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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a beautiful scent.. I guess, reading up thread this was supposed to be for men.. thank god fate intervened and turned this sheer, soft tea scent femme. It is a slinky, lightly honey kissed tea with a light splash of Tonka that adds just a touch of vanilla'ish sheer milk to the tea. The tobacco is also sheer adding a wisp of juicy fresh, soft pipe tobacco. No smoke or ash! I just feel and smell the genteel scent of soft, moist quality tobacco that blends with the other notes.

This scent is soft, almost a "skin scent". It's the essence of "not trying to hard".

It doesent last all day so you may want to refresh in a few hours,but no one need know...

You'll feel sensual and effortlessly sexy. .. "yes I smell good, that's just me". It's just a way of life.


I boosted mine with SS4W, it's an deal combo.


I just feel like :purr: 'ing when I wear this.


I was definitely "Sherlocked"!

Edited by StacyK
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I can't imagine what this would be like as a masculine scent. 221b is definitely very femme and makes me feel like a true lady. It is mostly sheer and sweet tea/honey/tobacco scent, and combined with other notes those are very complex and elegant.

I boosted mine with SS4W, it's an deal combo.


I wish I did the same. SS4W is a great blend, and would make a perfect addition to 221b.

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^^ It really is. I got the idea from Lady V. It's such a soft, slinky fragrance. I feel like I need to run out and buy a beige Trench coat and wear only the coat with it. :)

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My order came in and i was so excited that i wanted to make a compilation post of my 19 samples but individual will have to do for now (dont want to be a squib forever haha)


Okay so after lunch at McDs w.my dad we both did patch tests because father daughter bonding time :say16:



This one, i really wanted to love because of the tea and tobacco notes. I opened it and BAM talcum powder; Talcum powder everywhere! i did a tiiiiny smidge---it blew up and screamed talcum powder all through out that half the McDs that some people were looking around like wtf where is that coming from haha. The dry down it screamed and screamed then it decided to settle after 30 minutes into this nice mature fancy lady look at me scent and the scent was crazy sophisticated. It was a bit too mature for my person unless i did a self restraint on my bouncy all over here and there personality. I can really see myself wearing this when im in a high status position (heh i can dream) Its reminiscent of babu powder but its more...perfumey? I dont pick up on the honey (or thats what is making it powdery) The other notes im not too sure if i can pick up on. My nose is hella untrained at this point in time.


I dont mind the smell, ill wear it when i want to have an air of maturity. However it'll only be a sample unless it decides to age well.

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My skin powderfies some honeys to for whatever reason, but not this one. The tea and the tobacco are what my chemistry latches on to. That's so crazy how it can be SO different for everyone... :Emoticons04280:

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That it's. So wonderfully sheer is one of the things I like so much about it!

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This is beautiful: like a delicious honeyed tea with hints of a sweet vanilla-type scent (is that the tonka bean?). The tobacco is so sheer it's more like a sexy wafting ghostlike hint of tobacco and just adds a bit of depth and mystery. I hope this smells as good to other people around me as I think it does, because I want to wear it all over the place. Elegantly feminine and softly sexy in a ladylike kind of way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll be keeping this sample because I love the label and the theme... but it's not really one of my fave scents. There is a sharp piercing note at first, maybe the tea, or the woods? It dries down to a softer feel, and I get the powdery type of honey, and the vanilla-like tonka. Still no vetiver, though.

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  • 9 months later...

I picked up a bottle of this in the sale and am excited to get it! I never got a chance to try it when it was released. The woods and tobacco make it not my normal thing, so I'm hoping that combined with the honey (which I love) it will help me push me outside the box a little bit and expand my perfume boundaries.


The reviews make me think this one is really special: nuanced and complex, while at the same time light and fresh.


Just giving this thread a bump as I see there are quite a few bottles left of this on the sale freebie list.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So...as I suspected, this is quite different from the scents I gravitate towards. And I'm not too familiar with tonka, wood, tea, or tobacco notes, so it is difficult for me to express my perception of it.


I do like it. It is more "perfumey" than I normally do, which I kind of suspected it would be. The tobacco seems to be behaving itself (I'm still traumatized by memories of another artisan perfumier's scent that smelled like the cigarette crumbs in the bottom of my mothers purse when I was a child). I think that the tea and vetivier are giving it a really fresh feeling.


The honey is really subtle on me, but I think it is the honey that makes this one feminine rather than masculine or unisex. I'm not sure it would work on a guy even with the woodsy notes.


Overall, I think it melds really nicely with my skin. I'm glad I got it!

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  • 5 months later...

Lady Victoria, I think we must have close to the same chemistry in our veins. Our honey issues, for one, are very much alike. I am so with you on 221B. Hit me not just as a "Oh, ahhh, sigh, I love this!" Hit me, BANG!, right In the brain! This is a thought-provoking, all in, no turning back scent. This is "THE WOMAN" in perfume form.

Edited by Wanderlust
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This is definitely a fragrance to be reckoned with...this is the scent of Irene Adler, The Woman, and she would wear it gleefully at whatever moment she next decided to misbehave. :666:


This is "THE WOMAN" in perfume form.


Yep. ;)

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Hmmm... this one to me smells like soap and wood. I am just not used to the scent yet. I would need to girly it up a bit with some powder sugar and/or creamy vanilla scent, like LP White. I think it's a good scent for work/office, but I don't think it's a "me" scent.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I bought it for my daughter, the Sherlock fan. It’s a mix of tea, vanilla, and light floral. My daughter says she smells like tea and she likes it. So, I didn’t make a mistake buying a FB. I like her wearing it because it is light and gentle. She likes the fragrance and the Sherlock association. Smelling straight from the bottle, I get … floral shop – the fragrance you encounter when walking into a florist. Green, slightly flowerly, relaxing, and quiet. This is different and special and I will try it closer to springtime. I have this weird thing with matching my fragrances to what I think the season would smell like. Now having tried it, it has all those things and dries down to a nice LP sugar with a hint of classy smoke. I have to keep reapplying it. The last time I wore it my daughter commented that I smelled good and I replied that it was her perfume I was wearing. :P

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  • 1 month later...
On me this is a really, really sophisticated scent. It's the scent for a woman who is cool, chic, and confident. A woman who is sophisticated and comfortable with her sophistication. I can't put my finger on any one note that appeals to me, but it is extremely well-blended. Honestly though, it might be a little too strong and sophisticated for me, I think I prefer Hauntings, which on me is like a softer, slightly spicier version of this perfume.

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  • 3 months later...

This is such an intriguing fragrance!! It is indeed sophisticated, but in such a different way from other things I've worn. Interesting that there's an evocation of leather without that actually being a note. I'll need to wear this a few more times to figure out if it's "me," but I'm fascinated by it; I keep sniffing my wrist.

Edited by Witty Kitty
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  • 1 month later...

Tried this again and let it sit for several hours (previously had only let it sit for a little while before having to shower). It eventually morphed into a very sexy, sweetened leather-y smell on my arm. I could not stop sniffing it. Am now fully onboard with this scent. I'm thinking of splitting this into two mini-vials and filling 1/3 of one with LFM and 1/3 of the other with Swimming with Sharks.

Edited by Witty Kitty
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  • 1 month later...

This is very floral on me, hardly any Tonka even after wearing for several hours, but the tea and vetiver are the strongest with the honey lightly underneath.


Having read through everyone's reviews, I need to try this again and have a crazy idea of pairing it with a touch of UNE for more honey and less vetiver...

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An update...As the day has gone on, the tea and honey created the sophisticated notes, I've been sniffing my wrists through the morning to help identify. It isn't old-lady at all, but classy and fresh. The tea especially was very smooth and mellow, and with the tonka, reminded me of how black tea leaves smell before brewing.


I'm so glad I tried layering both of these, the addition of UNE really helped tone down the vetiver.

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