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Because the Night...w/La Femme Noire.

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Wore this today and it stayed such a strong cherry for, like, ever! It was pungent but by no means unpleasant. Was layering with LFM pluS OW spiked with Pure Sugar in my hair and a couple sprays of Topper on my blouse...Even though today was SUPER busy at work, everything was going my way. Good night all in all. Fella who is usually standoffish actually had open convo with me...did I mention how much fun pheros are? :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Put this on for lunch today. People wherever I went were so friendly & nice. I noticed it made me feel really relaxed and happy, not distracted, which happens with some of the LPs. The smell is heavenly. I love the soft, vanilla-cherry scent. Dried down to a sweet powdery finish. This fragrance lasted quite awhile on me, unlike some of the other reviews.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Because The Night...goes shopping :001_302: ...respect in a bottle,I'm tellin ya,like crossing PP with Audacious,gosh,people asking my opinion and rushing to help, above and beyond :o


Now my shirt is hanging in the bathroom and smells sooo delicous,like an almond vanilla creamsicle :icecream:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have gotten around to testing my sample properly today. I keep sniffing own wrist because this smells delicious! I would say it's a sneak attack, but it's more "there" than what I could properly define a sneak attack to be. Probably because it's very sweet on my skin, way sweeter than skin naturally.

ETA: This stuff seems to work quickly. I had a couple Mormons knock while I was writing this. One of them was awfully persistent. I know they're NOT allowed to witness to women home alone. I immediately told the two (male) Mormons that I was alone, I know they're not allowed to talk to me & to have a nice evening. El responso: "We can talk to you outside!" Wtf? I was just like, uh, it's raining & I'm not standing out in it, stay dry & good luck. Yeesh, that's all I need; Mormon hits :/

Edited by Beccah
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Yeesh, that's all I need; Mormon hits :/


*dies* :lol:

...HAH I almost wore this today too!,for me the amount of phero is perfect now,I thought it was too strong but I was using too much,just huffing away :P

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:rofl222: Thanks Beccah...*wipes tears from eyes from laughing - catches breath*...I needed that :heart:
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I have gotten around to testing my sample properly today. I keep sniffing own wrist because this smells delicious! I would say it's a sneak attack, but it's more "there" than what I could properly define a sneak attack to be. Probably because it's very sweet on my skin, way sweeter than skin naturally.

ETA: This stuff seems to work quickly. I had a couple Mormons knock while I was writing this. One of them was awfully persistent. I know they're NOT allowed to witness to women home alone. I immediately told the two (male) Mormons that I was alone, I know they're not allowed to talk to me & to have a nice evening. El responso: "We can talk to you outside!" Wtf? I was just like, uh, it's raining & I'm not standing out in it, stay dry & good luck. Yeesh, that's all I need; Mormon hits :/


Funniest story EVAH!!!!!! LOL!

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I have gotten around to testing my sample properly today. I keep sniffing own wrist because this smells delicious! I would say it's a sneak attack, but it's more "there" than what I could properly define a sneak attack to be. Probably because it's very sweet on my skin, way sweeter than skin naturally.

ETA: This stuff seems to work quickly. I had a couple Mormons knock while I was writing this. One of them was awfully persistent. I know they're NOT allowed to witness to women home alone. I immediately told the two (male) Mormons that I was alone, I know they're not allowed to talk to me & to have a nice evening. El responso: "We can talk to you outside!" Wtf? I was just like, uh, it's raining & I'm not standing out in it, stay dry & good luck. Yeesh, that's all I need; Mormon hits :/



THIS had me laughing!

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Because The Night...goes shopping :001_302: ...respect in a bottle,I'm tellin ya,like crossing PP with Audacious,gosh,people asking my opinion and rushing to help, above and beyond :o


Now my shirt is hanging in the bathroom and smells sooo delicous,like an almond vanilla creamsicle :icecream:

~LOLOLLLL for Beccah~ And Calii! Almond Vanilla Creamsicle! THAT'S IT!!! I finally got around to trying this one. Holy shit, I LOVE it and it's GONE. Well, I haz my sample vial. :) This starts out as HELLO THERE I AM ALMOND EXTRACT!!!!! Now, I love me some almond in any form, but it greatly relieved me when it immediately backed down and started getting creamy. It really is like Calii described it. That, or some kind of lovely almond pastry...but without a heavy pastry note...so creamsicle does it better. It smells skin-musky and sweet and oh so very inviting. I SMELL BEAUTIFUL. Gonna have to scour the trade thread. :heart: Oh and I haven't yet used it when I was around anyone...but this afternoon we're doing some recording with a friend so I'll see what the phero does! ;)


ETA: this is the first time I wore enough to truly feel the phero. La Femme Noir makes me *really* feel like Queen Of Everything. I'm not just Queen Shit and interesting as hell, like with La Femme Mystere...I'm...more. Quite confident. It's really cool. I'm getting a thread of the same feeling I get with Dominance--everyone can do whatever they're going to, but I'M doing what I WANT--but less inwardly focused and more playful than Dom. I'm enjoying this stuff!!! :heart: Oh and the glamoury is there, as with LFM. Great addition to the afternoon; PLUS I'm getting all sorts of things done!!!


Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I tried this way back in January and ended up giving my sample away.

Has anyone noticed if the aging has changed it?

I would get great cherry from the almond for about fifteen minutes and then it would turn

into carrot cake.


I REALLY want this one to work--both for the almond and the pheromone blend.


or should I just give it up?

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  • 10 months later...

Wore this lastnight to my daughters choir concert just because... I haven't worn this in awhile and I had LFN on my my mind. Tbe first time I tried this it was all Marzipan and a pretty loud cakey note. Now with some age it's a vanilla, almond pastry with a sheer, sticky marzipan finish. The Amber comes gently through grounding everything. I really like it when Mara puts a drop of Amber in her foodies like this. For me it works like a circus master with a whip, keeping all the foody notes in line. :heart:

Very soft, elegant and sexy. Lots of attention and chit chat and people touching my arms a little rub here and there. lol

The woman who was sitting one down from me kept chatting and leaning over my sister in law to talk. oops. A good night all around tho. So glad I took it out. Have a feeling this will get a lot of wear over the the next 2 weeks.

Loving LFN.

Edited by StacyK
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  • 1 month later...
This stuff is amazing, as in, I am queen shiite! Honestly, I've never felt this way before, only when I'm totally in costume wearing my leather and thigh high boots! Lol, only kidding...

I never expected a phero to hit me like this,and I've gotten consistent results every time. It's like liquid confidence in a bottle. Moreover, I get shiite done! I wear it when i want to be productive and in charge. It's a great feeling, not that I want to feel that way all the time, but it helps when I need it. Believe it or not, I sometimes wear it when I wake up in the morning. That way I know i'll get lots of work done by 12 noon. Otherwise, I may just while the day away.

As Halo so aptly described the effect the Bat/LFN thread, "it helps me clean", it really does the trick! Seriously! Yes to also helping you concentrate, too! That's why I've ordered an UN LFN because I want it even stronger! Plus, I can wear it with everything else. Thanks to you. Halo, it's all your fault!

The fragrance is a little intense for me -- the almond keeps poking me in the eye. However, I couldn't get enough of the LFN -- it'll definitely be a staple in my phero arsenal. Still rationing my trial vial till my order arrives...

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  • 4 months later...

Ok I wore this yesterday to smell awesome and get stuff done. So I wore this.. 2 small swipes on neck a swipe in cleavage and long stripes on inside of arm/elbow. One big spray of my Un LFN (lightly scented with Sugared Apricots). They smell amazing together. Tones the Almond down a bit for me.

LFN.. here's what I did...2 loads of laundry, In the morning I make an Apple Spice Coffee Cake, my sons girlfriend is visiting for the long weekend. I later cooked a Turkey Breast and veggies (made Mashed Pots the day before) then I made 3 loves of Pumpkin Bread. All from scratch.

If Maras new formula can take that boost I get from LFN to the next level. I'm so in!

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This one is one of the best almond LPs I think... I actually scored a virgin one (w/o LFN) and one with from the trades. Mara does Almond scents SO well! I wondered why I liked Land of Nog so much... then I realized it was because it reminded me of BTN!


Cutie.Pie I got the package from Halo today and your's is wrapped up snuggly... will add it to the ones you want from me and email you the shipping. Glad to be your middle woman on this one - you will LOVE Because the Night.

Edited by LoveStruck
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Guest cutie.pie

This one is one of the best almond LPs I think... I actually scored a virgin one (w/o LFN) and one with from the trades. Mara does Almond scents SO well! I wondered why I liked Land of Nog so much... then I realized it was because it reminded me of BTN!


Now I really can't wait to try it! My love for almond & marzipan's scents is super huge :D



Cutie.Pie I got the package from Halo today and your's is wrapped up snuggly... will add it to the ones you want from me and email you the shipping. Glad to be your middle woman on this one - you will LOVE Because the Night.

THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR BEING MY MIDDLE WOMAN!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Edited by cutie.pie
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  • 1 month later...
Guest cutie.pie

When wet all I get is marzipan (very similar to PFYT), but it dissapears too quickly :( I hope it's because of the travel shock :(

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Guest cutie.pie

This is one I'd love to try. If it doesn't work for you after it settles Cutie.pie I'll happily take it off your hands and give it a whirl :-)

If it doesn't work for me, it's yours :)

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  • 1 month later...

God I love this. I'm going through my LP's preparing for my fairy arrival.I couldn't help but take a whif and dab a bit on my wrist. Oh sigh. But I will save it for a more loving moment. Its so yummy tho beautiful, creamy, uh so feminine. The LFN is such a great Phero, but I should avoid it right now. :)

Edited by StacyK
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  • 3 months later...
Guest cutie.pie

First Luna mentioned this when I was ISO marzipan scents, then I grabbed it from Halo's trades but didn't like it and it ended up with someone who will like it more than me, then I got it in spray from Cheesy and now I love it! :) Reaaaaally love it!!!!

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  • 7 months later...

This is one of my favorites from the November 2012 sampler. I love the almond in this one. This does remind me of yummy marzipan but then after a few hours of wearing the almond and vanilla settle down and the amber really blends in. A very subtle and feminine scent

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  • 1 year later...

I tested La Femme Noir in Because the Night in September – November 2013 and the again in August 2014. The weather usually was in warm 70s to 80s. I applied this my usual way, to my neck, tops of hands, and wrists. The fragrance was very close skin scent and it had a cocoa butter note in it. The throw on this was anywhere from 10-20 feet.


I didn’t get an self effects with this phero, but I had to be careful of the effects on others. I had men and woman of all ages who would stop and stare at me openly and continuously. This was not a deer in headlights. This was longer and just more open. My mom even noticed some of this hits. Once I was getting gas and a guy opened the door for me. My mom told me when I got in the car, "wow that guy was just looking at you. He never stopped looking at you." I had a women (20ish) who fawned over me, giving me compliments over and over.


But on the flip side, women could also be very unpredictable. Women in their 20s would turn into raging jerks to put it mildly. They would try so hard to put me in my place. Also I have had young women turn conversations I was having with them or conversations they were having with others while around me – very sexual. I had mature women who would compliment me and tell me in details what they found attractive about me, but then have other older women make digs at my looks.


I think that LFN is a very sexual, alpha phero for women. I am on the fence about this phero because I love the attention, but I am afraid of the unpredictable responses from women. This phero reminds me of a movie star in that you are seen as more attractive and desirable, but very untouchable.

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I think that LFN is a very sexual, alpha phero for women.

Yes definitely. It's the Womanly Queen Bee of LFM, alpha/sexed up with the addition of E'none & COPS. I've not had a bad experience with it in regard to other women but I have had that reaction with cops & Other pheros. Self effect wise it can get intense (I've noticed I can be sensitive to e'none). In addition to its intended purpose it can be helpful in getting things done. Tho I prefer DOMINANCE for that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Stacy K!


I love the male attention I get from this and about 50% of the female attention I get. Haha! I guess I can live with having the majority of the people I come in contact with fawn over me and think I am drop dead fabulous. :)


Cool. I may need to try to steer LFN that way - in order to get things done. I have never used it that way.


I am afraid of DOM. Haha. Most alpha pheros of any brand generally do not agree with me. This is like one of the only ones that does.

Edited by Honeycake
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  • 8 months later...

I have to admit, I only sampled this because of the name, and I have had Because the Night stuck in my head for two days. I thought that almond was a mismatch for me, and I avoid almost everything that has almond in it, scent wise. But, Because the Night was fabulous. I cannot believe it's only 4 major scent notes?!! Maybe it's like 20 vanillas and 20 ambers? I know that my sample is like 5 years old, so maybe this has aged in a really magical way. I wore a little for teaching last night, and then to meet my boyfriend at the show he was working. No unusual hits, the same guys trying to remind me that they're socially significant and have important jobs and that we're special friends. They also like to pretend that I'm not really in a "real" relationship with my man (it's been over two years and we live together). So if they didn't always act like kooks, I'd say hits, but that's just who they are. But I personally had a great night and felt more comfortable in my skin in a bar/music venue setting for a moth or so now. I think LFM and LFN are probably most like my nighttime social adult personality, when I'm not overcome by my Goofballitis.

Edited by Eastwood22
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