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New Releases for ALL-PHERO NOVEMBER 2011!

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For the Ladies.....



Velvet Kisses



Rocket Fuel III



Far, Far Away



Extracurricular Proclivities



Darling Clementine



Bosom Bows III



Stealing Heaven



Passion in Pink




Unisex blends.....



The Shark Whisperer




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Unscented Pheromone Blends....












Mother's Little Helper






:hearts0425: Throb



Oh yeah, and this month only, I am offering 1x UNscented trial sprays of any phero blend you want to try.

6ml sprays for $15 each, or 10 of them for $100.





Private Editions....



Skye High



Nicole's Spearmint Garden



Daniel's Zen Garden


And the scrub of the month is similar to Darling Clementine, but done with flavors and ALL edible ingredients....but you really shouldn't eat it anyway, Tyvey.


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dibs on Bosom Bows 3. I hereby claim one botte. *runs around house looking for coins* must have all scents.......


Ooh I knew you would love that one. You love BB. My sister is going to want that one too.. I need them all. Shit. Must go sell more eggs

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Oh wow, amazing! The perfumes look so good! And so many new pheros, my head is spinning, what to chose? Mara, thank you for offering new pheros as trial sprays this month. That's very convenient. As for the perfumes: Darling Clementine and Stealing Heaven are catching my eye immediately. But I'll wait patiently for the descriptions.

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OMG what a wonderful surprise to wake up to! Mara and the team you have really out done yourselves yet again, they all look amazing and I want them all!


I am most excited about Bosom Bows 3, Mara's Rocket Fuel 3, and Velvet Kisses as cuddle bunny works sooooo well on me.


Omg Throb is killing me. I picture it makes a man's penis throb.

I think it means Heart Throb, to make all the ladies swoon. You :say66: monkey. :lol:

Edited by Elliebellikins
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Oh yeah, and this month only, I am offering 1x UNscented trial sprays of any phero blend you want to try.

6ml sprays for $15 each, or 10 of them for $100.



Sorry to be daft so early in the morning, but does this apply only to the unscented pheros, such as Mother's Little Helper, or does it apply to all the new phero blends such as Super for Men?


Not sure if I am making sense yet...do you order a 6ml bottle of an existing scented pheromone blend or do you mean I could order an unscented phero blend and choose my own preferred scent to go with it, such as Mother's Little Helper with New?

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Oh! I'm so excited! When will the descriptions be up? And when can we order? :D I'm so impatient LOL


Oh, and yes... I second Elliebellies question (or part of it at least)... Is the 6ml UN-phero bottles just for the pheros in the new releases, or is that for the "old" ones too?

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@ellie @rosebud guessing but sounds to me as though the offer is for :

-ALL pheros (not just new ones) (she said ANY)

-UNSCENTED pheros only (she said UN) -- ie neither LPMP-created scent+phero combos nor custom-requested scent+phero combos (I imagine that especially would be nightmarishly time consuming)


FYI Ellie, Super for Men isn't new btw, but very ggg...

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Woooooooh!! This is so exciting!! I want ALL the scented phero samples and I might have to get Bosom Bows in a big bottle too...oh my weeping bank account, sorry kids no food this month but we can smell pretty :P I just LOVE the Portmanteau label...any clue on the scent? Perfect Match is so wonderful for me, I hope I love this like Allumette :)

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oh great Mara, :clapW2:

this is first release for me to watch like this , but this is awesome me too want to know the same. does this offer apply to all unscented old pheros as well :hubbahubba: . i am game for all now if you say yes...... pls say yes mara plzzzz plzzzz plsssss.... :beggingpleasesmiley: . you are a darling MARA. do say yes. we all want to listen it........

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Thanks Tyvey, I was getting confused with phero blend, which I was thinking meant scented phero blend, and I was also getting confused with the offer of $100 for all 10, and I was thinking well there would be 10 of the new releases for women and 10 for men which made me think of scented blends again, but I guess there must be 10 unscented blends available... sorry for the confusion.

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I should have just stayed here & stalked!!! I haz to know what Bang! is!!!!



Heya Beccah, i want to guess, i want to guess...... extra proclivities with Bang, something with whooping dose of cops, with Est and with e nol. say it is something like a combo of lace & cuddle bunny...... , it is going to be a bomb if it is..... lets seee yittt guyz N galz wot u say? :aola: m jumpin wid excitmnt....hehe

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want to make another guess...... yes m jumpin in Mara.... hold me, if i fall flat...nehhh hheeee...


audacious, something in line of dominance, leather, or even like SWS... or combo of any 2 of these or all, or something which is sexy & bold and daring & carefree (me be me, or which says i am me- whatever)... i want it if it is in this family n m gonna :OU1D43~112: for this..... wwwaaaoooowwww...

Edited by Magnanimity
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All these new pheros!! BUT NEW SCENTED CUDDLE BUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope the scent is good for me!!!!!!!


I know I will want some of these in sprays....like Darling C, ...and depending what the other pheros are for...Audacious looks like a social spray too...just speculating...and trying to figure out what I should get unsniffed since I don't think I can wait any longer for new LP's. Of course this is hard without descriptions yet!

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i am there dear miss cherie, to do this for you. i would love to try these pheros unscented & tell u what they do...... if it is just fine, you enjoy your date ;)


love n luck magna

Thank you, Mag...but how can I? I will be a mess all day with anticipation! He will think I am SOOO excited over him and all will be thinking is "What the Hell Is BANG?!"

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Take a deep breath, relax yourself, get ready n go for the kill. think yourself queeny going to win a king of your heart, while we all friendly frenz of yours are done with testing and ready with all right pool of info. so you can put on all the new stuff and jump in. and let your man go berserk with your magnetic powers of seduction...


n as far as bang is concerned, it is something which does BANG ..... bang on, bang bang bang....... it bangs on peoples heads or somewhere else ;0 . where ever but it does BANG.... he he he..

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WOW. JUST. WOW. :Emoticons04239: I am officially floored. See, that's me--------> :swoon: On the floor. I am :Emoticons08045: because I am broke right now......need to find my :moneyfairy13: BIG TIME! Want want want unscented phero playthings!!!!! NOW!!!!!

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Oh yeah, and this month only, I am offering 1x UNscented trial sprays of any phero blend you want to try.

6ml sprays for $15 each, or 10 of them for $100


Okay I have emphasized parts of the message to attempt to avoid future confusion. Yes, this means exisiting unscented pheromone blends as well as the new ones.


As for me, you can well imagine I let out a huge OMGYAIS! and YAY! when Mara told me she had rebrewed SUPER, my ultimate boysmell.

Edited by luna65
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LOL no we need to let Mara get some rest before she starts programming, 'kay? The poor dear is absolutely exhausted, see how hard she works for us? Eighteen scents this month! My mind, she is boggled!

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Bang sounds very interesting..........can't wait to find out it's properties....there's a certain raven-haired dark eyed new musician on the horizon who sooooo needs to be a guinea pig. :666:

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