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Unscented Lumina

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Great review Birkey!


LoveStruck, SS4W is probably my other favourite phero besides Lumina. With SS4W I find people are extra complimentary, and I am very aware of my own attractiveness (but not in a smug arrogant way). It's more sexy than Lumina, in terms of how it makes me feel, and how others around me react. But it is also a cooler, slightly more reserved vibe. Don't get me wrong, I still like it very much as a social, but it doesn't inspire the same overwhelming desire in people around you to interact with you- it inspires them to admire you more instead, at least for me. Lumina has a natural sensuality about it, which can easily be amped to straight up sexy with more cops. But the social nature of it for me is just amazing. When I walk into work with Lumina on, people light up and automatically move toward me, wanting to interact. The enthusiasm with which I'm greeted, and the level of affection and indulgence people have for me is significantly increased. It's like I'm a better version of myself.

Thank you Vladmyra! I got chills reading that! Now I'll just look forward to receiving it instead of wondering if I "made" the right choice this month! Very cool descript here: It's like I'm a better version of myself.

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I'm glad to read this Birkey... I just ordered Lumina this month. I was torn between it and Popularity Potion... just couldn't get both AND the June NR I wanted.


I'm wondering how Lumina compares to SS4W... in terms of EFX


Hey Love Struck55! I was just looking up all of the phero combos on the list...while I think of it as being a more subtle Audacious, the truth is that it compares more to SS4W. I'm not the best at explaining things, but with SS4W I feel confident, like I want to walk the catwalk. With Lumina it is more of an uplifting girlie feel...almost innocent sexy if that makes sense. Someone else on here summed it up when she said it's like Lace, SS4W, OW all combined. I get self effects closer to OW or Levitation and effects on others closer to SS4W.


You can't go wrong with Lumina! I am also wanting a Popularity Potion to add to my collection, but when I saw the Un Lumina had become available it was a no brainer for me because I know the effects of it! ;) I know what you mean about having to decide...I went way over my limit this month on the trade forum and on LPMP/Artfire...I absolutely love everything I got! This month I will have to be more selective. I plan on getting Popularity Potion in the next 2 months, money permitting. Be sure to let us know how you like it once you get it! :)

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Great review Birkey!


LoveStruck, SS4W is probably my other favourite phero besides Lumina. With SS4W I find people are extra complimentary, and I am very aware of my own attractiveness (but not in a smug arrogant way). It's more sexy than Lumina, in terms of how it makes me feel, and how others around me react. But it is also a cooler, slightly more reserved vibe. Don't get me wrong, I still like it very much as a social, but it doesn't inspire the same overwhelming desire in people around you to interact with you- it inspires them to admire you more instead, at least for me. Lumina has a natural sensuality about it, which can easily be amped to straight up sexy with more cops. But the social nature of it for me is just amazing. When I walk into work with Lumina on, people light up and automatically move toward me, wanting to interact. The enthusiasm with which I'm greeted, and the level of affection and indulgence people have for me is significantly increased. It's like I'm a better version of myself.


Wow, vladmyra! That is a fantastic analysis!! I agree 100%! How have you been, by the way? I haven't run in to you on the forum in a while! :)

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Hey Love Struck55! I was just looking up all of the phero combos on the list...while I think of it as being a more subtle Audacious, the truth is that it compares more to SS4W. I'm not the best at explaining things, but with SS4W I feel confident, like I want to walk the catwalk. With Lumina it is more of an uplifting girlie feel...almost innocent sexy if that makes sense. Someone else on here summed it up when she said it's like Lace, SS4W, OW all combined. I get self effects closer to OW or Levitation and effects on others closer to SS4W.


You can't go wrong with Lumina! I am also wanting a Popularity Potion to add to my collection, but when I saw the Un Lumina had become available it was a no brainer for me because I know the effects of it! ;) I know what you mean about having to decide...I went way over my limit this month on the trade forum and on LPMP/Artfire...I absolutely love everything I got! This month I will have to be more selective. I plan on getting Popularity Potion in the next 2 months, money permitting. Be sure to let us know how you like it once you get it! :)

Great to know all this - thank you Birkey. I'm not familiar with Audacious so I wouldn't have known if it was similar or not! But I love your descript of Lumina so I feel better about ordering it.


I, too, went waaay over 'budget' (as if it really exists) in the trade and AF and UNs. Hard to pace oneself for sure! My biggest concern with the UNs is buying two or more pheros whose EFX will be very similar to one another - I'd like to get as much variety as possible at this stage in my LP life so that I know what really floats my boat, so to speak :) You may get Pop Potion before I do so you be sure to review and I'll watch for yours... I value the vets input and advice on all this stuff but I also appreciate the reviews that come from newbies like me who maybe don't speak fluent phero yet!

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Yep Birkey, we really seem to be having the same type of effects with Lumina, which is great, because hopefully other people will be getting the same goodness from it too. I've been diligently lurking round the forum, trying not to buy the whole place up, lol. I think I just failed though, cause I too went way over budget this month, and I haven't even bought any new releases yet! My LP greed knows no bounds. Sounds like you've been having a great time playing with different blends and perfumes lately from what I've been reading!

Soon your collection will be as overflowing as mine, lol. :Emoticons0086:

LoveStruck, I know (hope) you won't regret adding Lumina to your arsenal. Look forward to reading about how it works for you. I'm so in love with this blend I want to spread the Lumina love around, lol.

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  • 4 weeks later...

What exactly should EFX from Lumina look like? I've worn it (60/40) spray 3 times now and I'm not noticing anything special from people I encounter or hang with... even my own family. I don't wear pheros every day - at least right now - because I want to be able to gauge their EFX more accurately.

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Hmmm, okay Lovestruck. For me, (and I've dedicated a good amount of testing time to Lumina), I notice these types of effects:


Self-effects (often subtle, but definite):


Positive, upbeat, relaxed mood

Increased desire and ability to socialise

Increased self-confidence in a gracefully soft kind of way (I feel more self-love and acceptance, but there's no cockiness or swagger)


Effects on others:


Increased happy & light-hearted vibe

Fun, slightly flirty or very connective behaviour

Strong desire for others to engage with me (they seem to fall in love with the social interactions they have with me)

Literally lights up people's eyes

Increased touching (even from relative strangers)

Increased affection and indulgence

The positive vibe you emit really leaves a strong impression on them


I've been using Lumina both in UN strength, and in scented form (1/3 strength of UN). With the UN I use between 2 and 4 sprays- it has always worked. If you're being fairly conservative I'd say go for more, if you're a fogger, I'd say try less. I have even used 5 or 6 sprays a couple of times and never OD'ed.


With the 1/3 scented form I tend to use 2 or 3 sprays, plus 1 or 2 UN to back effects up. I think I could use less than I do and it might even work better, but I'm a bit excessive like that. I don't take much notice of how it effects my family- I think with social blends that are more light and upbeat and flirty like Lumina you are perhaps less likely to see strong effects on family than with deep bonding blends, etc. Could be wrong there though- I don't really care how it effects them, I'm using it to increase my socialisation at work, etc.

Edited by vladmyra
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Wow, thank you Vladmyra... great info. I'd say I've gone waaay too conservative then. One spray - and I get ZERO EFX (that I can tell) either way (but I KNOW it's not making ME feel special...) So maybe I'll try a spray to the torso and one on top of clothes/hair (?) and one on arms (close to skin on left inside then swipe together?) I purchased the UN last month and was really excited to use it, but I feel like I'd do just as well spraying water on myself at this point. That's a tough one when I budgeted so much to spend on the UN and at least with a scented blend of Lumina I could enjoy the smell, LOL. I was torn between ordering Lumina and Pop Potion (but opted for this because it was released) Now I'm wondering if I should have gone the other way.... I'll give the more is MORE theory a try next time I wear Lumina. Thanks so much for your help!!!

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Yes I would try more before giving up...have not tried UN Lumina but i usually wear 3 or 4 sprays of everything really...let us know how it goes, thinking about giving this UN a try myself...

TY MDC... I think I pretty much have approached UNs with a less is more kind of thing but maybe I need to get a little braver to really see the EFX. What has been your experience with Pop Potion? Or, I guess I should go check that thread first, LOL. I'd love to know your experience with either.
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Un Lumina, 3-4 sprays here too. PP - more even. Most sprays are usually golden at 3-4 though.


Got the idea to up my sprays of PP from Dolphindolls2 and that did the trick for me - you'll see as you read through the thread there :)

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LoveStruck, the other thing I'd be doing as well as upping your sprays would be to consider spraying Lumina in places where it will get the most exposure to the air, rather than focusing on places like the torso. I spray this one exclusively on hair/clothes and neck/décolletage. I have the 60/40 alcohol & silicon version, and I think it really adheres well to clothes, and works well this way. As it's a social spray you want to get it as out there as possible.

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LoveStruck, the other thing I'd be doing as well as upping your sprays would be to consider spraying Lumina in places where it will get the most exposure to the air, rather than focusing on places like the torso. I spray this one exclusively on hair/clothes and neck/décolletage. I have the 60/40 alcohol & silicon version, and I think it really adheres well to clothes, and works well this way. As it's a social spray you want to get it as out there as possible.

Just want to echo this -- with Lumina, I do sprays high on the neck, front and back, in my hair, and on my forearms. I use the torso for the more cops-heavy phero blends.

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LoveStruck, the other thing I'd be doing as well as upping your sprays would be to consider spraying Lumina in places where it will get the most exposure to the air, rather than focusing on places like the torso. I spray this one exclusively on hair/clothes and neck/décolletage. I have the 60/40 alcohol & silicon version, and I think it really adheres well to clothes, and works well this way. As it's a social spray you want to get it as out there as possible.

Just want to echo this -- with Lumina, I do sprays high on the neck, front and back, in my hair, and on my forearms. I use the torso for the more cops-heavy phero blends.

i know this is probably a stupid question as I should have this committed to memory after 3 months, but don't pheros need body heat to disperse? I thought hair & clothes would be a waste if you didn't cover this skin as well. Thanks for all the help,


Would also liketo know if there are any other UNs that it's 'safe' to layer Lumina with to either enhance or 'boost' EFX ...

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The body heat really helps the oil-based pheros to disperse, but I've always used my social sprays mainly on clothes more than skin, for increased lasting power, and they work great. I started doing this when I noticed that my spray perfumes hung around longer on my clothes than skin. I figured the pheros would too- I think they do. With the social sprays, if people can inhale them, they'll be working- so you want to just put them wherever they'll get the most snorfling value.


Lumina's got quite a few ingredients, so if you were going to try adding anything else I'd start with either straight cops, LAM or BAM. I've personally added extra DHEAS a couple of times, as well as cops now and then, to good effect.


Honestly though, I think you just need to start by really experimenting with upping the dosage. If you've only ever used one spray you haven't given it a good go yet- try 2, then 3, then 4. Unlike some other spray UNs I've got (like Lace) I've never crashed with Lumina before. Good luck, and have lots of fun with it!

Edited by vladmyra
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Hmmm, okay Lovestruck. For me, (and I've dedicated a good amount of testing time to Lumina), I notice these types of effects:


Self-effects (often subtle, but definite):


Positive, upbeat, relaxed mood

Increased desire and ability to socialise

Increased self-confidence in a gracefully soft kind of way (I feel more self-love and acceptance, but there's no cockiness or swagger)


Effects on others:


Increased happy & light-hearted vibe

Fun, slightly flirty or very connective behaviour

Strong desire for others to engage with me (they seem to fall in love with the social interactions they have with me)

Literally lights up people's eyes

Increased touching (even from relative strangers)

Increased affection and indulgence

The positive vibe you emit really leaves a strong impression on them


I've been using Lumina both in UN strength, and in scented form (1/3 strength of UN). With the UN I use between 2 and 4 sprays- it has always worked. If you're being fairly conservative I'd say go for more, if you're a fogger, I'd say try less. I have even used 5 or 6 sprays a couple of times and never OD'ed.


With the 1/3 scented form I tend to use 2 or 3 sprays, plus 1 or 2 UN to back effects up. I think I could use less than I do and it might even work better, but I'm a bit excessive like that. I don't take much notice of how it effects my family- I think with social blends that are more light and upbeat and flirty like Lumina you are perhaps less likely to see strong effects on family than with deep bonding blends, etc. Could be wrong there though- I don't really care how it effects them, I'm using it to increase my socialisation at work, etc.

Vlad, you are totally making me *want* this one! These are lovely effects and a great review. Very helpful. Thank you. :)

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Hmmm, okay Lovestruck. For me, (and I've dedicated a good amount of testing time to Lumina), I notice these types of effects:


Self-effects (often subtle, but definite):


Positive, upbeat, relaxed mood

Increased desire and ability to socialise

Increased self-confidence in a gracefully soft kind of way (I feel more self-love and acceptance, but there's no cockiness or swagger)


Effects on others:


Increased happy & light-hearted vibe

Fun, slightly flirty or very connective behaviour

Strong desire for others to engage with me (they seem to fall in love with the social interactions they have with me)

Literally lights up people's eyes

Increased touching (even from relative strangers)

Increased affection and indulgence

The positive vibe you emit really leaves a strong impression on them


I've been using Lumina both in UN strength, and in scented form (1/3 strength of UN). With the UN I use between 2 and 4 sprays- it has always worked. If you're being fairly conservative I'd say go for more, if you're a fogger, I'd say try less. I have even used 5 or 6 sprays a couple of times and never OD'ed.


With the 1/3 scented form I tend to use 2 or 3 sprays, plus 1 or 2 UN to back effects up. I think I could use less than I do and it might even work better, but I'm a bit excessive like that. I don't take much notice of how it effects my family- I think with social blends that are more light and upbeat and flirty like Lumina you are perhaps less likely to see strong effects on family than with deep bonding blends, etc. Could be wrong there though- I don't really care how it effects them, I'm using it to increase my socialisation at work, etc.

I like the sound of this!


I have to break mine out more. I ended up with 2 sprays and my good ole AHE oil.


I have not had much chance to test as I've been working the SWS and Leather lately.

TH for the family fun stuff.

I'm going to give my Lumina more time out in the world. So far I have not noticed much, perhaps I need to find that sweet spot. What I do notice is that very pronounced feel I get off EST. But nothing much else.

Time for a serious test, the NR sounds so good I better get going.

Edited by StacyK
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i know this is probably a stupid question as I should have this committed to memory after 3 months, but don't pheros need body heat to disperse? I thought hair & clothes would be a waste if you didn't cover this skin as well. Thanks for all the help,


Would also liketo know if there are any other UNs that it's 'safe' to layer Lumina with to either enhance or 'boost' EFX ...

Sorry, Lovestruck, I just saw this! My VERY limited understanding -- and please someone smack me if I am spreading false info -- is that perfumes/pheros in straight oil need body heat to disperse (hence the recommendation to do the "lollipop" on torso and smoosh with wrists for the oil roll-ons), while the alcohol in the sprays increases diffusion. I get many of my pheros and perfumes in sprays in part so I can put them on wrists/neck/hair and have the alcohol get the stuff out there in a way it won't if I put oil on those places which don't heat up as much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is probably a no-no, but I used my Cougar Potion RB oil today, then sprayed Lumina 4X over clothes, etc. I'm guessing these two are ok to layer... nevertheless the (younger) men at the studio today got really tongue-tied and clumsy around me (two separate incidents) I didn't think anything of it until the second guy started acting like a nervous prom date, then I thought "Coincidence? Or Cougar/Lumina?" Of course I don't know if it was a combination, Cougar (which does get hits) or a hit - FINALLY - from Lumina. At least it was fun. :hellow-soldier:

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I want to try Lumina but with everything else on my list, can really only go for one big 'booster'. I've been reading the DHEAS or Topper thread - def good info there as well as here.


So.. if it helps (noticed some were asking about difft effects from these)- I copied/ pasted into from the LP website on what's in each. If that's not OK pls let me know, don't want to upset anyone or infringe on anything. So here's the skinny per LP:


Lumina: For accentuating that precious 'glow' of femininity ~ attractiveness, sparkle, happiness, youthful appeal and confidence.

Ingredients: Estratetraenol, Alpha-Androstenol, DHEAS, Epi-Androsterone, Copulins.


Topper: Topper is a "finishing spray", that may be worn by both men and women. It contains the light-hearted mood elevator and sexual attractant Alpha Androstenol, and the youthful, energizing, lovey-dovey excitement of DHEAS.


It makes sense that Topper wouldn't have EST, because that's a girl thing, specifically pregnancy which is probably why it makes you look/ appear glowy. :D Also looks like Lumina has cops, but Topper doesn't.


DHEAS: Single Molecule UNscented Pheromone Spray for both sexes to wear. Bestows a feeling of youthful vitality, excitement, mood elevation, friendliness and assists bonding.


So in addition to personal pref & chemistry, prob one way to look at it (if you can only get 1 for awhile) is - if you are already wearing cops & pheros, perhaps DHEAS is a good choice.


BUT if you're like me, just starting & have mainly samples in oil (so I can't spray around for max drawing effect & can only get 1 for awhile) - may make sense to go for Lumina or Topper. I read in a thread (I think it's the DHEA or Toppers thread) that some ppl may not like EST on them bc their SOs like them 'fiestier' vs. maybe appearing more vunerable, an effect from the EST in Lumina.


So just something else to add to the mix for personal consideration. Now even if your SO likes you fiesty, everyone's chemistry is different. I personally LOVE the descrip for ALL of them -and want to be all glowy too! :kiss43:


I'd get them ALL right now if I could. Thanks to all for the info on selfies and hits.


Thanks Lovestruck - good info on Lumina paired with Cougar. I have cougar samples - thinking of test driving Cougar tonight - wish I had a mini spray kit, but in due time. :D In interim, may pair Cougar with LP Pink - because LOVE my sugar in the LP Pink - smells so Yummy. And lasts.

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I have Topper and Lumina in spray - and yes they are both good for layering on top of the oil based scents. I have Cougar Scented in RB and I'm almost out... I'm actually thinking of going spray next time, although I do get plenty of hits from the oil so apparently diffusion isn't an issue. When I first bought Cougar several of the vets recommended OCCO Pink with it - and that IS a great combo if you want to amp up the EoW level.


If you read back on this post, you'll see that I had a tough time getting any 'hits' from Lumina... had to find my "sweet" spot (#) as it were... 4 sprays. I do love Topper, but Lumina is more of a feminine edge UNphero, and it just recently got added back to the phero list this year. I've done quite a bit of experimenting (and READING, OMG) the past 4 short months here on LPMP, but I still rely heavily on the suggestions and guidance of a few key forum members that have a wealth of knowledge, to say the least. Sounds like you're having a ton of fun Beach Goddess! It's an addicting (and expensive) habit! :perfume-emoticon:

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I have to say I've not had a single hit from Lumina. I first tried it in AHE, I get mild selfies off it mainly due to the EST.


I have Un in spray as well, but nada.




IMO Cougar is by far more effective.

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I've tried Lumina a couple of times from the trial spray that I have, I get nothing, nada, zip.

Hmmm, might have to re-visit this one, I think I still have my trial spray somewhere. Maybe I didn't give this one a fair shake, I recall being pretty conservative with my sprays because I didn't want to OD the way I did with Cougar. Heart & Soul seems to be the one phero I can spray with abandon and not OD on, perhaps this is another one I need a fair amount of. Further testing needed! :)

Edited by SpriteLeigh
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Hmmm, might have to re-visit this one, I think I still have my trial spray somewhere. Maybe I didn't give this one a fair shake, I recall being pretty conservative with my sprays because I didn't want to OD the way I did with Cougar. Heart & Soul seems to be the one phero I can spray with abandon and not OD on, perhaps this is another one I need a fair amount of. Further testing needed! :)

SL I know I was about to give up on Lumina. One day I opted for 4 sprays in a "WTH" moment and it made a difference in the way people were acting around me. I may even squeak it up to 5 just to test. It has taken more w/lumina than with Cougar or any other Un I've used...not sure why though.
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This is really interesting to me- it seems that people who don't notice much with Lumina respond really well to Cougar. On the other hand I adore Lumina, but couldn't care less about Cougar. Mind you, I've only tried it a couple of times- still, I felt nothing at all, and didn't notice much in terms of effects on others. Yet basically every other blend I've tried so far has worked well for me.

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This is really interesting to me- it seems that people who don't notice much with Lumina respond really well to Cougar. On the other hand I adore Lumina, but couldn't care less about Cougar. Mind you, I've only tried it a couple of times- still, I felt nothing at all, and didn't notice much in terms of effects on others. Yet basically every other blend I've tried so far has worked well for me.


That's encouraging; Cougar does not work for me, and I have a FB of Pherodise (with Lumina) on the way. :)

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For me, Lumina is more for myself... Meaning, I rarely get hits, but I get tons of selfies. Cougar gives me selfies AND hits!

That's interesting Hearts... do you get any results from Pop Potion? I was torn between ordering Lumina and PP... kinda wish I'd gone with PP now.


Do you use UNCougar or the scented (or both?)

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That's interesting Hearts... do you get any results from Pop Potion? I was torn between ordering Lumina and PP... kinda wish I'd gone with PP now.


Do you use UNCougar or the scented (or both?)

I love UN cougar, personally I can wear a TON without ODing. It's one of my favorite pheros. I also wear PP. I like it... It's not as shiny, sparkly as Cougar. Cougar is more life of the party, "it girl" and a bit more sexy. Women can sometimes get jealous of your shine or get catty. With Pop Potion, people get more starstruck, try to seek your approval and get really friendly. I can wear without fear of jealousy from other women. I used to wear a lot to my cosmetics counter job. It worked great (except the one time a woman's husband wouldn't stop STARING. Lol- so weird!) I have both and love each, but Cougar gives me the most hits. Lumina I wear mostly for selfies. As mentioned above, I don't get many hits with Lumina. I get just about the same selfies I get with Cougar, but not any noticeable hits, unless I pair with Topper.

This is just my personal experience, so it could be different for you and others:) hope that helped!!

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In my current situation, it is *all* about what makes me feel good! ;) the only hits I am interested in right now are the ones that might make me want to kiss the mirror!

:yeahthat::witch1095: I can't say I've had any 'selfies' with Lumina, but then I've never actually been looking for them either! I've been just looking outside myself for 'validation'! Geez that sounds like a psych evaluation :say19:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Diannadana

I just ordered Lumina, I order for self effects too. Has anyone diluted the roll on silicone with alcohol to turn into spry? Found this works well with my mothers little helper at work

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I have diluted my oils with perfumers alcohol many time to make a travel sized spray. My normal is 1/3 oil to 2/3 perfumers alcohol. LP also sells the 1 ounce bottle with perfumers alcohol ready for converting a 10ml bottle of oil on the ArtFire site if you haven't got the perfumers alcohol on hand yourself :)
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I'm glad to read this Birkey... I just ordered Lumina this month. I was torn between it and Popularity Potion... just couldn't get both AND the June NR I wanted.


I'm wondering how Lumina compares to SS4W... in terms of EFX

I have both Lumina and SS4W in my arsenal and to me they are both must haves. Lumina is an amazing social blend and SS4W makes me feel sexy and social at the same time

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This is really interesting to me- it seems that people who don't notice much with Lumina respond really well to Cougar. On the other hand I adore Lumina, but couldn't care less about Cougar. Mind you, I've only tried it a couple of times- still, I felt nothing at all, and didn't notice much in terms of effects on others. Yet basically every other blend I've tried so far has worked well for me.

This is my experience too. I haven't tried lumina much but I don't recall getting great self fx or fx on others - I recall it making me feel weak and insecure a time or two. Chicken and egg maybe - haven't tried sufficiently varying amounts to find sweet spot. Oh and pop potion only works for me if I use a microscopic dab.

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This is really interesting to me- it seems that people who don't notice much with Lumina respond really well to Cougar. On the other hand I adore Lumina, but couldn't care less about Cougar. Mind you, I've only tried it a couple of times- still, I felt nothing at all, and didn't notice much in terms of effects on others. Yet basically every other blend I've tried so far has worked well for me.


This is my experience too. I haven't tried lumina much but I don't recall getting great self fx or fx on others - I recall it making me feel weak and insecure a time or two. Chicken and egg maybe - haven't tried sufficiently varying amounts to find sweet spot. Oh and pop potion only works for me if I use a microscopic dab.

Wow I never thought about this until now - but I do get hits from Cougar whereas I feel like I'm trying too hard with Lumina. Of course I'd need one of our resident forum experts to explain why this might be happening.

I was torn between ordering Lumina and Pop Potion and decided on Lumina... but now I'm thinking I could've ordered Pop Potion and been here complaining that I 'should've' opted for Lumina as maybe neither would work with my chem! Ahhhh SCIENCE. If memory serves me correctly (and it's been a LONG time, LOL) I think I made C's in Chemistry.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Diannadana

I have tried this out a few times in social situations, it really had an effect on one of our friends who tends to not share much. She was super chatty and asked advise on considering a job change. Her husband was heavily leaning on her to change jobs, which she didn't want to do, but normally would have gone along with anything he says. Dinner Wednesday and she called Thursday saying she slept on our conversation and said she decided to stay and went to her boss with ideas about restructuring her position and he agreed! I feel more social with this blend, but tend not to sensor myself as much as I do at work, so wear for social situations only!

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  • 2 months later...

I've been puzzling over this one and trying to understand its difference from Cougar. I like the scent of Cougar and have possibly has a hit or two with it but I don't feel these are consistent. Maybe I'm just missing subtle ones but in any case I think I will give Lumina a try. I don't mind swagger (in fact I'd say I prefer it) but Lumina still sounds great for sort of drawing people in and really getting them to chat.

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Give it a go then Donsie. It really seems with Cougar and Lumina that sometimes if one works really well for someone, the other will be "meh". Cougar is a subtle blend on me with inconsistent results, like you mentioned. Lumina makes a noticeable, wonderful difference. I've even had several people start stroking my arm, touching my hair, etc with this stuff. I am not a toucher, and tend to project a protective barrier around myself, so this is very out of the ordinary for me. It draws people to me like moths to a flame.


Good luck!

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Give it a go then Donsie. It really seems with Cougar and Lumina that sometimes if one works really well for someone, the other will be "meh". Cougar is a subtle blend on me with inconsistent results, like you mentioned. Lumina makes a noticeable, wonderful difference. I've even had several people start stroking my arm, touching my hair, etc with this stuff. I am not a toucher, and tend to project a protective barrier around myself, so this is very out of the ordinary for me. It draws people to me like moths to a flame.


Good luck!

I know this doesn't offer anyone info, but thanks to all for posting on this thread. Great info!


And thanks to Vlad - very very good info. I have wanted to try this one since day one, it's one of my top 3 next 'must haves'. I can't wait to try, I want to be all glowy and have people fawn over me. :Emoticons04250:


ETA: Is it bad that I said that? True though, sounds like a great experience and love the idea of having aura being glowy. :)

Edited by Beach Goddess
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