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Okay. I finally got around to trying this on. O. M. G. I'm totally in love with this one already and it's only been about 15 minutes! I can't wait to see how this changes as it dries down. I've never used this type of phero so I'm interested in seeing the reactions that I get when wear it out.

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Okay, what gives?

I've been wearing Levitation all day - no reapplication at any point, no more than I would normally apply - and just now, when I was out doing grocery shopping, men were staring at me as though I'd forgotten to change out of my negligee before leaving the house! Honestly... WTHeck? :huh:

Is that the DHEAS effect? The prettifying thing? I think it must be, 'cause I haven't had a shower since yesterday, my hair is in a messy ponytail, I'm wearing no make-up, and since I was just dashing into the grocery store for like, 10 minutes, I wore my winter coat, (sort of a plum colour), and ORANGE CROCS. Needless to say, I am not looking my best today. But there they were, all around me: the big smiles and the flash of an eyebrow, the turning heads... That was a kind of phero magic I SO totally didn't expect!

I didn't really think anything of it at the time, but even BF was overly Grabby Hands today...


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I took my samples from the last 5 months to a party I went to for my friends to smell and this was the runaway hit of the night. 3 of my friends ended up wearing it.


That is such a cool idea, I need to do that... I'm so looking forward to getting my sample of Levitation

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I wore this all day yesterday. Great Spring fragrance. It never morphed into a full-blown floral on me, which is a good thing. Just sweet and juicy with a bit of floral.

I didn't notice anything pheromone-wise though. I'm wearing it again today to see. I seem to not do well with pheros that are created specifically as socials though (i.e. no hits...but if something is supposed to be sexy I tend to multiply it like crazy. LOL). I'll still wear this, hit or not though. It's lovely.

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Something about all these components coming together is just magical. I don't know what it is, but it just lifts you up. I'm not talking "uplifing fragrance" in the sense of Clinique Happy which tries too hard to be one and jerks you by the nose. I'm saying that this one has a relaxed, almost dreamy (but not sleep-inducing) feel to it that is instantly calming. I think the orchid has something to do with it. Not a candy strawberry for anyone who might be afraid of that, it's more like sweet-tart strawberry juice squeezed onto fluffy vanilla meringue clouds. I can seriously say it was this that saved me from guillotining a few people yesterday.

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Okay, what gives?

I've been wearing Levitation all day - no reapplication at any point, no more than I would normally apply - and just now, when I was out doing grocery shopping, men were staring at me as though I'd forgotten to change out of my negligee before leaving the house! Honestly... WTHeck? :huh:

Is that the DHEAS effect? The prettifying thing? I think it must be, 'cause I haven't had a shower since yesterday, my hair is in a messy ponytail, I'm wearing no make-up, and since I was just dashing into the grocery store for like, 10 minutes, I wore my winter coat, (sort of a plum colour), and ORANGE CROCS. Needless to say, I am not looking my best today. But there they were, all around me: the big smiles and the flash of an eyebrow, the turning heads... That was a kind of phero magic I SO totally didn't expect!

I didn't really think anything of it at the time, but even BF was overly Grabby Hands today...


Dang, if that is what happens when one wears this one, then I really need to get a FB of this… The only thing that is holding me back is that I’m nervous a few of the notes will go wonky on my skin…

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Okay, I wore this again today. This scent is divine, but, alas, no hits with the phero. No extra chattiness, no extra smiles, nada. I also noted that I've felt like crud (emotionally) the past two days. Coincidence? Don't know.

I'm going to go back to some of my other pheros/scents for a few days and then revisit this one.

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Something about all these components coming together is just magical. I don't know what it is, but it just lifts you up. I'm not talking "uplifing fragrance" in the sense of Clinique Happy which tries too hard to be one and jerks you by the nose. I'm saying that this one has a relaxed, almost dreamy (but not sleep-inducing) feel to it that is instantly calming. I think the orchid has something to do with it. Not a candy strawberry for anyone who might be afraid of that, it's more like sweet-tart strawberry juice squeezed onto fluffy vanilla meringue clouds. I can seriously say it was this that saved me from guillotining a few people yesterday.

It's everything I thought it would be! Wore it to my fam's club's opening night, it was perfect. I also love the green glitter in the bottle. It makes it look like the magic potion that it is ;)

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I didn't even get to test this. Shadow took one sniff and stole the bottle. So for the guys this is a big yes. Oddly, it has a soft, clean, almost aquatic scent on his skin which just goes to show that you never know how notes are going to play with skin chemistry.


I really like it anyways. It's very sexy on him (and I was getting a little tired of his standard Teddy Man scent to be honest).

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I didn't even get to test this. Shadow took one sniff and stole the bottle.

:o:lol: I am fairly POSITIVE that will never be a problem in our house LOL But I'll keep an eye on him...just in case :ph34r:
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DD, did the scent work on you? I so wish I could use this scent; it is beautiful... But GONE from my skin in minutes!


It is gone from my skin in minutes as well, so I have been trying to think what scent I could use with it to make it last on me...

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What do you ladies think of pairing this with SS4W? I don't usually mix pheros, but I wonder about this one. I've tried this scent several times now (started low and then increased the amount) and get nothing from the phero, but I adore the scent itself so I want to wear it. Like I've said before, it seems to me that pheros that are geared specifically towards social effects don't seem to work well on me, but other items do, SS4W for instance. It seems like a perfect one to pair with this scent.

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What do you ladies think of pairing this with SS4W? I don't usually mix pheros, but I wonder about this one. I've tried this scent several times now (started low and then increased the amount) and get nothing from the phero, but I adore the scent itself so I want to wear it. Like I've said before, it seems to me that pheros that are geared specifically towards social effects don't seem to work well on me, but other items do, SS4W for instance. It seems like a perfect one to pair with this scent.

Only one way to find out ;)

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I seriously LOVE this scent. It's one of those that I could wear every single day... (not that I would, because I have a ton of other scents I love too, but...) It is just a beautiful, HAPPY scent... or is that the DHEAS? :lol2:

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Only one way to find out ;)


Yeah. So I tried it out after my post earlier. DH was working from home.......he had to take about 2 hour hiatus. I wasn't expecting that! :w00t:

I can definitely tell the difference between Sexpionage sex and SS4W sex. I like both. :wink2:

Edited by Pursestan
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Yeah. So I tried it out after my post earlier. DH was working from home.......he had to take about 2 hour hiatus. I wasn't expecting that! :w00t:

I can definitely tell the difference between Sexpionage sex and SS4W sex. I like both. :wink2:

I bet!

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The first time I tested this out it really reminded me of a commercial scent.My 6 year old wears justine b Gf, and it smells like her..lol..not a lot but just a little,levitation is way better! The strawberry and another floral are the only similarities.

I'd give this to her but it has pheros in it,too bad.

ya,imagine her wearing this to her grade one class.lol She would have all kinds of friends chit chatting and getting in trouble for talking.

Edited by tanya27
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when i first put this on it made me sneeze madly. :( & I did not care for the perfumey flower - the grapefruit blossom I guess? But as it has dried down, the floral has backed off and is playing nice with the whole thing. and boy did I need the OW.


ETA this is why I need to learn to be patient with scents. It just keeps getting better and better. I keep getting wafts of it and it keeps changing just enough that i keep going "what's that smell?" and it's meeeee. Many hours later, it's now opaque creamy fruity perfection.

Edited by tyvey
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What a perfect name for this potion. I felt fresh & uplifted after I applied it. Kind of like a kid during summer vacation. The vibe for me was fun & light, along with the glitter. Definitely a positive mood enhancer. Reminded me slightly of my youth with a pink, citrusy, bubble-gummy scent, that faded to a soft-airy floral. Lasted more than a few hours on me. I like that after application I feel younger and refreshed.

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I have finally gotten to the point where I use up my GGG’s because I love them for a reason and that is to wear them, not to hang on to them till I no longer love them anymore…Dang it took me long enough to get to this point....LOL

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I'm so glad I bought some of this I went back just now to see if there was anything left- damn you bitches be moving fast!

This truly is an uplifting happy scent perfect for the office or twirling in the parking lot in your dress.

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So bummmed :( I didn't get a chance to get a bottle. I have a sample coming and I hope I hate it so I'm less bummed.

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Five samples to a bottle, right?

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1/3 oz bottle = 10mL, samples are 1.5mL, so divide by x, carry the 7, round off for the solar eclipse . . . 6.6 or 7 samples


(Blame Sister Penguin in third grade always making us show our work *sigh*)

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1/3 oz bottle = 10mL, samples are 1.5mL, so divide by x, carry the 7, round off for the solar eclipse . . . 6.6 or 7 samples


(Blame Sister Penguin in third grade always making us show our work *sigh*)


That is how I learned my math skills as well....LOL


I really love this blend so much and it makes me so happy when I wear it but dang this one just will not last longer than 30 minutes on my skin

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Was her name really Sister Penguin? Or was it just her habit that formed the basis of the nickname?

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I admit that I wasn't sure about this but once I tested it fully,I can't get enough.

I wore this on Sunday to church with extra sprays of open windows.the guy sitting beside me,I could hear him taking deep sniffs..lol

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1/3 oz bottle = 10mL, samples are 1.5mL, so divide by x, carry the 7, round off for the solar eclipse . . . 6.6 or 7 samples


(Blame Sister Penguin in third grade always making us show our work *sigh*)


True! But the sample sizes are actually a little larger than that. They are around 1.75ml, but we say 1.5 so people know they will get at least that amount. With the current vial size, it takes about 5 and half trials to fill a bottle.

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True! But the sample sizes are actually a little larger than that. They are around 1.75ml, but we say 1.5 so people know they will get at least that amount. With the current vial size, it takes about 5 and half trials to fill a bottle.


That's really good to know! Thanks, Mara! Sister Penguin would have been so proud of you!

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