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You know, I'm too impatient to let this dry down so I just smear it a bit with my wrists. I swear some of it gets on my clothes and hair and I've never smelled anything funky, ever. I love this fragrance! I just wish I got a little more vanilla from it, on me it's mostly lovely fluffy marshmallow with a hint of lavender to keep it from being too sweet.


I've been putting Purple Puff with MRF III and it goes really well. MRF is a nice scent but I don't love it the way most people do. Purple Puff makes it lighter and less incensey, and I can smell it a little bit hours later. The last time I wore this combo around the boy he said I smelled like roses, lol. Later he said I smelled sweet. I think he meant it in a good way but he's so hard to read and I didn't see that it affected him much....sigh. Still trying to find something that does it for him. He's an alpha male, so maybe I'll try CB next.


I wore this out to karaoke night last week and got a few possible hits. The most noticeable one was from a guy I'd never met but was friends with some people I know. He was staring at me for a while before I talked to him, and when I did he sat very close to me and laughed at almost everything I said, even if it wasn't funny. He left before I did but his friend practically had to pull him away because he kept looking at me, it was kind of cute. He didn't ask for my number but he friended me on facebook and sent me a message asking if I wanted to hang out sometime, so he's probably just shy.


I really want a full bottle of this but I'm waiting to get my next order so I can decide if I like the original LAM fragrance better. I definitely can't afford to get both right now.

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Oh yes Carmen, CB is good for the alpha males for sure.

Also!! I know you are waiting for your package to see if you like Original LAM better than Purple Puff but remember that PP is limited and LAM is permanent...just don't want you to get mad if PP sells out and you don't get a bottle! That is a real piss pot when that happens. :angry:

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He's an alpha male, so maybe I'll try CB next.

Oh yes Carmen, CB is good for the alpha males for sure.


This is a little off-topic but you've just got me thinking - I've heard a few people saying CB is pretty fool-proof as a blend for alpha males. Can anyone tell me a good fool-proof blend for beta males?

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Oh you're right...noooo, what have I done?? I don't want to cost the wonderful people at LPMP too much in shipping if I make another order too soon after :( My only hope is it to come soon and I discover I need a full bottle of something else! D:

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Oh you're right...noooo, what have I done?? I don't want to cost the wonderful people at LPMP too much in shipping if I make another order too soon after :( My only hope is it to come soon and I discover I need a full bottle of something else! D:


Don't worry, you will ALWAYS need a bottle of something else!!


For beta males (well, one particular recent one :lol: I don't generally go for them) I found SS4W & especially Lace made him happy, adoring and sweet.


Thanks Tyvey! SS4W is one of my regulars/favourites, and now that you mention it I have always got great hits from beta males with this.

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If CB is really effective on alpha males, I wonder if Sexology has similar results. Come to think of it, I think the best reaction I ever got from him was when I broke my sample of Velvet Kisses and just put the broken vial in a ziplock bag near my bed. It had been there for about a week, could the pheros still have been effective? If only I hadn't broken it!!


If CB is best for alpha males and SS4W is good for beta males, I wonder if LAM is just all around good for everyone! I haven't worn it much by itself yet. I'm going out tonight, I think I'll test it on its own.

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This is a little off-topic but you've just got me thinking - I've heard a few people saying CB is pretty fool-proof as a blend for alpha males. Can anyone tell me a good fool-proof blend for beta males?


Some people get more into the male social hierarchy. And almost seem to make up their own definitions of Alpha, Belta, Delta, Gamma, Sigma, Omega. But if you meant Beta as in intropspective, intelligent, quiet, unconfrontational more in touch with their feelings etc etc. If so, my S.O is a super Beta male. He responds veryyy well to Heart & Soul and Perfect Match with added cops. I think he likes the b-nol in those blends. Which makes sense since b-nol is supposed to inspire bonding and Beta males are generalized as wanting meaningful/connected relationships

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Some people get more into the male social hierarchy. And almost seem to make up their own definitions of Alpha, Belta, Delta, Gamma, Sigma, Omega. But if you meant Beta as in intropspective, intelligent, quiet, unconfrontational more in touch with their feelings etc etc. If so, my S.O is a super Beta male. He responds veryyy well to Heart & Soul and Perfect Match with added cops. I think he likes the b-nol in those blends. Which makes sense since b-nol is supposed to inspire bonding and Beta males are generalized as wanting meaningful/connected relationships


Yep, that's what I mean. I don't like using "hierarchy" terms either, it just seems to be the terminology used at the moment. I mean the more quiet, shy, less aggressive guys. I also love Heart & Soul and PM too. Beta androstenol is a winner for sure!

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I know what you mean, especially when people are way more complex than a superficial label. I think these terms are so widely used because it's easier and quicker for most people. I actually don't like that beta is sometimes used with a negative connotation, and some guys who would be labeled alpha are actually just assholes >_< I think the best guys have the supposed characteristics of both! Mine is stereotypically alpha in many ways but he also wants meaningful relationships, plus he'll humble himself when he screws up with no prompting from me :)

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Yep, that's what I mean. I don't like using "hierarchy" terms either, it just seems to be the terminology used at the moment. I mean the more quiet, shy, less aggressive guys. I also love Heart & Soul and PM too. Beta androstenol is a winner for sure!


Just wanted to make sure! I've read definitions of Beta that described Beta guys as being the friend of Alphas that try to take over as Alpha when the Alpha isn't around.

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Yeah, I don't get the negative connotation applied to "beta" guys. I always seem to go for beta guys - as in "nice" guys - and I am just seriously turned off by assholes. Like, I feel a physical repulsion towards guys if they behave in a nasty or mean way, no matter how good looking they are. Guys can be nice but still dominant and self-assured when necessary. Traits associated with "alpha" males tend to make me think the guy must have self-esteem issues if he feels the need to prove his masculinity all the time, and needs to do so by being mean.

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I agree with you completely. I think the guys who feel the need to prove their masculinity are not really "alpha," they're just assholes. A self-assured leader type is what I think is attractive, even if he's not as good looking as the douchebag who's really hot. And he can still be nice. I like to be well treated :) Douche =/= alpha, and beta =/= a wimpy pushover, absolutely.


Anyway back on topic - Purple Puff doesn't do much for my guy so far, and I can't tell if LAM makes anyone behave differently, but it smells beautiful and makes me feel great so it's winner!

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You know, I'm too impatient to let this dry down so I just smear it a bit with my wrists. I swear some of it gets on my clothes and hair and I've never smelled anything funky, ever. I love this fragrance!


I always get it allllll over my clothes and hair - i'm a wild one with the spray pumps :lol: - and i've definitely never gotten eau de cops. i always forget this has them!!


however, i always seem to get scents with cops all up in my clothes/hair and never really get funk unless i get funk on the skin when wet - a lot i don't - so maybe it's just my nose (yikes). there are some scents though (cops aside), that i swear never come out of my clothes if the oil so much as thinks about touching the fabric - especially the chocolatey or honey ones - could be worse since they still smell *good*, but i can always tell what LP i was wearing last time i wore that!




Crookedteeth, you sprayed Purple Puff on your hair? How about the cops-smell from LAM? Doesn't it stick too much on the hair? I'm afraid to put any phero blends with cops on my hair (except Lumina, Cougar and Intellectual/w where the amount of cops is very low).

What you said about PP and Purple Puff sounds interesting: Popularity Potion with cops & an increased amount of a-nol. I think I'll try it. B)

oop, i just saw this, but the response i just posted works perfect for this too!!

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I'll second the no problem on hair thing with this since I sprayed it liberally today-inner elbows, cleavage, back of neck, knees, albeit at two points in the day, inner elbows and legs first, later cleavage and back of neck.


There were a lot of unaccompanied dads in the park today...one kind of circled the park then seemingly to his own bewilderment sat on the bench near mine, like a moth to a flame. I ignored him totally. Another guy seemingly just with a dad, not the owner of any kids, kept kind of smiling at me as he drifted past every so often, but all I could think was...your socks, oh dear.

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LOL Mel,that makes me both laugh,socks ? :lol: and wink knowingly :001_302: as I have LAM in the beloved Captivation Equation,also a spray. I ordered a sample of Purple Puff,should have got a bottle :D

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He was wearing trainers and pristine white socks. Not trainer socks. Pulled slightly too high normal socks. His companion was worse. He had kermit socks on with his shorts but pulled half way up to his knees, stretched to their limit.

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I zeroed the cart so we can get through the existing orders. Will return the remaining few to the cart after the existing flood has subsided. Do you want me to hold one for you, Tanya? (If I have one!)

omg yes please! I hope there is one.:)

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Oh thank-you Im soo happy! I will be placing an order next weekend, as I'll have more money to spend.

So how do I purchase it when its time to order though ?..I will just email you when Im ready to order :)

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I got two bottles of this unsniffed and I do not regret my decision! This starts of great and ends oh so divinely. I get a sweetened lavender initially, not overly sweet, but enough sweetness to soften the medicinal smell I usually associate with lavender. After about two hours I get the marshmallow with the lavender dancing in the back. Great staying power. I sprayed on last night and was able to smell it on myself the next afternoon.

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Lavender is my first true scent love. Something about it makes me dreamy and content. We have lavender farms within driving distance from my home and we'll go there during the summer months. The farm will give you a big wicker basket, cutting shears, and a large sized twist tie. You can cut as much as you can fit a twist tie around for $5. When you go into the fields, the bees, which I am normally terrified of, are so fat, happy, and slow that they are no bother at all. Sometimes I think that since there are so many lavender fields in that town that even the townspeople are just chilled out and relaxed when the lavender is in bloom.


I really enjoyed the sample of this one. The lavender was the first note for me, but it quickly stepped aside for a sugary linen scent. I think the lavender kept it from getting a little too sweet for me. And the staying power on this was crazy long. I wore it all day and when I woke up in the morning to take a shower, there it was, still hugging my skin.


This was my first try at LAM. Yeah, I'll be getting something with this magical LAM stuff in it. I am a bit of an introvert so this was a little overwhelming at first. I've been told I have the "sexy librarian" vibe, that I totally fit my Scorpio traits, and sometimes people are a little intimidated by me. It's weird because I am also the person that people will tell me ALL of their deepest secrets/fears/desires with barely even knowing me. Anyway, when I wore this, you would have thought I had just signed a movie contract or had a hot new music video out. LOTS of attention. It kind of caught me off guard, but hey, a girl could get used to this.


Bottom line, I loved the fragrance and double loved the phero response!

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Anyway, when I wore this, you would have thought I had just signed a movie contract or had a hot new music video out. LOTS of attention. It kind of caught me off guard, but hey, a girl could get used to this.


Bottom line, I loved the fragrance and double loved the phero response!


Nice review :)


... and welcome to our world :001_302:

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Lavender is my first true scent love. Something about it makes me dreamy and content. We have lavender farms within driving distance from my home and we'll go there during the summer months. The farm will give you a big wicker basket, cutting shears, and a large sized twist tie. You can cut as much as you can fit a twist tie around for $5. When you go into the fields, the bees, which I am normally terrified of, are so fat, happy, and slow that they are no bother at all. Sometimes I think that since there are so many lavender fields in that town that even the townspeople are just chilled out and relaxed when the lavender is in bloom.


I really enjoyed the sample of this one. The lavender was the first note for me, but it quickly stepped aside for a sugary linen scent. I think the lavender kept it from getting a little too sweet for me. And the staying power on this was crazy long. I wore it all day and when I woke up in the morning to take a shower, there it was, still hugging my skin.


This was my first try at LAM. Yeah, I'll be getting something with this magical LAM stuff in it. I am a bit of an introvert so this was a little overwhelming at first. I've been told I have the "sexy librarian" vibe, that I totally fit my Scorpio traits, and sometimes people are a little intimidated by me. It's weird because I am also the person that people will tell me ALL of their deepest secrets/fears/desires with barely even knowing me. Anyway, when I wore this, you would have thought I had just signed a movie contract or had a hot new music video out. LOTS of attention. It kind of caught me off guard, but hey, a girl could get used to this.


Bottom line, I loved the fragrance and double loved the phero response!



YEARS ago Michael and I went to some place near Olympia and we were driving aimlessly around and came across a HUGE lavender field...it seemed like it just APPEARED OUT OF NOWHERE!! It was so cool. One of my favorite memories. We bought a lavender plant there and planted it at the cabin we were staying at!


Anyway...back on topic...you definitely should get the LAM sampler!!!! Pink Amber is my fave followed closely by Sandalwood and Resins....

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I just got a sampler of this. I was a bit hesitant because I'm very easily overpowered by lavender. Wet, the lavender was bordering on too sharp for me, but after drydown it did mellow a lot and became much sweeter. I like this, it is very fresh.

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I definitely think this one smells better on my clothes than me. Every time I wear it I think it's "pretty good" but next day on clothes I always gasp "what was I wearing yesterday?!"


Me too! It smells amazing on my clothes!!

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I love this. I have a couple of reviews for this, but will do a quick one because I have to pee..

So I wore this to a funeral mass last night. My BF's friend's mom died, and I went with him.. the mass was in the hood.

Small church. I actually went to catechism at this church. It was Maria De Immaculata Concepcion, del Rosario, del Jesus Cristo y Pollo Loco Queremos taco bell.


I had just gotten home from work, did a quick change of my blouse and blasted this every where. We got to the church and were confused as to what we were there for, so I asked one of the senors. He was ultra helpful and went to go ask God himself if we were in the right place.

I thought we were there for a rosary or viewing. No, we were there for Spanish Mass for the sick and departed. So here we are walking everywhere, to and fro in the casa de Cristo, and everyone was staring at us, or me. Normally hispanics are super el nosy, but when in the house of Jesus, being nosy is a sin! If you are not on your knees praying five thousand Ave Maria's then you are going to hell.

Everyone, I mean everyone was watching us talking to God's messenger, walking to the back of the church, walking to our seats, settling in.. and everyone was staring at me with sheer delight and joy.. like I was La Virgen Immaculata De el Valle De San Fernando, like I was there to save them, like I came down from Heaven to sit in Spanish mass with them.


I have not been to church in I don't know how long. I haven't been to mass in Spanish since I was 2. Omg everyone sings their responses and their is no music playing. About 10 minutes in, I started to get sooo sleepy. I mean I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open. Luckily there is a lot of physical activity in church , and the Apocalypto little girl that was sitting across from me, running up and down and staring at me, was freaking me out enough to stay awake.


When it came time to say peace to your neighbor, like five hundred Mexicans scrambled to me to shake my hand.

It was awesome.

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Are you telling us with a straight face that it had nothing to do with your low-cut halter top and spandex miniskirt?


(Still LMAO over your vivid descriptions of the church and parishioners!!)


And just to keep this kosher -- Purple Puff is indeed good enough to have caused your popularity even without the spandex!

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Are you telling us with a straight face that it had nothing to do with your low-cut halter top and spandex miniskirt?



(Still LMAO over your vivid descriptions of the church and parishioners!!)


One lady was wearing a tight purple spandex something and she was not wearing Spanx. She was wearing a tanga.

She was Apocalypto's mom. I wanted to tell her to kindly tell her daughter to stop crawling on the floor and chewing gum because we were in the house of el LORD and she was escaring me.

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Yes, she IS one crazy chica! And she also just "talked" me into nabbing that last bottle of Purple Puff at the risk of alienating Mara et al. over making yet another order!


:smiley-scared004: (hiding from Mara)

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