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La Femme Mystere

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That happens to me also! I have two perfumes with SS4W in them, and even though I love both scents, I do love one more than the other...And of course, I get more hits with that one! I can't stop smelling myself, and then I start to feel sexy baby!! :Sexy:


Ok, spill which one gets you more compliments....LOL

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I'm with you on the permanent! Lol! I have no idea what it is about that one. Maybe the clean muskiness is just congruent with our body chemistry somehow? Or with our personalities? I can't figure it out, but whenever I wear it it's like I took a big club and whapped every single guy within sniffing distance into puppy-dog eyes and drooling mode, and every woman into I-wanna-be-your-BFF land. It's insane. Of all the blends I've tried since I've been here, I've had nothing get hits more consistently or more blantantly than Sneaky Clean. Honestly, if the powers that be ever caught wind of how effective that phero/perfume blend is, it would instantly become an illegal substance. :lol:


I have had quite a few great hits with La Femme Mystere layered with LP Humidity. That seems to be an out-of-the-park combo for me, too. But when I compare it with SC, it's still nowhere near the SC hits.

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Ok, all these reviews on Sneaky Clean are making me think this is the one for me to wear today. I have a trial vial already but a bottle is on the way so I can slather on the trial vial with guilt-free abandon!!


Sometimes it's so funny when I read your posts and confuse myself! When I first read this, I was thinking what the hell is she talking about putting her perfume on for the day, it's almost 8pm! So silly! Sometimes I wonder about myself :P

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Since Sneaky has honey in it, it will not work for my chemistry...bummer for me...


I wore LFM today (originally I was going to wear something else and just decided to give this one a whirl again)


I wore 3 sprays and did not get any hits at all...so bummed

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Sometimes it's so funny when I read your posts and confuse myself! When I first read this, I was thinking what the hell is she talking about putting her perfume on for the day, it's almost 8pm! So silly! Sometimes I wonder about myself :P


Haha! It's 10:50AM here... ok I got a bit of a sleep in :P But really it's only 9:50 in my head, daylight savings just says otherwise :P

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Since Sneaky has honey in it, it will not work for my chemistry...bummer for me...


I wore LFM today (originally I was going to wear something else and just decided to give this one a whirl again)


I wore 3 sprays and did not get any hits at all...so bummed


I don't smell the honey at all in Sneaky. It just smells like a very clean expensive soap. You should try it, I don't think you will even know its there! Plus the honey is from a catus, so I'm pretty sure it's not the honey your thinking of :)

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Come to think of it, the one and only time I ever used Sneaky Clean, I got a definite and unexpected hit. A couple of projects ago, last day, another crew member (smoking hot and of course completely age-inappropriate) made a detour to make sure I didn't leave without a hug. I had just applied the SC because of the sweat and dirt inducing previous 12 hours, and not only did he mention that I smelled "amazing" but he also hugged me for significantly longer than co-worker decorum would dictate. We ended up on another crew together a few weeks later and he hung around a lot. It's not a fragrance that draws me immediately, but I can see I'll have to give it another chance!


ETA: Crap. Did I just threadjack? Sorry! I can't wait to try out LFM too!

Edited by merrie
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Went for a mix yesterday and intended to use Audacious and picked up LFM instead by accident- (bottles look NOTHING alike except in size so still trying to figure out what I was thinking!?) I had already applied before I realized the mistake, but it turned out to be quite a happy Oops. I read above from Queen of Swords about a comparison to Popularity Potion and I think I may agree, at least for yesterday. Got a lot of compliments at work from both men and women...the, you look good, cute, nice, hair, boots, jacket type stuff. Before leaving work I was leaning on a wall checking my cell and a coworker comes by and pretends to be a photographer taking my picture, lol, friend/2nd coworker takes cue from co # 1 and joins in...so of course I strike a few poses HA! Me Supermodel, Yes, Yes!LOL! :lol: A great end to a less that stellar beginning of the day. Awesome pick me up! Totally reminded me of PP.

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Holy moly, i wouldn't have beleived it if i didn't see it with my own eyes...i'm wearing Winnie's Almond Musk and LFM today. The scent alone is capitvating and with the phero...unfair fight. I was in the elevator, and I watched this dude's eyes glass over as he got in my cloud. He was turning to grin at me as he was exiting the elevator and slammed right in the wall. Worse still, he had to get back on because it was the wrong floor!!!

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Holy moly, i wouldn't have beleived it if i didn't see it with my own eyes...i'm wearing Winnie's Almond Musk and LFM today. The scent alone is capitvating and with the phero...unfair fight. I was in the elevator, and I watched this dude's eyes glass over as he got in my cloud. He was turning to grin at me as he was exiting the elevator and slammed right in the wall. Worse still, he had to get back on because it was the wrong floor!!!


Ha! Best phero hit I've read! Slamming into the wall! That's classic ;)

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He was turning to grin at me as he was exiting the elevator and slammed right in the wall.


:lol2: Boy! You just took the term "hit" to a whole 'nother level, lol! As in HIT THE WALL BUHAHA! That's better the DIHL! :Emoticons04263:

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Omg bb I'm crying.....poor dude!!!! Cinematic description again ...aren't u the one who made someone dive in front of a car in slo-mo?


I didn't do it; the BANG! made them do it!!!! ;%29.gif


ETA: Seriously...how can anyone doubt pheros when this kind of thing happens?

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If anything I'd say LFM has more in common with Popularity Potion, Leather and even Swimming With Sharks than Super Sexy. Comparisons and contrasts between SS4W and Blatant Invitation and Bang would be a bit more interesting, at least to me.


I'm glad you posted this because I was thinking I would get a different type of hit... so its good to know that I should expect hits more common with PP & SWS...thanks for the help

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Okay, i skimmed the thread (seems to have grown to 10 pages while i wasn't looking, :lol:)and didn't see anything about this. I had an interesting reaction to LFM today. I buy my squash and root vegetables from one lady in particular at the farmers' market and have done so for the past three years. Today when i was buying, i asked a question about an unusual squash and she answered, and then i went ahead and bought my usual. The whole interaction, she was behaving strangely, almost like she was suspicious of me. Then i thought back. Last time she was normal, but the two times before, I was also wearing La Femme, and she was acting strange then too. She is the only person in my history with LFM to not be taken with it. (at least that I've noticed. i will be on the lookout now.) Anyone had a bizarre reaction like that?

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Anyone had a bizarre reaction like that?


Nope,but since she was "normal" without it,it sounds like a definite reaction to something in the blend...have you tried others around her,would be an interesting experiment :) ...endlessly fascinating how different people react to different stimuli !!!!!!!!

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Interesting - is LFM just sooo different from your personality that it was weirding her out? Kinda like dogs freak out and growl and bark or hide if you come home carrying a huge box and they recognize your smell but not your shape?

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Interesting - is LFM just sooo different from your personality that it was weirding her out? Kinda like dogs freak out and growl and bark or hide if you come home carrying a huge box and they recognize your smell but not your shape?


I don't know. The people I see on a daily basis just eat this stuff up, and strangers too. I should add that I didn't really take a minute to observe how she was interacting with others too. So maybe she's just been having a series of 'off' days. I'm inclined to think so since this appears to be atypical of anyone's experiences.


I guess I will have to slather more. you know, in the name of science. ;)

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Okay, i skimmed the thread (seems to have grown to 10 pages while i wasn't looking, :lol:)and didn't see anything about this. I had an interesting reaction to LFM today. I buy my squash and root vegetables from one lady in particular at the farmers' market and have done so for the past three years. Today when i was buying, i asked a question about an unusual squash and she answered, and then i went ahead and bought my usual. The whole interaction, she was behaving strangely, almost like she was suspicious of me. Then i thought back. Last time she was normal, but the two times before, I was also wearing La Femme, and she was acting strange then too. She is the only person in my history with LFM to not be taken with it. (at least that I've noticed. i will be on the lookout now.) Anyone had a bizarre reaction like that?


That's interesting. I had this kind of experience twice when I was wearing LFM. First strange experience was when an ex-colleague, who visited our office quite often and who was always very friendly with handshaking etc. That day, he stopped abruptly in front of me, said hello without handshaking and acted somehow distant and nervous. Almost same thing happened with two acquaintainces when I met them. Well, I'm not sure if that reaction was really bad or just strange. I mean, I have the impression that the LFM formula might clash with my personality so that people who know me, are suddenly surprised or shocked when they notice that I appear differently and they cannot point the finger on what this difference really is. Then I followed Mara's advice and I used less LFM spray because it is very strong. And I mix it with perfume oil. So, when I interact with strangers I usually get good results, smooth and friendly communication. But so far, I've not tried it with BF.

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Less is usually more when it comes to pheros, but especially LFM. With this, I've been kind of tempted to get a custom blend of this recently involving a bottle of LFM and 2-3 of LP: P&D so that the phero blend will only take up about a 1/3 of the mixture sooner or later, and I don't know when that will be.


Interesting how much harder it is for me to OD on Leather in comparison to everything else I've tried here so far.

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