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Papal Purple w/ Heart & Soul

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Yes, it's getting interesting -- I still don't pick out the frankincense or the smoke, but the whole thing is now softly powdery. Not baby powder though -- the most expensive luxurious body powder ever powdered, the kind that comes in a silk lined box with (purple) ribbons. Grounded and elegant.

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I glossed over this one when i got my sampler. in the vial, it smelled slightly medicinal. Maybe the frankincense? It quickly found its way to the bottom of the pile to try. But today, I'm wearing purple, and this seemed like a good fit, so I moved it right back up the list to try. Oh my stars!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!! It just melds with my skinThe musk is to die for. It reminds me of that musk in Halo's Lavender Musk. Wonderful! And I'm always a fan of Mara's smoke notes. Luckily, I don't get incense. It blends well with the vanilla. Definitely less smokey on me than Allumette. The wisteria is just barely there, just a hint of floral but gives a ton of "purpleness" to the scent. Love it!

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Really? Less smoky than Allemette? (love that one btw!) So just a hint seems to be the consensus so far? Gosh you all make this sound just GORGEOUS! Not feeling bad about that impulsive bottle purchase at all now! :lol:

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Really? Less smoky than Allemette? (love that one btw!) So just a hint seems to be the consensus so far? Gosh you all make this sound just GORGEOUS! Not feeling bad about that impulsive bottle purchase at all now! :lol:

Naughty... but wise!


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Naughty... but wise!


:Emoticons04231: Yes, well, I was thinking I will get my Feb order when my PE is ready, so rather than wait patiently for my samples....

Now I've done this twice so far...ordered what I thought I wanted in FB with the NR sampler, then waited for reviews and ordered other FBs based on those before getting my 1st order or being able to sniff anything! So now I'm thinking... I should tick down what I want when NRs come up - but not place that order - then wait for reviews and get all FBs in 1 order? But it will still come back to: Will I be able to wait to order everything until the reviews start coming in? :D


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I've been wearing this for about five hours now - it's veryveryvery strong....


I don't get any frankincense, alas, and certainly no smoke (Allumette on me is almost ALL smoke, with a hint of sweetness).

What I do get is a strong, purple floral; that would be the wisteria, I guess?

It's not the sharp pointy kind of floral. Instead, it's sort of lush and rich-smelling.


It's nice, but it is awfully strong and it smells a bit... wanna-be sophisticated?

Something about it reminds me of a child wearing her mother's high-heeled shoes.


I'm not sure what to make of it really, one moment I quite like it and the next I am tempted to wash it off.


But that is fresh from the parcel and I am pretty sure the scent will change a bit in the coming days.

Plus, my skin often responds differently to scents after the first time around.


The phero (I have it in UN- as well) lifted me up at first, making me all chirpy and enthousiastic, but unfortunately I seem to be crashing a little bit now.

Then again, I probably could have done with a bit more sleep last night so that may be part of it.

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I wore this yesterday... a lot of frankincense when first applied. Later the musk really bloomed, and I could smell the wisteria. It wasn't really a "me" kind of scent, but I could see this being very popular...

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The wisteria is on top of it all. It is soft and it does read slightly like lilac. Lends a lavender color feel to the whole thing.

That's how it is on me too; this reminds me a bit of Pixie Dust but on me the other notes actually sort of accentuate the floral aspect to make it smell "natural" like I'd walked out into the backyard and I get a whiff of it on the night air. It's so pretty, and the base really keeps it well-mannered with my chemistry.

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That's how it is on me too; this reminds me a bit of Pixie Dust but on me the other notes actually sort of accentuate the floral aspect to make it smell "natural" like I'd walked out into the backyard and I get a whiff of it on the night air. It's so pretty, and the base really keeps it well-mannered with my chemistry.


Really?! PD was such a surprise love for me! I can't wait to get my paws on this and see how it behaves with my chemistry. It seems like everyone is getting such varied results...and I think I would be happy with any number of them! SO trying not to be jealous of all of you right now :lol:


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Ummm why did I take so long to try this?! I have been neglecting my little sample. But after trying this today, I think I needs a bottle. I get the most light musk, sexy smoke and purple floral. This is not incensey- which is what I had assumed it would be. It's sexy in a subtle way, a sheer veil of purple musk. It actually smells very clean to me, like clean skin until I put my nose next to he application point and huff. I find that it's very seductive and haunting. After putting this on, my bf just started vying for my attention, that led to cuddling, which led to back to bed.

This scent reminds me of a cool spring evening. With the scent of flowers and smoke lingering in the air.

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I'm wearing this one right now, getting ready to attend my son's Spring Band Concert. There's just something about this that resonates with me. Maybe my molecules vibrate to a purple frequency on a quantum level, as does this fragrance?? Hey, it's SCIENCE, kiddies! Rocket science!! :light-bulb:

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I like it, but it's not something I would normally wear. I have discovered I can like scents and not want to wear them.

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I tried it again last night, and I think I feel the same way, Luna. I'll keep it to sniff now and then because it is strangely compelling, but it's not something I think I would really wear.

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Yeah, I'm just not going to be able to wear this one. Tried my sample 3x and each time I had to wash off within ten mins. Floral is too strong and the smoke does not mix well for my nose. Bummer cuz I also bought a FB unsniffed. :(

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I resisted opening this one - until at least tomorrow after sitting in the cold mail box all day today and night...Poor little parcel, my LPs are SO icy. I hope it's ready for wear tomorrow because I'm really excited to try out this phero!

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Papal Purple is behaving a lot better on my skin the second time around - and since I'd gone FB unsniffed (I love Heart & Soul) I am very glad!


I had already hoped, when I first tried it, that it was one of those scents my skin (or my nose) can get used to.

There is much less Wisteria hysteria today; a bit more musk and smoke.

It's still an intense and flowery scent, but it blends in much better this time around.


I have a feeling this is one of those scents that I won't be able to wear any time though; that it depends very much on my mood, health, cycle, the weather etc whether I like it or not.

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I love the scent of this. On me it is a true purple musk with just a hint of smoke. The musk dominates but in a very smooth way. It also truly smells purple (but without being too floral).


Has anyone tried this in a spray? I bought it in oil and the only trouble I am having is my skin almost completely eats this and it disappears in less than an hour. Which makes me sad as I really love it. So wondering how it is in spray form?

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I'm going to wear this today and I may get the H&S blend if all goes well...I LOVE the new label and have almost gotten it just for that! :D


I will be spending some time at several wineries tasting their libations with hubby. I was going to wear LFM to see about some discounts on wine, lol, but I'm too eager to try this and can't wait! I've never really given H&S much attention, I hope it's a hit with hubby, and I'll have plenty of mixed targets for a good run with it! Any reviews on this with it's phero effects?

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Any reviews on this with it's phero effects?


I wore it yesterday to the supermarket (along with a smidge of cops) and got asked when I would come to dinner by a guy I sometimes chat with....

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:lol: Wonderful! Then I'm hoping for positive reactions among jovial wine enthusiasts...maybe even a discount on purchases.....

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Muihahaaaaa...I promise to only use my phero powers for good... :lol:

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I am in the not too sure I love this- camp on this one. Whatever this mystery wisteria is that I have never smelled before in my life has raped my arm. Wet it's all I can smell, and it reminds me very much of my mom's Avon creams from the 80s. Maybe it was Mary K, or maybe this scent reminds me of Bakersfield. It has to be Bakersfield. Maybe some of my aunt wore too much Mary K because I am associating this note with Bakersfield. Wet it's ALL UP IN YA FACE YO - it's old diabetic smelling Mary K aunt in Bakersfield to me. As it dries down its not too rapey and the vanilla I think is there, but no musk. I am at the tail end of a cold so perhaps that is affecting me. This is however, my second time testing it. First time was in the climax of my cold right before bed, and I could still smell the wisteria Bakersfield note on me ,so I am guessing I just amp the wisteria. I love Pixie Dust though.

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Wow...way to kill it for me haha. Diabetic Aunt is something I doubt will turn bf on...


Lol I never ever ever liked that side of my dad's family. I was so young and I HATED going there. Something about Bakersfield and all my relatives creeped me the fuck out. I swear children have such great intuition because they were all losers and heroine addicts. My grandma was a bit of a whore and so was my grandfather they were married like 6 times each or something crazy like that. Just kidding abuelita you know I love you.

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I'm in the love boat on this one!


First on, it's completely floral. Not screaming or pointy floral but soft and pretty. Then within about 20-30 minutes it goes sweet, frank/musk and a hint of smoke - it isn't incense really, but it kind of reminds me of it - but barely - because it's so pretty and absolutely feminine.


I don't know about avon or mary k stuff to compare lotions or anything like that :lol: I don't get any one thing amping in this and once it dries down it's just so absolutely gorgeous! I like that it seems grounded and earthy from the smoke and frank, but feminine in the floral and musk wih this bit of sweet something that isn't quite foodie but totally compliments everything. This is a LOVE and if I can get a handle on what I think of the phero, this could be a second bottle...heck, at this rate, it could be a second bottle based on sent alone! :)

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I'm in the love boat on this one!


First on, it's completely floral. Not screaming or pointy floral but soft and pretty. Then within about 20-30 minutes it goes sweet, frank/musk and a hint of smoke - it isn't incense really, but it kind of reminds me of it - but barely - because it's so pretty and absolutely feminine.


I don't know about avon or mary k stuff to compare lotions or anything like that :lol: I don't get any one thing amping in this and once it dries down it's just so absolutely gorgeous! I like that it seems grounded and earthy from the smoke and frank, but feminine in the floral and musk wih this bit of sweet something that isn't quite foodie but totally compliments everything. This is a LOVE and if I can get a handle on what I think of the phero, this could be a second bottle...heck, at this rate, it could be a second bottle based on sent alone! :)

Gah! It cannot get here fast enough!


And I love the smell of Liz Earle face cream, etc. which I often hear being accused of smelling a bit, erm, mature, so I'm happy to rock the old lady skincare scent. Smells like MONEY to me!

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Hehe...I wore this AGAIN today and when I put my arms around hubby to give him a kiss and hug goodbye I was all, "Mmm, you smell good!" And he looked at me puzzled...cuz he wasn't wearing anything - then I realized that when I put my arms around his shoulders to hug him - MY wrist was right next to my nose :lol:


It was ME that smelled SO good HAHAHA!!!

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OHMYGOSHMARATHANKYOU!!!!! :cat690: :cat690: :cat690:


I scored the 2 bottle I had wanted to purchase with my last order when I saw it was *sold out* - so I didn't clean out the basket...there are still more for others who are interested! :)

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I'm surprised, but I wasn't crazy about this one.

When I first applied, I couldn't place what I was smelling. I asked BF to help me identify the smell, because it was so familiar, and he said immediately that it reminded him of the smell in the hallways between apartments in those apartment block-style buildings. Sort of a mish-mash of "people" smells. And oddly, as soon as he said it, I knew he was right. That's what it reminded me of. (Odd that he and I would agree on something so random!).

I let it dry down, and about 20 minutes in, it smelled SO GREAT that I thought it would win me over and I'd have to race to score a bottle. But a little while after that it went back to the apartment-block smell, but with an added church-y element that reminded me of my Catholic school days.

So, not a winner for me. Probably a good thing. I need to save some money! :lol:

I'm glad everyone else is enjoying it so!

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