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Love Potion: Homme


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LP homme is advertised as a summer scent but I've used it excessively this winter without any care. The memory scent for me is tied to wandering the mall as a teenager, the pungent air of bouquets, and sweet bakery goods wafting through the air.


It seems to mesh well with my skin as applications to the superficial temporal / external maxillary pulse points along with the jaw, gives about an 8-10 hr projection time on me. As a matter of fact, I wore this alongside with Cops yesterday. Even though the app point of the cops was under my neck, the two scents meshed so well that you couldn't tell I was wearing any.


I work with a lot of Latinos and Latinas in the service industry. I don't like to wear the foodie stuff around them cause they think it's "gay" or "feminine". Although, I consider LP homme foodie, It's likable at work along with Bodice Ripper, Thrill of the chase, and surprisingly Elementary (always thought this was an office scent). There are days lately where I like to go pheromone free, and what I love with LP scents it draws people in on it's own. It's very complimentary if you already have a normally healthy pheromone signature.

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  • 2 weeks later...

LP homme is advertised as a summer scent but I've used it excessively this winter without any care.

Actually it's just that it was created on the Summer Solstice. :)

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  • 1 year later...

I'd been lucky enough to get a sniffee of this with my order of unscented SS4M and Thrill of the Chase. I really like this scent. It is all patchouli on me for about the first 15 minutes and then it evolves into the apricot, coffee and amber show. An odd sounding combination but it smelled great. I used this to cover the SS4M and went about pherobombing unsuspecting store employees and cashiers while shopping. Lots of attention and I got asked out by a sales associate at a clothing store (while wearing my wedding ring!) Apparently a ring doesn't deter a woman under the influence of LP: Homme and pheromones. I am going to have to get a bottle of this the next time I can afford to.

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I've been looking at this and another scent to get boosted with Charisma for hubby. Thoughts of this being a good carrier for a boost?

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I've been looking at this and another scent to get boosted with Charisma for hubby. Thoughts of this being a good carrier for a boost?


Yes. Yes I do. I think it would cover any phero smell very nicely and smells very good on its own.

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Thank you! :heart:


I have a sample of it that I have to get the man to wear again for confirmation. If he approves, then this will be the likely candidate :)

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Thank you! :heart:


I have a sample of it that I have to get the man to wear again for confirmation. If he approves, then this will be the likely candidate :)


Hopefully he'll approve. My wife loves this scent. I copied what I put somewhere else and pasted it below...


I'd worn LP:Homme yesterday (got a sniffee of it and was excited to see how it wore on me) and last night I woke up at about 2:30 in the morning to find my wife's nose glued to my neck. She tells me I smell really nice and asks what I am wearing. I tell her and she replies with, 'Mmmmm... It sort of has a little of that Shen Tao thing going on, you smell a little like the candy peaches from that. *yawn* You should wear this more.'

Keep in mind, my wife is not really into scents so for her to even comment was a big deal much less tell me it reminds her a little of a scent I've gotten for her. Looks like I'll have to get me a bottle of LP:Homme.

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Of all things, he's got the - or "a" - flu bug right now. Talk abo taking your spring sniffles to the extreme! He is violently opposed to any scent atm :(


That's a pretty impressive reaction in your post! I had a smidge of it on me late last night to remember what it smells like. LPs are just something you really have to smell ON someone to know if it'll work - but that being said - I still like it myself :lol: I'm waiting for the April/May samples. Hopefully he'll be well enough by my next order to know if I should be getting a FB :) Thank you for he encouraging post!

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QG sent a sniffee of this to my fellow, and I thought this was divine!!! The wonderful LP base of patchouli and apricot, very creamy but deep and masculine. I adore the sandalwood in men's fragrances, and this is the same type, rich and woody. I don't get any coffee at all, strangely enough. Unfortunately, the man doesn't much care for it. I think it's the vanilla. That doesn't seem to be a favorite note of his. But I will get him to try this on his skin and see if it makes a difference!

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Definitely have him try wearing it before deciding if he likes it or not. I continue to be amazed by how much each note evolves on the skin. LP: Homme takes on an almost chocolate note on me for a while that reminds me a little of Mark's Girl Nip (miss that scent).


I liked this one so much I decided on a full bottle boosted with Perfect Match. I think it'll be a winner with my Bride. :-)

Edited by Snoopyace
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  • 3 months later...

Well, how does she like it?


VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
PATCHOULI ~ Soothes and uplifts; sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money. Meditative and transforming.
APRICOT ~ Love, love, love! Romance, passion.
MAHOGANY ~ Fertility, growth, grounding, clarifying, bonds of love.
VETIVER ~ Enhances perception of beauty. Love, sensuality, money, luck, hex-breaking.
SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric; aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism.
COFFEE ~ Focus, stamina, concentration, determination.


Quick question, mods. Is this one going to stay in the men's forum, or do you guys want this one in with the other LP variants?

Edited by Beccah
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Since there are already duplicate threads for certain scents so as to have a thread in the men's section - as the guys don't want to go to the other review section, apparently - it might as well stay here, IMO.

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Since there are already duplicate threads for certain scents so as to have a thread in the men's section - as the guys don't want to go to the other review section, apparently - it might as well stay here, IMO.



@Rose I think you need to get the trial of this. It smells amazing! The woody notes weren't predominant on my skin.

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The woody notes are a background player for me. It smells amazing and I have yet to find someone who doesn't like this scent. I really have to save up and get more of this one.

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  • 2 months later...

I wasn't sure if I was going to like this one mainly because of the name. Of all of the men's or unisex scents I have tried, I am not falling in love with Love Potion #9. I made a false assumption that Love Potion: Homme would have some similarities. Wrongo buddy boy. This is completely different and completely better to my nose. I don't shy away from the sweet ones. I think this combination goes very well together. I am tending to like the deeper scents and I think this one falls into that category.


This would also be a great cover scent to any unscented pheros. I like

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Speaking from experience, this IS a great cover scent for unscented pheromones. I've seriously considered making this my 'signature' scent if I ever decide to settle on one main scent. My Beautiful Bride also loves this scent (I have it boosted with Perfect Match and it is an EXCELLENT pairing). It actually reminds me quite a bit of the rebrew of Mark's Girl Nip (in spirit if not exactly in scent).

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  • 1 month later...

I finally got around to testing this scent or I guess I should say re-testing as I tried it a long time ago, was not sure about it, and sent it with a trade. I decided to give it another try and got a large sample as one of my monthly freebies.


I can see where women would really, really like this scent. The coffee and vanilla make a very female-friendly combination (as evidenced in earlier posts!) and along with the mahogany and sit on top of a very classic patchouli, sandalwood, vetiver & amber base.


What I get at first is the coffee. It is pretty strong wet on my skin but once it dries down the mahogany comes forward more and the two blend together very nicely. The rest of the ingredients seem to make a solid, smooth masculine background. So when Luna says you smell a little like Starbucks, she is right but it is not a strong, sharp Starbucks. It is a smooth, masculine Starbucks without all the spices.


Even if you are not sure about the scent from the description - maybe it does not sound overly masculine (it is!) or maybe it is not your typical scent, I would still recommend giving it a try. And not just a one time try, but an extended test run. Why? Because of all the positive comments from the ladies above. Because - and let's be honest here - even if you are not sure you like it, if your wife, SO, girlfriend, or the ladies around you like, then you will end up liking it too!

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This LP:Homme sound promising, i am fan of vanilla scent but here i read is more than vanilla that look fine combination. Need try this first. There someone try both version oil and spray which one do u suggest. I know that the oil version more good in longevity but i more like it come on dropper version than a roll on bottle.


How long the scent stay until is gone on both oil and spray ?

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On my skin, the vanilla is part of the smooth background as opposed to a top note. I am sure you have read by now that these scents are just a little different on everyone's skin as Mara does not use the chemical fixers that commercial scents use to make their scents smell the same every time on everyone.


I use the roll-on oils almost exclusively. The oil based products tend to last longer in hot humid conditions. I use the roller balls - they work just fine. I have this in oil.


This particular scent is long lasting. It was still pretty strong if not mellowed down quite a bit the next day.

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On my skin, the vanilla is part of the smooth background as opposed to a top note. I am sure you have read by now that these scents are just a little different on everyone's skin as Mara does not use the chemical fixers that commercial scents use to make their scents smell the same every time on everyone.


I use the roll-on oils almost exclusively. The oil based products tend to last longer in hot humid conditions. I use the roller balls - they work just fine. I have this in oil.


This particular scent is long lasting. It was still pretty strong if not mellowed down quite a bit the next day.


thanks qg


this is help me long lasting on hot humid condition and yes i live on thas condition, this is good for my first try.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Got my stuff today have a roll on oil based of LP: Homme then i open it and roll to my hands so i can sniff the scent...


My first impression of LP: Homme, this is sweet, i smell light cofee on the top and yes deep vanilla then something like wood on there, i still smell this scent on a hour after take bath...


Need to try this more...

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Just a word of encouragement : don't be afraid of the sweet stuff. Many women really do like it on a guy. REALLY like it on a guy. Totem: Bear is a bit sweet with a peanut scent thrown in and it makes me smile (as I just found out today in my latest order). I love Homme on my man, as well as Dirty Old Man. Don't worry, you will still come across as plenty macho. :purr:

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I apply this on my neck today its hot on my skin in the first hour...


I commented more in depth in your other thread, but will say again here: These oils are too concentrated for face and neck area, which is a more sensitive area of the skin especially if you shave there. Try instead wearing on chest and inner arms. If you still have a reaction on chest and arms, you may be allergic and should discontinue use.

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  • 3 months later...

Tried this on myself this afternoon. I think I'm beginning to realize that vetiver is not a good note for me. There's plenty of vetiver here. Maybe it'll be different on my man, but I think he isn't much for that note either. Let's see about that.

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  • 2 years later...

Ohhh, I just tried this one for the first time and I love it. I can't distinguish the scent of coffee, but I probably smell like coffee most of the time anyway so that's not surprising :) It's sweet and delicious, but not overwhelmingly so. I can definitely feel the sweet LP base, but the woods rough it up just the right amount, and then smooth it over again... but not too much! On me, it's very "neutral," not striking me as either masc or fem... just warm and yummy, even from first swipe. Possibly my favorite of the LP variants I've tried.

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  • 9 months later...

wet, right out of the bottle (and for the first few minutes on my skin (hand, bc I'm already wearing Mara's Rocket Fuel III on my wrists. I decided it was time to sort my sniffies and tv's from my last order, so I figured it couldn't hurt to try this while I did it)), it's like sugared coffee grounds, then I pick up on the mahogany, patchouli and vetiver (this one's strong on me). It's definitely interesting, and I wouldn't rule out wearing it, sometime, but I'm not sure when. I just scrolled up, and apparently thought the same thing as @Eggers, because I thought about wearing this when it's the dead of Winter and I wanna pretend it's Summer when I'm stuck inside. 

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This continues to be my personal favorite scent.  Not just my favorite LPMP but my favorite scent in general.

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10 minutes ago, SugarKitten said:

wet, right out of the bottle (and for the first few minutes on my skin (hand, bc I'm already wearing Mara's Rocket Fuel III on my wrists. I decided it was time to sort my sniffies and tv's from my last order, so I figured it couldn't hurt to try this while I did it)), it's like sugared coffee grounds, then I pick up on the mahogany, patchouli and vetiver (this one's strong on me). It's definitely interesting, and I wouldn't rule out wearing it, sometime, but I'm not sure when. I just scrolled up, and apparently thought the same thing as @Eggers, because I thought about wearing this when it's the dead of Winter and I wanna pretend it's Summer when I'm stuck inside. 

There's something that feels very warm about it, no? When I think about wearing it, I picture myself all bundled up in boots, jeans and a big, heavy sweater, maybe waiting out a snowstorm in a coffee shop, or having a pint & watching the snow fly with my friends. It feels really warm & autumn-y/wintery to me. I still need to get a bottle! 

8 minutes ago, Snoopyace said:

This continues to be my personal favorite scent.  Not just my favorite LPMP but my favorite scent in general.

It's one of mine, too. Someone gave me a sample a while back, which I'm keeping close at hand, because I gave my first one to my Dad, (who also loves it). I need to just bite the bullet and order a couple of bottles one of these days. 

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I agree, it's very warm. I was just commenting in the "Potion of the Night" thread and sniffing my hand, I debated whether to mention that it feels like a warm scent (I neglected, but it's true, lol). Mm, that's a scene I could envision, as well. Mostly, it makes me think about hiking in a forest with coffee. I'm sure I'd daydream about that during winter (when I worked at a coffee shop, I definitely had this daydream during slow winter hours at work, hehe). Definitely get it! I might go TV, as I don't envision myself wearing it super often, but the winters here tend to be long, so maybe I'll upgrade before they're all gone :smiley-laughing024:

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i love it, on a women it smells fantastic, sweet and sexy men type of perfume!

no coffee scent here, really sexy, hard core stuff, i get a powdery sexy strong sweet scent!

more potent than the female scents!

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  • 4 months later...
10 minutes ago, amoradrianam said:

I enjoy this one! It reminds me a bit of Marks Tonka Tobacum? :)


I'll take that as a compliment! :Emoticons10311:

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16 hours ago, Snoopyace said:


I'll take that as a compliment! :Emoticons10311:

Very much! 

I believe out of all the Men’s (I noticed it also says unisex) that I have tried lately, I enjoy this one the most :) 

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20 minutes ago, amoradrianam said:

Very much! 

I believe out of all the Men’s (I noticed it also says unisex) that I have tried lately, I enjoy this one the most :) 


I LOVED this scent.  For me, the use of bourbon vanilla is what really made it extra special.  @Potion Master outdid herself with that scent! :morph:

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Ahaha!  I got in trouble today for leaving the house smelling of LP: Homme.  I’m not supposed to leave the house smelling this good when I am unaccompanied.  

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  • 1 year later...

I bought this because of @Eggers reviews on this and she's right! This is perfect for the cooler months right now! It smells delicious and gives me a DIHL reaction every time I smell it. Lol

It's sweet vanilla sandalwood as it dries down. I let it sit for a couple months and it has mellowed out beautifully. Very cozy.

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Just now, Vika said:

I bought this because of @Eggers reviews on this and she's right! This is perfect for the cooler months right now! It smells delicious and gives me a DIHL reaction every time I smell it. Lol

It's sweet vanilla sandalwood as it dries down. I let it sit for a couple months and it has mellowed out beautifully. Very cozy.


Alriiiight!  Another convert to LP: Homme.  This is a favorite of mine and my beautiful bride absolutely loves this on me.  It, along with UN for Men are her two favorite men's/unisex scents (from anywhere),

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