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PheroGirl Cougar Potion

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I know I already raved about this one. But I had to come back to tell you today's experience. I had one wand-dab in my hair on each side and on the back, and one dab split on the backs of my hands. And, THIS STUFF WORKS, true to its name.


Today I had two guys sitting on either side of me, neither of whom really gave me the time of day in the past. Both younger than me, one significantly.


The young one was practically in my lap, yammering away, and just staring into my eyes really hard when he wasn't talking, which was a little awkward, lol, though he didn't seem to realize it.


And, the really young one, took every excuse, and non existent ones, to touch me, including grasping me awfully high up on my thigh for an extended time and I could swear he did not even know he was doing it, and this was all right in front of his girlfriend, and believe me, that that is out of character for him.


I don't care at all about these guys in a romantic way, but still, that is some crazy effectiveness. In fact it proves it more because I was not at all inviting or encouraging them.


It also seemed to make an older man more relaxed and, kind of solicitous.


On top of the delectable ultra lush ruby-red grapefruit smell, which was already one of my favorite things I've ever smelled in my life, this stuff is just out of this world.

Edited by tyvey
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I'd be very interested to hear if anyone has noticed any difference (effects-wise) between the original Cougar Potion and the Stone version.

I still have two bottles of the Original but have never tried the Stone.




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I'd be very interested to hear if anyone has noticed any difference (effects-wise) between the original Cougar Potion and the Stone version.

I still have two bottles of the Original but have never tried the Stone.






I've tried both, but didn't notice any significant differences personally.....they both still make me feel "sparkly".....

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is my first LP scent, I really like the sweet grapefruit. I'm very isolated, though, so I can't tell what effect the pheros may have on others.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I sprayed away yesterday for the parade. It wasn't that warm (60s), but my arms sunburned like a mother! Totally forgot about the grapefruit warning, well @ least I smelled great as my arms roasted,lol!

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So I sprayed away yesterday for the parade. It wasn't that warm (60s), but my arms sunburned like a mother! Totally forgot about the grapefruit warning, well @ least I smelled great as my arms roasted,lol!



Grapefruit warning? Huh? :)

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Citrus oils cause photosensitivity!! Best to wear them in areas covered by clothing...even sunscreen can be a bit iffy in the face of citrus!



Thanks ladies, I didn't think that this one had any real citrus, that was my confusion! (I hope it doesn't have actual grapefruit at least... I'm not a fan of the sulfur on the breakdown side :666: )


Just noticed at the start of the thread Mara mentioned that even faux citrus can create photosensitive reactions... Good to know!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Totally FUN Mega Cougar Hit....


Define Mega Cougar...Cougar fragrance in a beta - amped with 2X more Cops and 2X more Stone Cougar.... YUMMERS!


So - I flirt with my surgeon and I had a follow-up appointment with him today. So - WTH - fire up the Mega Cougar. I spritzed 5 minutes before I got to his office and was a bit concerned about Cop drydown but this covers pretty well and dry down seems shorter. Anyhoooo....


All the women that work there were very very over solicitous - way more than normal. It was funny - one was actually walking through the waiting are for the 3rd time - stopped, did a literal dead stop and spin - "OM Goodness - please tell me you are being helped?" Yes thank you. :-)


I'm in the middle of my exam - flirting and cracking him up as per normal when out of the blue - he turns to me and...


"You know, I hate perfume...."

"Really, I didn't know that."

"No really, I HATE perfume. I actually flinch when I see some patients are coming in because I hate what they wear."

"No- I was not aware you felt that way"

"I forbid my staff to wear perfume."

"Wow - You sure feel strongly about that."

"So - given that - what on earth is that delicious smell I'm smelling....who is it...?"

"Ummmmm - (holds up wrists) is it this?"

"OMG YAIS. This is FABULOUS. OMG I love this."

"So this is one perfume you like?"

"Like? (as he huffs wrists repeatedly and then sniffs up my arm - NO SH*T) Love. It's like a candle - what is all that I'm smelling - I get vanilla..."

"And Grapefruit and Sugar."

"G*d I love this. What's it called."


"No it's not."

"Swear.to.G*d. It's called Cougar."


Abject laughter....


"You are a BAD BAD Cougar. BAD Cougar." Laughs his way out of the room, peeks his head back in around the door and says "RAWR"


The two staff in the room? Look at each other in amazement. One says to me later..."OMG - He huffed you. HE HUFFED YOU! What's it really called?"

"Cougar. I wasn't kidding."



Today - Shelly had her GROOVE on. :) Sorry Ya'll but banana joy was getting no love lately....


Love to banana joy!

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Now that's what I'm talkin about. Shelly B I got all hot and bothered just reading your post. I do truly love wearing Cougar and have also gotten great hits but nothing quite like that. I think my next purchase will be the beta Cougar with extra cops on the side. Awesome post.

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The two staff in the room? Look at each other in amazement. One says to me later..."OMG - He huffed you. HE HUFFED YOU! What's it really called?"

"Cougar. I wasn't kidding."



Today - Shelly had her GROOVE on. :bananajoy: Sorry Ya'll but banana joy was getting no love lately....


Love to banana joy!



LOL! Way to go twin! Great story.....don't you just love hits like that?



Sounds like the fun my man had telling his buddies what "CFM" stands for.....

Edited by Dolly
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  • 3 weeks later...

After some initial 'good reaction' experiences, I felt like this phero was just doing *nothing* for me on subsequent uses. But I love the scent so much, & the rest of y'all seem to have such great results, that I wanted to try again... I think I need to experiment with different amounts. So I have it on today - a very generous 3-inch splat (from a vial) split between both forearms.


Within few mins of application, I felt very warm and tingly all over. Not in a pins-and-needles way, but a quickly-thawing-in-front-of-a-fire-after-being-very-cold-outdoors-in-the-winter way. Felt 'alive' and healthy. ;)


Some mild IOIs on the way to work. It's making me feel socially confident, self-assured and chatty. Interestingly, it seems to be having a friendly, pick-me-up (I mean cheerful, not hitting on me) effect on female colleagues.

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  • 3 weeks later...

All of my comments on this thread have been about the NEW(er) Stone Cougar/2009, not the older P-Com PG Cougar -- I didn't know the difference until now, and have just tried the latter for the first time. But I don't want to mess up this thread by trying to move my reviews - I'll just cross reference.


Anyway, I too find that the older phero does not give me the same warm/flushed/fuzzy/buzzy "Marilyn Monroe sex kitten" self-effects that the new one does.


The older version's scent (possibly due solely to its being older) is noticeably different as well - much "softer" / less heady, less throw, less sweet, and almost floral in its impression.


It does, however, like the new one, make women around me more sociable and happy - for example, I ran into someone who has *always* (for years) been very snobby and standoffish with me, but today she was an unstoppable chat machine, and even complimented something I was wearing - trust me this was a shocker. I must credit the phero.

Edited by tyvey
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Agreed! I talked for about 30 minutes with this one woman at work who was so shy, she barely said five words to me in the two years we worked together. I had to go to a meeting, but I was scared to shut her down!!


And I think someone previously said older gentlemen like this stuff. So true! I'm getting a lot of attention from the 40s crowd, which is just dandy! ; )

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There must be something in the phero that makes people (regardless of gender) put down their guard in some sense. I really don't think a mere a-nol / 'chattiness' would have overcome my snobby acquaintance's snobbishness. So it overcomes snobbery AND shyness AND, I assume, the natural intimidation that a young man would feel toward a fabulous woman older than him AND whatever it might be that would inhibit older men's actions. FASCINATING!! I will be meeting a wide demographic range of people tonight, while doused in the New Cougar, so will observe like a hawk and report back (in the right thread this time).

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  • 3 weeks later...

WOW is all I have to say about Cougar Potion. WOW.


This is kinda long but I have been dying to share.


I tried it out this last weekend with a girlfriend of mine, we were grilling out at the pool. I noticed that all day, no matter what happened (bottle of red wine exploding all over my new white shirt, sitting on the end of a lounge chair in front of about 50 people with a beer in one hand and a phone in the other- not realizing you can't sit on the END of a lounge chair- as I take a tumble into the nearby planter and spill my beer all over my phone) no matter what happened, I was in a great mood. And NO, contrary to what it sounds like, I was not drunk, I am just super clumsy. LOL!


So yesterday I decided to try it out at lunch with my boyfriend, to a place where we always go, a NY Pizza parlor run by actual New Yorkers in the heart of Dallas TX. The owners don't have much Southern charm. Normally it is all they can do to barely grunt my total and grab my card out of my hand as I go to pay. It's like that episode of Seinfeld... "NO SOUP FOR YOU!" Except for yesterday. Yesterday it was like (along with a DIHL from the cashier) "well hello Ma'am, nice to see you in here again! How are you today? What can I get for you? And is that all? Are you sure you don't want anything to drink? It's free today!"


My boyfriend looked at me like wtf is going on!?!


During our time in the restaurant, I counted about 5-6 DIHL responses from guys that wouldn't normally look my way. For the most part, white men don't give me a 2nd glance, sounds strange but it's true. I don't know why, that's just how it is. Well yesterday was a completely different story. I wanted to laugh because I knew it was the Cougar Potion working it's magic. And I was in a GREAT mood all day long.


Today, I decided to try it again on my female co-workers that have been very standoffish lately. I am wearing an old shirt I wear all the time, but one female co-worker got in the elevator with me and was like "WOW that is a beautiful shirt, It looks so good on you!"

I get into the office and another female said your hair looks so beautiful today, so alluring! I love the color, did you change it? ( My hair is straggly and frizzy and I styled it in about 3 minutes today- and changed the color over a week ago but nobody said anything last week!) I brought in a cake that I made, and everyone was oohing and ahhing and saying 'wow that is gorgeous' and 'omg this is sooo delicious' and telling everyone who passes by that they need to come get some of this amazing cake. I get compliments on my baking but not nearly as emphatically or as often as I have been getting them today.

This is all just in the last 30 minutes. I can't wait to see how it goes as the day progresses and this cougar heats up on my skin. It is AMAZING how well this stuff works.


So... although I love the fragrance, it is pretty amped on my skin. I have to wear either no other fragrance, or one that meshes well with it. I'm interested in trying the unscented roll on. Do y'all think the effects would be stronger with the unscented? I know the concentration is stronger in that one. Sometimes less is more though. I am just wanting to know of anyone's experiences between Cougar Potion and Unscented Stone Cougar. Which one do you get more hits with? Because if the unscented brings on anything like what I have been experiencing in the last few days, I am having a bottle overnighted TOMORROW. HAHAHA :shocked:

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Great report sweets! (May I call you sweets?)


I've tried both this original scented PG Cougar, and the scented Stone Cougar. I personally prefer the scent of Stone (seems muskier) and it seems to be more effective for me.


I just ordered, & haven't yet received, a BETA of the Stone Cougar, so can't report on its relative effectiveness yet, but really look forward to experimenting :shocked:

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Great report sweets! (May I call you sweets?)


I've tried both this original scented PG Cougar, and the scented Stone Cougar. I personally prefer the scent of Stone (seems muskier) and it seems to be more effective for me.


I just ordered, & haven't yet received, a BETA of the Stone Cougar, so can't report on its relative effectiveness yet, but really look forward to experimenting :D

Of course you may call me sweets! I seem to call everyone that too. :)

Okay so I'm confused. I bought samples of what is called "Cougar Potion" in the area where you can buy the pheromones. The label has a blonde lady wearing pearls/black dress and gloves and it says December 2009.

The only other option to buy there is an Unscented Stone Cougar roll on. Am I missing something? And, more embarassingly...did I post in the wrong area for what I bought? I can't find any other thread for "Cougar Potion". lemme know. :)

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LOL I was very confused too (and may still be). The thing you ordered, and the unscented Cougar -- ie, all Cougars currently available at LPMP -- are STONE Cougar (newer phero blend).


This thread is for its predecessor "PheroGirl Cougar Potion", the scented version of which came in a little round flat flask with a hangtag. Its scent was also grapefruity but again IMHO a bit less complex, a bit less overtly come-hither than the new one. I don't know if there was an unscented version. If there was, I've never tried it.

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LOL I was very confused too (and may still be). The thing you ordered, and the unscented Cougar -- ie, all Cougars currently available at LPMP -- are STONE Cougar (newer phero blend).


This thread is for its predecessor "PheroGirl Cougar Potion", the scented version of which came in a little round flat flask with a hangtag. Its scent was also grapefruity but again IMHO a bit less complex, a bit less overtly come-hither than the new one. I don't know if there was an unscented version. If there was, I've never tried it.


Okay gotcha, thanks for that! :D So, what I'm getting out of it is.....there really isn't a solo thread for the new Stone Cougar POTION (read-grapefruit scented) per se. There is only a solo thread for the unscented Stone Cougar currently offered.

So, me posting here for "Stone Cougar Potion" was correct, right? Even though it's on the old thread...because the old version is no longer in existence.

Look at me I'm all nervous about pissing off the "thread Goddesses"... those lovely Goddesses who have made my life so enjoyable for the last month or so!!! Pls forgive me oh wise ones!

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There's always been scented and unscented versions of Cougar Potion, the original pheromone mix was created by Pharmacom, the other by Stone Independent Research (hence the appellation Stone Cougar).


There's actually been three brews of the Cougar Potion fragrance, but the first and the second were distinctly different, IMO.


The topics for the different formulations of Cougar have gotten rather confused, I think (which is an example of why it's a good idea to search topics before starting a new one so that all the information and opinions are easier to find) so ultimately it's too late to worry about it now.


I've never used either Cougar formulation in the unscented version but some like to combine both the scented and the unscented for maximum effect (I think Shelly refers to it as "Mega Cougar") because the fragrance really is congruent for the effect (science often being indistinguishable from magick and all that).

Edited by luna65
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There's always been scented and unscented version of Cougar Potion, the original pheromone mix was created by Pharmacom, the other by Stone Independent Research (hence the appellation Stone Cougar).


There's actually been three brews of the Cougar Potion fragrance, but the first and the second were distinctly different, IMO.


The topics for the different formulations of Cougar have gotten rather confused, I think (which is an example of why it's a good idea to search topics before starting a new one so that all the information and opinions are easier to find) so ultimately it's too late to worry about it now.


I've never used either Cougar formulation in the unscented version but some like to combine both the scented and the unscented for maximum effect (I think Shelly refers to it as "Mega Cougar") because the fragrance really is congruent for the effect (science often being indistinguishable from magick and all that).


Luna, you devil. :D (frantically adding unscented & scented to my cart as we speak)

Thanks so much for that. I definitely did THOROUGHLY search for a Stone Cougar Potion topic and didn't find one, so just decided to throw in the towel and post here.

Where would be a good place to ask someone if there is a thread about something and I can't seem to find it? I really don't wanna be 'that girl' who starts a thread in the wrong place.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest icing

I have a sample of the scented Cougar... and I cannot wear this.

Sometimes I get a headache with it on, but mostly I just feel very cranky... which is not normal for me.


I got a headache with the sample of scented Cuddle Bunny too, but that turned out to be a different type of headache that faded as soon as the Tide smell does.


Cougar doesn't smell bad, but I've dabbed it on and kept it on for about an hour, maybe three times. The very first time I tried it I felt really bouncy and energetic for a short while, and then I just felt tired and really easily irritated by everything.. now when I've tried it for an hour or less, I don't get the bounce, just the pessimism.


I'm not sure if it's still a fragrance issue, or something else (there are a few companies with fragrance blends that make me feel a whole range of awful).


Has anyone else had this issue? ...or any better luck with unscented Cougar or Cougar in a different fragrance blend?

I haven't had this issue with any other unscented pheromone or pheromone enhanced blends from LPMP that I've tried (with the exception of a sinus headache in the initial phases of scented Cuddle Bunny, but this is different).

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Nope,I have not had those effects with Cougar,and I have the scented,unscented,Love Potion Red,and Sugared Amber boosted with it.I love them all :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co Since Cougar is a propriatary blend by Stone Labs,there is no way of knowing what you are reacting to,but a few get headaches from too much A-Nol,and some get cranky from Androstenone.I know there is A-nol,but not sure how much or if A-none is even in it...Cuddle Bunny is just Est & Cops.

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Guest icing

I'm not sure it's A-Nol (Alpha-Androstenol, right?), I haven't had the slightest issue with Blatant Invitation, Like a Magnet, and Open Windows, (I do have Lace on the way though, and I'm not sure if there'll be any difference with that one)...


I think I've only faced Alpha-Androstenone BI, so maybe it could be the ratio of that or the ? ...or A-Nol? ...or something else entirely?


Thanks for the insight Calii, and for taking the time to respond! :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co

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I'm not sure it's A-Nol (Alpha-Androstenol, right?), I haven't had the slightest issue with Blatant Invitation, Like a Magnet, and Open Windows, (I do have Lace on the way though, and I'm not sure if there'll be any difference with that one)...


I think I've only faced Alpha-Androstenone BI, so maybe it could be the ratio of that or the ? ...or A-Nol? ...or something else entirely?


Thanks for the insight Calii, and for taking the time to respond! :D


Well I am stumped then :) ...OW has a heavy A-Nol <alpha-androstenol> load,and BI has A-nol & A-none in it... Oh well,good thing there are so many great choices that do not give you problems.


ETA: ...BI also has EST & Cops too

Edited by Calii
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I have a sample of the scented Cougar... and I cannot wear this.

Sometimes I get a headache with it on, but mostly I just feel very cranky... which is not normal for me.


I got a headache with the sample of scented Cuddle Bunny too, but that turned out to be a different type of headache that faded as soon as the Tide smell does.


Cougar doesn't smell bad, but I've dabbed it on and kept it on for about an hour, maybe three times. The very first time I tried it I felt really bouncy and energetic for a short while, and then I just felt tired and really easily irritated by everything.. now when I've tried it for an hour or less, I don't get the bounce, just the pessimism.


I'm not sure if it's still a fragrance issue, or something else (there are a few companies with fragrance blends that make me feel a whole range of awful).


Has anyone else had this issue? ...or any better luck with unscented Cougar or Cougar in a different fragrance blend?

I haven't had this issue with any other unscented pheromone or pheromone enhanced blends from LPMP that I've tried (with the exception of a sinus headache in the initial phases of scented Cuddle Bunny, but this is different).



Sometimes the grapefruit in Cougar can be a bit sharp to my nose. Occasionally, I feel nauseated when I wear it...I still love it though!

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  • 8 months later...

So I'm taking Cougar Potion out for a test drive today. In the vial it's a sharp citrus, not unpleasant, like fresh peeled grapefruit. On my skin, at first it amps the grapefruit. Like a halved grapefruit with a sprinkle of sugar. After about 5 minutes though it loses the tartness and turns to a creamy citrus. Like an orange creamcicle. Yummy. I prefer this to Scandalous which is all fruit notes on me.


No major hits except for the guy on the bus who leaned forward and just stared at me. I have to see Shadow's reaction to it tonight.

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No major hits except for the guy on the bus who leaned forward and just stared at me.


NO major hits? ...WTH are you expecting girl...skittles?



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LOL! Touche. I do like Skittles though. Shadow thinks it smells ginseng and started craving RockStar. Go figure men.

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