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Aja - Nature's Copulins

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I don't know how I would react to Aja on a man. I really like the happy sauce selfies that I get, & when I actually wore it around a target I was interested in ... to quote Pam from Archer; "Sploosh!" :lol:


Ahahaha! :Emoticons10311: Whoo!


Women really seem to really react well to me wearing tiny amounts of Aja. Lots of smiles and lots of happy attention. Aja DEFINITELY seems to amp up the fun for my bride at playtime. I have added .5ml of Aja to my Mark's Magical Potion phero blend and can't wait to see how Aja affects her with the pheros in this blend.

Edited by Snoopyace
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  • 2 months later...

Have been wearing this for an hour and on me it's kind of like a vinegar-laced version of Sugared Honeycomb. The vinegar-y aspect was more prominent at application. Around 30 minutes the whole thing took on a slightly...flat (??) quality. Now at the hour mark the vinegar is faint. Sugared Honeycomb was a scent I really enjoyed but couldn't wear because it went plastic, but this doesn't. I'm not sure I could wear this alone (the vinegar hint has me feeling a bit self-conscious), but this would be lovely paired with various other scents.

Edited by Witty Kitty
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Witty Kitty - I get the vinegar scent too! I'm gonna experiment with my trial and try putting it on a cotton ball and putting that in my bra to see if it's my skin making it go vinegar-y... Need to get a scent locket one of these days.

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Witty Kitty - I get the vinegar scent too! I'm gonna experiment with my trial and try putting it on a cotton ball and putting that in my bra to see if it's my skin making it go vinegar-y... Need to get a scent locket one of these days.

A scent locket is how I've been "wearing" pheros during pregnancy, I can pheros bomb myself and effect others

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I've been playing around with this more and I'm enjoying the thick, smutty dimension it adds to fruity scents ;) I wanted to try this with some mangoes so I layered this with my Sweet & Juicy PE last night, and in the morning the scent that remained was basically...mango-scented ladyparts. :Emoticons04263:

Edited by Witty Kitty
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  • 3 months later...

Have been experimenting more with this, using it as I would an OCCO by just putting a dab of it in my cleavage. When the vinegar whiff wears off, what's left makes me feel so...exposed :D I haven't been able to wear honey- or amber-heavy scents because they go plastic on me unless I add something to them to tame the plastic, so this is the first smutty scent I've been able to wear on its own. Recently I wore this on my chest and went to a bar for a drink. I caught whiffs of it coming up from my chest and I felt like I was sitting there bottomless, lol! :D

Edited by Witty Kitty
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:lol: What a hilarious review! I felt the same way with Aja straight up, but I don't believe I was ever able to put such a fine point on what ​felt so weird about wearing it in public. But that's totally it! :lol:

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Have been experimenting more with this, using it as I would an OCCO by just putting a dab of it in my cleavage. When the vinegar whiff wears off, what's left makes me feel so...exposed :D I haven't been able to wear honey- or amber-heavy scents because they go plastic on me unless I add something to them to tame the plastic, so this is the first smutty scent I've been able to wear on its own. Recently I wore this on my chest and went to a bar for a drink. I caught whiffs of it coming up from my chest and I felt like I was sitting there bottomless, lol! :D

Girl! :lol: I've been contemplating the effects of Aja & I've realized that I get really strong self-effects from this one. Was wearing this out to a Superbowl party & noticed that a male friend, that I hadn't noticed in that way before, was very attractive to me that day. He had asked me out before, so in my Aja cloud, I actually hit on him. Went on a date w/ him sans Aja & the thrill was gone! Yep, just no warm fuzzies without the Aja. Plus the date got really freaking weird because there was some (non-threatening) drama. Anyway, remember to use Aja responsibly. Don't agree to any dates in an Aja induced cloud of warm fuzzies! :stars188:

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  • 3 weeks later...

.. and watch out for overly amorous bees. Seriously.

:lol: Yeah, the wasps are big fans too! Given the frequency that I wear red, there's also quite a bit of love that comes from the hummingbirds as well.

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:lol: Yeah, the wasps are big fans too! Given the frequency that I wear red, there's also quite a bit of love that comes from the hummingbirds as well.

OMG, twice since it's warmed up a bit. I was testing out adding AJA to a couple of scents. Those were sunny days so I was outside drink my morning coffee and a bee just came at me. It was interesting to as it basically followed my scent trail all around. No, not wasps, that would have been war.
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Hummingbirds are lovely, but they freak me out when they come up behind me n hover because they sound the same as wasps.

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  • 1 month later...

Im back! Ive been wearing just cops for a few days to give new bf a break. Ive been kinda hesitant to use this because...well, new and scary lol.


I was curious and reached for this today and slathered like no tomorrow. For science.


Turns out that its much more than vinegar to me now, its VERY sweet and SNATCHY on different parts of my body (legs/belly) but after i smooshed... my arms and chest give off a powdery scent! like a bright, dry but not so quite "vanilla". if i really had to put my finger on it o.o


I also noticed a "waxy" feel and the slightest drag to the application spots after smooshing compared to a gentle glide i usually get when using cops. Is this the norm? It definitely surprised me


Im pairing this with encens de cafe and a swipe of trouble with truffles, it just begs to be worn with other dry scents :D


Will report back on results!

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None human hits, I got all the animals to hang out with me tho. All of them.


Not just my cat, which doesn't count. but my roomies skittish cat and two lap dogs followed me around room to room and wait outside the bathroom door as well. None of them came to me directly.


I can't say for sure if it was a hit but a lady at the store kept hovering close to me at self check out but...I felt it wasnt one and she might just have wanted my credit card info...Idk lol.


Today there's a very faint cloud of "sour" following me around of the not foodie variety :o


Not sure if ill reach for this one again soon. Maybe if its a note in perfume but I'm still not sure how to use this just yet.

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None human hits, I got all the animals to hang out with me tho. All of them.


Not just my cat, which doesn't count. but my roomies skittish cat and two lap dogs followed me around room to room and wait outside the bathroom door as well. None of them came to me directly.


I can't say for sure if it was a hit but a lady at the store kept hovering close to me at self check out but...I felt it wasnt one and she might just have wanted my credit card info...Idk lol.


Today there's a very faint cloud of "sour" following me around of the not foodie variety :o


Not sure if ill reach for this one again soon. Maybe if its a note in perfume but I'm still not sure how to use this just yet.


Haha, if it works that well on animals, I'd definitely give this a try! I want to feel like Snow White in the forest sometimes :P

I don't wear cops by themselves, either. I have the Sheer Essence dilution, so that's okay, but at full strength, I'm predicting I might prefer them scented.


Interesting review :)

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None human hits, I got all the animals to hang out with me tho. All of them.


Not just my cat, which doesn't count. but my roomies skittish cat and two lap dogs followed me around room to room and wait outside the bathroom door as well. None of them came to me directly.


I can't say for sure if it was a hit but a lady at the store kept hovering close to me at self check out but...I felt it wasnt one and she might just have wanted my credit card info...Idk lol.


Today there's a very faint cloud of "sour" following me around of the not foodie variety :o


Not sure if ill reach for this one again soon. Maybe if its a note in perfume but I'm still not sure how to use this just yet.


I know this might sound odd because I'm a guy but I wear Aja occasionally for the way it affects myself as well as my bride (and other random women seem to get worked up a bit as well) but when I wear a dab of Aja my 2 cats are always RIGHT THERE. Rubbing my legs, crawling on me, etc. The neighbors female dog is also even more affectionate than usual and that is saying something. She's a lover not a biter.

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Not weird at all. There are soooooo many guys who use cops before they lift or workout or to try to pick up women. That one makes me laugh cuz it backfires drastically pretty regularly. You have to have a certain brand of charm and game to pull off manwhore in an alluring way.


Yup. I have seen so many guys who can't pull that off. Not even a little bit. I never had any trouble but I also recognize that I'm not Ryan Reynolds (or insert whatever guy women find sexy) and so I play up the funny fluffy guy personality and have always had amazing luck just on personality alone. The pheros/copulins just act as a great social lubricant.

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  • 1 month later...

I hated this when I received it years old. The sample leaked on its way to my place and the moment I took a sniff at it, I chucked it away for years. I don't remember why it smelled so repulsive.


I decided to revisit this sample recently and fell in love with it. It lasts for a long time, like 10 hours or so and smells very much like how Sugared Honeycomb would on my skin except it does not become totally baby powder.


It is addictive and I ended up sniffing my application spot, all the time. The sample still leaks and it has scented the lining of my bag and I get constant whiff of the addictive honey scent when I go through my bag.

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After reading through all of the comments, I still haven't gotten much of an idea of how this is working for "most". Since I've never tried the UN, and have only recently tried a sample that has this in it, I will chime in with everyone else that after applying the lovely scent (Vampire Bait) in the evening, that by morning, I could only detect honey on my forearms and it was also, lovely though very faint.


The hubs doesn't do well with cops, (or est) as it makes him grumpy, and this coupled with Gotcha didn't help the other evening in improving his mood but to be fair, he's had chronic back pain for a decade. Will try again in about two weeks when my cycle has changed, as he is trying a new treatment and maybe his back might be willing to behave. (edited to explain, that combo maybe be coincidence, didn't help with MY mood either)

Edited by livinlavidacabo
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livinlavidacabo, the "un" is just a honey type scent. Think of it more like a single note, that's less complex than the single note Sugareds. If the Gotcha in Vampire Bait '17 isn't working for either one of you, you might want to consider getting a sample of Aja to try on its own.

Personally, I have a hard time getting some honey notes to work, but Aja works for me the way the dirty honey scents work for some of the other women on here.

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livinlavidacabo, the "un" is just a honey type scent. Think of it more like a single note, that's less complex than the single note Sugareds. If the Gotcha in Vampire Bait '17 isn't working for either one of you, you might want to consider getting a sample of Aja to try on its own.

Personally, I have a hard time getting some honey notes to work, but Aja works for me the way the dirty honey scents work for some of the other women on here.

Beccah, that is helpful, and after reading your recent comment about Aja on the LP Pumpkin review thread, I decided to give a sample of Aja to try. I'd love to find a honey that works with my skin chemistry!


I don't have my "Catluna LPMP has sent you a package" email yet, but hoping it will be soon. I know Mara, John and the whole crew have got to be swamped right now.

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I am already considering the AJA on it's own for the sheer fact that after my skin ate up the Vampire Bait, the AJA was still there as lovely ... with or without effects. I do not do well with honey in general on my skin so it will be fun to play with.


I do not recall which scent though I probably shared it on the forum somewhere ... but I had a scent that had someone in my store sniffing around searching to find where maybe a dog has pee'd (we are dog friendly) only to find the source was me and whichever scent I had on. What was left of AJA truly did smell of honey and I LOVED it.


As for the effects ... that will be something to play with more in the future.

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  • 6 months later...

Is AJA hair safe? :o


I know it's supposed to be treated like cops but I've worn it solo, in my hair, and have only had to endure super long hugs and good comments, from ladies more than gents.
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I think it has an effect similar to cops, but doesn't need to be treated like cops. I would call it hair and clothing safe, but I have not personally tested it on hair and clothes. On skin, it gets stronger and stronger for hours and lasts over 24 hours and even through a shower. It might not be quite as sticky on hair and fabrics...anyone have a report on that?

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Thanks Mara. I wore it yesterday, and while I was putting my hair up, I realized my Aja-laden wrists were being lashed by my ponytail! Lol! And this was right before work. I had a moment of potential-cuchie-head panic! :lol: I can smell it on my wrists still, but I can't get my nose close enough to tell if my hair stinks. Nobody said I smelled like cooch last night, so that's something!

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Thanks Halo. I don't remember ever smelling that coochie-cops smell on my clothes after wearing Aja either.


It definitely sticks around a while! It's super-clingy on me. I kinda like that though. The extended period of smelling good makes me feel like my skin naturally smell like that! :lol:

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Every so often Aja does have that vinegar note on me so I layer when that happens but I love it so much on its own when it's behaving sweetly. Now I must deliberately put some in my hair where I can get it to my nose to test its longevity and behavior. I don't use hair products very often and wash 2-3x a week so I'll report back later. Like I need an excuse to wear it for several days in a row, it has been awhile since I've worn it solo.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

I am still in awe of how well Aja works for me. When you have someone that you already have amazing chemistry w/ & you sprinkle in Aja... it's going to be hard to get anything else done for the day. The reaction I've been getting is interchangeable with the reaction I get from cops. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can anyone tell me if they had any 'hits' from other women????


Either in a flirty way or they just want to be near you kind of way???? 

I want to try this but the purpose of its use will be in a setting that's mainly women (lesbian bar, club, party, etc). 


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