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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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Well, of course I'm getting the sampler......


I also purchased full sizes of......D & D set, Classic Seduction, Nasty Habits, Dominance, Treasured Hearts, Essence Oil.....for freebies, I chose NOX, Hathor, and BFF......

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I ordered the monthly sampler, a full sized bottle of Nakai Nectar another full sized bottle of Blatant Invitation, samples of Breaking the Ceiling, Lady Casanova, Me,Jane, Immortal Beauty and LP Black. And I'll order more once my credit cards stop hiding from me. :)

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Made a huge order recently


2 bottles of Sugared Roses with added Taa

Blatant Invitation (can never have too much!)

True Confessions

Treasured Hearts (I'd die if I ran out)

PheroGirl Dominance (I've been called intimidating already, but whatever)

Nakai Nectar

NOX (as my freebie)


I already have so many bottles floating around it's ridiculous :D

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I plan to order the new release sampler set and maybe some other fragrance samples. And I am seriously thinking of getting a full size bottle of Love Potion Black.



OOOOOH, LP Black is one of my favorites of the Love Potion series......

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Since Dolly has given such excellent reviews on blatant invitation

i had to order a bottle along with my mo. sample pack.

oooohhh, i cant wait to try it on my hubby. :D



It is absolutely DA BOMB!!!!!

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I truly need Sommeil des Anges. I haven't slept more than four hours in a week. I cannot WAIT to get it. Aside from that I can't wait to try everything. I don't trust myself to know notes well enough to order a full bottle before I sample! Gotta wait for my monthly sampler to decide.

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I truly need Sommeil des Anges. I haven't slept more than four hours in a week. I cannot WAIT to get it. Aside from that I can't wait to try everything. I don't trust myself to know notes well enough to order a full bottle before I sample! Gotta wait for my monthly sampler to decide.


Hey hun.....I have insomnia problems too.....had it for a long time....was on prescription meds for awhile.....now, I am on herbals.....I take valerian and melatonin at bedtime.....you may want to try it......

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I've just put in an order for Sommeil des Anges (this is the one I REALLY need!) and Allegro, with samples of Honeyed Seductions and Autumn Lust, and Bayberry & Gold for my 3-for-2.



Hey, great minds think alike -- those were the two that I ordered! I also ordered True Confessions and Treasured Hearts. My freebies should be Frosted Mulberry and Essence of Luck if they're still available . . . I gave Mara a couple of alternate choices just in case, so my next package could be a surprise!

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Couldn't hold out any longer, I caved and bought blind, w/o experiencing the new Aug releases, didn't want to lose opportunity of the B2GOF. So I went with my original choices of Le Sommiel Des Anges and Down & Dirty (women's version). This feels like deja vu, did I post this already ? perhaps I'm still loopy from TH and CFM from last night/am ? !

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OK, I thought I would do a little "poll"......who's ordering what? What excites you the most?


I'll start......I HAD TO order "976 Girl", to go with the series (Dirty Sexy, Nasty Habits).....then, I had to get samples of Taxed, Till Death, Bravado, and the "new" PheroGirl.......


AND, I get a free bottle of "Honeyed Seductions".....I was sooooooo surprised and am soooooooo excited about this!!!




My next order is most deffinatly going to be C.F.M unfortunatly I have to wait until next Thursday to place the order since its the beginning of the month and thats when I pay all my bills but next Thursday is the day! I'am praying it doesnt go on Low Stock by then but if so Mara hold one for me!!! :)

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I am much to emabarassed at the amount I have ordered to write it in here lol, I went all out :)


Oh and Karmiel, like luna said the vanilla bean is thicker and almost more creamier than the french vanilla. I a, sure if it doesnt work for you there will be others open to trade :003-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co

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I am much to emabarassed at the amount I have ordered to write it in here lol, I went all out :)


Oh and Karmiel, like luna said the vanilla bean is thicker and almost more creamier than the french vanilla. I a, sure if it doesnt work for you there will be others open to trade :lolipop:


Hehehehe, dont be embaressed. I don't order a lot at once but I order often!! Sometimes to often...lol! :)

Iam 25 years old now but I wish I would have discovered this site when i was like 18 years old oh boy would I have had a field day. Dunno why but iam a lot more reserved now then i was back then. I was a wild thing as a teenager and deffinatly boy crazy. But now not so much. I guess life! bad relationships especially 3 years of fighting and psychological obuse and living with the guy too. I am just finally now starting to get out off it and reconnect with myself thanks to the potions. I guess things in life come to you when their suppost too. But anyway, I am totally ;) right now. :msn_red_fox_smilies-09: Thanks for listening though, I have little close friends especially ladies so its nice to be able to have something now that i do for me that inspires me and communicate with other people too. By the way I tried the "Sweet Revenge" and I absolutley love it. Seriuosly I dont have 1

negative thought in my mind or worry which for me is a blessing! HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! hehehehehehehe Love ya! :drunk: Guilty!!! HEHEHEHEHEH!

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I'm 22 and have never had a good experience out of the few relationships I've been in. I'm still really dependent and itching for my life to finally change and I'm not sure if I'll ever find a good relationship, But I'm learning that I can't make my goals based on people anymore. I'll try not to give out too much personal information here though, sometimes it goes to far lol....


I dunno maybe it's off topic, sorry. I do feel quite differnet from everyone else here though.


I just made another order. Frosted mulberry, Naughty Minx and as my freebie my everything nice bottle that was on hold. For samples I asked for insight potion and fairy lure. Whoopie!

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As almost 2x your age, IFF...(and AG, too) I can tell you my 20's were NOT easy! Not the most fulfilling relationships, partly due to the fact that I was still growing into my own person. Took me a while. I think 20's are a time of great growth, personal discovery, and growing pains...lots of good times, but for "happiness" and "contentedness"? - that took a bit longer. Besides, I don't think the majority of men in their 20's are at their best either! Some take till their 30's to be a bit less tough to hold a true relationship with. NOT to say that it doesn't /can't happen (or that bad relationships don't happen later on...I think hopefully we become more descriminating over time)! Just on "average"...my humble experience, .02, etc. etc.


Hang in there ladies, men, relationships...stuff, it does get better!


:rolleyes: .....and now back to our original thread: I picked up the monthly sampler, Communication, Freya's Flirtation and uh...what? Portunus? I guess my package will be a bit of a surprise! :)

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As almost 2x your age, IFF...(and AG, too) I can tell you my 20's were NOT easy! Not the most fulfilling relationships, partly due to the fact that I was still growing into my own person. Took me a while. I think 20's are a time of great growth, personal discovery, and growing pains...lots of good times, but for "happiness" and "contentedness"? - that took a bit longer. Besides, I don't think the majority of men in their 20's are at their best either! Some take till their 30's to be a bit less tough to hold a true relationship with. NOT to say that it doesn't /can't happen (or that bad relationships don't happen later on...I think hopefully we become more descriminating over time)! Just on "average"...my humble experience, .02, etc. etc.


Hang in there ladies, men, relationships...stuff, it does get better!


:offtopic: .....and now back to our original thread: I picked up the monthly sampler, Communication, Freya's Flirtation and uh...what? Portunus? I guess my package will be a bit of a surprise! :thumbup:



Ya "Freaya Flirtation" is awsome too. Like ive been saying in my other posts so far the "July potions" are some of my favorite once on here . I haven't gotten all the big bottles yet of my favorite once for that month but i'll get there...lol. To many favorites from "July" hehehee :thumbup: but ya, 20's havent been the best for me so far. Lots of struggles with myself as well as my place in this world. A lot of times I feel out of place and I can't seem to find contentment not only with myself but in relationships and honestly everything but I am sure with time everything will get better.

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Well my box of "new" goodies came yesterday. I received the notice in the mail and went screaming like a wild banshee to the post office. I made it with 5 minutes to spare. I torn into the box on the drive home. I would have used my teeth if I hadn't had a pen. I've found that pens are very effective with light seams. Anyway, I ended up receiving my last order first. I received...




Phero Girl: Super

Pherogirl (scented)

Blatant Invitation

True Confessions

(2) Raven Moon 2008 ***came same day


Samples: C.F.M, LP: Winter Solstice, LP: Green, Sultry Afternoon, Me Jane, Deliciously Wicked, Kittenish, Nasty Habits, EGG, Scandalous (Magical Omaha).


Whew! I think that's all. What's bad is that I'm expecting another one soon that's just as big. :D

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Yes everyone tomorrow is the day!! I' am placing my big order since my last little order of some samples. I will be ordering big size bottles of C.F.M, Either Breaking The Ceiling or Freeyas Flirtation potion but I havent made up my mind on that one yet i'll have to think about it over night. And of course my new love "Sweet Revenge" possibly even a small sample of Aches to Dust! Hehehehe! :banana105: Yes Yes Its going to be a Happy Friday!

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A.G. if you Love Sweet Revenge, then you've gotta have Ashes t Dust. Not just because it helps banish whatever you are tryong to get the good attitudes "revenge" against, but because while it does't smell similar, it is the same kind of green herby smell to me. I use it when I am tired of florals and citrus, and can't deal with resins. It is criisp, and has the same fresh feel of Sweet Revenge! Good luck!

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A.G. if you Love Sweet Revenge, then you've gotta have Ashes t Dust. Not just because it helps banish whatever you are tryong to get the good attitudes "revenge" against, but because while it does't smell similar, it is the same kind of green herby smell to me. I use it when I am tired of florals and citrus, and can't deal with resins. It is criisp, and has the same fresh feel of Sweet Revenge! Good luck!


Oh cool, Ya I dunno why I havent tried that yet. Ill probably grab a sample of it then see how I like it. Maybe I should just order the big one of it instead of "Breaking The Ceiling" AHHHH!!! I can't decide. I always have to think twice when it comes to this stuff. :banana105: I'll deffinatly will be getting C.F.M though ive been wanting to get that since it came out but changed my mind cause the other once I wanted were on Low Stock at the time so had to grab them first. Now iam finaly going to purchase it along with whatever I decide but shit I dunno. I'll have to think about it over night. Knowing my chaotic gemini personality maybe it would be better to get Ashes to Dust and Sweet Revenge. :banana105:

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I placed my order today. Of course It was as usual a hard decision but I went with C.F.M, Breaking The Ceiling, Sweet Revenge and got a sample size of Ashes To Dust. :woohoonaner2gy:


I love my potions! :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:

Happy Friday Everyone :drunk:

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I just placed another order...I can't seem to stop myself. I ordered: C.F.M.; LP: Green; Me, Jane; Treasured Hearts; Cougar Potion; Sugared Honeycomb; Pure Sugar; Sultry Afternoon; Allegro; and approx six samples.


I love the concept of samples. I always get so many. I wish there was a special group rate. :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:

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Well remember...we do get two free for every order $20 and over; you just have to remember to put them in the notes section on PayPal.



Thanks! I totally remember that. I almost feel bad about wanting the two free ones, since M&D put little samples in there anyway. It's like they're feeding the addiction like that crack dealer who stands at the corner and offers the first one for free. :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:

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Thanks! I totally remember that. I almost feel bad about wanting the two free ones, since M&D put little samples in there anyway. It's like they're feeding the addiction like that crack dealer who stands at the corner and offers the first one for free. :D



hehehehehe I know. Iam totally addicted to the potions. :) buts its all good its a good addiction.

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Well remember...we do get two free for every order $20 and over; you just have to remember to put them in the notes section on PayPal.



Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you can only get the 2 free ones once a month....



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As almost 2x your age, IFF...(and AG, too) I can tell you my 20's were NOT easy! Not the most fulfilling relationships, partly due to the fact that I was still growing into my own person. Took me a while. I think 20's are a time of great growth, personal discovery, and growing pains...lots of good times, but for "happiness" and "contentedness"? - that took a bit longer. Besides, I don't think the majority of men in their 20's are at their best either! Some take till their 30's to be a bit less tough to hold a true relationship with. NOT to say that it doesn't /can't happen (or that bad relationships don't happen later on...I think hopefully we become more descriminating over time)! Just on "average"...my humble experience, .02, etc. etc.


Hang in there ladies, men, relationships...stuff, it does get better!




OK, now I am going back to the :) conversation. I agree with you Katz.....I am 41 this year, and I am enjoying this time in my life more than any other thus far.


My 20's were absolute hell.......so were most of my 30's, as a matter of fact. The last 5 years have been really rough, but I have finally found that spot where I know who I am, and am no longer trying to be what other people want. I am me, PERIOD. I feel very content with that.


I also made a decison as to what I will and will not tolerate in a relationship. I would rather be happy alone than miserable with somebody. Along with that realization came the relationship that I had been looking for all those years.....just when I stopped "looking", he showed up!


It DOES get better ladies.....just hang in there!!

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Thanks! I totally remember that. I almost feel bad about wanting the two free ones, since M&D put little samples in there anyway. It's like they're feeding the addiction like that crack dealer who stands at the corner and offers the first one for free. :)


WHAT?! Free crack on the corner :) SWeeet :msn_red_fox_smilies-09: Ok sorry, that wasnt funny I am hiding in the corner now, ashamed :)


Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you can only get the 2 free ones once a month....




Yes it is only 2 per month :) That was the original intention.

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Oh SOOOO I got my order today! YAY!!! so many bottles and goodies :) I am SOOO going to have to take a photo of my stash, I think it is almost as good as Vivica's 5 months ago :)


Anyone else want to take a picture and share the sight of their goodie?

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Oh SOOOO I got my order today! YAY!!! so many bottles and goodies :) I am SOOO going to have to take a photo of my stash, I think it is almost as good as Vivica's 5 months ago :)


Anyone else want to take a picture and share the sight of their goodie?


Heh...I'm looking for a new storage unit for my babies...I'm almost full in the cool little cigar box I've been using! That's FULL BOTTLES...know I no shame?

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Heh...I'm looking for a new storage unit for my babies...I'm almost full in the cool little cigar box I've been using! That's FULL BOTTLES...know I no shame?


Wait till you see what I have mine in hehehe, you will learn what else I buy a ton of too :)

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