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Heart 2 Heart Empathy Potion

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PM, you don't think this will work as well as a 60/40? Should I change my order to just alcohol? I asked for 60/40 since alcohol sprays tend to burn up so quickly, but if you think I should get it in just alcohol, I will.


I think it will work best as intended in 100% pure alcohol, (as I have stated right next to the order forms).


To work the way it was crafted to work, the ingredients have to be light and up in the air.


It will still work in a heavier base, but it's not going to get as much up into the air. The effect may be longer lasting, but it will also be muted. If you are looking for a more muted effect, then by all means, try it with some oil added, but if anyone is looking for the same kinds of reactions as the testers experienced in their blind test...it's 100% alcohol, worn alongside any perfume of your choice (oil or spray doesn't matter). I would apply my perfume first, and then spritz the unscented Empathy Potion like a finishing spray over top.


Spraying on your clothes and hair will make the pheros last longer too...you can try that to extend wear, rather than adding oil if you wish.

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Today's observations (again one spray):

-That same sense of being right here, right now but this time it manifested itself in a strong sense of focus.

-I had much more patience at least for as long as the effects lasted.

-The crash is so drastic for me, though, I definitely could not use this on a daily basis. Even with taking the precautions I thought I needed to, after about four hours I was left shaky and spacy. Once I ate again I was fine, though.

Edited by luna65
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We'll put it in a metal bottle for you, rather than glass. ok?


WOW...does customer service get any better than that? Mara you are amazing :D

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I really need to try this. My mom and I have never had a particularly close relationship. There are no serious issues between us, and I know she loves me very much, we just have very different personalities and she's... extremely good at pushing my buttons.


She's turning 71 on Saturday, and I am really beginning to fear we're running out of time to mend our relationship :D I know it must break her heart, but whenever we talk on the phone, it's like my patience and empathy (of which I usually have a lot for my friends and my clients) fly out the window. Gah.


If Heart to Heart can help - even a little - I'll be buying this by the gallon.

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it's like my patience and empathy (of which I usually have a lot for my friends and my clients) fly out the window. Gah. If Heart to Heart can help - even a little - I'll be buying this by the gallon.


Ishtar! I hear you!!!! I've been having some trouble communicating with my mum recently... My sisters and I are finding her nagging a bit too much... And I know it's not right to feel this way because she is my mum, i should give her love she deserves and less complaint about her nagging... :P If this potion will allow me to listen to what she wants to say PATIENTLY and PEACEFULLY.... I think i will similar to you buy this by the gallon! XD

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-The crash is so drastic for me, though, I definitely could not use this on a daily basis. Even with taking the precautions I thought I needed to, after about four hours I was left shaky and spacy. Once I ate again I was fine, though.


Is there a reason for this?

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Is there a reason for this?


I think everyone's chemistry is different to one another... I get no crashes with Weapon X and get drastic crashes using B2.... It works but i will be heading for bed after a few hours :P

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My thoughts:

Spritz on hair and front of shirt, maybe a dot on the hands...no more than 2 sprays total.

Wear with a light friendly type of fragrance.


Don't "overwhelm" with either the phero or the scent. You want them to be drawn to you - so use like a lure...tease them closer.


The sledgehammer approach can turn people off with regard to scent, and too much of this phero may cause that "rebellious" type of response I noted in the experiment thread.


Best of success, Sweetie - good luck!


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Good Luck Halo! Wear your hair down and see if you can shake it a bit while you're there.

Not shake in the whole crawling on the floor shaking it back and forth with sexy eyes, but maybe a light fluff or flip, although maybe if the judge is male, he might like you crawling on the floor..

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I would love other people to be more empathetic


I am also very open and emotional naturally, I think I need something that will soften others while making me more bulletproof

Edited by perfumesniffer
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You mean at the same time? I think the only way you could accomplish that is to wear something which will have an emotional effect on others (like b-nol, for example) while distancing yourself from their reaction. Or at least that's how I interpret "bulletproof." Because for me the benefit of using something which brings out more emotion in others is to make it easier for me to fully express my own emotions in return, without fear of negative connotations or response.


The interesting thing about this blend is that people who don't want to be empathetic in the first place cannot wear this, it will freak them out.

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I don't see the ingredients listed. Any idea what might be in it?


Even though it's for women I'm interested in trying it out. lol.

Jaycee, the only gender specific ingredient in here is EST, so if you don't mind wearing EST give it a shot. Let us know how it works for you!

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My thoughts:

Spritz on hair and front of shirt, maybe a dot on the hands...no more than 2 sprays total.

Wear with a light friendly type of fragrance.


Don't "overwhelm" with either the phero or the scent. You want them to be drawn to you - so use like a lure...tease them closer.


The sledgehammer approach can turn people off with regard to scent, and too much of this phero may cause that "rebellious" type of response I noted in the experiment thread.


Best of success, Sweetie - good luck!



Mara you are right on. The only way this worked for me was to use less and in the hair. Even though I tried to crow bar my will and wear more more more, in this case less is more (why am I such a stubborn woman?) :-)

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  • 1 month later...

Ok... I tested my sample spray bottle of heart to heart empathy amp with Christine's Yin Ylang.


Sprayed it once on my hair. Didn't get the sharpening reaction most ppl got... def. felt the crashing element after a few hours of application... similar to when i spray B2 (it's just me :))


1st thing- MO said "why are you so cute today- so cute that you "seem" like an idiot". o.O I don't understand what he said. but i don't think the person who loves you will call u an IDIOT. so i gave him the WTF face and said " this is not what you say to a girlfd, apologize".


2) I was quite emotional throughout the day... but there was one thing that stunned me for a bit... SO i was in the computer shopping center with MO and another fd, MO wanted to get his PC fixed but apparently the technicians cannot bring it back to life because most of the parts are rusting... Basically the PC is trash and so MO left the PC at the shop. later he rang the shop again asking if he could fix the pc if he bought all the parts again... and they asked if he was the BLACK GUY.


MO was really annoyed and angry. He couldn't believed that he was called the BLACK GUY. (he's very tanned and pretty "dark" in comparison to most asian...) MO went ON and ON about how annoyed and "frustrated" he is when how ppl see him as the BLACK GUY. he was offended. NORMALLY- i will take all these negative emotions on myself. BUT today- i said- so now you know how it felt to be offended. This is how i felt when you said i was an idiot. i just didn't see the point to be so angry about these things and i just... didn't care. In a GOOD WAY, like i wasn't worried about it. DUDE, just LET GO and MOVE ON. I was calm and i tried to divert that attention to something else so we can talk about other things :)


I don't know if it was the phero or the recent change in me that affected my ways of "seeing" things... but it felt good to not care about some negative comments XD

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Sprayed it once on my hair. Didn't get the sharpening reaction most ppl got... def. felt the crashing element after a few hours of application... similar to when i spray B2 (it's just me tongue.gif)


I'm not sure it is "just you", I think the blend may need to be balanced a little better to avoid that "crashing" effect. I've been wanting to speak with Chris about it to check my levels against his opinion. I get the same feel from B2 myself, and I think there again is a balancing issue. I think that most people do not notice when things are minutely out of balance as acutely as you and I do, Bumbob, but I recall that Luna also mentioned something similar....it could just be that we need to apply certain blends with a lighter hand and that's it, though. I will let you know what I hear back from Chris.

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I'm not sure it is "just you", I think the blend may need to be balanced a little better to avoid that "crashing" effect. I think there again is a balancing issue. but I recall that Luna also mentioned something similar....it could just be that we need to apply certain blends with a lighter hand and that's it, though.


Yeh i think Luna felt the crash with H2HE on.... This is interesting... coz i use ONE SPRAY for B2 and H2HE. I spray about 30cm away from my body and walk into the "cloud" of perfume and i get the crash feeling with B2 :) With H2HE- I spray about 30cm away from back of my head and again walk into the cloud... similar tiredness like B2. May be you are right- some readjustment with the pheros might be needed? :)

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Bumbob, Mo is sounding more like an asshole any minute. Sorry for the TJ, had to be done.


I know and he doesn't know that the way he says things are actually offending people. He got the trait (of being super critical and saying it whenever he wants without considering how others feel ) from his mother.... She does it at home all the time... they are all unconciously doing it and it's good that im guarding my heart from his "treatment", and telling him that it's not NORMAL to say those things out loud an in their face. :Hug_emoticon:

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Bumbob, Mo is sounding more like an asshole any minute. Sorry for the TJ, had to be done.


I know and he doesn't know that the way he says things are actually offending people. He got the trait (of being super critical and saying it whenever he wants without considering how others feel ) from his mother.... She does it at home all the time... they are all unconciously doing it and it's good that im guarding my heart from his "treatment", and telling him that it's not NORMAL to say those things out loud an in their face. :Hug_emoticon:

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Him saying things is only half the problem, and the lesser one. That he *thinks* these things is the bigger one. Delightful to hear he sounds wonderfully racist on top of telling you repeatedly in every imaginative way he can come up with that he does not respect you at all. What a peach.


Back on topic: the sense-sharpening and self-effects (esp, feeling more torlerant/patient toward my mom, and toward trying colleagues ) are things I want to experience again with this blend, but in a lesser concentration than the 2x I tested.... maybe even I'll wait for a future tweak to address the crash issue...

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Ok, Just got off the phone with Chris and discussed with him the "crashing" issue. He was very generous with his time and expertise. :)


He said, most of the time when people feel a "crash" it is because there needs to be a little bit of oil in an alcohol spray, like 10-20%, so that one doesn't get immediate highs followed by sudden lows. You're always going to get an immediate high with an alcohol spray, but if you temper it with a little oil, then you get more of a tapering-off effect at the end.


Other than that, he felt the user (or, me, the blender) should add a touch more alpha-nol to the mix, to ease up on the seriousness of the intent/other ingredients, and as a buffering agent.


He mentioned the same thing about B2. If you've already got it in a oil form, then the crash isn't from a sudden drop off, therefore, try adding a dash of alpha-nol to the mix and it should help eliminate the crash and buffer/round out the other ingredients better.


Cool stuff!


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  • 3 months later...

I've mixed Heart2Heart (100% alcohol spray) with 'Give Peas A Chance' (one of my favourite perfumes). I sprayed on my wrists and neck before I went to see my relatives and we had a really good time together.

Now I'm thinking about the 'crash issue' and that Mara suggested to add some oil to the alcohol spray. So, it might be good to add some perfume oil just to temper the immediate effect of the alcohol spray, isn't it? As for me, it worked very well this way.

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  • 3 months later...

H2H – 3 sprays, 2 in neck and 1 in cleavage. this is Un version in 100% alcohal


I applied around 9 am. I had to leave for work and in sometime I felt I was feeling very emotional, sort of ready to cry if touched on anything. I also felt very understanding. It was a strange feeling for me. I had to leave my chic at neighbor’s house. Though I was kind of angry in morning on her for missing the bus, but now I was feeling kind of ok with it. Strange thoughts.( that what else she can do in such situation where she is only with me, she will find ways out to be with others and find her comfort zone). On the drive to work I was cranky and kind of crying. I had bad(low) feelings when I reached office. I kept on sitting confided to myself and not initiated nor reciprocated any convo with anyone in the team. I also felt very slight dizziness with this just after application and after apprx 3 hrs.i am sleepy and feeling like lying down.


Overall conclusion so far is that this blend makes you very emotional, and understanding. I think I was not only thinking from my perspective but was looking more into somebody else’s angle. Oh its great if other person thinks like this for you, but little tricky if you get carried away with others, wearing this blend. They can make you do things which probably you would not do in normal situations.


Oh now when posting i read some of the above posts i get to know initial head rush happens to all. will try applying some oil with it too when i test it next....

Edited by Magnanimity
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  • 2 months later...

I wore a spritz of this to tummy before spending time with mom as it seems to work great for both me and her. Mine is UN with the recommended splash of a-nol.


Initial stunned feeling as usual plus very aware of my tonsils and tongue. (Hi TH DOC!) Then mom and I both upbeat and smiley and chatted uncontrollably like magpies for several hours. We both talk a lot anyway but we were actually COMMUNICATING, ie actively listening to each other which we're pretty bad at.


Then.....I crashed HARD for about four hours. :( next time must remember to spray on back or something. Also I'm going to go tip some perfume oil into it right now like snowflake, before I forget. ETA oh I see she was referring to Mara's earlier post ! Thanks both

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  • 1 month later...

This is a very inetresting potion which has a very rich potencial, cause it use is not restricted into social or sexual but you can see different reactions in different people and also the amount you use change the way it affect you or others.

The first time I wore it the reactions were too strong all around me seemed very much to a psychiatric facility! LOL But I must say that every amount is too much in myself ( everything stinks on me even Perfect Match so I have to wear pheros very carefully , I couldn't use EOW already cause it's smell so much in me that I couldn't found a cover scent the only one that covers it is Shelly B's Bodacious Bomb but i ve got just a little sample)

The secand dayI was wiser and use a less amount of it and it worked wonderfully


Self effects: Kind of a mind reader but in the emotional aspect is like if you could be inside the person and feel the way she is feeling and even see the perspective this person is using to analize her actual situation even if she is seeing reality in a disrtortionated way you can see how this strange and irracional perspective works for her and discover the ulterior intention of this way of thinking.

For example a woman obsessed with a man for several years she is convinced that it's true love but this time I could see perfeclty clear that she is in this unipersonal relationship for several reasons

1) Avoidance.When she is fantasizing about this man she isn't feeling pain, So as ilogical it might seem she uses pain to avoid pain, but the pain she is using is one that she knew very well and feel comfortable with it. Sometimes even hapiness could be scaery if you haven't experience it

2) Reinforce her own beliefs about herself loving someone who rejects her because she feels she should be rejected because she isn't worthy of love 3) Projection. She projects in this man the feelings she has as a child when she felt rejection from her parents this is the way she learned to be loved the only way she knows so she becomes obsessed with guys that will always reject her; even she make the most obvious mistakes when this relationships are going into the way of acceptance.


It's amazing how this potion increases your emotional IQ


Effects on others: It's a very powerful tool for a therapist cause it accelerates some parts of the process, people tend to lie in sesion cause i'ts a natural reaction seek for the acceptance of others so shame gets in our way very often, other thing is trust normallly will take some sessions for the patient to fully trust you. and the last thing is they normally don't know where this pain comes from, usually is something profund that comes from their childhood and they are so use to it that they don`t realize that it's affecting them and even many times ruin their lives. This potion seems to get people more in touch with their true feelings and emotions so this make easier showing them the cause of their problem, it breaks the avoidance barrier and they can see more clearly into their past and themselves and start solving the issues that are affecting them. Also as the person is wide open your words cause a bigger effect on them as if they just heard what you are saying for the first time (and believe me I've been saying almost the same things in different ways expecting that she finally gets the idea for the last 5 sesions)

You must be careful thought cause when someone is under H2H effects,because when someone is under the effects of this potion is much more receptive than usual like 10 times more and all that you say or do will resonate much more in them. Chances are, your words gestures or actions generate an unforgettable impact on the other person. In cases of people with obsessive tendencies that obsession will be projected towards you, which is only healthy in a therapeutic environment that is a controlled environment but people you don't know what their reactions will be it's better if you get to know them before you use this potion on them.

For example, I used this potion for a week and could not remove it from myself when left the consultation and during that week I received several comment in the same way like, "I was thinking about you all day" or "I can't get you out of my head" Even one person kept calling me several times a day all week! ( I didn't solve that yet)

I think this potion strengthens people's disrupted tendencies who are obsessive become more obsessive who are paranoid become more paranoid or at least these personality traits become more evident.

In normal neurotic common people (as we all are, LOL) this potion tends to strengthen bonds and enhance their feelings towards us.

I want to share and compare experiences if you want to... :Emoticons10311:




Edited by ZionMistyc
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Thank You Merienda Time!!! Have you try this one? Im eager to compare effects cause pheros seem to work stronger with my body chemistry they stink more that's for sure and this kind of despairs me

Zion :bday1029:

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Zion, great post!! You've given me a lot to think about before I try this again.


When I first received it (1x in alcohol) I tried it a few times, with not too much effect, but now I think I didn't know what I was looking for. Luckily, I didn't seem to have a bad burnout experience.


I'm very interested in trying it with something like Flying Potion. I'm thinking 1 spray each, on top of one another. Any opinions on this?

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Than You Godessline!!! You know I forgot to say something the last 3 days I wore it with some A-nol and ( I got the tip from Lady Cassanova thank you Lady C) it works even better like always in the good mood happy way. I love this one I'm getting adicted to it LOL The effects I get omothers is wonderful.

Oh! ok wait me a little bit and I answer yours, here now we are almost having lunch!

Zion :bday1029:

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Interesting stuff ladies:) ... have not tried this one,but yeah,Mara posted about using extra a-nol.


Ok, Just got off the phone with Chris and discussed with him the "crashing" issue. He was very generous with his time and expertise. :)


He said, most of the time when people feel a "crash" it is because there needs to be a little bit of oil in an alcohol spray, like 10-20%, so that one doesn't get immediate highs followed by sudden lows. You're always going to get an immediate high with an alcohol spray, but if you temper it with a little oil, then you get more of a tapering-off effect at the end.


Other than that, he felt the user (or, me, the blender) should add a touch more alpha-nol to the mix, to ease up on the seriousness of the intent/other ingredients, and as a buffering agent.


He mentioned the same thing about B2. If you've already got it in a oil form, then the crash isn't from a sudden drop off, therefore, try adding a dash of alpha-nol to the mix and it should help eliminate the crash and buffer/round out the other ingredients better.


Cool stuff!



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Thank You Merienda Time!!! Have you try this one? Im eager to compare effects cause pheros seem to work stronger with my body chemistry they stink more that's for sure and this kind of despairs me

Zion :bday1029:


No, I have not! But your review sure has certainly got me interested in trying it out. Did you have Unscented Heart 2 Heart? Wonder why it smells, doesn't seem like a phero that would be smelly. Have you tried covering it with a perfume?

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Thank You Calil mine is oil base cause USPS dond't let to send alcohol by plane but it works perfectly well you have to aliplied it 30 in before you go aut and I ve seen that with some A-ol works better there aren't lowsis more like people reacts in a good mood and also trust you way, and guys react more as in a happy mood adore you way that's that I ve seen in my case and I didn't add any cops, for example Occo is different guys react more in I want you so bad way (LOL) and Godess of the Blue Moon in my case guys react as if you were some kind of celebrity.... that admire you/ want you thing...

ZIon :bday1029:

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