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La Femme Mystere

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Awesome review Johnsonlisa90012! Great hit, it seems that LFM delivered as expected ;) You must have smelled delicious too!


I want to be asked out too :(

Such a dry spell over here... Venus is in my sign though since yesterday so i hope things will brighten up!

ephoebe, you and me both! Just remember Marilyn Monroe was a gemini and was loved by many but didn't always feel it.


So, had a dr's appt today and slathered with trusty scented LFM to deliver. As usual, all responded sooo nicely - warm, welcomingly, very attentive etc. The doctor and assistant even insisted that I call them ... bc I hadn't been calling. But what dr's office does that - i.e. ask you to CALL and even insist. They both told me like 3x to call them whenever I felt like it. Not bc anything is wrong, all is well.


After, had to run a bunch of errands and went to this Japanese place for take-out. The guy at the desk was on the phone taking an order, put the person on hold to take my order and apologized that he had been on the phone taking an order. Huh? I had just walked in and had expected to wait in line.


This dude had come in after me, and as I was 1st in line and I didn't know what I wanted to order, I offered him to go ahead of me. He was total DIHL. I mean stammering, etc. Needless to say, he wanted me to go first with my order. I saw him trying to gather his thoughts and he really couldn't. Seriously. He stared at me, back at the menu on the wall, then back at me. The entire time the guy taking orders was waiting for me and was falling over himself to ensure he got the order right. I mean this was take-out... but he definitely wanted to make sure I was happy. He was cute and flirty. Oh, and for some reason he seemed so happy when I was like, please just make it ala Hibachi. He was like, 'we can do that' and was so happy about it.... so pleased with himself. I cannot express how casual this place is and how most of the people who work there are college students so they really couldn't care if someone gets their vegetables 'right'. I only ordered one dish, right off the menu.


When I came back (I had to run to the grocery store during), he ran from the back of the place to the front to 'deliver' my order to me. Then he spent like 3 minutes telling me about the sauces etc. and where to find them.


This place is quick Japanese takeout (also has in-room dining but is VERY casual), but he acted like I was a VIP in a 5 star restaraunt.


Amazing LFM.


I know this was all the work of LFM as I was in my errand attire -i.e.random top, jeans, and messy bun on top of head. This may not sound like 'hits' or whatever, but I was there maybe 10 minutes. It was totally LFM. I could get used to this red carpet treatment everywhere I go! (note to self to find that sweet spot with LFM)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wore LFM to traffic court yesterday to try to get my daughter's $900 ticket reduced. Needless to say, LFM may not work when the bee-yotch is behind glass. First time that I haven't felt like working out a "compromise" while wearing LFM. . .

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Guest cutie.pie


Aaaw, poor thing. Feel better soon. :kisses:


Thank you sweetie :hearts09780::hearts09780::heart0974:


I wore LFM to traffic court yesterday to try to get my daughter's $900 ticket reduced. Needless to say, LFM may not work when the bee-yotch is behind glass. First time that I haven't felt like working out a "compromise" while wearing LFM. . .


I'm sorry you weren't able to reduce the ticket... :Hug_emoticon:

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Note to myself-- wearing LFM while I'm PMSing makes me weepy :(

Hi cutiepie, do you notice that with any other blends with EST? I have the same issue on certain PMS cycles (even my PMS moodiness is inconsistent from cycle to cycle), that I *think* it's the EST that can make me feel all weepy or just plain uber vulnerable.


I don't know for sure that's it, but noticed this with Lumina and LFM on separate occassions. Not always a bad thing because sometimes when you have PMS a good cry is very helpful!

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Guest cutie.pie

Hi cutiepie, do you notice that with any other blends with EST? I have the same issue on certain PMS cycles (even my PMS moodiness is inconsistent from cycle to cycle), that I *think* it's the EST that can make me feel all weepy or just plain uber vulnerable.


I don't know for sure that's it, but noticed this with Lumina and LFM on separate occassions. Not always a bad thing because sometimes when you have PMS a good cry is very helpful!

Hm... I haven't noticed it before. Probably because my period comes and goes as it wants, so I have a feeling like I'm always having PMS :( But this time (2-3 days before my period 'arrived') I was wearing LFM and was extra weepy.

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Est doesn't bother me. But I don't wear Gotcha during the first 3 days of my period.

I also won't wear it more than 2 days in a row.


I love Gotcha and get great hits and selfies from in but too much or the wrong timing and I feel over sensitive.

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LFM wears almost like Cougar on me...but with a bit more spark! I find sales associates are super friendly and really go out of their way to make sure I receive excellent customer service.


Today was one of those days... but each and every time it happens I can't help but smile... love my LFM spray!

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I find sales associates are super friendly and really go out of their way to make sure I receive excellent customer service.


Yes! This! ^^^


I was wearing La Sylphide Friday with an extra boost of Un LFM and got 2 discounted items at the place I was shopping. 1 was $38 knocked down to $20! The manager went with me around the store telling me they were looking to reduce inventory and everything I touched she was all, "I can give you this for xxx" or "I can take off xxx for that for you...". There were other customers, but she was glued to me. I wore this blend SPACIFICALY because this is what happens when I wear it. :lol: LFM is AWESOME like that :heart: I will TOTALLY wear it car shopping in the near future as well ^_^


The only thing I need to tweak about it is that, when I wear it solo, I feel more aloof. Not unfriendly, just not as out going or say "sparkly" as with Cougar or BANG! and some other blends.


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  • 4 weeks later...

When I wear this I feel this serious focused feeling. Like If I'm working on something I get it DONE instead of procrastinating. It's almost like I can think faster or my wit is quicker or something. I don't know what phero in it does that to me but, when I need to get things done this is the blend for me.

Edited by Snugglet
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Yes LFM has that effect on me to. I get an "I'm a competent woman who has her stuff together" vibe. LFN is like that x3, but it's a very sexual blend with 'enone & copulins added so not safe for everyday use.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't usually wear very much of the pheremones because I can detect their scent and I find this distracting. Well, except for Mega Watt - I can't smell that one. So I usually use just a couple of half sprays and leave it at that - especially if it's SWS as that seems to be the strongest I've tried.


Last week I woke up and decided that it was an LFM day. And it totally was because I picked out this awesome outfit that looked great on me, I had some new makeup to try out and it went on fabulously, and even my hair decided to look really good that day. So all in all a great day, but nothing out of the ordinary. It's not like I hadn't worn the outfit before, or that I don't often have good hair days or wear makeup. All of these things can happen in conjunction on a semi-regular basis. But on this particular day I decided I needed two full sprays of LFM.


The first thing that happened that day was that I went in to the secretary's office and started chatting with her about my class. All of a sudden this workman comes up to the door because the secretary has called him down to move some filing cabinets from one office to another. He looked at me, turned his attention to what the secretary was saying, and then totally turned back and looked at again in a really dramatic double take. He had a big smile on his face as he went off to do the work. Then he kept coming back to the office for more "paperwork" that was mysteriously not in order all of a sudden. Each time he was totally checking me out.


Chalk up another one for LFM.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've posted in various other threads about my rekindled interest in LFM. I've always really liked it, but for some reason it's been tricky for me to find my sweet spot. Not that I've done the measuring/ testing involved to do so either... :) but, anyhow. I want to give more love to LFM. Beyond the attention at dr's offices - per prior posts, including my own, I must say last Saturday night, I know LFM was working hard for me, and it was AWESOME.


I feel like it takes about 20-30 min for me to feel the selfies with this one (typical for me with pheros). Not good or bad, just something I've noticed. Anyhow, I got so much positive attention and for like 30 seconds it (almost) freaked me out a little bit. Then I just went with it, because let's face it, it felt pretty great given how hectic things have been. :)


I won't go into all the deets, but will say I felt almost like a movie star (ok maybe in my own mind, but whatever) because I felt so glowy and that others were very drawn to me in a positive way. I got a little concerned about other's lack of sense of personal space (getting too close to my face when talking etc.), but I didn't feel self conscious like I had in past.


I used about 5 large dabs (from sample - neck, forearms, wrists) and 2 mini sprays to my hair from a DHEAS decant just to top things off. The group I was with had a great time. I got so many compliments from everyone- all night. We all ended up dancing at a beach bar. Excellent evening. And though I felt like cinderella, I didn't turn into a pumpkin nor did I lose either one of my shoes. :) Oh, I also stayed up to watch the sunrise. On the beach. So yes, thank you LFM and LP (was wearing a scented LFM).

Edited by Beach Goddess
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Wore LFM to a party on saturday, and I had women come up and talk to me that I've never met before. All of them extremely friendly, chatting me up, making an effort to bond, asking if I had a card so we could get together sometime. One made her husband stay with me when she went to get some cake, so I'd be entertained and wouldnt wander off. It actually got to a point where I was a bit exhausted with all the listening to people's life stories. Women simply stuck to me.

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  • 1 month later...

Belle, sometimes LFM and my cycle don't mix either. My hormones can get the best of me and flatten out even the best of 'mones. LFM is no different. I've experienced being a bit peevish wearing it, even though more often than not it puts a glide in my step and smile on everyone else's face.


I will add that (mysteriously) Pirouette is the one fragrance I've smelled the whole gamut of notes on. There have been times when it's all nut one week, then all citrus three days later, then all sugar the next week, then all coconut the week after that... It's a baffling testament to personal chemistry and how skilled Mara is as a master perfumer.


More experienced members can speak to the use of more. My two cents would be to give it another go either on your cycle or off, in a few more days.

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Belle, sometimes LFM and my cycle don't mix either. My hormones can get the best of me and flatten out even the best of 'mones. LFM is no different. I've experienced being a bit peevish wearing it, even though more often than not it puts a glide in my step and smile on everyone else's face.


I will add that (mysteriously) Pirouette is the one fragrance I've smelled the whole gamut of notes on. There have been times when it's all nut one week, then all citrus three days later, then all sugar the next week, then all coconut the week after that... It's a baffling testament to personal chemistry and how skilled Mara is as a master perfumer.


More experienced members can speak to the use of more. My two cents would be to give it another go either on your cycle or off, in a few more days.

Yeah I was reading your review on pirouette. It really is amazing how delicious, complex and personal these scents are! It was all coconut goodness for me, scent wise. I was just so grumpy but it might have been situational and nothing to do with lfm. I'll have another go after the cycle is done. Right now it's balm bomb, balm bomb, balm bomb all day errday! Loool

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Guest cutie.pie

Is it possible that this could make me more irritable? I wore pirouette w/lfm last night and Tuesday night and was totally fighting utter grumpiness. I'm on my cycle though. Or maybe I didn't use enough?

I can't wear LFM while PMSing. It makes me extra weepy.

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I picked up a bottle of LFM after reading posts about how this is a great shopping phero. Heck yes! I have worn 4-5 sprays of LFM, while shopping and received the BEST customer service ever. I went shopping after work, so I was tired, most of my makeup had worn off, not nice... But the sales associates were fawning over me, complimenting me on my outfit and the dresses I tried on. I even got loads of samples from the cosmetics section without even asking for any! Since there aren't any cops on this, this has been my go to phero for work, too. It creates an air of confidence and sophistication.

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I just wanted to reaffirm what I've said earlier about this being a great phero for using at a doctor's appointment. Went to the Dr. recently and used LFM again, and was again rewarded with extra attentiveness and care. It's like she can't do enough for me when I wear this stuff. Wonder if it works as well on male doctors?

Edited by vladmyra
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Hi Vlad, in my experience it works well with the entire staff. The right amount of fawning and definitely listening more.


My selfies are varied with this (all are great) - can make me feel more chill-axed and I think that carries forward in my aura.


In social situations, the same thing, more people want to talk to me and sometimes touch me. That's where my personal slippery sweet spot it anyhow. I think if I overdo it, then people forget about personal space. Around certain cycle times, can make me weepy - but that's a rarity. I have this in UN and in Piroutte.


I also went bold with 2 of my Piroutte bottles, boosted them with EOW. Amazing. :Emoticons0424:

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Good to know Beach Goddess. Although my experience in social situations, and with overdoing it, is that it's not the way to go for me, as it makes me more intense. I end up with the scary swan phenomena happening (I become something intriguing and beguiling, but unapproachable and out of place in the normal world).


I think it's an absolutely wonderful blend for when you're dealing with people who traditionally are seen as holding a place of high standing within society, as it evens the playing field and garners solicitous respect and seems to almost increase your social standing with such individuals.

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  • 1 month later...

I have UN LFM in oil. This phero makes me feel like I am pretty, sexy and definitely in charge. I notice that I have a swagger in my walk with my 4" platform heels that I did not have before! B)


I came in the office this morning and our HR lady said, "Gosh you look so pretty!" (even though I've worn this sweater and pants before).


I want to paste a picture in my review that perfectly illustrates how LFM makes me feel, but I am unsure how to do that?.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Oh my gosh. NOT for me. I hate to post a negative review here where so many have had positives but WOW, I can't imagine worse reactions than I just got.


I am so disappointed. I am going to see if I can trade this b/c I know someone will love to have it. It seems to work for tons of people.


Anyway, so I didn't have anything on today because I was waiting on this one to come in and it was scheduled to come in today. (THANK YOU LPMP! Talk about fast shipping!) Anyway, I put it on - the oil, just a dab on my one wrist then wrists touched together, plus a dab down my cleavage.


It got me hyper and not in a good way. I am always trying to relax more so this was the opposite effect. But maybe it was the coffee I had today...or maybe it was just going to be a temporary effect...really wanted to give this a chance.


So a few hours after application I went to the store. Walked past tons of people. Not so much as a glance. Not even a hello. Not from one single person. I was just being normal, not overly eye contact-y, but not totally avoidant either...just kind of the way a person looks walking around a store I guess, LOL. So got to the checkout line, thought maybe b/c it was an oil it wasn't "throwing" so perhaps being right near the cashier would help.


So my kids were there and I had told them they could get a treat, and they asked if they could eat it as soon as it was rung up. I told them they could. They've been such good boys and were very good getting up this morning after winter vacation, being well-behaved at school and so on, so why not?


So the lady ringing us up was a NIGHTMARE to my kids. They politely asked if they could have the candy as soon as she rung it up. She handed it over to them and then snapped at them, "Did I hear two thank-yous?" My younger son said "Yes" very politely and cheerfully. She glared at my older son - 12 - autistic and intellectually delayed. She repeated her question. "Did I hear two yeses?" I was like WTF?????? She didn't say it in a friendly/humorous way either. She was glaring at my boy with her eyes really wide like she was trying to contain anger. He said to her, "I think you heard two yeses." He wasn't being a bit snotty, he is intellectually delayed with the mind of a preschooler and it is VERY VERY obvious, she COULD NOT have missed it, nobody does. He tried to answer her exactly what she'd asked him because I think he was a little scared, nobody ever treats him this way, he is so sweet and soft and so obviously handicapped (hate that word but it is what it is), I mean...I think he was as shocked as I was. And a little scared of her.


But still she was just negative to him - really to all of us. I tried to catch her eye, she dodged my look and hammered at my intellectually delayed son a little more. She kind of snorted when he opened the package and took out a candy and excitedly ate it. Then I went to swipe my card and she said "WAIT" really LOUDLY to me - apparently because the machine was slow or something (?) but she said it as if I'd cut her off in traffic or something. Then as my son was eating she asked him sarcastically, "Do you eat your vegetables that way?" He innocently said in his soft voice, "Yes." That wasn't good enough. She whipped around to me. "DOES he eat his vegetables that way, Mom?"














I said to her VERY calmly, "He is such a good boy. All he wants is for people to be nice to him" and I smiled.


Went over her head, she said "good" and then thank God the whole transaction was over with. I remained calm and walked out of the store with the kids, past loads more people, again, no reaction at all from them.


Good God I never get such bad reactions from people in public and neither surely do my kids, who are amazing, so polite that I've had people stop me over and over again to tell me how polite and sweet they are...and they really are.


I can't believe this reaction, I am shaking. Maybe it's a coincidence but I washed this off as soon as I got home and put my Red/Cougar/Closer back on. It seems to put me in my in-control place and I sure haven't gotten reactions like this on it. :(


What on earth happened??? Coincidence? Bad day for the cashier? But as I said...no reactions at all from anyone else...dozens of people, so...?

Edited by WildAutumn
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I am so sorry you went through this experience with that b*tchy cashier.

While not every blend works for every person, from my experience so far, most people around me don't get affected from the blend in any immediately obvious way... so it's important to adjust expectations as to how these materials work.

More often that not, It's a subtle thing... and the effects are often felt on yourself first, and this altering your own reactions to people.

Again, every person is different so your experience may vary.


Anyway, I pity b*tches like that, and honestly... I have a feeling you would be justified to complain to her manager.


I also think maybe consider trying LFM a few more times, who knows, sometimes being hyper can come in handy. :)

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Yeah, I think you should give it at least one more try, if not more. It's hard to judge reactions to pheros from strangers. You never know if they are always/usually jerks or super nice people.


I suggest keeping a phero diary/journal so you can see trends. That will tell more of a phero's true success or lack of. I continue to try pheros, even the ones that don't work as well for me. They might just work better around certain people.

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Wild Autumn, that woman was horror, but I really think you can chalk it all up to her just being a miserable bitch! Had someone pulled that shit with me, I would have turned to my kids and started sweetly talking to my kids, loud enough for her to hear what I was saying, while explaining to them that the "lady," must be having a bad day, to please ignore her, that she clearly lacks manners, needs to learn respect for other people's boundaries, mind her own business, and that I was so proud of them for having the good manners that I try to instill in them, all the while, smiling sweetly...even as I finally turned to HER and flashed her my famous "look of death!" (I have been known to inspire people to make the sign of the cross over themselves, even when I was just being nice, smiling and saying,"Hi there" and I am serious about that). Ahem..anyhow I have never known LFM to elicit the sort of response that you are describing here. I would also say that the bit of anxiety you were feeling was in all probability, due to the caffeine. The ONLY possible negative I MIGHT have noticed with LFM on a few times, was what seemed like an air of slight mistrust from other females who were witnessing its affects on males. But THIS??? People have NERVE!

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I honestly doubt it was the LFM making that woman be an asshole. I just dealt with a similar cashier yesterday at Target. I called corporate and her store manager. She treated my disabled mother like the woman you describe. I would suggest calling in a complaint to that store and giving LFM another run. You should never make a ruling good or bad on one test.

YES, halo! THIS!!! She has no business speaking that way to a customer's children, OR customers! My blood boils just reading this. I know I sound like a mega bitch and I can be, but mostly, I am super nice. Until I run into something like this..and then...I'm not.
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WA that sounds horrendous. Hope that asshole gets an incurable case of bed bugs in the cooch. You have all my respect and admiration for not murdering her messily.


The whole thing sounds pretty textbook ghosting. I for one need VERY VERY VERY small amounts of LFM - perhaps you are like me and with your existing chemistry, even the small amount you used was too much? IIRC my first few tries with LFM were frankly meh, but once I got the hang of it ( = tiny tiny amounts, of the 1/3-strength SCENTED phero at that) it has become indispensable to me. Not the to be giving up please!


Alternatively ... the pond-scum's-shit masquerading as a human being at that store- it's possible (though hard to imagine, I know) that she is actually usually a much MORE horrible person than she was being, and what you saw was actually relatively polite as far as she goes.


Since you're using UN - I encourage you to try an EXTREMELY TINY amount, on people you know, and report back!


ETA I see others have posted similar already while I left this page open

Edited by tyvey
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Thank you so much, ladies. I appreciate it so much! Feel about a million times better. Luckily my kids are none the worse for wear. They really are sweet boys who are always willing to give people chances. Maybe too many chances!


I will try again with just a dab.

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Ugh, reading your post made me so angry for you! I hate when people who work in customer service oriented jobs are rude assholes; it's one of my biggest pet peeves and something I frankly have no patience for. I agree with Halo; please file a complaint!

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Yes! File a complaint on that bitch! How unbelievably rude!

I also don't think it was the LFM. Just a miserable old bitch. I can only use the tiniest amount of LFM. Test out different amounts before you trade it off. It really is a great blend if you get the amount right. Too much on me makes me really angry and have no patience.

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With droppers, I will squeeze the majority of the product back into the bottle, before I take it out to apply. I find that gives me more control over the amount that I get.

Edited by Beccah
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Thank you so much, ladies. I appreciate it so much! Feel about a million times better. Luckily my kids are none the worse for wear. They really are sweet boys who are always willing to give people chances. Maybe too many chances!


I will try again with just a dab.

I'll also add, I don't think it was the LFM.


The thing with pheros is that if someone is a total asshole, pheros won't change that. Pheros enhance or nudge something in a direction. Like wearing make up. You're still you, you just have that something extra. This sound like a very unhappy clerk.. She most likely would have been like that if you didn't wear pheros either.

Plus.. it takes several trials for you to get a real sense of how they work for you. I wear more LFM than you mentioned and have very good results. LFM was my first phero (in an enhanced scent) and boy was that a good thing because it works well for me and it made me a believer.

Not everyone gets the same results. It may end up being a favorite or you may come to love something else. IME it takes time.


I'll also add that in the off chance that her rudeness was extended (but as I said I really doubt it) a bit, it was still there. Also if that was the case, so what, just keep experimenting it was a one off and you'll most likely find it useful.

ETA there's this asshole Target cashier here and I never really think about it except when I'm checking out and I think shot I'm on his line :P Last time I was there I had on LEATHER lol I intentionally got on his line just to see.. He was still his creepy, buggy self. But, he was far more cordial to me than ever before :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, ladies and gents...I think I may have gotten some hits with my re-tries but am not sure.


So I tried an teensy dab of LFM pressed between my wrists and covered with BPAL O. I took my son to the doctor and the receptionists (all female???) Were, I swear, all giggly and giddy, almost nervously so...almost like flirting, in a way. Or...like how girls act nervous and giggly and flattering to the popular girl.


Then when we left the office there were two men in the parking lot standing by a car and talking. And I noticed they were staring at me and smiling. And I mean literally staring. Not glancing. Their eyes did not leave me as I walked past them...not once...not even a waver...it was actually such an unbroken grinning stare that I was uncomfortable, as in, I didn't know where to put my eyes as I was approaching to go past them, do you know what I mean? But the thing is that they were doing this when I was at least several yards away. Smell can't travel that far, can it? OTOH I wasn't dressed crazy sexy or anything to draw eyes - simple peasant blouse and jeans. So I am not sure, would love opinions.


So today I put more on thinking I was going out to the store, but that didn't happen. I had put the tiny dab between my wrists again but it was cold out so I put on a sweater which covered my wrists. Because my wrists were now covered I put a tiny tiny tiny dab on my chest and one more on my hair.


As I said, the store trip did not happen but I wound up having to pick up my son at school and I saw his teacher (male) there. This teacher got hugely grinny the instant he saw and passed me walking the kids out, but he is sort of a nervous guy, a little nerdy and I have noticed he does get that big grin frequently (actually, it's cute because it seems so shy). I am assuming this isn't just with me, it seems more of a habit, I would say.


So I took my son's hand and the teacher came back from the bus jogging over to us and was asking whether my son was taking the bus that day - obviously not, I mean here I am, LOL.I don't know why but he asked.that question twice in a row. So I wasn't sure what he wanted at that point so I asked how my son had been doing at school and then I swear this teacher moved in so close to me. OMG. He stood SO close. With that huge smile all the while. It was totally like the close talker episode of Seinfeld.


We chatted for some time and I kind of felt very bouncy and social. But we had to go at that point so I said goodbye.


Are these what would be hits or am I imagining things?

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