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Ambrosial Summer


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Ambrosial Summer

We've all been there...our first summer crush. Maybe you saw that special someone roasting marshmallows at a nearby campsite during a family camping trip and your breath caught in your chest. Perhaps it was at a picnic, and you felt a spark as your hands touched as you both reached for the bowl of nectarines on the table. He smiled...you blushed. Or the beach, where time stood still as you watched him play volleyball while you spread coconut oil or cocoa butter on your skin. It was a simpler time, when there was still such a thing as "happily ever after" and the naive innocence of youth made us believe that all things were possible. There are few sense memories stronger than those associated with a first crush or a summer fling. This ambrosial combination of White Nectarine, Papaya, a drop of Cherry and Mandarin Orange slices over a creamy base of Marshmallow, Cocoa Butter and Coconut Cream will turn back the clock for you and the object of your desire. You'll be able to explore one another all over again...for the first time.




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:
WHITE NECTARINE ~ Love. Promotes fertility, happiness, and abundance. A symbol of marriage. Longevity, wishes granted.
MARSHMALLOW ROOT ~ Fertility, happiness, creativity, increase in psychic awareness, intuition, love, protection, exorcism. Gently commanding and persuading.
COCONUT CREAM ~ Protection, purification, receptivity.
COCOA BUTTER ~ Lightens emotions, evokes feelings of love.
PAPAYA ~ Love, protection. Health of body and mind, clarity. Magnification of devotion.
CHERRY ~ Stimulates and attracts love, attracts mate. Cheerfulness, good humor, mood elevator, divination.
MANDARIN ORANGE ~ Strong 'magnet' to attract men; eternal love, marriage, fruitfulness, thoughtfulness, happiness, tribute.



Ambrosia salad is, of course, made several different ways but this way, in fragrance, is totally OMGYUM! The creamy aspect of it is actually a lot stronger on me than the fruit. In the drydown the fruit comes out more, but very soft. It's more of a sugary aura behind the creamy notes to me. My skin tends to eat certain fruit notes as it is, so it doesn't surprise me that it's subtle in that regard. But I love the fluffiness of this one, and it's a creamy impression which doesn't go sour on me (yet another issue). Anyone who likes the soft sweet kind of scents would enjoy this, I think, and I would definitely love to get it in b&b (plus I think a certain Limey will drool when he gets a whiff).

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This smells very different than I expected. I expected something fruity and marshamallowy, but it smells like cookies or another baked good. It might be different when I slather it on, but that's my initial impression! After it dries down it is less cookie-like and more fruity, but still different than I expected. It's not bright, in-your-face fruit. It's softer, really pretty. I like it better than I thought I would.

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As usual with new monthly scents I tried this without refreshing my memory about the notes and I think I was expecting more apple/grape kinda action, but this is much more tropical. More conventional than I expected, not noveltyish at all -- big-bodied, gorgeously blended, intoxicatingly beach-vacationy. I also get a bit of pikake or bougainvillea or something - a tropical floral - but now looking at the ingredients, my brain is obviously "filling that in" from sense-memory. Isn't it wild how that works?


You could probably load this with cops for days and never get any stink.

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I also get a bit of pikake or bougainvillea or something - a tropical floral - but now looking at the ingredients, my brain is obviously "filling that in" from sense-memory. Isn't it wild how that works?

And it's interesting how our brains do that for so many things too.

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Another one I really enjoyed. This one is very beautiful. Is there pineapple in this? I like how this one stays on, it doesn't fade and I can catch a yummy whiff every now and again. My mom makes ambrosia salad, she uses those multi colored marshmallows, I can see them when I smell this. It's a good memory. The woman can bake and cook.


I remember eating loads of this in those red plastic cups. She would make this during Easter, for our Easter dinner at my Aunt's house. This is bringing back so many memories- Aunt B and Uncle Luigi with their canary farm, what do you call those things?

Anyhow we would all be there, all the cousins, with the Italian meats and cheeses, meatballs, enchiladas, and the Italian cookies- pizelles I think that's what they are called, and my mom's Ambrosia Salad.

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Not really what I expected, but I do like it. Like everyone else I imagined more fruit but this is a mellow creamy cake to me. Actually it reminds me a bit of Whoopsy Daisycake.

I think it is a nice subtle sexy summer scent.

I was hoping to LOVE it so that I couldn't help myself because I really love the label and wanted that nekked girl in the shell sitting next to the Girly Twirly girl on my shelf but I don't think I LOVE it enough.

I can't make a move until the sale anyway, so...we'll see.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

This one is not what I expected either. I still really like it! Starts off really coconut and ... Chocolate? Maybe cocoa butter? But there are fruit notes lingering in the background just peeking through. A very soft, fluffy, creamy scent. And now I can't stop huffing my arm. This might be a full bottle too!

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  • 1 month later...

I just got mine today, from the sale and laced with cops...THANK YOU Mara!!! Im in love with it....it reminds me of how you smell after a day at the beach on an awesome summer day...I get coconut and orange maybe, or some fruit...and it's creamy...like creamy suntan lotion that smells soooo good. This ones a keeper!!! I can't stop smelling my arm, I might have to make out with it.

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  • 1 month later...

Got a sample of this to try out and absolutely love it. I've gotta get a full bottle. I could definitely smell the nectarine when wet, then as it dried down the marshmallow/coconut/cocoa and papaya appeared with a hint of cherry. At this point in the day (about 7 hours after first applying) the fruit scent has faded and I'm down to the marshmallow/coconut. Yum, smells delicious.

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I wore this today, on my little one, it's more fruity, on me:more creamy cocoa buttery, like the innocent sister of dirty ol' coconut breeze ( I swear my bottle had a secret cops boost because it makes me horny), anyway this is sweeter, lighter, fruitier but they're definitely related.

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I wore this today, on my little one, it's more fruity, on me:more creamy cocoa buttery, like the innocent sister of dirty ol' coconut breeze ( I swear my bottle had a secret cops boost because it makes me horny), anyway this is sweeter, lighter, fruitier but they're definitely related.


You know what I think it is? It's the cocoa butter, My new PE and White Bikini give the ole vag the tingles, and I think it's because the cocoa butter reminds me of nearly naked bodies on the beach.

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  • 9 months later...

I loooove this one! It's a tropical, summery gourmand! At first I got more fruitiness, then as it dried down I got more creamy sweetness and the 'tang' went away. It's got a marsh mallow-y sweetness to it and a angel food cake smell also. Very light and fluffy sweetness! I totes love this one! I wonder if this is what tropical cupcake bodyspray smells like :)

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  • 10 months later...

This one was a "take my chances" buy and I'm SO glad I I nabbed it before it was gone. Wonderful fruit melange - I can't identify any specific fruits because it is all woven together so magnificently with the marshmallow root, coconut cream and cocoa butter. I wore this today with SWS and it's like the dynamic duo... the yummy scent lured people in ("WHAT are you wearing that smells so GOOD?!" was the common reaction) while the SWS commanded their attention beyond the olfactory stimuli! I'm not even a fan of Ambrosia Salad (I'd rather eat the fruits separately) but I'm certainly a fan of this recipe. Bravo Mara.

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A got a sample of this unexpectedly - thank you QG! Hehe, as he had sent some samples for my husband to try, I din't realize this was a woman's fragrance and had him try it. Um, needless to say, he said it was definately NOT for him - so OBVIOUSLY I claimed it...only to find it was a surprise for me and I just didn't know it :lol:


It's fruiity and light and, like mentioned above, PERFECT for summer! I smell like a delicious tropical desert! :)

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“We've all been there...our first summer crush. Maybe you saw that special someone roasting marshmallows at a nearby campsite during a family camping trip and your breath caught in your chest. Perhaps it was at a picnic, and you felt a spark as your hands touched as you both reached for the bowl of nectarines on the table. He smiled...you blushed. Or the beach, where time stood still as you watched him play volleyball while you spread coconut oil or cocoa butter on your skin. It was a simpler time, when there was still such a thing as "happily ever after" and the naive innocence of youth made us believe that all things were possible. There are few sense memories stronger than those associated with a first crush or a summer fling. This ambrosial combination of White Nectarine, Papaya, a drop of Cherry and Mandarin Orange slices over a creamy base of Marshmallow, Cocoa Butter and Coconut Cream will turn back the clock for you and the object of your desire. You'll be able to explore one another all over again...for the first time.”



Nice reviews ladies :) .Thanks, truly, for making me drool. Ambrosial Summer sounds yummers! I have to check sniffees to see if I have any laying around. I missed this potion but would have bought it FB unsniffed on the description alone. I swoon like the pink girl that I am reading vignettes like that ^_^

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  • 1 month later...

Just got opp to test drive this via a sniffie - and LOVE it - everyone above is right. It's fruity but then not so, it's creamy dreamy fruit waves but full bodied and light at same time. It's also sold out.... anyone have FB they are looking to sell? :)


Of course my GUS list for the sale is already larger than my wallet. But this one is pretty awesome - love it - blends so well and the creaminess of it all, can't get enough of it. I was suprised - I've never liked ambrosia myself (sorry just not been me) so didn't think much @ trying it.


It's fun wonderful shiny shimmery orangy (in aura not in scent)-golden cherry creamy "I feel sexy hot and mad flirt" awesome.

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Just got opp to test drive this via a sniffie - and LOVE it - everyone above is right. It's fruity but then not so, it's creamy dreamy fruit waves but full bodied and light at same time. It's also sold out.... anyone have FB they are looking to sell? :)


Of course my GUS list for the sale is already larger than my wallet. But this one is pretty awesome - love it - blends so well and the creaminess of it all, can't get enough of it. I was suprised - I've never liked ambrosia myself (sorry just not been me) so didn't think much @ trying it.


It's fun wonderful shiny shimmery orangy (in aura not in scent)-golden cherry creamy "I feel sexy hot and mad flirt" awesome.

BG I have a bottle of Ambrosial Summer that's about 75% full. It was one of my first purchases in April but hasn't been getting much love since then because of the other LPs movin' in! I'm actually trying to decide what I'm willing to part with to start a trade thread of my own; AmSum is one I may list. If you don't get one in the sale then check back with me. There's been a couple that I've had samples of that are actually LONG gone so I know how it feels to hope a long-lost scent re-surfaces at some point!


You're pretty new (like me) and so I understand the "wants and NEEDS list" of LPs that seems to grow daily, LOL. FYI - I've actually purchased some 2009s and earlier that have aged incredibly well and are wonderful. Case in point, early on when I was shopping the trades I was actually concerned about 'shelf life' of some of the scents. I've learned that they last a very long time and some actually improve. Many of the forum vets still have some yummy blends that may be years old, but they have been carefully stored and treated like the treasures they are.


Another thing I've learned (about myself, actually) is that something I perhaps didn't care for initially suddenly becomes a go-to scent! I think that's why starting a trade thread is SO hard. I think RoseB said it's like ripping off a bandaid and I now understand what she means! And if you haven't read this before... there is such a thing as "travel shock". I remember sitting down with my Crayons: sampler (my first) and thinking there was nothing for me in those scents! I let them rest a week and revisited...and then there were TOO many I wanted FBs of. It's one of those uncanny mysteries of LP... :)

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Thanks Rose and LoveStruck!! I wore this out to the minimart - as I had to get water a few other items that you usually get at a minimart- anyhow got compliments from the cashier on my perfume. I guess I must've poured it on myself more than I thought - bc I do love it.


I agree that seems like the OCCO Ambrosia (which is on my GUS list) may be my two-fer, bc I love my pheros and cops too. :D

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  • 8 months later...
Guest cutie.pie

I got a sample of this from lovely Donsie! Thank you :)


It's very nice, fruity scent! Perfect for summer!

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