babysoft.


AND : as a public service announcement - I get allergic dermatitis on my forearms from exposure to the sun if I forget to wear sunscreen. It gets itchy and red and bumpy and unhappy. The only thing that has worked on it is this steroid cream :jumpforjoy: which I don't like putting on...I don't ike absorbing that crap into my body. Anyway, so it happened yesterday, and I sighed and was going to put on the steroid...but on a whim I slathered on some of my nom butterstuff....it *instantly* felt wonderful, soothed, no more itch.....and I WOKE UP TO THE RASH BEING GONE. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!


I'm talking about the edible cake butterstuff btw.

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Mara, in case you should happen to see this--is there any more Cake Batter butterstuff around? Also, are there plans to make any more batches of this most excellent product in any scent/flavor??? :wub::wub::wub:


Hi Elizabeth,

I do have some more, in all three varieties at the moment. And I also have enough butters to make more.


The Rocket Fuel and Choco Mango is in the Gift Shoppe under Bath & Body I think. And I have more of the flavored but not in the cart because they didn't come out as I wanted them to, but they still work great, just not properly mixed with the flavors. The scented are $20 ea, the flavored $15 ea, for 4 oz containers.


You can order thru the cart if you wish, or give me a call or email. Thanks for asking!




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  • 1 month later...

I finally used my body butter in LP Black. WOW, this stuff is AMAZING. It's the perfect consistency, just liked whipped butter. Reminds me of that good butter- what is it called the one with the Indian? Land O Lakes? It's so rich and creamy and my skin loves it! It's not greasy at all, which I totally appreciate. I wore this to bed and it felt so luxe! It smelled incredible!


I'm a big cream and body butter type of girl. I'm not a lotion fan, I hate the way lotion feels, slimy and slippery. Sometimes with butters there is the nice whipped feel but it feels weird when you put it on, there is no smooth enduring texture. Does that make sense? With LP's body butters I felt that I was getting more butter versus the whipped stuff that evaporates quickly. I really do feel like there is a lot of butter in that container. I have the VS body butter to compare it to and there is no comparison, even though the VS comes in a bigger container, it evaporates faster so you have to keep scooping up more to feel like your skin is hydrated. With LP's butter I didn't have to keep scooping in order for my skin to feel good. I kept scooping because I liked how it felt and smelled.


I am very impressed and want some more! I swear you guys are like magicians. This will be incredible in Body Paint, or G & L .. Vicars.. basically everything.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Almost out of my stock of this and I see it is no longer available. Will this be made again in Mara's Rocket fuel or, as suggested, LP Black?..or Ebilish.

Ooooohhh YUM. EBIL-ISH!!! That would be a great one! I'm on my last tin of the Cake Batter Butterstuff, blupest. Trying to maintain that it's 2/3 full, but I think it's really half. B)
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  • 4 months later...

Have been meaning to share -- the other night my lips were cracked and peeling and in one spot even BLEEDING because I'd picked at it (so bad, I know).

In the dark I grabbed what I thought was edible cake nom butterstuff to apply, and slapped it on.

Turned out to be this LP scented one. Which is DECIDEDLY NOT EDIBLE. :P

HOWEVER... I awoke to baby-soft lips, and the bleeding part not only had stopped bleeding but I'm certain is healing WAY faster than it would have on its own. For some reason even more amazing for lips than the cake one, I think.

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  • 3 months later...

I've never had breakouts from this, no- if anything this has IMPROVED my skin. In fact I just came here to report that I have been putting a thin layer of edible cake butterstuff (or occasionally my LP nonedible buterstuff) on my face every night before bed for the last few months, and I have an insane Benjamin button thing going on with my face. People who know me have commented, teenaged strangers hit on me incl when I'm pheroless (ive always liked em young and vice versa but this is a new low :D -- this has bizarrely happened so much in the last couple of weeks that it's what made me make the connection to the butterstuff), and I was just sent a hi res photo of myself from earlier this week and it's noticeable despite the hi res. :)


I am doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING different in my life that could be credited with this - if anything ive been WORSE about the things that would otherwise be a factor - spending more time in sun, not hydrating as religiously etc. also this stuff just lasts forever. I've had these tins for ages and they never to get any less...I think they might be self-refilling magically :D

Edited by tyvey
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  • 5 months later...

Once again the edible nom butterstuff to the rescue: I wore someone else's pajamas last night and they apparently had latex in the elastic :( as I woke up with a very angry red welt line at my hip. I got home and put on edible nom butterstuff which INSTANTLY soothed and eliminated the itching, and reduced the swelling. How much better is that than slathering steroids?? I'm very worried about ever running out.

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I am pretty sure that this nommy stuff was the same formula I got scented with Vicars and Tarts. Miss it so much!!!

I believe that was the Body Creme with either cocoa butter or shea butter, which you could get scented with any available LP fragrance. The Nommy Butterstuff was only available in LP Original, Rocket Fuel, Cake Batter, or Mango Madness.


dd - it's no longer available to my knowledge.

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