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Jumping In Nose First . . .

Just Ducky

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Whooo! Finally got the courage to escape Lurkdom and make an official appearance -- all of you are like family already! Seems as if it was just a few short weeks ago that Goddesslynne and Invidiana caught my attention over on the "green forum" talking about perfumes with weird names that stop guys dead in their tracks. (I'm "sueallnew" over there -- hi again!) Not being one to let the grass grow under my checkbook, I just HAD to take a gander. And place an order. Or two . . . three maybe? I forget. All I know is that I just sign my paychecks directly over to Mara now. It's a real time saver. ^_^


(Wait . . . that WAS just a few short weeks ago!)



This has been a fast-acting addiction and I adore following all of you on the forum. You have been an unending source of information, advice, and much-needed laughs. My only complaint is that there's no box waiting for me at the front door after I hit "Place Order" on PayPal. :Emoticons04269:


I'd post a sexy picture of myself for an avatar like some of you did yesterday, but there's only so much duct tape can do for a girl . . . with or without SS4W.


Thank you for letting me be a part of all the fun!



Susan (Just Ducky) :stars188:

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Hi Just Ducky! Welcome out of the darkness of Lurkdom and into the light of The Forum! :lol: I know you'll have loads of fun here. Can you tell us what you ordered? (Always curious! Lol!).

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Hi, Eggers! So far, it's MRF (but of course!), OCCO SLF, Extracurricular Proclivities, Cougar (yum!), TMI, Heart-to-Heart, Red Lace, SS4W, Perfect Match, Jubilee (sooo good!), Focus Potion, Darling Catalina, LP Original, Red, Black, the red-black combo, Humidity, Rose's Wedding Cake, Abby Normal, and numerous samples. My favorite regular scents so far are Halo's Angelique, Kanary Kreme, and Passion & Envy.


If you have any favorites or suggestions, I'd love to hear! It's been fun experimenting with the social blends at work. Wearing TMI has made for some very lively (but totally non-productive) meetings lately!


ETA: Hi, missdarlyncherie! I love your name! I hear it in my mind with both a Southern drawwwl and a delicious French accent! The pheros have been for guy experimenting (the poor dears have NO idea, do they) and for perking things up at work. So far, excellent results all around! I hope you'll forgive me for saying that I was not the least bit expecting the pheros to do a THING except smell good -- ha!! What a wonderful surprise! This has all been quite the eye opener.

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Nice picks! You've already got some of my faves in there, MRF, Red Lace. And I'm a big fan of SS4W. You've got lots to keep you busy there for a while. If you're keen on sweeter scents, or if you like honey, I'd suggest Phero Girl and Sugared Honeycomb. They're two of my favourites. You might try Cheeky, too, if you're a fan of cakey sorts of scents. As far as pheros go, I think one of my favourites is LAM. It's such a fun thing to wear, it always puts me in a great mood. The little LAM sampler is a pretty good deal. I got mine months ago, and I still haven't used even half of it, though I did buy myself a full bottle of the Pink Amber 'flavour'. Couldn't help myself! :)

Personally, I've gotten myself hooked on getting the monthly sampler. It's the best part of any order I make. I love testing the new scents as they come out. And it's a lot of fun waiting to see what they'll be this time around...

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Sueallnew!!! Of course I know you from the green, glad I could be of enabling service! :666: We seem to have similar tastes; I'm actually wearing Humidity today to match the weather lol...I see quite a lot of foodies on your list, no surprise there since Mara does sexy-foody so amazingly well. A couple more scents I like personally which are also in the neighborhood of your list include Licorice Wands, Gianduja, Pouncing Potion (a must if you like OCCO SLF!), Coconut Breeze, Garland & Lace (another must, just because)......I think if I listed them all it would be quite embarrassing. :lol: Have fun experimenting!

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ETA: Hi, missdarlyncherie! I love your name! I hear it in my mind with both a Southern drawwwl and a delicious French accent! The pheros have been for guy experimenting (the poor dears have NO idea, do they) and for perking things up at work. So far, excellent results all around! I hope you'll forgive me for saying that I was not the least bit expecting the pheros to do a THING except smell good -- ha!! What a wonderful surprise! This has all been quite the eye opener.


HA! Thanks JD! I live in a dirty little desert town so the Southern drawl with a delicious French accents is an even cuter thought!

I also did not expect the pheros to do much until I threw on Cuddle Bunny and watched a grown man turn to a mush pile. You and I do not have very similar tastes in perfume so we can trust each other around our stashes. I am more a fruity gal although I do love LP Red, Darling C and you might want to try Velvet KIsses! ( And I second Coconut Breeze...my new favorite.)

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Welcome aboard JD!!! Those are great picks! ~ I know how you feel.. I actually am debating on another order before the New Release hit, but first I have to get the transfer cleared from my Swiss bank acct into pay pal , so the FEDS won't track it.

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Thank you for such warm welcomes, everyone! :kisses:



Now it's back to the stalking thread to await the NRs and sales! I for one am thrilled for the opportunity to help keep my country's economy afloat!





(yeah, my ex didn't buy that one, either. . .)

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Welcome out of lurkdom,oh my my yais,you are one of us...I see Invi already suggested Garland & Lace...I will add S'More Than A Feeling as another must have :lol:

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:Emoticons0424:O HAI THAR JUST DUCKY! Welcome to the visible part of the family, and welcome to the Happiest Place on Earth!!!!

Oh wait. Disney already took that one. *ducks Cease and Desist order immediately thrown by disney legal dept.* *ducks! I made a funny!*

Sorry. Feeling silly today. :w00t: Sounds like you're off to a roaring start! You've got a bunch of great ones already. Keep rockin' 'em! :rockon:


Also, I just luuuuuurrrrve your avi. Ess verrry cute! I was just saying to my kids yesterday, "Duct tape fixes everything." Or was that chocolate? Oh well, we use much of both here on the mountain. Hee! Nice to meetchya!!!


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:Emoticons0424:O HAI THAR JUST DUCKY! Welcome to the visible part of the family, and welcome to the Happiest Place on Earth!!!!

Oh wait. Disney already took that one. *ducks Cease and Desist order immediately thrown by disney legal dept.* *ducks! I made a funny!*

Sorry. Feeling silly today. :w00t: Sounds like you're off to a roaring start! You've got a bunch of great ones already. Keep rockin' 'em! :rockon:


Also, I just luuuuuurrrrve your avi. Ess verrry cute! I was just saying to my kids yesterday, "Duct tape fixes everything." Or was that chocolate? Oh well, we use much of both here on the mountain. Hee! Nice to meetchya!!!



Elizabeth really likes her banana welcomes haha! (ESOP how do you get them to line up like that? Mine only selects one line)


Welcome Just Ducky! YOu will have a blast here, I envy you just jumping in. I am a toe in the water kind of gal, ;-)

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Elizabeth really likes her banana welcomes haha! (ESOP how do you get them to line up like that? Mine only selects one line)


Welcome Just Ducky! YOu will have a blast here, I envy you just jumping in. I am a toe in the water kind of gal, ;-)

I just click on 'em in the order I want 'em, Raq. Then sometimes I grab 'em and move them around. Does that make sense? I can't figure out a better way to say it! B)
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