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Mmmmm, I *think* the PG Dom should have the distinct DOM label: http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/perfume-PGirl-Dom.html



Yeah, it should....but original DOM DID come in a flattened circular frosted bottle.....my PheroGirl bottles were the clear ones....


I guess Mara or Danna will have to come in and answer this one.....

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Yeah, it should....but original DOM DID come in a flattened circular frosted bottle.....my PheroGirl bottles were the clear ones....


I guess Mara or Danna will have to come in and answer this one.....


Either way the scents should surely be the giveaway... PGDom being a nommy chocolate/rose one...and PG regular HONEY and maybe light Orange Blossom... :blushing:

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Here is a thread wherein Mara discusses the difference in the first and second brews....on the second and subsequent brews, she said she added 3X the copulins that she put in the original one.....I think there have been a couple of rebrews and a "light" version which has the amount of cops that were in the original.....




And to think I've actually read that thread and posted in it, lol. Whoops! But in the case of Lor's specific question I was actually correct.

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the round but flat frosted bottle is Pherogirl Dominance. it starts out with a chocolate smell and dries to beautiful roses, right? and the other is pherogirl original, honey and orange blossom scent?


NO, they are both PheroGirl Original with honey & Orange Blossom... Just different bottles. Same labels though...


I have PG Dom as well and that scent is very different :blushing:

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The oval-bottom bottle is the one originally used for PG, I believe. That's the one I have. Do they smell differently to you? I think there is an appreciable difference between Original and Brew Two, but YMMV.

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The oval-bottom bottle is the one originally used for PG, I believe. That's the one I have. Do they smell differently to you? I think there is an appreciable difference between Original and Brew Two, but YMMV.



Yeah, I could tell a big difference between brews one and two, but between two and three, not so much.....

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Yeah, I could tell a big difference between brews one and two, but between two and three, not so much.....



Lol.. a *TRUE*connoisseur of PheroGirl has all 3 brewings! I also notice a huge difference between the #1 and #2 brew. The second was much more floral and a tad "darker" to my nose.

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Lol.. a *TRUE*connoisseur of PheroGirl has all 3 brewings! I also notice a huge difference between the #1 and #2 brew. The second was much more floral and a tad "darker" to my nose.


I haven't been around for long enough to have sampled all the versions of PG.... I did get the frosted bottle in a trade though, that's why I wasn't sure if that might have been an earlier version. Maybe I should try it and compare it to the one I bought myself...

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Scented Cougar Potion and Pherogirl Dominance both had frosted bottles, but you would definitely not mix up the original Pherogirl with Cougar.


Cougar Potion is a pale, lemony-coloured liquid and Pherogirl is a much richer and more well..honey-coloured elixir. :blushing:


I wonder if the person you got your frosted bottle in a trade from, decanted into a frosted bottle they had cleaned out, Rosebud?




Ail )O(

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My Phero Girl is in the flat frosted bottle, I got it about a year ago (?).


Oooohhh...the plot thickens.... :blushing:


I wonder if my traded bottle is a decant or a rare PG version?

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Disregard bottle shape. Irrelevant. Yes, originally the clear bottles were used, and then we switched to the frosted ones, but that doesn't matter. They're both 1/4 ounce in volume.


The original brew of Phero Girl was a lot more diluted. Dilution tends to suspend the ingredients apart from each other a bit. You can sense "the space" between the ingredients, and therefore smell each ingredient a little clearer on their own. But several people complained it wasn't strong enough, so the exact same recipe was used for the subsequent brews, but the level of dilution was minute in comparison, making the contents of each bottle 3 times stronger than the original brew. That goes for both the perfume, and the copulins. Triple strength.


Other changes that occurred?


1) The original brew contained alcohol based EoW that we purchased from Love Scent, while the brews since then have been made using the oil based EoW that Stone Labs made just for us.


2) My original supply of organic bee pollen ran out and I had to buy more from a different source. I ground it finer, let it soak for a week in the perfume, and then strained it, so that there would be less "grittiness" feel when applying the perfume and a little less sediment in the bottle.


The PG Light version that was made for a particular customer (who wanted it to smell more like the original) only went to that customer...no one else purchased it.


The scent of brews 2 and 3 are identical to my nose.


Did that answer everything?

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No. :10_small16: How on earth does one 'fine grind' bee pollen?!?! (looks askance at her Cuisinart)


LOL! Well, one can either grind it with a mortar and pestel, which is what I do for softer things like bee pollen...



This is not the one I have, but just an example in case you don't know what one is. My prefered one is ceramic, it's Japanese and has little grooves in the bottom of the mortar, and a wooden pestel. We also have a couple of stone and metal ones.


Or, the other method is using an electric coffee grinder, but that's better for dry ingredients. (Bee pollen has too much moisture in it, it would get cloggy.) We have a dedicated coffee/spice grinder just for use with perfume ingredients.


I used our electric one the other day for grinding frankincense, myrrh and copal resins for a little gifty that will be in many of your packages this time round... heee.

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Sigh...prolly. I was hoping it had something to do with fricken' laser beams!! :10_small16:


I thought only sharks had fricken' laser beams (on their heads) or really cranky, mutant sea bass. :c352-0016:


But I have used a coffee grinder for dry herbs before--just gotta make sure not to mix it up with the actual coffee grinder. Frankincense and arabica beans, not so much good in your morning coffee.


I only had Phero Girl samples, so I'm not sure which version I'd have. One of the more recent ones, for sure (just to try to stay on topic).

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I thought only sharks had fricken' laser beams (on their heads) or really cranky, mutant sea bass. :c352-0016:



Off topic or not, you gave me a good morning giggle....gotta love Dr Evil.....my son is an Austin Powers addict.....

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  • 5 weeks later...

I absolutely LUV Phero Girl!!! Everyone kept saying what smells like cookies?

Guys were constantly opening doors for me, telling me I look nice, all kinds of compliments. This really works for me. I asked a friend if the perfume was too strong, because I kept smelling it all day, she said no you can smell it, but its not too strong.

I probably will be ordering this again.



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I actually scored a bottle of Pherogirl II in a swap and I like this... I can't believe I traded away a sample way back when because I didn't like it in the vial...this is fabulous and has great throw...you really do not need a lot and the scent is yummy... I put this on last night before bed and i could still smell it this morning...I absolutely love the orange blossom note as well as the honey note, tres delicious indeed...who knew huh?


It's funny, I am finding the scents I passed up as way to strong or deep (LP Black was one) way back in the beginning when I first joined, I am now finding these to be totally yummy.


Yes for Pherogirl II



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I actually scored a bottle of Pherogirl II in a swap and I like this... I can't believe I traded away a sample way back when because I didn't like it in the vial...this is fabulous and has great throw...you really do not need a lot and the scent is yummy... I put this on last night before bed and i could still smell it this morning...I absolutely love the orange blossom note as well as the honey note, tres delicious indeed...who knew huh?


It's funny, I am finding the scents I passed up as way to strong or deep (LP Black was one) way back in the beginning when I first joined, I am now finding these to be totally yummy.


Yes for Pherogirl II




Maybe they aged into something more to your liking????

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ahhhhhhhhhh.....Pherogirl 3!

I have been wearin this more and more lately.

When I first got it I thought "Smells just like sex!"--But that was my first LP order ever and also my first experience with pheros at all.

NOW? Gah.... sweet sticky honey and orange blossom with n underlying 'why yes I did get some' note in there. I'm becoming more and more addicted to this stuff every time I put it on!

The conundrum? I'm runnin a little low! And I dont know if I should order the same thing(which I know I love and my man looooovvvves)-or-try the new OCCO Gold?! I've never even smelled sugared honeycomb before and I know its similar-plus-I have an Orange Blossom custom coming out next month-I could always mix em.

Still-lord, if it ain't broke dont fix it? opionions are welcome!

Perhaps I should just try it all.......ugh, gotta watch the pocketbook though.

BUT Pherogirl 3 is awesome!!!!!!! If you havent tried it-DO! :ladybird_Black:

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I just received this from someone on another perfume oil board and I was taking it for a little test drive in my house (I've never used pheromones before, so I wanted to see what to expect) and I just want to say that it smells absolutely beautiful. I can't wait to wear it out on a date or something. I'm a honey girl, and this is just right up my alley. Adore it! Sort of irritated I put something else on my arm (that has an incredible throw) so it's washed out!


Oh: I didn't find it TOO honey, not like "oof, too much, too much, scrape it off". It was pretty and light on my skin, but not light enough that I would have to smash a boy's face into my arm. That wouldn't be subtle or sexy.

Edited by lesreveurs
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  • 4 months later...

Disclaimer: I am a n00b to scents.


I decided to go with my sample vial of PheroGirl for my second review, but it was a hard choice!


I shook it up-- the bee pollen looks cool suspended in the oil.

In the vial, it smells sweet, and a little powdery.


On my skin, I think the orange comes out a little more... but it smells a little strange, almost like... cough syrup?

Maybe that powdery smell is the copulins? I noticed it in the Jouir De, too.


After the drying time, the scent has mellowed a lot, and the honey scent really comes through, with a hint of orange and something that smells like a light blossom... Kind of an incensey, soapy scent. So far, both the scents I've tried remind me of this little Pagan/mystical store I used to go to, called Triple Goddess. It's nice. :omgwtf:


I really like this scent!Sweet, and subtle.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I really like how this smells in the bottle. When I first put it on I can really smell the honey and it smells sooo yummy! The slightly powdery part though I do not like. After maybe 20 min. or so I can't even smell the honey anymore only powder smell and I really don't like it. My friend when I first put it on said she couldn't smell the powder part only the honey. When I realized a little later that I couldn't smell the honey part at all only the powder I asked her to smell it again and this time she said it smelled like powder as well.

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  • 2 months later...

OK guys, I do not like the smell of this (vial, wet, drydown, none of it) ... not even a little ... BUT ... as far as hit-making it is just devastating. I just did a field test run with it and the hits were completely out of control. One guy passed me on the street, staring, and staggered through 540-degree spin to keep staring at me, as though he'd been lassoed by the ankles calf-style. It was very intense, not even really sexual or lovestruck, just very hard staring as though I were a talking alien plant and he could not process what he was seeing. LOL


I WASN'T EVEN WEARING THAT MUCH! I striped a few inches on one forearm (granted, generous striping) and split it to the other arm + on the sides of my neck.


I have tried it several times in different settings, and it is even more effective than EoW in all its other forms that I love. So I can only conclude that it's the combo of the scent and cops that does it.

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And that's a perfect example of why the enhanced scents work as well as they do...because they're created to do so! I've mentioned it a few times in different threads, but Phero Girl was the first time I used pheromones on Quince and he was bagged, tagged and shagged...that was more than enough of an endorsement for me!

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  • 4 months later...

Hi everyone,

I am happy and very psyched to report my first hit w/ any of the pheromone concoctions! It happened the other day when I was going for a doctor visit. Getting ready for the visit, I had just taken a shower and slipped on the top I had planned on wearing only to notice that it was hopelessly wrinkled from my crowded closet. "great.. now what I thought" I was rushed for time and grabbed a Christopher Walken Tee shirt ( I got the fever and the only cure is more cowbell LOL)

I only had it on for a couple of hours the day before. It was clean so I thought ok. Well there was a little residual Pherogirl on it. I caught a whiff when I slipped it on but didn't think anything of it.

The doctor's parking lot was crowded so my husband dropped me off at the door. I was waiting by myself for the elevator when this man about 10- 15 years younger than me asked if I knew what time it was. "Sorry" I said, "I don't wear a watch, but it's probably about 11:30." He thanked me then said. "You are SUCH a beautiful woman." !!!!! Um.. whoa.

I smiled and said thank you and wondered wtf (?) i was wearing the Walken tee shirt w/ jeans and not feeling at all special. I'm gonna have to credit the Pherogirl for that one and it's the first time I've used any of these without being accompanied by my husband. What can I say but, "Gosh, wow, sense of awe!" Thank you Love Potion ladies, that was nice ;) Gonna make sure i have some of that stuff under any fragrance I am wearing from now on! that was great for my tattered feeling ego.

Edited by CyBella13
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Congrats on your first actual hit!

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Good for you...it is fun when you realize this IS an effect...and there will be many of what I call "hindsight hits" :cry: I have had lots that I should have posted about,but got distracted.

The honey in Phero Girl did not work for me when I first tried it and I gave it away,I should have waited and tried it again! From what I have read you should like Occo Gold too...Phero Girl on steroids ;)

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I purchased a bottle in summer and it's still sitting in my box as I have a sample to test out. I haven't worn this scent out of the house. From the sample, I know that this scent will work on me. It turned powdery and I don't have a problem as Queen of Powder.


I've got to give the scent another go and this time, it'll be outside the house!

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  • 7 months later...

Oh my gosh :ange: ... can't believe I did not come back to this thread to say that I really like this now...sugared sex indeed :wink2: I know I said it in the daily thread!


I can not over state to try anything you think you do not like,again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...and then try it again :)


LOL,I think I tried this like 4 or 5 times,gave mine away, then got one in a trade.

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Yah. I love how this turns to SUGAR. Warmed up, sexed up SUGAR.



...sugared sex indeed :wink2:



See I was gonna go with "Sugared Pussy" but, well, y'all knew I would.

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