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Coconut Breeze

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Coconut Breeze

A visit to a very special island: one where the breeze is always sweet and inviting, the sky and the water are crystalline blue, and the sun warms the skin and fires the imagination…enjoy a moment of tropical escape with a light but luscious combination of coconut water, coconut cream and Thai coconut melded with rich cocoa butter and delicate perfumey vanilla with a sheer base of vanilla musk.




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:

COCOA BUTTER ~ Lightens emotions, evokes feelings of love.
COCONUT ~ Protection, purification, receptivity.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.




Oooh, I've never had the chance to start a review thread before. How apt that it's for a coconut fragrance. :perfume-emoticon:

My first whiff was : This smells like sunshine in a bottle to me. I first dotted it on my wrists and inner forearms. I smelled the dominant notes of coconut and a lot of musk. I couldn’t detect any vanilla (which is fine b/c sometimes it turns plastic on me) I wanted to slather this but exercised restraint :-)

In the first half hour or hour I amped the musk something terrible. I had hoped that since it was the last ingredient that it would remain politely in the background but it was pretty up front on me.

After two hours: This dried down to a mellow, nutty, WARM sweetness. It reminds me of childhood when everyone wore Coppertone or Hawaiian Tropic suntan lotion (we didn’t call it sunscreen back then and the object was to get a tan, so the lotions smelled fantastic)

This isn’t foody or sweet on me. It smells more sophisticated and like summer on my skin. I will continue to test through the week and report.

I thought too, that if I continue to amp the musk, that I’d layer it with LP Sunfire.

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This one reminds me of a sexed up nookie cookie musk. It wears very close to the skin and is almost like milk. I also smell a bit of almond in here, almost like it's a coco almond butter cookie musk. It's not a refreshing watery coco, it's a heavy coco cream. Almost like you were baking coconut cookies in your outdoor kitchen in a frilly apron and red bikini, and the pool boy was there, it was a 110 degrees and he was sweating, so naturally you offered him some water, next thing you know the both of you are there on the floor by the oven in the sun.. bodies sweating, bakery smells a swirling,coconuts creaming.. It's sexy, summer skin!

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I'm super excited to try this one particularly. Your description reminds me of LP Sunfire.


THAT's the one I was trying to remember in my original post. Will edit now. Thanks Tyvey. I wore this again and It does last so that's a plus. And I'm thinking it lasts so long because of the musk. Most of the time the foody scents peter out on my skin. Don't know if that's true of foody scents in general or just me. The caveat is that the very thing which makes the fragrance last is an ingredient that my skin doesn't like. Musk. Today I shall layer it and see if the combo brings out more of that luscious coconut scent!

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This does turn a bit husk-y on me but the other creamy elements keep that quality in check; this is Classic Coconut! It's got a nice thick body to it thanks to the cocoa butter and the musk, with all the coconut accords nicely intertwined. This is great for me because I know it will stick longer than something Pie In The Sky or Goddess Potion, two other coconut-based scents I enjoy, but they fade so fast. And others tend to go too dark on me.



In the final drydown the cocoa butter really comes out and then I'm reminded of halo's Angelique.

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Wow, I need to try this again. Yesterday when I tested, I *swear* I got some odd cops smell! I actually checked the label to be sure I did not mis-remember this being a cops-blend. WEIRD!

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Coconut Breeze is all about breezy, light coconutty water and a sheer coconut cream, with slightly chocolatey-nutty cocoa butter!


It opens with a very defined cocoa butter accord, which to me smells slightly chocolatey and just a tad nutty, like Palmer's body lotion, but sheerer and brighter...I agree with Lady V that this potion is somewhat similar to Nookie Cookie, but CB is summery and a refreshing, yet creamy coconut fragrance that is perfect for hot summer months whereas NC feels more cakey-bakey and more appropiate for colder months IMO.


After cocoa butter makes its presence, the lush and sweet coconut takes a step forward turning creamier and milkier by the minute, so one gets to enjoy all of coconut's facets here... from watery agua de coco to thicker, lusher creamy coconut...The cocoa butter adds to the overall creaminess of this potion and the coconut always shines through the vanilla and the musk... I don't get a strong sun tanny vibe from the coconut note, IMO the gourmandish cocoa butter and vanilla tame the tropical coconut, so it won't smell exactly like sun tanner.


Beautifully done! It is a light summery gourmand that is FB worthy and very lickable...It does wear close to the skin, but it has good longevity on my skin.

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Holy crap. This is coconut layered on coconut with a side of coconut garnished with coconut. It's like fresh coconut, vanillaed coconut cream and a rich creamy core of cocoa butter veiled in a sheer, but still warm and sensual, musk. This one seems to explore every facet of coconut, and they all seem to harmonize into one amazeballs coconut bomb.

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I go weak whenever I see the word MUSK ...... I didn't bother to read this thread till this evening as it has coconut. I might have to talk myself out as I have my PE to "musk" around with.

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Holy crap. This is coconut layered on coconut with a side of coconut garnished with coconut. It's like fresh coconut, vanillaed coconut cream and a rich creamy core of cocoa butter veiled in a sheer, but still warm and sensual, musk. This one seems to explore every facet of coconut, and they all seem to harmonize into one amazeballs coconut bomb.

Wow! This sounds like real juicy fleshy nom nom coconut. Why didn't I add this to my order? I have to get it next time. I remember a coconut scent about one year ago, Pie in the Sky, I think. Is this close to Pie in the Sky?

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To me, Pie in the Sky was very light and sheer and disappeared on me very fast. This one has more staying power and is not as sweet.

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Trying this again today, and I definitely agree with Gaby, about it opening with a chocolate-like smell... I haven't gotten the hang of the new vial-tops, and I had oil all over my fingers, lol, so I ran them through my hair... which smells amazing, but a lot like chocolate!

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Wow I've read about the similarity to H Angelique with c. breeze. I remembered chocolate in HA. This is totally different on me than Angelique. So interesting how body chemistries are so vastly different.

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Absolutely lovely!

Musk can go either way on me...Coconut Breeze goes the RIGHT way.


The creamy coconut/musk combo brings back awesome childhood memories.


Before my mother turned into the paranoid religious fanatic she is today, she was a HOTTIE. By anyones standards. She was Farrah Faucett in our town. Long bleached blonde hair, glowing tan skin, beautiful blues eyes, a body to die for and stacked! And she dressed for it back then! Wrath of God be damned!! The quintessential California girl.


I grew up on the Central Coast of California so we LIVED at the beach. Pismo Beach was OUR stomping ground!!!


My mother and her best friend would stretch out on their groovy recliners FIGHTING the men off while I ran amuck in the surf. I never even went to kindergarten! My mother said she didn't believe in it! Obviously what is probably closer to the truth is that she wanted another year of freedom before having to get back to town to get me from school. I didn't mind a bit! I didn't need to learn how to take a nap! I passed out from sheer exhaustion from battling waves every day!! LOL!!

Everything we owned smelled of tanning lotion.


The other scent I associate with my mother is the perfume she wore religiously...it was called SKIN. Little round glass bottle with green writing. It may have been called Skin Musk but I just remember the word Skin. I'm sure it was some kind of musk. This is what her sheets and closet smelled of. When she would be out on a date or something I would stick my head in her closet and just inhale this familiar comfort in. Or crawl into her HUGE bed because her sheets were covered in Skin perfume. I used to miss her so much when she was gone!!


Well Coconut Breeze smells mostly of this musk to me but because I know it has coconut in it I think I have just blended these two luscious smells of my childhood together and this is what the result is.


How amazing that because of Maras magickal perfumes I can emulate the version of my mother I always wanted to be!!!

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At first I get a coconutty sweet floral like a tiare flower. This must be the musk. It dries down pretty quickly though and within about 10 minutes I totally see the comparison with LP Sunfire. This is that same sort of yummy coconut. And not fake the way coconut can be sometimes. But duskier and more sensual.


This is such a lovely bright summery scent. I kinda wish it had the gold shimmery mica in it.

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This is what her sheets and closet smelled of. When she would be out on a date or something I would stick my head in her closet and just inhale this familiar comfort in. Or crawl into her HUGE bed because her sheets were covered in Skin perfume. I used to miss her so much when she was gone!!


Well Coconut Breeze smells mostly of this musk to me but because I know it has coconut in it I think I have just blended these two luscious smells of my childhood together and this is what the result is.


How amazing that because of Maras magickal perfumes I can emulate the version of my mother I always wanted to be!!!


Oh MDC, what a beautiful review!! :abfx:


I imagined your mom looking a living Barbie, wow!! Luv your SKIN musk memory....

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Thank you Molls, Eggers and Gaby!


Oh she did look like a Barbie! As you can imagine...Barbie was big in our house! She would sew the outfits too. I remember she made little 70's pantsuits for our dolls.. My sister had Barbie and Ken...not me! I had just single girl Barbie...imagine that! We both turned out just as our Barbies were! :lol:

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What a beautiful story, MissDC,


Lexy, i'd love to read your reviews if you ever get this. BTW, I found some White Musk bath salt but um uncertain if they are original or new. I'll post more later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is so weird! I was expecting to be hit in the face with coconut, but at first it is only faintly coconut, I actually smell the cocoa butter more - at first I thought it was a chocolate smell. Then after twenty minutes, I can't smell anything at all!! This must be a super subtle, skin smell for me. I know I moisturised well today so I guess my skin just eats this smell...

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In the vial all I can make out is coconut husk, and for the first few moments on my skin, that's exactly how it stays. As it dries though, it goes through stages of coconut water, and coconut cream, and finally chocolate-y coconut. I love the finish. It reminds me a little bit of hot macaroons! Lol! There's still a tinge of coconut husk just below the chocolate smell. Maybe my macaroons are piled up in coconut husks? I don't know. But this smells beautiful and summery, and damn it, now I think I want a full bottle. :)

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This didn't agree with me on first trial and I couldn't put finger on it. This thread bump made me try it again. Something about the vanilla and cocoa butter combo goes a little waxy on me :(

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I would love my tanning lotion to smell like this! ..actually this perfume is perfect to wear on a hot sunny day or when you know your going to be outside in the heat.


:heart708: Coconut Breeze.. :heart106:Mmmm It smells like lush creamy coconuts with melted chocolate and warm skin musk. :heart:

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I just wanted to share that today I layered this awesome coconut scent with lots of coconut goodness underneath and I loved it!


I amp the cocoa butter accord in Coconut Breeze, so I get lots of sheer chocolatey goodness and I love it, but I wanted the coconut to stand its ground and be more of a co-star here, so I applied a coconut body wash and coconut body butter and then topped it all with gorgeous Coconut Breeze and voila! I got the coconut forward and the cocoa butter plays nicely and shares its place....plus I got more projection and sillage, nice!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just got a sample of this, it's applied to my inner elbow. Initially I smell cocoa butter but then it gets dustier and turns into the brown dusty coconut husk. It's a bit like smashing open coconuts on a rock, bits of husk flying into the air. I like it. Not sure how much I would wear it, but it would be amaaaaazing in super hot weather.

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I have not tried this yet, but I think I should. I love coconut, but I'm not a big fan of cocoa butter. I wonder which one is the most prominent note, the cocoa butter or the coconut. If it's more like creamy coconut & vanilla, then it could be my new summer holiday scent.

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