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Love Potion: Original

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Ladies does this scent really drive men wild?I want to try it on my hubby.Is there anyway to get this in the org not tamed down version?Also many of you are saying you had BI or other things added to it?How do you do that?I thought this product was supposed to be strong on its own?

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Is there anyway to get this in the org not tamed down version?

Not sure what you mean by that?


Also many of you are saying you had BI or other things added to it?How do you do that?I thought this product was supposed to be strong on its own?

Pheromone adds to any fragrance can be ordered here (first item on the page):


Just because you add pheromones to a scent doesn't mean that the scent is uneffective without them, it's just a matter of personal choice.

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I'm wondering jlynn if you're talking about the tale of the Original Creation of "LP"...Mara told the story once about when she first came up w/that formulation that worked a bit "too well" and drew in unsavory sorts?


Am I way off?

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LP RED was the first blend I made, and I toned it down to make what is now known as LP Original (the first blend I sold). I was harrassed for years by faithful users to release my first recipe, which I thought was a little too scary - because I had some scary experiences with it, being followed down the street and some very forward innapropriate behavior from strangers. I released it finally as LP RED (along with the long disclaimer!) :lol:

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Ladies does this scent really drive men wild?I want to try it on my hubby.Is there anyway to get this in the org not tamed down version?Also many of you are saying you had BI or other things added to it?How do you do that?I thought this product was supposed to be strong on its own?

I have LP Red boosted with sexpionage phero blend. In my opinion LP red is a man magnet all by itself, and I find myself just sniffing myself cause I love the smell.When I really want to yank hubby's tail I'll use LP Red w/sexpionage with extra EOW cops layered underneath but I like life on the wild side.,I like to pull out the big guns so to speak...the "shock and awe" strategy.

Edited by Princess Fiona
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I've not reviewed this one yet.


There. Done.


Just kidding. This is one of the prettiest things I've ever smelled. It's a comfortable, comforting, warm, embracing scent for me. WITHOUT FAIL it just puts LOVE in the air everywhere I go. It's total Happy Juice for me and everyone I come in contact with. I should build a bunker like LadyV's and stock it with LP Original. Mara *is* a genius.


'K. *Now* I'm done.


Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I get wonderful results with LP Original, Red, and Black....oh, and Passion and Desire too!


Even with no pheros added, these scents turn heads.....pheros give the perfumes an extra "kick".....

Edited by Dolly
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I get wonderful results with LP Original, Red, and Black....oh, and Passion and Desire too!


Even with no pheros added, these scents turn heads.....pheros give the perfumes an extra "kick".....

Dolly, I've been wondering about having a bottle of LP original or Red amped with cops. D'you think that would work?



I feel like such a neadertahl... I can't smell the diff between Red and ORiginal...

Raq, they smell similar to me. There's a spicy feel to the Red that's not in the Original. Maybe your chemistry negates the spices. The very first time I wore the Red it smelled so much the same as Original that I put it away for a while. When I tried it later, I got the spiciness more. I don't know whether the perfume is aging or my nose is getting trained! Maybe both. I love 'em both. Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Dolly, I've been wondering about having a bottle of LP original or Red amped with cops. D'you think that would work?



One of my man's faves on me is the Limited Edition Original that Mara did that has BI in it....I also loaded it with extra cops, and you can only smell them when wet. LP Red covers the cops EXCELLENTLY. Hard to detect even when wet.

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One of my man's faves on me is the Limited Edition Original that Mara did that has BI in it....I also loaded it with extra cops, and you can only smell them when wet. LP Red covers the cops EXCELLENTLY. Hard to detect even when wet.

I just ordered my bottle of Red amped with cops :) I have a bottle of Spring 2011 amped with cops & they're undetectable by my 13 yr.old's nose in that base, so I'm sure Red is an excellent cover.

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One of my man's faves on me is the Limited Edition Original that Mara did that has BI in it....I also loaded it with extra cops, and you can only smell them when wet. LP Red covers the cops EXCELLENTLY. Hard to detect even when wet.

I just ordered my bottle of Red amped with cops :) I have a bottle of Spring 2011 amped with cops & they're undetectable by my 13 yr.old's nose in that base, so I'm sure Red is an excellent cover.

:wub: THANKS, Ladies! I know what I'll be ordering after we get our tax return! :wub:

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Thanks for the info ladies.Now Mara I want to put the hubby over the top if ya know what I mean VBG ;) Do you have this product boosted with BI or anything else?I already have some stand alone phermones at home that I could use with this I guess.Also how do we go about getting samples that the ladies are always reading about?I dont know where to start.

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Are there pheromones in LP red?Also what about the product sexology?i think the sexlogy or maybe the Rocket fuel was marked as "over the top".Does that mean its stronger? I already have some pheromone products at home but have never tried love potions.Also how long would the sample vails last?

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Are there pheromones in LP red?Also what about the product sexology?i think the sexlogy or maybe the Rocket fuel was marked as "over the top".Does that mean its stronger? I already have some pheromone products at home but have never tried love potions.Also how long would the sample vails last?


Lp Red has no Pheros or cops and Mara's Rocket fuel does have pheros mixed in (Super Sexy for Women phero). I believe all her phero strengths are the same in the premade scents unless you ask Mara to "boost" them with more.


Sexology comes in an UN (just the phero blend) and also a scent (sexology 3 I believe we're up to now) The blend has sexology UN in it and smells more along the lines of honey, etc.


How long do sample vials last? I was JUST wondering that yesterday. About how long they last for others. IF it's a scent I love and i'm using it exclusively, then maybe a week. If it's one that I only need a "dot" of, because my skin really amps the scent , then much longer. Either way, IMO a trial size has enough applications in it to decide if the scent is right for your. Does that help? Mara always clarifies much better so hopefully she'll weigh in here.

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i think the sexlogy or maybe the Rocket fuel was marked as "over the top".Does that mean its stronger?

No, it's in regards to the scent - scented Sexology is a very blatant "sex" kind of smell.

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If I use a trial vial every day, it will last me a week or more. But some people say that if they "slather", then they will get through a vial in three days. Some scents are a lot more potent than others, so that has something to do with it too. LP RED and Sexology are both rather strong scents, so I would say that if it were me, I'd probably get around 8 applications from each vial.


Ditch the dipper stick and use your finger to draw a stripe on yourself. If you just trail a fraction of a drop from the dipper stick, it's NOT enough. Some people test that way and then say the scent didn't last, but that's not the way to sample the fragrance properly...you need to use more than a fraction of a drop.

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Ditch the dipper stick and use your finger to draw a stripe on yourself. If you just trail a fraction of a drop from the dipper stick, it's NOT enough. Some people test that way and then say the scent didn't last, but that's not the way to sample the fragrance properly...you need to use more than a fraction of a drop.


That's exactly how I do it and I get about 4 uses from a vial.


This is still one of my favorites. It's sensual but doesn't scream sex, it's gourmand but not sticky sweet. So hard to explain. I ended up ordering this in a lotion as well so I can wear with my LP Original, Red, Pink and Sunfire perfumes. I'm sort of a nut about scent layering.

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Retested this on the back of my hand today. It smells much like how Compromising Positions smells after dry down without the egg nogg. I like it much more than a year ago. Will test drive it one day to see how the scent wears on my skin.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've never experienced this in spray, just got it flavored into LFM.


As with LP Red, the spray is quite a different experience than oil for me: I *immediately* get the full prismatic glory of all the notes that, at least on me, show up with the oil only over several hours, in stages...

and none of the black pepper that my skin often inexplicably joyously amps (must be the patch?). (I don't *mind* the pepper- it's delicious- think fresh cracked black pepper ground onto a honeycomb cake- it's just so weird.)


In oil, it's also very light on me... and I like more "presence", throw, sillage in my scents... so I love that the spray 'feels' stronger, at the beginning anyway.


It's just tremendous- chewy, youthful, sophisticated, sexy in a sweet unsmutty way. It's the perfect thing, really.

Edited by tyvey
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  • 2 months later...

*waves wildly* Hi, tyvey!!! I just split the above bottle with the magnificent tyvey. O Great Googly-Moogly this is good.


I get this wonderful vanilla-y thing that is the color of a good sunset. It's sort of round and warm and salmon-colored, like the clouds in a Maxfield Parrish painting. Maybe even with one or two of his fairies wafting around. All the notes blend together and support each other. It's utterly delicious. Like tyvey said, it's the perfect thing! I, too, get more out of this in the spray. I love it as an oil, but it *shows itself* more as a spray. I smell it more on myself. This is a VERY GOOD THING. I'm going to have to get a bottle of the spray, unpheroed. 'Cause sometimes I'll want to smell it this much *without* the (fabulous) LFM phero, too!


Edited by ElizabethOSP
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  • 5 months later...

So I tried this out for the 2nd time. The first time was two weeks ago when I got my package and started my cycle on the same day. Ugh. Anyway, when I first tried it all I could smell was patchouli. It didn't smell bad, I just felt like it was not for me.


Fast forward to today. When it was wet it smelled like a golden apricot. I couldn't believe it was the same scent and had to double check it. Then about 2 hours later while I was at work I started smelling fresh roses. It was like someone had dropped off a big bouquet of roses and I kept sniffing the air not realizing it was me. Finally I remembered I had put this on but I couldn't recall if there was any rose in it. I had a female coworker smell me and asked if she smelled roses. She said no, but you smell goooood. Then got googley eyed for a second.


About 3 hours after that I started smelling sweet amber apricot that was making me swoon with it's loveliness. This is a tricky little morpher that took me on a scent ride today and I loved every sniff. I'll keep this in mind when I first smell something and swear it just isn't for me.

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The LP LE with BI is a fave of mine (and my man) for when I want to wear a lighter scent than I normally reach for. HE actually dictated a review to me and INSISTED that I write it......it is located here http://lovepotion.in...opic=1901&st=80 (about halfway down the page)......


I have tried boosting LP Original with BI, and get a very similar reaction. The LE has more apricot to it (at least on me), but it still has a very similar feel.

Edited by Dolly
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I think I need to get this one....


Oh, you should really at least sample it. There was one more stage after I posted the review. A light & sweet creamy vanilla was the final stage right before I went sleep.



The LP LE with BI is a fave of mine (and my man) for when I want to wear a lighter scent than I normally reach for. HE actually dictated a review to me and INSISTED that I write it......it is located here http://lovepotion.in...opic=1901&st=80 (about halfway down the page)......


I love that your man wanted you to post his critique and his scent association. Now if I could only find a man that wanted to discuss LPs with me in depth and then reaped the rewards of us both having super sniffers that trigger strong emotions, well.....the world would be a better place! At least for me...hehe.

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Vanilla and Patchouli are the strongest notes for me with this one, absolutely no fruit or roses. Once it dries down it is mostly a soft vanilla. I'm going to try this one again, hopefully my skin chemistry cooperates so I get more fruit and floral.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sometimes I wear this and it's like " omg patchouli!" And I don't do heavy patchouli... Other times its delicious syrupy vanilla apricots. Like today... Im swooning with how yummy I smell. It's weird how this scent really changes with body chemistry. I can't get enough of this scent today.

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So do you guys think this one would be better enhanced with BI or Sexpionage? My favorite LP scent is Compromising Positions, I am halfway thru my first bottle and have already ordered 1 back up and will be ordering other backups as well of this outstanding LP scent…


It depends on what your using it for. Honestly, I would get both, if you love the scent a lot. If you only have enough $ to get one, go for Sexpionage because you already love it in Compromising Positions.

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