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All Hallow's Eve w/Lumina

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So Dragon's blood is the incensey smell then? Hmmm, must look and see what other scents it's in....



I am still on the fence as to whether or not I feel any effects from the phero. Frankly I forgot AHE was phero enhanced. I am suffering from acute PMS this week and come to think of it I felt downright SANGUINE yesterday while wearing it...

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This probably wasn't the wisest idea since i don't know exactly what's in Lumina, but i wore this one for a job interview in another department at work. It wasn't so much for them as it was for me. This makes me feel fabulous. But now, it did do its job on my interviewers because they were looking at me like I was a superstar. By the end of the interview, I think we were all phero happy.


Feeling good about the interview, I decided to sex it up a bit and added a small dab of OCCO white. (Just a dab since I know Mara mentioned that there's already a small amount of cops in here.) Then I went out to lunch. I'm not dressed particularly sexy or anything since it was in the 30s this morning (long sleeved shirt, knee length skirt, thick herringbone tights, and my unattractive waitress shoes since I will be doing a lot of walking around the building today), but I got a lot of stares, not too lustful but just like "Wow..." A woman blatantly came onto me at Starbucks. Then this dude goes, "hot damn, woman!" and winked at me. Yowza!

Edited by BlueBear
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This probably wasn't the wisest idea since i don't know exactly what's in Lumina, but i wore this one for a job interview in another department at work. It wasn't so much for them as it was for me. This makes me feel fabulous. But now, it did do its job on my interviewers because they were looking at me like I was a superstar. By the end of the interview, I think we were all phero happy.


Feeling good about the interview, I decided to sex it up a bit and added a small dab of OCCO white. (Just a dab since I know Mara mentioned that there's already a small amount of cops in here.) Then I went out to lunch. I'm not dressed particularly sexy or anything since it was in the 30s this morning (long sleeved shirt, knee length skirt, thick herringbone tights, and my unattractive waitress shoes since I will be doing a lot of walking around the building today), but I got a lot of stares, not too lustful but just like "Wow..." A woman blatantly came onto me at Starbucks. Then this dude goes, "hot damn, woman!" and winked at me. Yowza!



Love it!!!!! That's awesome. I am going to retest tomorrow.

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Is Lumina a bonding phero? The department treasure troll that always smells like cat piss and turkey chili comes to my desk and starts chattin me up- nothing abnormal we always geek out together over old movies and cartoons- and sometimes he'll IM me funny names of clients like... we have.. a full throttle films company and doggystyle company.. we have a client named a Anita Hole,,Then there's everyone;s fav Double D Trucking .. etc, very immature but I'm a boy sometimes.. so he starts telling me that he hasn't had sexual relations with his live in girl for over a year and he starts telling me their bedroom secrets. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTT OMG. Of course I am not going to make him feel Lame 2011 for trusting me and sharing his secrets with LP so I just listened and told him that was not normal. Then he said something about Rosy and her 5 sisters.. OMG what is this Lumina? like TMI?

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Hmm, interesting. Maybe the pumpkin in this got him thinking about the sex that he isn't getting. This also probably amped his comfort level even further with you, so that must = over share for him.

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Sigh... I love this one. Both the scent & pheromone effects (I get no insence which is good in my book). Unfortunately I also get a red, blotchy & seriously itchy rash when applying this :(

I guess there's no point in going full bottle for me

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Ya know,we need a pumpkin scented cops :001_302:




Ok you guys are driving me crazy with the reviews of this. My box is on its way but probably won't get here until the middle to end of next week and I'm all antsy pantsy.

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Sigh... I love this one. Both the scent & pheromone effects (I get no insence which is good in my book). Unfortunately I also get a red, blotchy & seriously itchy rash when applying this :(

I guess there's no point in going full bottle for me

Rosebud, you seem to have sensitive skin. Have you tried getting the C5 to apply as a barrier before you put on the scents with cinnamon in them?

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Rosebud, you seem to have sensitive skin. Have you tried getting the C5 to apply as a barrier before you put on the scents with cinnamon in them?


I have ridiculously sensitive skin :( Super dry, sensitive & prone to eczema

I haven't tried C5 yet but I always slather myself in my body oil (my own mix of various organic oils) before applying my perfumes. I have noticed lately though that I'm more sensitive to the spicy scents. I never used to but now I have to be careful with my LP red, MRF and Garland & Lace :(

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Since I had my own reaction to this one when sprayed in the cleavage (not across the bonier upper chest though) and since my skin tends to eat a number of the scents, would moisturizing be a good plan before application of my fragrances? I was at a fall festival recently and found a nummy goats milk lotion with vanilla and sugar that seems to go perfectly with LPs...


(And am I getting them right? I'm confusing All Hallows 2011 and LP AE 11...)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Something about this reminds me of Teddy Man. It has a similar warm woodsy feel. I don't get much pumpkin from it. Mostly apple, wood, resins, a touch of caramel maybe. It's really comforting but a bit more masculine than I usually wear.


Lumina though. It's amazing. I generally don't get self-effects from pheros but this is all about the self-effects for me. It's already a crappy day and I'm PMSing but I don't care. I'm all laid-back and happy. Not feeling the least bit glowy or sexy (might be how I'm dressed today though) but I'm in a good mood and considering what's going on in my world this week I really need that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wanted to wait until November to try this one, just because of the name. ;) It is the sharp, crisp scent of fallen leaves. No food or woods on my skin. I'm not sure how the phero effected me exactly, but I liked it! Sort of PP with a little LAM?

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  • 2 months later...

This does evoke a bit of a candle-vibe with me. I don't get as much apple as I wanted, and it is kind of soft and spicy at the same time. It's nice, and I like it... not sure that I would actually pick it up enough to wear, though.

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I love this one more and more. The only downside is whenever I put my arm in front of my friends and say "well?" they ALL say it smells like a candle, and when I look bummed they say, "but not a tacky oversweet candle, more like a higher quality candle."


Not sure if that's a good thing or not. I certainly like it. I think Mara got the apple notes just right on this one.

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I love this one more and more. The only downside is whenever I put my arm in front of my friends and say "well?" they ALL say it smells like a candle, and when I look bummed they say, "but not a tacky oversweet candle, more like a higher quality candle."


Not sure if that's a good thing or not. I certainly like it. I think Mara got the apple notes just right on this one.

I think smelling like a candle is a compliment! Michael says that about Closer and he loves it! Who doesn't want to be around a beautiful comfy candle (AHE) or a sexy sensual candle (Closer)?

Yeah...take it as a good thing...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I got this sample, and LOOOVE the scent. Its Halloween in a bottle! Appley, pumpkiny, sweet, sort of like apple cider, and not too spicy or cinnamony....and after a while, I smell a bit of pine or holly? I love it!!!!!! Anxious to test the phero aspects.

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I had to go to a meeting today in my Witchy persona, so decided to wear All Hallow's Eve w/ Lumina to put me in the right frame of mind. Freshly slathered, I stop at the Radio Shack on the way for a USB cable and the dude there....HE. WOULD. NOT. LET. ME. LEAVE. The guy was a good 15 years younger than me, and just seemed FASCINATED. He asked me a ton of questions trying to keep me in the store hanging with him. Asking what I do, I tell him I make perfume, and he gleefully asks for a card, Got her number...score! :lol:. He asks about my cellphone, (same one he has! OMG, it's FATE!) turns out my plan is thru Virgin which they rep, so he got my monthly cellphone rate reduced from $65 per month to $30 per month. Yay! Come back and see me soon! So funny.

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so he got my monthly cellphone rate reduced from $65 per month to $30 per month. Yay! Come back and see me soon! So funny.


Woo Hoo work it Mama :001_302: ...course it never hurts that she are drop dead gorgeous too :)

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I for a sample a bit ago, and wore this to go pay a ticket and a man was walking behind me as I walked out of the building. I saw in my peripheral he parked 1 car (a big SUV) over from me. As I got to my car, and started opening my door, I glanced up, and saw he was staring at me...from over the SUV that separated our vehicles. I was creeped out a bit, I guess because I had a feeling he was watching me as he was walking behind me, and went we went our separate ways, I had a feeling he was still watching me...and I'm pretty sure he was. When I saw him looking at me, I quickly broke eye contact and got in my car...like I said, I wasn't too keen on how he was staring at me. lol. This is definitely a fall scent, I had to splash on some pomme splash so I didnt smell like a Haloweeny. lol. But I love it!


I also got a bottle on the trading post, but it doesn't indicate pheros on the label (like my sample does). Could this be the unpheroed version?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was wearing this the day Jude had his accident. My cousin ( male) followed me as I ran in my 4 inch boots from the backyard to the kitchen to grab ice. He was there to catch me when I fainted. At the hospital, I was a caged beast as I waited for the docs to see Jude. I got there about 5-10 minutes after my boyfriend did and I was going to start stabbing the staff as Jude was bleeding in his father's arms. I cut in line, ( no one questioned me ) and I told the rent a receptionist with the cat eyeliner WTFFFFFFF Someone needs to see my son!! He is bleeding all over your floor. She politely told me she had already paged a nurse. I said

PAGE AGAIN. She did. Nurse came out and ushered us inside. The triage nurse was male, the head nurse was male, and the doc was male. All 3 of them were soo reassuring. They asked me if I wanted water, did I have any questions or concerns. It was like I was Jackie Kennedy when JFK was shot. Only in black, way dirty hair and blood on my face.

I had a freak out moment when Jude started to get sleepy and went screaming down the halls. They were all there in half a second, catering to me, Jude and boyfriend. Doc kept hugging me, Patting my hand. Cracking jokes, to put me at ease.

I looked like the lost band member of Kiss. PALE face from shock. Black mascara everywhere. Lipstick everywhere. Blood spots on my face. I did not look one bit like the total hotness that I am at parties. However, there they were making me comfortable, giving Jude water, juice and syringes to play with. They let him play with the tv. The head nurse kept asking if I was okay , telling me not too worry. He's a boy, this is what they do. Doc comes in and says I should do two things after we leave the ER. Buy waterproof mascara and have someone make me a strong margarita. OMG he was cracking me up. He kept saying I needed a stiff drink. A stiffie. Then he would wink. BF was also in shock and looked all twilight gone hunting- pale, and bloody, and it made him laugh also. It was a pleasant experience and I loved their bedside manner. They really made a huge effort to get me whatever I needed and to make sure I was okay, and that Jude was okay. We are talking about an Emergency room visit here!

Docs come in once to see what's going on , then again when they say bye. Our staff of docs and nurses were checking in on us every 5 minutes!

Totally impressed with this phero/scent combo.

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  • 3 weeks later...

LV, I don't know how recent this was, but I hope your son is doing alright now. I can't imagine what a mess I'd be if my daughter was bleeding all over the floor.


This blend is subtle, but amazing. As with all of the scents and phero blends, I try them in the privacy of my apartment before lauching myself out into the wider world. All Hallow's Eve seems like one of the

scents that I've been looking for. I love the Autumn and Hallowe'en and this scent brings that to mind, but not in such a way that would exclude me from wearing it at any other time, just that it makes me think that I can't wait for that time of year to roll around because I have the perfect scent for it!


The first time I tried it I think I put too much on (so that it was shiny with wetness on my skin as opposed to a mere sheen). It turned the skin on my forearms and cleavage a bright pink (I must be sensitive to something in it and that's happened with a few of the spicy scents).


The second time I tried it, I went a little easier on the application. I applied a "sheen" to my forearms about 1 inch x 1 inch per arm and a sheen to my cleavage (about the same size). This I did with the side of the sample vial stick. This seems to be ideal for me (and not just for this blend, but for others as well, except for cougar so far. If I put on much more than that, it seems to make me disappear or at the very least have no discernable effect).


I went to pick up my daughter from her dad's parent's house and her dad was there too. It seemed that everyone (the in-laws, only not really) wanted to be near me and talk to me and hug me. Including my ex. :huh: It took forever for me to get away. Wow!


The next time I wore it, applied in the same way, I wore it to school. It seemed as if people that I barely knew were hovering around and talking to me in a comfortable way. One guy that I know a little bit sat with me and a friend of mine and when my friend left to get something, he started talking about travelling and some really interesting things came out of him. He seemed really comfortable talking with me and when my friend and a couple of other friends came over, he stopped "sharing". It was as if suddenly, he didn't feel so comfortable.


I also have to say that I felt really secure in myself, calm, focused and happy while wearing this blend. Not to mention sexy! I think the apple and pumpkin pie spice scents are amazing. I kept sniffing my arms and fluffing my shirt. Yummy. When this dries down on me, it doesn't really smell like a candle, it just smells like yummy Hallowe'en (or Autumn) treats all blended together!


I haven't asked at all yet, but my friends never seem to make any comments or observations about my perfumes. I just mention this because I read others posting about how the other people in their lives tell them if they like the scents or not. Note to self....perhaps should start wearing TMI so that they will reveal their thoughts on my LP scents. Hehehehehe!!!

Edited by Moon Bloom
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  • 4 months later...

I find I amp up the spice in this very strongly. It's one of those perfumes, I don't actually like it exactly, but I keep sniffing it, and it perks me up. It does smell very candle-y. It's not at all sweet on me, I expected something sweeter for some reason. I haven't worn this round other people enough to have any idea what the phero does. I do think my older cat, Dolly, likes this though.

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I put this one towards the front of my stash since fall is upon us. This has aged wonderfully since I last wore it. The apple note used to be tart initially, but with age, it has turned into a sweeter apple. I liked the tartness, but the sweetened apple is nice too. And I'm getting more caramel and wood. Mmmmmmm!!!! I've missed this!!

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Ack,another month of heat here,at least,but am sure going to get this out sooner,I remember loving it!!, enough that I got a couple of bottles,and with that kind of aging,oh my yumz yes...the phero blend was awesome on me too :hearts09793:

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  • 2 months later...

Wearing this for the first time ever, and goes on VERY spicy at first. Then I get this aroma that reminds me more of fall, out back by the bond fire just hanging out and smelling the fall leaves and enjoying warm spiced apple cider...all that in one scent?! This is fantastic on it's own but then add MYSTERY PHERO BLEND Lumina. Don't know what's in it but feeling upbeat and laid back...put on a dab of Woozy Floozy at wrists but not a lot because I didn't want to over power All Hallows Eve. So here I am, waiting for the house full of company I know is about to arrive..calm, cool collected and happy. Humph. Go figure!

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I love it! I got spiced apple cider...so I at least I got apple something lol. It's one of those smells that evoked a memory and took me right to the last time I experienced it. I thought that was pretty cool. Most LPs are delightful, this is the first one that took me somewhere experientially and it's such a great memory I will be sure this scent gets lots of love :heart708:

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