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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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Robert, your PE sounds delicious! I can't wait to hear your review on it.


I'm fighting off major temptation to place an order. I really want to try Leather and get more G&L which I love with all my heart. I'm also tempted to get some boosted Black. I haven't gotten myself any kind of XMas gift with work feeling rather iffy as of late (so sad because I really used to love it a lot). I think I might just have to be a bad little girl and get some of my precioussssssss LPs. (Darn LOTR trilogy is stuck in my brain!)

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I'm dying to order bottle of Boddice Ripper but don't want to hold up the 2 orders still pending !

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I am just itching to get a bottle of JoAnna's Christmas Candy, my sample is almost gone.. I know christmas will have passed, when I get it, but I am going to wear it anyway!!!!


Robert please review your PE it sounds so sexy....I am still trying to convert my old man...he is 48 :)

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ooooh your PE sounds wonderful Robert!!



Robert, your PE sounds delicious! I can't wait to hear your review on it.


I'm fighting off major temptation to place an order. I really want to try Leather and get more G&L which I love with all my heart. I'm also tempted to get some boosted Black. I haven't gotten myself any kind of XMas gift with work feeling rather iffy as of late (so sad because I really used to love it a lot). I think I might just have to be a bad little girl and get some of my precioussssssss LPs. (Darn LOTR trilogy is stuck in my brain!)



I am just itching to get a bottle of JoAnna's Christmas Candy, my sample is almost gone.. I know christmas will have passed, when I get it, but I am going to wear it anyway!!!!


Robert please review your PE it sounds so sexy....I am still trying to convert my old man...he is 48 :lol:


i'm eagerly awaiting my box of yuletide yumminess and will describe as best as i can mes petits choux. :003-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co

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I am just itching to get a bottle of JoAnna's Christmas Candy, my sample is almost gone.. I know christmas will have passed, when I get it, but I am going to wear it anyway!!!!


I'm planning to squeeze one in my next order too, after the new releases come out (so much suspense!)--who cares if Christmas is over by then, it's such a nomable scent I could wear it all year long!!!

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Well,after quite literally spending Hours reading this forum,I decided on a few samples to ease into my sure to be LP addiction :)


I want to say to you all how much I enjoy reading your posts,I have never had the pleasure of so many,clever,adventurous,helpfull,toss in a whole bunch more adjectives,group of people.


I ordered a couple more Cougar samples,and a couple Cuddlebunny,a couple Garland and Lace,an LP Red <this might be the One that will be amped with everything later> ...oh and a Phero Girl,because it is,well, Phero Girl :jumpforjoy: and I have never tried a honey scent.

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I'm dying to order bottle of Boddice Ripper but don't want to hold up the 2 orders still pending !


With you on that one. My next order waits until I get my stamps.com notice from my last order. The only time I make an exception is when it's like one or two days. But the next order will have Mapacho, Empress, and probably a couple of new, new releases. I managed to get the others I wanted in trade in the last couple of weeks.

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With you on that one. My next order waits until I get my stamps.com notice from my last order. The only time I make an exception is when it's like one or two days.


Always a good idea!


I have to resist the urge to get more right now. Two are just getting more of new favorites. The other is a new phero which I'm really curious to try. I fell in love with Lace. It's right up there with Cougar. A-nol doesn't even give me the level of satisfaction that Lace does. And G&L, well, I'd get every last bottle if I could. M&D&J will probably laugh hysterically at me as I begin ordering more of them. But even when it's ones I already have, there's a unique joy that comes with getting more of my preciousssssssssss ones.


LPMP = crack

starlitegirl = addict

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And G&L, well, I'd get every last bottle if I could. M&D&J will probably laugh hysterically at me as I begin ordering more of them.


I think you have G&L competition, Miz Starlite! LOL. I just got mine today, and wow, not only is is omnomNOMable but if Lace can make a person as morose as me feel happy...I'm gonna end up hoarding it like a :P

I'm counting down the days till the new releases...toooo impaaaatient...

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Me three - I am anxiously awaiting my stamps.com notices from my Late November Spree. Inhale... Exhale. Wants my precious but don't think they will get here before I leave for Christmas next Tuesday. waaaaaaahhhhhh

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I can't wait for the new releases to come out...LP Silver & who know what other goodies M & D have cooked up for us this month...also getting a beta Lace too!!! It's sooo hard to wait....sitting on hands. :P

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With you on that one. My next order waits until I get my stamps.com notice from my last order. The only time I make an exception is when it's like one or two days. But the next order will have Mapacho, Empress, and probably a couple of new, new releases. I managed to get the others I wanted in trade in the last couple of weeks.


I feel myself "caving" FAST !!

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I feel myself "caving" FAST !!


I don't know how many times I've filled the cart and then deleted everything out. BUT I got my stamps.com notice so now I'm just waiting for new releases.

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I don't know how many times I've filled the cart and then deleted everything out. BUT I got my stamps.com notice so now I'm just waiting for new releases.


:yeahthat: .....is exactly what I've been doing......


I am trying to be good and wait for new releases before I order Garland and Lace, but the stress is getting to me. LOL.


Can't be any more than a week now, and just 4 more days till the winter solstice when Silver will be completed!!! :w00t: Believe me, there are a couple I'm dying for myself but I'm literally sitting on my hands until the new ones come out.

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Believe me, there are a couple I'm dying for myself but I'm literally sitting on my hands until the new ones come out.



I know the feeling! I am SOOOOOO wanting a 2X bottle of Leather......it is DA BOMB!!! I may even have it boosted with OCCO Black Shield.....I LOVE that one!!

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I totally caved that day at work when the G&L bath set was announced. I just got my ship notice last night! Maybe by my vacation week next week I can absolutley BATHE in the stuff...



(as I plot my next "needs" order)


I'm thinking *something* with Heart and Soul... I still haven't tried this one yet.

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I totally caved that day at work when the G&L bath set was announced. I just got my ship notice last night! Maybe by my vacation week next week I can absolutley BATHE in the stuff...

I just bathed with the bubble bath, which I'd ordered before the set came out, last night and the Lace really sticks! Even with no man (yet...hehe) I still went to bed happy. :w00t:

Try 7 Minutes to Midnight, that's a lovely one with H&S.

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I totally caved that day at work when the G&L bath set was announced. I just got my ship notice last night! Maybe by my vacation week next week I can absolutley BATHE in the stuff...



(as I plot my next "needs" order)


I'm thinking *something* with Heart and Soul... I still haven't tried this one yet.


Love 7 Minutes with H&S. Very feminine scent and makes me happy and content.

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Oh yes you will definitely loves 7 mins., TT loves it. It's a little more traditional smelling to my nose. I traded my bottles, but I did keep my sample, cuz it is worth having in the arsenal. I ordered an unscented 60/40 stone cougar spray. I iz hoping for a miracle that has it on my doorstep Dec.31st :w00t: Decided to enjoy my sample of P&D for now, since NRs aren't out yet.

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What, you *KNOW*!? SPILL GIRL, SPILL! (or, hint!) :begging:


But if those of us that know spill, it won't be an awesome surprise anymore.


If everyone knew it would be all :666: because of having to wait for buy buttons and stamp.com notices and slow postmasters. Well, it probably still will be all :) after the initial surprise due to the whole addicts not being very good with delayed gratification and impulse control. But at least there will be more :jumpforjoy: before the :waiting: .

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But if those of us that know spill, it won't be an awesome surprise anymore.


If everyone knew it would be all :666: because of having to wait for buy buttons and stamp.com notices and slow postmasters. Well, it probably still will be all :) after the initial surprise due to the whole addicts not being very good with delayed gratification and impulse control. But at least there will be more :jumpforjoy: before the :waiting: .



She says this like she KNOWS us or something... :jumpforjoy:


Yerkillingme you two!! :begging:

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She says this like she KNOWS us or something... :666:


Yerkillingme you two!! :)


I know that whatever I know ALWAYS stays a secret with me. No katz outta no bagz. hehe did ya catch that little play on your name?


I also know it's *squee* worthy, and therefore the Yerkillingme torture is absolutely worth it. Of course, isn't that always the case with M&D's surprises?


I'm still reeling with joy from Lace which I had no idea was coming.

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I know that whatever I know ALWAYS stays a secret with me. No katz outta no bagz. hehe did ya catch that little play on your name?


I also know it's *squee* worthy, and therefore the Yerkillingme torture is absolutely worth it. Of course, isn't that always the case with M&D's surprises?


I'm still reeling with joy from Lace which I had no idea was coming.



That okay Starlite, I enjoy tormenting my children w/ my omniscent knowledge as their mother, i.e. the ability to see thru 'Santa's' wrapping paper. How does I do that????? We're almost there, almost there!

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I know that whatever I know ALWAYS stays a secret with me. No katz outta no bagz. hehe did ya catch that little play on your name?


I also know it's *squee* worthy, and therefore the Yerkillingme torture is absolutely worth it. Of course, isn't that always the case with M&D's surprises?


I'm still reeling with joy from Lace which I had no idea was coming.


LOL...Starlite, sorry I didnt' catch yer reply...nice.


S'ok, I can hang in there. Like you'd posted on another thread, I'm drowning in bottles and samples, and while right now I'm crying that my monthly subscription is done, realistically I know I should be WEARING what I've got...in buttloads!

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Hanging in there as well. Getting ducks in a row and am ready to order as soon as the new releases are live. I think this time it's some bath salts with Offering and some with Cuddle Bunny 09. Also need some swimming with sharks, some beta bottles (just the spray kits) and whatever new nommies they come out with. Oh, and Mapacho, Empress of Persica, Boddice Ripper, and Blood on Snow in full bottles. <sigh>

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Ah see, I get it now. SG DOESN'T want us to be patient. She wants us running around like the crazed LP junkies we are, looking for our next fix. Must be the whole torture aspect. That would very sinister of SG...


Hence the Sinister part......

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Ah see, I get it now. SG DOESN'T want us to be patient. She wants us running around like the crazed LP junkies we are, looking for our next fix. Must be the whole torture aspect. That would very sinister of SG...



Yes, though we are constantly amazed at the DEPTHS of her EVIL! :lol:

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Yes, though we are constantly amazed at the DEPTHS of her EVIL! :lol:


It's not just that she's evil, she's now running AMOK! This has got to be good (or bad for my wallet).

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Oh trust me - VERY bad for your wallet! :lol:


*Runs away too*


*Giggles first*




Ail )O(



Oh crap.... I should just hand over my Visa now.

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