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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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Hey Hey Ladies,


I haven't been coming on here as much latley because we hired new people here and since its a small corporation everyone can see everything and the less people know about my business the better if you know what I mean. :) My boss saw me on here one time before but I keep this site on the down low from my co-workers because its something I do for myself and don't like to advertise it to much.


But anyway, Ya, iam so excited about my Birthday. It falls on a Friday this year so I will be taking Friday-Monday off. June 5th-June 8th will be a 4 day of bliss and birthday fun! Iam hoping I could get my newely placed order by then with a big bottle of "LP Pink" and Reup of "Vain". I'll probably be heading down to the beach around my birthday aka down the shore as we call it around here in the east coast. Board walk fun, beautiful Ocean Breeze at night, making sweet love with my honey and of course drinking, drinking, smoking the erbs....hehehe :msn_red_fox_smilies-09: And I believe have a little sample of "Santa Carla" in my stash of goodies somewhere at the bottom of my stash so i'll probably bring that with me. I hadn't used it to much in the past so I hope i still have at least a little left because it'll be perfect for that night. :blue_dancing_banana:



Smoking the erbs huh...hey I wanna hang out with you...hehehe,

Y'all laughing, but with all I'm going through, trust me it keeps me sane.LOL


I know I don't know you but sounds like your gonna have a blast lady...fabulous! so let me just wish ya a happy b-day now!



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Smoking the erbs huh...hey I wanna hang out with you...hehehe,

Y'all laughing, but with all I'm going through, trust me it keeps me sane.LOL


I know I don't know you but sounds like your gonna have a blast lady...fabulous! so let me just wish ya a happy b-day now!




:blue_dancing_banana::) :msn_red_fox_smilies-09: have a blast.


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Well Happy Birthday Ancient Goddess you Wild one! Enjoy! If I'm belated I'm sorry. I've been busier than I can tell ya.

So- what am I ORDERING!?


ok here goes. remember- I only order every 3 months, which is why it seems so bloody insane. But I deserve it!



--Stone Cougar

--Like a Magnet (one for me and one as a b-day present for Nova)

--Open Windows

--Heart and Soul

--Body Paint

--Belladonna Brew


--The Little Goth Girl Next Door

--Hotter than Hell

--Hotness Personified

--Maras Rocket Fuel (was a hold)

--Scented Cuddle Bunny (same)

--Springtime in the Valley

--"The infamous wooden rack"

--Liz's Patchouli and Rose Otto

--Baby Dracs old Tyme Teething Formula(preorder)

--Tantric Butterfly

--Sugar Blue(a custom I whipped up-hope y'all like, sortof a spinoff of Sweet Lorien :020105~21:

--phero Boy Dominance

--teddy Man(both for my sexy awesome new boy!)

And I think that covers it! Whew! I can't wait for my treatsies!!!!!!

Think I done good y'all!?

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Well Happy Birthday Ancient Goddess you Wild one! Enjoy! If I'm belated I'm sorry. I've been busier than I can tell ya.

So- what am I ORDERING!?


ok here goes. remember- I only order every 3 months, which is why it seems so bloody insane. But I deserve it!



--Stone Cougar

--Like a Magnet (one for me and one as a b-day present for Nova)

--Open Windows

--Heart and Soul

--Body Paint

--Belladonna Brew


--The Little Goth Girl Next Door

--Hotter than Hell

--Hotness Personified

--Maras Rocket Fuel (was a hold)

--Scented Cuddle Bunny (same)

--Springtime in the Valley

--"The infamous wooden rack"

--Liz's Patchouli and Rose Otto

--Baby Dracs old Tyme Teething Formula(preorder)

--Tantric Butterfly

--Sugar Blue(a custom I whipped up-hope y'all like, sortof a spinoff of Sweet Lorien :Hug_emoticon:

--phero Boy Dominance

--teddy Man(both for my sexy awesome new boy!)

And I think that covers it! Whew! I can't wait for my treatsies!!!!!!

Think I done good y'all!?



One word...SWEET!

You are gonna love the LAM...but anyway's bet you can't wait for this package to arrive huh?...hehehe



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Stalking this section. I want Phero X or Actor's Magic in a roll-on. Badly.


Did I say Badly? Badly. Sighs.


Knock knock. Mara, Dana - any news? That you might be willing to share? And put me out of my misery?


I've got my list together of next purchases - but won't know what to order/submit - until after I know if the rest of the new Phero's are ready to go. But I'll say this - I can't imagine future orders that don't all include a bottle of LAM and the Wooz. Seriously - those are GREAT.

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Stalking this section. I want Phero X or Actor's Magic in a roll-on. Badly.


Did I say Badly? Badly. Sighs.


Knock knock. Mara, Dana - any news? That you might be willing to share? And put me out of my misery?


Amen to that! I'm driving myself nutz waiting for the new releases :waiting:

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I'm hoping Mara's Remind Me Again will be included in the New Releases !

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Now that I have received my shipping notice(stamps.com), I have a few pheros that I wanna order, but I am desperately making myself practice patience as I know I am planning to order some of the new releases. Especially if Pheromone X made the cut...oh I hope there will be some pheromone X...ooooh and actors magic would be cool too


either way, I know there is always at least two things that I want from the new releases each month...so I'll be purchasing something regardless...hehehe


I am sooooo looking forward to some juicy info



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Sigh....I am so not good at waiting...a case of beer and the entire series of Weeds are not even enough to distract me.....I'm so ready for new releases..


I agree with you on that one TG.I think weeds is gonna be on tnt tis season.



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Sometime this weekend. Only two more days of torture left to go. My list wants to go in - particularly if there is no PheroX or Actor's Magic Rollon to go June 1. I've got some really important meetings I'm dying to use the Actor's Magic at mid-June. And I'd be crushed if they didn't get here in time.


Although - the Stone Cougar - being lighter on Cops could well make a good all rounder. It certainly does have a Popularity Potion type affect on both sexes. So if no PheroX or AM yet - I'm getting some Sugared Honeycomb loaded with the Stone. Mmmmm


Back to lurking. Frequently. I wish I could just :lol: and wake up and the NEWS would be here.


Closing my eyes - waiting....waiting....NOPE. No change. So much for my powers of omnipotence. Oh yeah - I just wish I had them.

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I settled for ordering some LP swag. Now I will have some Wicked Sexy t-shirts at least. :-)


Can't wait til I walk around my neighborhood in that shirt. Hee Hee. The Stepford wives so don't get me.


Can you imagine - one of them even had the nerve to come down when the landscaper dropped off the plants I picked out - to tell me one of the shrubs I selected was a tad casual for a front garden bed. WTF? It attracts hummingbirds and I like hummingbirds. I bet she has sphincter tightening moments every time she drives by my house *now.* If she thought the shrub was casual - the riot of colors I put in between the annuals and perennials since then is so off the pantone color chart it's blinding. My whole front bed just screams "TACKY and ALIVE" now. Take that you nosy witch.


I still think the Woozy Floozy art would make a great Tee. (Giggles - imagining the scandalized expressions at THAT on a T shirt in this neighborhood. Oooh - shocking. Big babies.) Blows Raspberries. I'm really going to have to break out those naughty lucite shoes I bought soon and really give them something to talk about in the cul de sac.

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Shelly, you are my hero! I hate people like that, if people don't like me just the way I am then screw them!!!


My tacky ole Dad loves to "F'um if they can't take a joke.". I love my dad. :-)


Didn't fall far from the tree my much to my mother's frequent dismay.

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bwahahaha! Shelly, you crack me up. Danna says you should put on the lucite shoes and do a sexy car wash scene for the neighbors, to show off your new curves! :lol:


Sorry, we don't have the Pheromone X and Actor's Magic blends yet. Trust me, I have been begging, but apparently the lab at Stone is really backed up busy right now.


However, we did make the Magnet (LAM) variants everyone asked for, and a new one too - BAM!, with Beta-Nol instead. :rolleyes: Each lightly scented, available in 5 scents:

1) Sugared Vanilla & Honey (Original)

2) Pink Amber - Pinky sugars with Tunisian Amber added for depth.

3) Spicy Brown Sugar - Brown sugar, a hint of cinnamon, and a drop of amber for depth.

4) Orchid Rose - a light and fresh floral combo.

5) Sandalwood & Resins - Warm sandalwood, amber, and a drop of aged patchouli.

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My tacky ole Dad loves to "F'um if they can't take a joke.". I love my dad. :-)


Didn't fall far from the tree my much to my mother's frequent dismay.


You go girl!!


Seriously, how can a shrub be casual?? Was it wearing faded jeans, or had it's hair in a scrunchie??


Rock those sexy t-shirts Shelly!!

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1) Sugared Vanilla & Honey (Original)

2) Pink Amber - Pinky sugars with Tunisian Amber added for depth.

3) Spicy Brown Sugar - Brown sugar, a hint of cinnamon, and a drop of amber for depth.

4) Orchid Rose - a light and fresh floral combo.

5) Sandalwood & Resins - Warm sandalwood, amber, and a drop of aged patchouli.


YAY!!! :rolleyes:


Bring on the Pink Amber & Spicy Brown Sugar!!! :lol:

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bwahahaha! Shelly, you crack me up. Danna says you should put on the lucite shoes and do a sexy car wash scene for the neighbors, to show off your new curves! :lol:


Sorry, we don't have the Pheromone X and Actor's Magic blends yet. Trust me, I have been begging, but apparently the lab at Stone is really backed up busy right now.


However, we did make the Magnet (LAM) variants everyone asked for, and a new one too - BAM!, with Beta-Nol instead. :rolleyes: Each lightly scented, available in 5 scents:

1) Sugared Vanilla & Honey (Original)

2) Pink Amber - Pinky sugars with Tunisian Amber added for depth.

3) Spicy Brown Sugar - Brown sugar, a hint of cinnamon, and a drop of amber for depth.

4) Orchid Rose - a light and fresh floral combo.

5) Sandalwood & Resins - Warm sandalwood, amber, and a drop of aged patchouli.





So does that mean they are available right now....or..?


We gotta wait a couple more days?? hehe

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LOL @ BAM! Quince says he gives it a :lol:


My idea of scandalous is being relentlessly casual, as I live in a place where looking perfect all the time should probably be listed as a religious affiliation. Showing up at functions in band shirts and jeans while everyone else is wearing clothes twenty years too young for them usually causes tight-lipped smiles which crack me up inside.

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1) Sugared Vanilla & Honey (Original)

2) Pink Amber - Pinky sugars with Tunisian Amber added for depth.

3) Spicy Brown Sugar - Brown sugar, a hint of cinnamon, and a drop of amber for depth.

4) Orchid Rose - a light and fresh floral combo.

5) Sandalwood & Resins - Warm sandalwood, amber, and a drop of aged patchouli.



:great: They all sound sooooo yummy... I definitely have to get a bottle of the Sugared Vanilla and honey...or maybe the sandlewood... I can't decide yet


so will these scents only be for the bnol?

and....are there anymore updates for the new releases...huh, huh, huh :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co .lol


awwww phooey about the pheromes X and the actors magic :cry:



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However, we did make the Magnet (LAM) variants everyone asked for, and a new one too - BAM!, with Beta-Nol instead. :cry: Each lightly scented, available in 5 scents:

1) Sugared Vanilla & Honey (Original)

2) Pink Amber - Pinky sugars with Tunisian Amber added for depth.

3) Spicy Brown Sugar - Brown sugar, a hint of cinnamon, and a drop of amber for depth.

4) Orchid Rose - a light and fresh floral combo.

5) Sandalwood & Resins - Warm sandalwood, amber, and a drop of aged patchouli.


oooh what fun !! wish I could wear the 'pinky' sugars, the Pink Amber sounds Fab !! Mara ? are the pink sugars used in Pink Amber the same as in Esmy's Pink Emerald ? *crosses fingers she says no*

Edited by liz
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bwahahaha! Shelly, you crack me up. Danna says you should put on the lucite shoes and do a sexy car wash scene for the neighbors, to show off your new curves! :cry:


Sorry, we don't have the Pheromone X and Actor's Magic blends yet. Trust me, I have been begging, but apparently the lab at Stone is really backed up busy right now.


However, we did make the Magnet (LAM) variants everyone asked for, and a new one too - BAM!, with Beta-Nol instead. :great: Each lightly scented, available in 5 scents:

1) Sugared Vanilla & Honey (Original)

2) Pink Amber - Pinky sugars with Tunisian Amber added for depth.

3) Spicy Brown Sugar - Brown sugar, a hint of cinnamon, and a drop of amber for depth.

4) Orchid Rose - a light and fresh floral combo.

5) Sandalwood & Resins - Warm sandalwood, amber, and a drop of aged patchouli.



First of all - I love you back.


And no sexy car wash scene for me as the Lucite shoes really go best with this rocking '70's print mini-dress - which is so fun as to be totally out of place here in the land of golf shirts and khacki. Part of why I love it. Wore it to something at the kid's school the other day - sans lucite shoes as it was at their school for pity's sake. Anywhoo - Mr. Shelly says in the parking lot after - "Did you notice that at least 3 different fathers outright checked you out in that dress - in front of their wives?" I laughed - told him to pay more attention. I counted at least 4. And I don't have eyes in my a**.


Thanks for the heads up on the Phero X and AM blends. It frees me up to get my goodie's in - so at least I have the Stone in the Sugared Honeycomb before my meetings. Want to be ridiculously magnetic. Or at least - feel confident that I am - before I get there. <g>


I can't wait to try the new LAM's. Not so much a beta-nol fan. B-Nol equals NO secrets. Which for me is very, very bad. Everyone else either finds it outrageous or amusing - depending on which item I didn't mean/want to tell them - but I did. It's not like I have a long off ramp between neuron firing in my brain and my mouth opening under the best of circumstances. Shortening that ramp is never good.


TTFN - off to get my order in. :-)

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bwahahaha! Shelly, you crack me up. Danna says you should put on the lucite shoes and do a sexy car wash scene for the neighbors, to show off your new curves! :cry:


Sorry, we don't have the Pheromone X and Actor's Magic blends yet. Trust me, I have been begging, but apparently the lab at Stone is really backed up busy right now.


However, we did make the Magnet (LAM) variants everyone asked for, and a new one too - BAM!, with Beta-Nol instead. :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co Each lightly scented, available in 5 scents:

1) Sugared Vanilla & Honey (Original)

2) Pink Amber - Pinky sugars with Tunisian Amber added for depth.

3) Spicy Brown Sugar - Brown sugar, a hint of cinnamon, and a drop of amber for depth.

4) Orchid Rose - a light and fresh floral combo.

5) Sandalwood & Resins - Warm sandalwood, amber, and a drop of aged patchouli.


Great idea Danna!


And Mara, OMG! I think I may need every one of those. *faints*


Seriously, how can a shrub be casual?? Was it wearing faded jeans, or had it's hair in a scrunchie??



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You go girl!!


Seriously, how can a shrub be casual?? Was it wearing faded jeans, or had it's hair in a scrunchie??


Rock those sexy t-shirts Shelly!!



So - it's too casual as it's native and a little floppy. Which I don't care about - again - hummingbirds. If you search Turks Cap Hibiscus in the google image search - you'll see what it looks like. Apparently - this is entirely too "unstructured" for my neighborhood. At least in her view and at least for a front yard.


Like I said - if she'd kept her mouth shut - I might not have done my front garden beds like Pantone puked in it. But hey - the visually impaired can see my front beds from outer Space now. In retrospect - I bet she'd have been happier with the casual shrub as it was originally designed by the landscaper. Because now - I go to the garden center and think to self - which of these is so vivid that it will POP in my front beds? The louder the better.


As a side effect - I now have bunnies, tree frogs, lizards, snakes, really cool dragonflies and a huge selection of birds. I'm less delighted with the field mice and the dang rats that come over the back fence - but it's the gulf coast so they are here and they are staying. Every now and then one of the dogs nabs one. Cracked up when my elderly dog brought a big ol' dead rat to my daughter as a present. Thought the mini-me was going to pass out on the patio.


I really do have a demented sense of humor. If I could just figure out a way for the dog to haul the rat down the street to the neighbor who hates my bushes...highly unlikely but I can dream. :cry:

Edited by Shelly B
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Please remind me about Beta-Nol!! The sandalwood one sounds wonderful!


Here's what Dolly said


Beta Androstenol (also referred to as B-nol or Beta-nol)--similar to A-nol, but produces "deeper" communications--you may unintentionally blurt things out if you wear too much of this


Here's some more info from Ail


Beta-Androstenol lends a "Best-Friend" vibe to things even with people new to you, but I have only noticed that effect at low concentrations. What you get from an application of 50 mcg and above of b-nol (Beta-Androstenol), is that it brings to all conversations a more serious side, and you really can have some very good heart-to-hearts if that is what you looking for, by just using this level of concentration.
Edited by coffeemama
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Not available yet- we'll make the announcement.

There will also be the regular monthly, new goodies-and perhaps a surprise or two!


Stay tuned!



Hehe...sorry just got really excited for a moment there...

but I'll be waiting for the big announcement!!



Thanks for always keeping us up to date!!

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Not available yet- we'll make the announcement.

There will also be the regular monthly, new goodies-and perhaps a surprise or two!


Stay tuned!


I am for sure to be waiting with anticipation on all the new goodies.You all are so awsome :banana-computer:



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bwahahaha! Shelly, you crack me up. Danna says you should put on the lucite shoes and do a sexy car wash scene for the neighbors, to show off your new curves! :)


Sorry, we don't have the Pheromone X and Actor's Magic blends yet. Trust me, I have been begging, but apparently the lab at Stone is really backed up busy right now.


However, we did make the Magnet (LAM) variants everyone asked for, and a new one too - BAM!, with Beta-Nol instead. :) Each lightly scented, available in 5 scents:

1) Sugared Vanilla & Honey (Original)

2) Pink Amber - Pinky sugars with Tunisian Amber added for depth.

3) Spicy Brown Sugar - Brown sugar, a hint of cinnamon, and a drop of amber for depth.

4) Orchid Rose - a light and fresh floral combo.

5) Sandalwood & Resins - Warm sandalwood, amber, and a drop of aged patchouli.


So I take it that BAM will be Super B-nol with cops?? If so, orchid rose for me.

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