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Marsha Mellow


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Marsha Mellow

Our skin musk scent is deliciously mellow! Beloved vanilla and warm musk swirled with fluffy sweet marshmallow flavoring and given staying power with three drops of vetiver.




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:

MARSHMALLOW ROOT ~ Fertility, happiness, creativity, increase in psychic awareness, intuition, love, protection, exorcism. Gently commanding and persuading.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
Self-confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
VETIVER ~ Enhances perception of beauty. Love, sensuality, money, luck, hex-breaking.

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Love the concept of this one! Sounds like a fun and sexy fragrance. Sadly for me, my skin amps Vanilla to the point where it SCREAMS on me. :( Same thing with Cinnamon) but if it's very, very subtle, or a very light type of Vanilla, then I can do it well depending on what else is in it. I think the Marshmallow would come across as Vanilla on me for sure. But this sounds like a sexy confection.

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oh nice, I love steamy daydreams. Glad this one is similar.

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Steamy Daydreams and I never saw eye to eye, but Marsha -- oooohh, Marsha! I am in luvvv with Marsha. She melted the straight right outta me.


Don't judge this one until it fully settles, because it took about ten minutes for the marshmallow softness to round out and fully develop on my skin. The vetiver is subtle and lends an anchoring to the other notes as well as keeps everything from going poptart. The overall result is absolutely delightful, and seems to be hanging in there despite its ethereal nature. This one's gonna bring all the boys to my yard.


MCR -- MM has your name written all over it!

Edited by Just Ducky
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I get GOOPS of soft, pillowy marshmallow on my skin, very slight touch of musk/powderiness...and then, SLURP! My skin sucks this one in. I'll need back it w/some vanilla-based lotion.

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LOVE this one! Okay, so this is the first one I'm wearing, I have a feeling I'm going to love them all but anyway. The white musk takes the marshmallow and vanilla in this just above foody, turning it into something sweet but sophisticated. I don't get a hit of vetiver to the nose, but while I can't detect it distinctly it must be what's giving this scent a slightly dusky undercurrent. Marshmallow musk, simple but amazing.

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This reminds me of a vanilla marshmallow Masked Man! It reminds me of falling into a nice goose down pillow, very soft and comforting! I actually felt sooo good when I was wearing it. Very happy and at ease. Perfect for when I go to the dentist or when super stressed out.

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I agree that she's gorgeous!

A lovely,wispy veil of gossamer fluffy vanilla musk.

Wet, and early on, it actually reminds me of that marshmallow ice cream topping that comes in the jar. Very sweet,all sugar.

But like Ducky & Invi said, don't judge it that way because the dry down, though sweet, is decidedly less foody to me.

Its all light, musky and classy. Not perfumey, just upscale feeling.

I enjoy this very much, and my Mexican,who hates foody scents and claims to "despise vanilla" ,has tackled me twice today so, ha! He doesn't know what he's talkin bout anyway.

It lasted about 4-5 hours on me,but after the first hour it barely had any throw. It's a total skinscent,which is the only thing I'd change about it. I like to be able to catch whiffs of myself throughout the day,and I can't really do that here. Gotta lean in and huff to smell it.

Still lovely though. It'll probably be one of my nice "sleepytime" scents. :666:

Edited by cheeseburger79
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I agree that she's gorgeous!

A lovely,wispy veil of gossamer fluffy vanilla musk.

Wet, and early on, it actually reminds me of that marshmallow ice cream topping that comes in the jar. Very sweet,all sugar.

But like Ducky & Invi said, don't judge it that way because the dry down, though sweet, is decidedly less foody to me.

Its all light, musky and classy. Not perfumey, just upscale feeling.

I enjoy this very much, and my Mexican,who hates foody scents and claims to "despise vanilla" ,has tackled me twice today so, ha! He doesn't know what he's talkin bout anyway.

It lasted about 4-5 hours on me,but after the first hour it barely had any throw. It's a total skinscent,which is the only thing I'd change about it. I like to be able to catch whiffs of myself throughout the day,and I can't really do that here. Gotta lean in and huff to smell it.

Still lovely though. It'll probably be one of my nice "sleepytime" scents. :666:


Perfect for sleepytime, although I think this would be good for sexy time too.

I think this would go well with SS4W

Of course I think everything goes with SS4W

So far I've tested about 5 nrs? I love all of them. I'm in trouble.

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This one lasts forever on me! It's not a loud and far away scent, but it does stick to my skin a very long time...last time I wore it I could still smell it on my skin the next day approx 20 hours later.

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Me too! But 00 is still my fave of the Bond girls.

And sexy time us why sleepy time is in quotation, ;) Good for both, for sure!

I don't know how i don't have more SS4W. I only have it in Rocket Fuel, which turns me into a pancake. I still like it and wear it, but it's one of the ones the Mexican bitches about.

Jealous! I want more!


20 hours!!? Wow!

DOUBLE Jealous! Luckyyyyyyy...


Edited by luna65
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Perfect for sleepytime, although I think this would be good for sexy time too.

I think this would go well with SS4W

Of course I think everything goes with SS4W

So far I've tested about 5 nrs? I love all of them. I'm in trouble.


Pull a Katz... get 'em all! Then desperately hope the s.o. will spoil you next month, which I hear is all that and a bag of chips!

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Steamy Daydream lovers will like this!! It's like a gentler more feminine Steamy Daydreams mixed with sweet marshmallow fluff. Like Mara said, it wears very close, although it doesn't last nearly as long on me. Love the musk in this one!!!!

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When I first tried a dab of this I thought wow pointy, not what I expected. I thought it might be a bit of travel shock. Tonight I'm so glad I tried again.

I put it on earlier tonight, the vetiver sparks for just barely a minute... then all is well ...softly sweet,vanilla ladylike, marshmallow. It's like the vetiver is the sticky base which fades off and the other notes stick to it. Just a sheer soft veil of marshmallow musk chiffon. Very sensual.

The soft food'ish element reminds me of those really delish ( real) Marshmallows they sell at Whole Foods. Sexy & yummy. Perfumey & foody.

Edited by StacyK
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This really smells like Jet Puffed Marshmallow Spread at first :::: D Very sweet, gooey, fluffy marshmallow whip. I took the other ladies' advice and waited for drydown... yes, the sillage shrank, and now it barely clings onto my skin, but it's a wispy vanilla-ish sweet musk... I guess it'd be good for those that have people to cuddle with at night.

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^^This has more sweet vanilla and the marshmallow has a tad more opacity.

Tease has a lighter marshmallow scent IMO

plus the smoke and apple notes.

They are both sensual/ sexy.. but different Marshmallow scents.

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You notice the vetiver at first.. but it dies off fast, I don't have to wait for complete dry down. To me it's like the sticky base that fades off and the other notes cling and meld on top.

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How does this compare to Tease?


I don't even feel like they're similar at all. The marshmallow wasn't really the star of the show for that one (on my skin, at least). But here, it's at least an equal partner. I think it's more like Steamy Daydreams (not sure why!) than Tease.

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I smell mostly vetiver at first then... A very faint marshmallow musk. It's so light! I hope I'm not developing a musk/vanilla tolerance because I wear a ton all the time... Is this really light on everyone else? Or is just my nose?

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Although I can understand the comparison with Steamy Daydreams, what this reminds me of is the original EGG (which was marshmallow amber as opposed to marshmallow musk) and thus I am so happy I can hardly stand it because I loves me some EGG. y'all. This sticks to me fairly well, it sort of tapers off to more of a skin scent after about an hour but doesn't disappear.


from Mind Crimes: an Agent Null adventure

by Julian Lune


Null stood in the galley kitchen of his apartment, it was sometime after 3am and he had risen with perfect wakefulness from what O would term a real lulu of a dream. Dr. Mellow had asked him to keep a dream journal, but it was easier for him to dictate what he could remember rather than write it down. He made himself a wee hours snack of braunschweiger and sliced cornichons on toasted pumpkernickel with garlic aioli. As he chewed and washed his bites down with a glass of soy milk, he looked around for his digital assistant. His phone played Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2 and he smirked as he answered it.


"Can't sleep either, eh?"


"In the Comissariat, sleep is catching up on you."


"And let me guess...you're eating a Fluffernutter right now, aren't you?"


"I curse you ten thousand lifetimes for introducing me to this sticky sacchariferous disaster of a sandwich."


"Since you're recording this conversation - and I know you are - let me tell you about my dream. You can send me an mp3 copy later."


"As you wish," Agent Pov replied, though it came out less than intelligible from a mouth filled with peanut butter, marshmallow cream, and soft white bread.


"I'm walking down a dark alley, I can only find my way through because there are shafts of moonlight coming down from above. I find a kitten -"


"Oh no!"


"The peanut butter gallery will remain silent, please. So I carry this kitten out of the alley and onto a street. It's a place I've never been before. Your sister comes along and tells me I'm late for a play and when we get to the theatre the man at the door takes the kitten from me as admission. The play starts with you seated at a burning piano, but you don't play it."


"And why would I, if it is on fire?"


"But you sit there and all the field officers we know come out and sing a song about finding secrets, and it's a full-on choreographed dance number."


"Am I dancing?"


"No, you just sit there and smirk like you always do. And then an usher brings me a completely different kitten to hold, which smells like caramel, and I notice the audience is pulling the hair from their kittens and eating it like cotton candy."




"So I have a little lick of mine and it tasted good, but then suddenly there's an explosion -"


"Let me guess: someone dropped a building on us."


"Yes, and then we're out in the street and Kat tells me I always ruin all her parties and O and Willy ride by on a tandem bike and they look like they belong in one of those arthouse films because they're in Victorian garb, and then we see Fraude across the road and he's very upset and trying to throw a grenade and then -"


"Yes yes, what is happening then?"


"And then I woke up."


"You did not eat the kitten?"


Null paused, took a bite of his sandwich, chewing noisily. He could hear Pov do the same. After another swallow of soy milk he said, "No, I don't believe I did. But nor did I have sex. Do you realize that every dream I've ever had over the last ten years has involved sex? I don't know what to make of it."


"Does the good doctor have you on the medication?"


"She prescribed something for my purported anxiety, of course, but O told me not to take it. He believes she's in deep cover for Fraude."


"So she is thwarting you, then."


"But she's not even in the dream!"


"Trust me, comrade, women do not even have to be anywhere near the mischief they create. They are just that diabolical."


Null moved as quietly as he could to his bedroom. to gaze upon the sleeping figure of Marsha Mellow, her white-blonde hair glowing in the waning moonlight as the sky turned from black to blue.


"And that is why you are working the graveyard shift at the listening post, my friend. Women can smell your contempt from miles away."


"Which is why I avail myself of an expensive cologne when required," Pov parried, punctuating his statement with another gluey mouthful.

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Luna strikes again.. .."women can smell your contempt from miles away." Lol if only my nose were that strong. ;)

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LOL! I licked my kitten...bwaha!


"braunschweiger and sliced cornichons on toasted pumpkernickel with garlic aioli."


Argh! You cannot kiss a man after a meal like that! I would rather kiss the marshmallow and peanut butter eater....or the kitten.

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There are so many things to love about them but I think my favorite features are the wordplay and the tone. "So I have a little lick of mine" lmaaaooo this is it only so Null but also so perfectly typifies all dream descriptions -- we narrate the most insane things in such an offhanded, blasé way. Love, love, love.

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So yes it wears light but it does last FOREVAH. When I woke up in the morning after wearing it to bed it was still going strong. Also, it is changing already in the bottle. Getting more marshmallowy and less vetivery...total opposite from when I first tried it. I need a bottle, I have a feeling it is only going to get better and better.

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So yes it wears light but it does last FOREVAH. When I woke up in the morning after wearing it to bed it was still going strong. Also, it is changing already in the bottle. Getting more marshmallowy and less vetivery...total opposite from when I first tried it. I need a bottle, I have a feeling it is only going to get better and better.

Does it wear at all like Baby Chicks, I love that one...

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