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Heart's Ease with Balm Bomb

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I'll begin by saying my mum smelt this and was entranced, she loooooooved it. Sadly on me, my nose grasped a sense of perfume and then the phero took over, and really took over at that. I like the effect, but this is maybe coming back out of my cart as I fear people may think that I stink wearing this, how sad though :(


For the few seconds I smelt it it was a mid strength floral, sorry not to be more specific. Damn you skin chemistry...

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Well I gave this another go, mainly out of sheer desperation as I wasn't having a good day, and wow! Much better today, liking this a lot, even the phero smelled better, perhaps I was having a bad hormonal-nasal day before :)


The scent...I really get the white patchouli, and it is a very white patchouli, something I love, and I pick up a hint of sugar, which I think is brown, but it's not doing the Marmite thing, a little orchid, a very very little oakmoss, but the greens and lavender don't really show for me today, which is actually fine. I want to slather this all over me today. YUM! I keep snuffing my wrist. :purr:

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Try it Tanya, it's been the only thing stopping me killing someone today! I can slather it without getting any weirdness which I do on too much of some other things, which is great. I'm just gonna be a one woman champion for this everywhere I go now :D God help me if I ever run out, I'll be like a snarling tiger.

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At first, this was nice, fresh, and powdery, but my chemistry made it turn into an incense stick :( Although, I can't speak too much on the phero, in the beginning, it smelled so nice, I kept sniffing my arm, I felt a bit uplifted, went to lie on the couch, and I fell asleep. lol! I woke from my nap (maybe 30mins or so) to a changed scent, which started bothering me a bit. I may have to give it another go!

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Put this on my neck yesterday. I was absolutely distraught, I couldn't sleep. I went to bed at 5 & I was up at 9, spent all morning crying. Anyway, I decided to try this out. It's very nice. The lavender is upfront on me, & it's a green sort of lavender. I was able to stop the crying that I was doing all morning & the racing thoughts calmed. This a great brew.

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I'm looking forward to this arriving just so I can experience the self-effects. I suffer from a lot of anxiety and have trouble calming down sometimes. Even alpha androstenol seems to make me feel nervous.


Anyone noticed this having an effect on those around you as well? My house mates could do with some chilling out sometimes...

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Oooh, Alpha-Nol will have the opposite effect! It makes people UP and speedy and chatty. Definitely nothing *chill* about it.


For that, Balm Bomb or Teddy BB would be best.


You might want to try some wax melts with TeddyBB or B2 in them if you'd like to calm your whole household.

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I find alpha-nol can make me ratty and nervy if too much. I need the chill blends :) Speaking of which...could Hearts Ease/Balm Bomb make an appearance as a melt one day? Keeps everything running smoother for me, I'm so so grateful for you making this, it's really made a difference to me recently. :LuvU396:

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Next time I embark on the escapade that is wax melt creation, I shall do so! It probably won't be for a few months tho. It's an all-consuming, taking over the entire studio kind of ordeal!!! That's why I made over 100 pounds of wax at once the last time...hoping they would last a while before I did it again. I will prob do it again in 2-3 months. Remember to remind me when the time comes about what kind of scent you'd like it paired with. You can't use perfume oils in the melts - they are candle oils. Totally different breed, and I have fewer oils to work with in that realm, but I can get close!

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Next time I embark on the escapade that is wax melt creation, I shall do so! It probably won't be for a few months tho. It's an all-consuming, taking over the entire studio kind of ordeal!!! That's why I made over 100 pounds of wax at once the last time...hoping they would last a while before I did it again. I will prob do it again in 2-3 months. Remember to remind me when the time comes about what kind of scent you'd like it paired with. You can't use perfume oils in the melts - they are candle oils. Totally different breed, and I have fewer oils to work with in that realm, but I can get close!



I can be patient and thank you! I am pretty sure whatever you come up with will be lovely, and I am sure that I would benefit from these whatever kind of scent they had. I just can't stress enough how much better this phero makes me feel.

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Yep... I really appreciated hearing that at the time Halo, thank you :) I got so confused by the discussion that started there, especially the "there is only one type of androstenol" part, but I didn't want to question an expert...

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This is so pretty. My Mom and I both have a sample and we love it. I get a nice floral scent while the oakmoss balances it out. For the phero effects my Mom and I both feel more relaxed while wearing this. It really helps when the whole family is together. I noticed that it helped me get to sleep the other night as well. I'm not sure if it actually made me sleepy or if it just eased my anxieties and helped my body and mind relax but it sure was a good sleep and an easier morning : )



I wore this again today and it smells a bit different. I think b/c I was catching some rays and so the oil was diffusing stronger. I also wore more today whereas the other day I was just dabbing. In dry down this became so creamy, I LOVE IT! Looks like another to add to my future shopping list! Also, the comforting creaminess resembles ~ New~ to me which is one of my top 5 LP's.

Edited by Honeybee
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This is like crack for PMS. Not only is the scent soothing (and maybe it's just my skin or my nose or both, but surprisingly sexy...), but Balm Bomb is exactly what the name says it is--puts Icy-Hot on all the sharp edges. It doesn't make me sleepy, just puts me in a calm place and makes me something of a normal human being even when my hormones are exploding. I also love how the pillowy bottom of oakmoss, sugar, amber and patchouli rises through the florals on the drydown and just snuggles you in a sort of reassuring softness. NEED a bottle!

Edited by Invidiana
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This is like crack for PMS. Not only is the scent soothing (and maybe it's just my skin or my nose or both, but surprisingly sexy...), but Balm Bomb is exactly what the name says it is--puts Icy-Hot on all the sharp edges. It doesn't make me sleepy, just puts me in a calm place and makes me something of a normal human being even when my hormones are exploding. I also love how the pillowy bottom of oakmoss, sugar, amber and patchouli rises through the florals on the drydown and just snuggles you in a sort of reassuring softness. NEED a bottle!


Trust me...you'll need more than a bottle. You think it's crack NOW...it only gets worse! I have one oil sample, a spray on order and just ordered a rollerball too..

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Trust me...you'll need more than a bottle. You think it's crack NOW...it only gets worse! I have one oil sample, a spray on order and just ordered a rollerball too..


Uh oh......with this and the raves on Glass Slipper I might have to end up doing something I almost never do......a second order in the same month. *gasp*


But really, Balm Bomb is crack. If it wasn't for being heavily doused in it yesterday I swear I would have gone off on this spacecase who didn't realize she needed an entire laundry list's worth of crap done....at 4:15.

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You all are so right about this blend! I think I may have to dethrone B2 as my ultimate soother because this one actually puts me in a smile on my face straight from crying fits, as opposed to just calming everything down. Full bottle, definitely. If I can't get Heart's Ease in time, it will definitely be Balm Bomb. My compliments to the chef, you knocked it out of the park on this one!

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My official review:


Pheromone ingredients: Contains a phero mix that is listed as “X~ Balm Bomb” on the website and “La Balm Bomb” on the bottle (La Balm Bomb would make more sense I guess, as a play on the song “la bamba”?). Anyway, I will refer to it just as Balm Bomb. This mix contains androstadienone, alpha androstenol, DHEAS, epiandrosterone, beta-THDOC, and estratetraenol.


Price: Standard $29.95 for a 10ml bottle, although I actually got this in a trial size of 1.5ml for $5. Even this works out to only be about $33.33 for 10ml, which is still pretty good value. I love the option of having trial sizes, such a good idea, and so cheap!


Presentation: Since this is a trial size I got it in a little glass vial with a plastic stopper. My main problem with these vials is the stopper is so hard to take on and off, it is really jammed on, which I guess is necessary to keep the contents in but can be a bit of a pain. I’ve taken to kind of chewing the lid off before when I couldn’t get it with my fingers, and so I can say from experience these potions smell so much better than they taste!! It is also harder to measure out dosages without the roll-on or spray option. But given this is only a trial and I’m paying so little for it, these are really small prices to pay and I guess they’re not even complaints really, just observations. I do prefer the full bottles – they are just so much nicer and tidier.


Love the label on this, the bohemian cats are so quirky and unusual. The cat on this one just looks at me so sadly. I’ve seen my cat give me this look when I’m on my way out the door and she doesn’t want me to go, hehe :)


Smell: This is all lavender to me. I don’t really like lavender and so this isn’t a favourite. I know there is supposed to be other notes in there but I’m just not getting them, it’s all just “look at me I’m lavender!!”. I don’t hate the smell, but I don’t particularly like it, and I don’t really like smelling of it. It’s a little milder on drydown, but not enough for my taste.


Results: I’m not sure what to put down to placebo and what is actual effect – I’ve read so much about what self-effects this is supposed to have that maybe I’ve convinced myself I’m really feeling them. But whether it’s placebo or “real”, I’m definitely feeling something!


When I use this properly it seems to just negate my negative mood, bringing me back to a more neutral state. It gently leads me away from moodiness and negative thoughts, but it doesn’t give me a real kick in the positive direction, which is good because I really don’t want my moods being played with that strongly. It is more sedating and even a bit numbing.


The effect is very strong when I use too much. Feeling a bit pissed off this evening, I put some on a cotton pad and accidentally put on way more than I meant to so the pad was a bit soaked (I didn’t intend to, it was just hard to judge coming out of the vial). I’ve had it nearby and the scent has been hitting me strongly. At first I felt just basically a boredom with my angsty feelings – just couldn’t be bothered thinking about this anymore, time to do something else! Now I’m starting to feel a little spaced out and tired, and it’s getting harder to focus – not seriously difficult, just a light feeling. I think this would be good for helping people sleep, in fact I think I’ll put a cotton pad or two of this in my pillow. This is really not a "get up and get motivated" blend!


The interesting thing is, since I clearly used way too much, I got a little of the heart pounding, caffeine stuff that I get with alpha androstenol – only a little, mind you, and I did use a lot of product. But I also felt like I really just didn’t care – I knew what it was and that it would go away and I was just relaxed about it. It was also mild enough that it was more energising, while at the same time calming – and I know that probably doesn’t make any sense at all to someone reading it, but that’s the only way I can describe it! In short, I can feel there’s alpha androstenol in it, which on me has the opposite effect to that intended for this product, but it pulls it off ok.


As for effects on others, I really have no idea, and while I think I should test it I probably won’t because I don’t really want to smell like lavender. To me it’s an old lady’s smell, and I’ll put up with it because I like the effects but I would rather others didn’t associate me with that smell.


One option might be to just get Balm Bomb without any scent added, but I suspect that the lavender and other scents in the perfume are actually contributing towards its effect somewhat as I’ve heard that lavender was traditionally used to help people sleep, so might be better not to mess with it.


So to summarise the above: smooths out bad feelings, numbing, may cause drowsiness.

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Synergist, I don't know if you've come across any LPs which stimulate a sense memory, but if you ever found a scent that you, personally, found comforting, I suspect that would be the best scent, (or scents, if you've found more than one), to use with Balm Bomb. That is, if you found you liked the effects of the phero itself.


I've come across a number of scents myself that seem to take me to specific places and times - and in one case, to a specific street corner! I'm not a fan of lavender either, so if I were to use this phero, that's the kind of scent I'd be looking for: one that already had a feel-good association for me. You know, a scent that made me feel like I'm sitting at Gramma's kitchen table, licking the beaters after she's made a cake, or something that reminds me of traveling, because I'm the least stressed when I have a backpack strapped to my back and no idea where I am or how to get where I want to go.


IDK, but I think that if you were to find a scent that already made you feel relaxed and non-stressed, Balm Bomb worn with it might strengthen the effect, and you could wind up with the perfect stress-reducer!


I'm looking forward to trying this phero too. And I think it would do wonders for my mom, who's just lost her own mom. But I'd need to find another carrier for it, because she's not a lavender fan either. I'll have to get to work, and get my mom to start sniffing the LPs I have, to see if there are any she really loves.

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Bless you LP magicians for coming up with this! Had a situation with SO during the party & I was very close to stabbing him with a plastic knife. I slathered this on my neck & I was able to stay cool & get back to having a good time :)

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Eggers, that might be a good idea. I'm tempted to buy a full bottle of Balm Bomb, especially since I've now used up the majority of my bottle (see this post...). Alternatively maybe I could figure out a scent that I find soothing and have the Balm Bomb added to it. I haven't yet thought of any soothing scents but I'll keep thinking about it. Chocolate cookies is about the closest I've come up with so far, but that's not so much soothing as just hunger inducing ;)

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Ok, maybe it's all placebo but I'm definitely continuing to feel soothed and a little sleepy everytime I smell this. I really do need to get a full bottle. Just can't work out what scent to go for. The only scents I can think of that would be soothing to me is aquatic smells, like waterfalls or ocean, maybe something with some water lilies or very gentle, "open" florals. Something "soft". Does anyone have any suggestions?


BTW, is there a thread for just the Balm Bomb phero, or should I start one? I think this is starting to move away from a discussion on Heart's Ease. Please feel free to move it if necessary.

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Okay, I have used this a few times now. I love the scent, it in itself is very calming. The phero, though... Wow. I seriously thought I was going to run away last night, or at the very least, break down in a cry fest. I was just at my wits' end. But as soon as I could, I put this on, and sat on the kitchen tile with a glass of wine. The night still sucked, but at least I got through it. Not a tear, or an emo FB post, lol (I've been known for those in the past ;) )

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I tried a decent amount of this this am, gorrrrrgeous big powdery florals....extremely pretty and white and fluffy. I didn't get any super obvious self effects - mild lift, felt a bit "smoothed out" , like, ironed. Looking forward to trying more.

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I got the unscented balm bomb today!

My mom was over and she was on the phone stressed out about something and was in a bad mood..I put some on her wrist and on both sides of her neck and then put OCCO ambrosia over top and told her to smell it.

I was doing my makeup in the other room when I heard her about 5mins later laughing and acting silly with the baby.

I asked her if she was in a better mood she said ya because the sun just came out(it was cloudy out)..I laughed and told her it was probably the pheros making her in a good mood! It worked.

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Not the typical Calii scent at all,but this is instantly soothing to me,I get the most beautiful lavender,just used a tad so probably cannot speak to the phero yet, but felt pretty mellow :lol:

...wow,really like this so much,enough that I ordered a bottle :)

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As I mentioned in another post, my poodle doggy got a hold of my Bohemian Cats samples and this was the only one with chew marks on the cap, so it was clearly his preference. For me, oakmoss (real & synthetic) does something weird on my skin and also doesn't smell "right" to me. I think Balm Bomb is uplifting for me, I need to try it in a different scent or unscented. I do not like baby powderish scents.

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maybe something with some water lilies or very gentle, "open" florals. Something "soft". Does anyone have any suggestions?


I'll bet the new Fleur de Vanille fits the bill

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I was doing my makeup in the other room when I heard her about 5mins later laughing and acting silly with the baby.


That's wonderful!

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Tried Heart's Ease last night - just for the scent, not the phero - and I really loved it. I'm not generally a fan of lavender anything. It almost always seems a little spiky to me. When I first applied this to the back of my hand, I thought, "Oh no, here we go!". But there was nothing to fear. The lavender was present for maybe fifteen minutes, and then the whole thing dried down to a soft-edged spiciness that I couldn't stop huffing. I didn't expect Heart's Ease to smell like this. I think I expected something a little cleaner smelling, maybe even medicinal, but that's not what I got.


When BF got home from his jam session last night, he was all hands and kisses and snuggles. IDK if it was the Balm Bomb in this, (I kind of smeared it all over my hand by accident, so there may have been a good phero dose there), or WTH. I need to test it again, for the phero. But if this is intended to make people behave more nicely to the wearer, "for their own good", then I'm definitely interested. I can imagine this would work wonders for PMS.


The smell alone had me feeling more relaxed than I have in about a week and a half, (have had insomnia). And incidentally, I actually did sleep a full 8 hours last night. I only woke up because BF jiggled the bed as he was getting up. Also incidentally, my cat Sunny, who usually sleeps on a stuffed elephant near my head, REFUSED to get up this morning. He was all chill, like, "No, no. You get up. I'm just going to snooze a little longer...snorgzzzz...." And this is the cat who pokes me in the eye to wake me up! I sleep with my hands above my head, so I wonder if he got a good dose of Balm Bomb? :lol: He did not seem to mind it one bit!

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Tried Heart's Ease last night - just for the scent, not the phero - and I really loved it. I'm not generally a fan of lavender anything. It almost always seems a little spiky to me. When I first applied this to the back of my hand, I thought, "Oh no, here we go!". But there was nothing to fear. The lavender was present for maybe fifteen minutes, and then the whole thing dried down to a soft-edged spiciness that I couldn't stop huffing. I didn't expect Heart's Ease to smell like this. I think I expected something a little cleaner smelling, maybe even medicinal, but that's not what I got.


When BF got home from his jam session last night, he was all hands and kisses and snuggles. IDK if it was the Balm Bomb in this, (I kind of smeared it all over my hand by accident, so there may have been a good phero dose there), or WTH. I need to test it again, for the phero. But if this is intended to make people behave more nicely to the wearer, "for their own good", then I'm definitely interested. I can imagine this would work wonders for PMS.


The smell alone had me feeling more relaxed than I have in about a week and a half, (have had insomnia). And incidentally, I actually did sleep a full 8 hours last night. I only woke up because BF jiggled the bed as he was getting up. Also incidentally, my cat Sunny, who usually sleeps on a stuffed elephant near my head, REFUSED to get up this morning. He was all chill, like, "No, no. You get up. I'm just going to snooze a little longer...snorgzzzz...." And this is the cat who pokes me in the eye to wake me up! I sleep with my hands above my head, so I wonder if he got a good dose of Balm Bomb? :lol: He did not seem to mind it one bit!


Nice review :) I've always wondered about the effects of pheromones on animals. My cats seem to hate the smell of my perfumes - they smell them on me and wrinkle their noses and back away! I guess if it doesn't smell like food or something in heat they're not interested :P

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Synergist, my cats aren't crazy about most of the perfumes either. Cops blends, on the other hand, they love. Makes them all smooshy and rubby and snuggly.


I'm wearing this again tonight, and lemme just say, I need to get me a full bottle. Not only do I love the smell upon dry-down, the phero effect on BF is marked. He came home in a foul mood today, and after a short time trying to get him to relax, I decided to just leave him to his shoot-em-up video game. In the meantime I've been sitting on the bed beside him, just listening to him swear a blue streak at the tv while doing my own thing... And then I decided to put a little Heart's Ease on. I kid you not, it took less than 5 minutes of exposure for BF to crack a BIG smile, reach over and hug me - out of nowhere - and kiss my cheek. Then he says - again, out of nowhere - "I'm glad you're having so much with this perfume thing"!!! WTH??? I want gallons of this stuff! Seems to make him behave super-sweetly toward me, and it even seems to make him a bit more touchy-feely - not sexually, just affectionately. Seriously. Gallons.

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Synergist, my cats aren't crazy about most of the perfumes either. Cops blends, on the other hand, they love. Makes them all smooshy and rubby and snuggly.


That's really interesting about the cops blends. I wonder why that would be so? Because that would indicate a female that is willing to mate, but not of their species, so why would they be interested in that? I'd be really curious to learn the science behind this! :)

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