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La Femme Mystere

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's not even noon and I've had a cluster of men and one female taking turns fawning over me at my desk. One girl growled at me, as she saw my sweater with fur collar. It's the funniest shit ever. I was eating a bag of lentil chips and 2 guys came by to ask if I was going to share- which I interpreted as them calling me fat - and telling them to fuck off, then they were joined by a third male whom I will call Chuck Manson, Chuck was defending my chip eating saying stuff like.. dude you are the skinniest I have ever seen here..which I replied.. I was skinnier before and way hotter- which turned into a 4th male joining the group saying.. Dude she used to be much hotter- which turned into me saying FUCK YOU MOTHERFUCKER- then we all laughed, then he said - I kid and am using your words - you know i love the latinas.. which turned into.. oh yeah the latinas then they all drooled and their heads exploded, and they realized they were being weird and couldn't control their weirdness so they all dispersed. Way before that.. as soon as I walked in and sat down I had a male and female at my desk.. female growling at me, male geeking out over spy equipment he bought and wanted to plant in bosshole's office.. I hadn't even turned my computer on.. they left and I got up to ask my assistant why he was talking about Jordans when he should be asking me if I want coffee- ( kidding I like being a bitch to him and he responds well to it ) when I hear " Oh wow where are you going , you're all dolled up etc.. " To which I replied.. ' WTF GUYS CAN'T A GIRL WEAR SOME ROUGE FOR CHRISTSAKES "

Third person said.. " your hair is all fixed and pretty " I fuckn washed it and looks the same as it did on Monday.. LOL. I am cracking up over here..

I keep forgetting that LFM puts stars in the eyes of everyone that comes within 5 feet of your phero cloud.

Edited by LadyVictoria
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then they all drooled and their heads exploded, and they realized they were being weird and couldn't control their weirdness so they all dispersed.


Hee...you Rock it :PIGEON~12:


... I like to spritz in hair! !,ummm but 4 sprays would put me in a trance,I think :o caliiovereasy

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Hee...you Rock it :PIGEON~12:


... I like to spritz in hair! !,ummm but 4 sprays would put me in a trance,I think :o caliiovereasy


I put one in my hair . one on my chest , one on my belly and then out of habit I sprayed another one but moved and caught it on my leg.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone tried to layer/combine LFM with Cuddle Bunny? I'm thinking admired and respected + adored, possibly similar to the LFM/Gotcha combo. Or is this too much of a clash between glamorous vs. adorable?


Also, LFM + BAM anyone?

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It sounds like it should work similarly well as the LFM / Gotcha combo , respect with a soft feminine side ;)


I'm waiting for my first Stone Cougar bottle , so I can try a Stone Cougar / Gotcha mix. Bf responds super great to Gotcha ( and always has to the cuddlier blends ), so I am hoping to steer it in the sparkly fun direction

Edited by fluffygirl12
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Both of those (LFM/CB & LFM/BAM!) are a much simpler combo then the LFM/Gotcha! one. I think LFM/CB would be ultra feminine and not in a bad way..like Marilyn Monroe.... And LFM/BAM! would be a great bonding mix, think respectful but approachable and personable. I think they're both good ideas! :D Don't forget to post results! :^^:

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I put this on this morning, before I went to get my hair cut, and I swear that I actually looked different to myself in the mirror afterwards. That is, after the phero application, before the haircut. How odd. I've had that happen before, but every time it does I think, "WTHeck? How did this happen?". Neat-o. :)

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Happens to me every time , I think I read somewhere that it feels like you are photo-shopped , and that's the perfect way to describe it ! I spray on ungodly amounts of LFM and after 20 min or so , every time I look in the mirror it's like "Wow - hello Gorgeous ! ? "

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Yes!!! That's exactly it! Throws me off. Threw me off today, especially, 'cause I woke up looking like hell, and then I threw this on and, "Hello Gorgeous!" :lol: I gotta remember that for the next time I wake up with puffy eyes. ;)

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You won't regret it...I don't know of anyone who has...has anyone?

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Tried my favorite combo out last weekend with Bf's evil twin sister visiting from out of town . She is usually very nice in a Stepfordish way , and then makes some unkind remarks when he is not in listening range . This time , she was simply nice , but towards the end of her visit seemed to get desperate for more attention from him.Meanwhile he was sweeter than ever to me . She was not underhandedly mean to me for the first time ever , but rather feeling a bit overshadowed to the point of annoying him with whining - which NEVER happened before.

Looks like I Gotcha'd him and finally La Femme"d her . Muahahaha....

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Tried my favorite combo out last weekend with Bf's evil twin sister visiting from out of town . She is usually very nice in a Stepfordish way , and then makes some unkind remarks when he is not in listening range . This time , she was simply nice , but towards the end of her visit seemed to get desperate for more attention from him.Meanwhile he was sweeter than ever to me . She was not underhandedly mean to me for the first time ever , but rather feeling a bit overshadowed to the point of annoying him with whining - which NEVER happened before.

Looks like I Gotcha'd him and finally La Femme"d her . Muahahaha....


LOL great review!

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Wore this today with Candle in the Wind and Sugared Honeycomb for the cover....I had intended only to wear the Candle in the Wind for cover...but when I spied SH, I couldn't resist! I still think LFM & SH are meant for each other. The last time I went for LFM I accidentally picked up LFN and it DOES seem like LFM is more...demure :^^: The self effects I get are subtle with this one...not none existent, just not as in your face as something like Audacious or BANG! I love this one for work everything goes so smoothly with everyone :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went back to using this again, and at the moment am preferring LFM to LFN, something about the lack of detachment, or at least much less of it. But there is also a certain near coldness I get from Noir than I don't get from Mystere either (note, this is not my final word on the matter). I also think it goes better with small dabs of Treasured Hearts anyway. :P No, I haven't figured out the perfect ratios for that either yet.


Queen of swords - Do you mean you like to bear LFM + Treasured hearts, or la femme noire + treasured hearts?


I've been considering testing out LFM + TH, not sure though if "admiration and awe" clashed too much with the TH intent of reducing intimidation..

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I know I'm beating a dead horse, but I just want to emphasize how wonderful this is for shopping, especially for big ticket items. I got excellent customer service, free delivery, and a sort of discount when I wore this to pick out a new sofa! Longer story over in my journal.


Oh yeah, i also had this on during my massage. It was kind of a fail though, because she was a little too chatty, and I just wanted to veg!

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when I wear this- I have the spray with cops- men look at me like I am sex on legs, it is for night time wear only.... women give me compliments but it's a strange mix of jealousy and wow she is hot....

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I wore this to Wedding Weekend 2013 and let me tell you!!! I had to saunter out to the ceremony to find the flower girl's basket and I heard cat calls and whistles! lol

Then after the ceremony when I was going around talking to everyone I knew.. I kept hearing.. HELLO BEAUTIFUL!

Then- a broker of mine that i hate- that had to be there because in a weird twist of fate - bffs new hubby is somehow related.. - well this assfuck once told me on the phone.. I FUCKN HATE WORKING WITH YOU ... yeah that guy... well he was looking for me all night and he came over and was all DIHL and said.. WOW YOU DO NOT SOUND HOW YOU LOOK OVER THE PHONE

to which I replied.. So I guess this means you are going to be nice to me now?


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This is definitely the best phero ever to go shopping . Store clerks appear out of nowhere , just to help you find the perfect outfit :) . I was looking for a dress today , and the sales person was so intent of helping me find something great , for a moment I thought " Wow , that's the nicest sales guy ever " , then I realized - LFM , duh !!! Plus , a few minutes after I applied about 6 sprays ( I know , I know , I have a high tolerance ) I started cleaning up my house before leaving like my life depended on it. After all , someone as fabulous as me can't live in a messy house ;)

Edited by fluffygirl12
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This is definitely the best phero ever to go shopping . Store clerks appear out of nowhere , just to help you find the perfect outfit :) . I was looking for a dress today , and the sales person was so intent of helping me find something great , for a moment I thought " Wow , that's the nicest sales guy ever " , then I realized - LFM , duh !!! Plus , a few minutes after I applied about 6 sprays ( I know , I know , I have a high tolerance ) I started cleaning up my house before leaving like my life depended on it. After all , someone as fabulous as me can't live in a messy house ;)


Ha! I love that! I need a phero that makes me feel so great I couldn't possibly live in a mess. Maybe I should wear MOAR LFM, so I feel even more fabulous? :lol:

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This is definitely the best phero ever to go shopping . Store clerks appear out of nowhere , just to help you find the perfect outfit :) . I was looking for a dress today , and the sales person was so intent of helping me find something great , for a moment I thought " Wow , that's the nicest sales guy ever " , then I realized - LFM , duh !!! Plus , a few minutes after I applied about 6 sprays ( I know , I know , I have a high tolerance ) I started cleaning up my house before leaving like my life depended on it. After all , someone as fabulous as me can't live in a messy house ;)


I'm telling you!!!! When i shop with my BFF, she says, "Oh my goodness, we must be putting out some kind of pheromones or something." She doesn't know that I phero!!!

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