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lol I went with True Confessions! TC has been a bit unloved in my arsenal, I thought I should give myself motivation to test it out. So now I have a spray A Lick of Pink with True Confessions. I think I'll call it.... Truly Licked :P


ETA: Wow, the berries certainly come out at first in this form! I'm interested to see how it morphs!


Ha! Truly Licked! Love it!


Let us know how it morphs! It will be interesting to see if my two Pinks, smell any different because they are boosted with different pheros. I have the H&S one, but I haven't received my bottle with PM yet.

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Well the berry settles down and the jasmine comes out softly towards the end. I like it in all its incarnations, to me it's just a little bit more foody than a straight pink sugar scent. I'm going to give it a wear tomorrow :)

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I get something like honey almost at first sniff, I think it's the combination of NB Jasmine and berry, this isn't what I expected at all. It's pretty, but very Love Heart -esque, rather than marshmallow. I was hoping it might be more like Purple Puff, I feel fairly depressed though, so this may be affecting my nose's enthusiasm.

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Those wanting to boost this with something- I suggest SS4W. I wore this to Disneyland , dabs of it not too much- along with Glass Slipper.


I was wearing one of those birthday pins. I wrote my name on it. 99% of the Disneyland workers- all male- everywhere- HAPPY BIRTHDAY VICTORIA

I got free coffee, free birthday necklaces, stickers, bookmarkers, I mean I know it was my birthday but the fact that all males where the only ones to me wish me a Happy Birthday was no coincidence. One girl wished me a happy birthday she reminded me of myself at her age. Not nerdy but not Taylor Vaughn, like a cross between Winona Ryder in BeetleJuice and Rachel Leigh Cook in She's all That. Another interesting observation was that the only females that wished me Happy Birthday were moms- MILFS. MILFS that were there with their children.

OH and Princess Aurora was such a bitch to me. She was rude and asked me to be quick about taking our picture.

WTF? So this mix def made the boys go gaga, and the more secure females that maybe wanted to tap my ass or thought I was cute or cool - or could relate to me on some level - it made them very friendly.

Not one female employee at Disneyland wished me a Happy Birthday except for the cute girl on Main Street that gave me free coffee.

Mickey also spent extra time with Jude ,and everyone kept on saying what a cool shirt I had. It was a cool shirt though. It was black sequins with an orange sequined skull and it was cut in the back like Freddy K was tapping it back there.

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So this mix def made the boys go gaga, and the more secure females that maybe wanted to tap my ass or thought I was cute or cool - or could relate to me on some level - it made them very friendly.

Well don't wear it around me then...I already want to tap that a$$. *JOKING* Good report Lady V, I will have to reconsider testing this out :)

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Well don't wear it around me then...I already want to tap that a$$. *JOKING* Good report Lady V, I will have to reconsider testing this out :)


LOL. Tap away! I think you'll get great hits with this out and about without the super sexy. It's a very girly fem scent and the SS4W takes it to level SNAP INTO A SLIM JIMMMMMMMMMM

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Marshmallowy sweet sugared roses"! :D "Watermelon sour patches and swedish fish"! "Boys who go gaga"! :lol:




When I wore it to work last week, one of the guys on my floor walked by my office, sniffed, and said, "What smells like beer?" <_<


Stoopid guys. :angry:

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm never into pink scents but this one works so great on me... I love everything about it. I'm putting this on my buy FB list. This one makes me feel very girly and feminine, in my job I have to be a bitch 99% of the time so its nice to be able to feel this way sometimes...

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  • 1 month later...

Oh em gee, SO likes this one. As a matter of fact, he asked what I was wearing, so I told him & he raised his eyebrow. Then I showed him the sample & we giggled because I'd never caught the double entendre in the perfume title before. I really need a full bottle of this, if SO likes this everyone will.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Was wondering about this one. Thinking full bottle even...


Is it foodie or fruity or floral?!?!? Thinking I want a full bottle along with whatever March NRs bring. Pleeeeze help!


I'm definitely a foodie scent lover...too fruity and "meh" sharp painful spike to sinuses, too floral and I run screaming...is this more foodie or something else?

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Thanks Synergist! That's incredibly helpful :D Full bottle on wish list for next month...CHECK :^^:

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It smells like candy on me, but also leans quite floral. Idk have you ever eaten something like Turkish Delight or goodies flavored with Rosewater? This reminds me of that.

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OOOOOoooo, Beccah, that sounds VERY yum! :morph: A lightly rose, heavy on the confection? Sounds nummilicious!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trying my sample of this tonight and I have to say, I can't stop huffing my arm! It is sweet,but not too sweet...I keep getting whiffs of baby pink roses but without the smell of "Little old lady in a bottle!" I normally don't love anything remotely smelling of roses--that smell always feels like a 90 year old is chasing me with a dozen moldy dead flowers--but this is nothing like that! It is clean and pink and absolutely lovely. Def FB worthy!!

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HoJo, I'm SO in your boat. A got a sample of this, opened it, whiffed...lots of roses. Put lid back on, set aside.


Now I read your review too and I went and got it and JUST put it on to test it...because I've been scared too...roses=old lady/headache/overwhelming/eck. I REALLY wanted this to be a winner and when I smelled it out of the bottle I bailed and ran. But I KNOW that LPs are notorious for smelling one way in the bottle and another way one the skin...but I was still scared in spite of that.


Your review got me past the bottle and now I'm wearing it, but it's only been 10 minutes :D


I'm getting the rose and Jasmine (I DO like jasmine very much) and a pinch of something sharp (the berries?)...but it's finally on so let's see where it goes...so far it (of course) isn't anything like the chemically old ladyish bleck sold in stores...be back when it's run it's course :)


Edit: It's been an hour now and I have the dreaded headache :( I had the same thing happen with Soaked. Really loved it when I first put it on but there's something not agreeing with me. It's only been an hour and I know how LPs can morph over time so I'm NOT washing it off, lol, I'm going to wait and see what it becomes....

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NuTrix, I'm with ya' on that whole headache thing...hoping that it morphs into something lovely for you. This A.M., I have had it on forabout 8 hours and the roses seem to have become a smidge more prominent for me. I like it, not loving it as much as I did upon immediate application--I'm just not a floral kinda gal. Let me know how it changes on you!!

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This one stayed that really pretty floral all the way through. It's lovely, but it's not for me.


Thank you Greenergal, for the sample! I was going to get a fb but I'm going to pass now. I think I can use the sample by layering it with something super foodie to bury that floral to a hint in the background. Sorry Mara no insult intended - it really IS lovely! and floral girls should not fear anyone confusing this with granny perfume! It's one of the truest and loveliest roses I've ever smelled but it's just not for me this time :heart708: Off to look for something more sugary pink and foodie...

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That's EXACTLY the direction I was thinking! :lol: Much thanks for the affirmation! I'm thinking maybe the OCCO Pink is what I'm looking for, or maybe even the NOCO Pink...or both. But in the mean time the Lick of Pink and Lick of Cream will be going into a 5ml spritzer for future use...Hmm, I may add EoW to that as well....just because I can...Will report back with my findings after they've had a chance to marinade together :)


Edit: Have created concoction and dubbed it, "Lick of Pink Cream" and it is happily marinating right now! :D

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I gave this a run last Saturday with some LP SE '11 spritzed over (I like a little citrus tang with my pinks). No pheromones. Idk what it is about this one, but people treat me like a celebrity when I'm wearing it. I got stopped at a restaurant & complimented on my red hooker heels by a group of women. It was crazy. I really need to get a full bottle of this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is my favorite pink scent, hands down. It's perfectly balanced, not too sweet, floral, or tart. Everything just blends together seamlesly, not one note in this is taking over, it is a creamy, pink dream! Did I mention I love this? And oh yeah, I luv this.


P.S.: Love this!!!

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  • 1 month later...

This is my favorite pink scent, hands down. It's perfectly balanced, not too sweet, floral, or tart. Everything just blends together seamlesly, not one note in this is taking over, it is a creamy, pink dream! Did I mention I love this? And oh yeah, I luv this.


P.S.: Love this!!!

What can I say about this one. It is crazy. I like my pink scents to be on the citrus end of the spectrum, so this one isn't my favorite scent-wise, but after consistent testing; the reactions that I get from other people while wearing this are insane. Like I'm a superstar, everytime. So it is my favorite pink scent to wear out.

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  • 1 month later...

God I can't believe I have not reviewed this yet as its such a funny story. Here we go..

I received this wonderful, sassy pink LP by a happy mistake. I ordered 2 bottles of Lick of Cream and I got 2 LOP! oops

Mara and co were very nice and apologetic about it all. Mara was so upset b/c as she said "they are VERY different scents ". It was not a huge deal as LP corrected the situation ASAP. True to LP policy Mara did not want the LOP back, I had not opened intending to return them. You really have to admire a business that sticks to their guns, even when it's their loss. That made an impression on me and you bet I told more than a few peeps. Wanting to do my part in spreading the good I gave a FB to my sister in law and kept one.. heck if I did not like it I'd just pass it on!

Well hell yes Mara, that's a VERY different scent from LOC.

This is LOP to me...

I was whisked back in a time machine 20 years or so.lol The good old days. Out with the girl friends, out for drinks, dancing ect..

It's all young girl sweet perfume and sweet fruity berry drinks ( I think the berries have a slightly fermented smell, it's a good one!), even that woozy floaty sense I get with NBJ. Nice

I wear this out at night when the mood is right and get tons of compliments. Its a wonderful pick me up, Pink and flirty fun!

Note ; I probably would have never ordered this myself it was such a happy mistake and a great chance to step out of that well worn comfort zone.

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Oh what a great story...to accidentely discover a new LP favorite that you wouldn't have chosen on your own! How did your sister in law like it? It did not work on me but it is great on my mother...got a sample of Lick of Cream coming my way though.


She really liked it. She likes pinks and it is such a level up from the mass produced stuff she was buying.


I love LOC but that's a world away in terms of type of scent, intent and.general feel . If you like creamy, spiced goodness you should be happy. I love the addition of cardamom in it.

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LOP is a fav of mine,. as are generally all pink scents. I chose to boost mine with SS4W and WOW, I wore it do Disneyland for my birthday and everyone was making googly eyes at me. It was funny because only males said Happy Birthday to me, and Rapunzel was such a hooch to me, I asked to please take a picture with me and the trick told me to hurry. I was like - wtf asshole this is Disneyland and it's my bday look at my PIN!

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LOP is a fav of mine,. as are generally all pink scents. I chose to boost mine with SS4W and WOW, I wore it do Disneyland for my birthday and everyone was making googly eyes at me. It was funny because only males said Happy Birthday to me, and Rapunzel was such a hooch to me, I asked to please take a picture with me and the trick told me to hurry. I was like - wtf asshole this is Disneyland and it's my bday look at my PIN!


Lol.. it has the effect w/o pheros... I must be a hell of a ride with them. I have unBang next time I'm feelin it I'll have to do that combo.


I read your review Lady V. " Hurry" ...What a bitch. She just couldn't handle it.


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  • 1 month later...

This is the only scent out of the 4 I've tried, I like, that has rose in it. It's a sweet, baby, fuschia rose bud to me. The berry and sweetness in this makes it wearable for me. It's almost like candied rose. I can imagine wearing this while also wearing a cute pink babydoll nightie and it being cute-sexy. You could give a guy a cavity wearing this stuff.

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