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Popularity Potion

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The only combo I have tried it with is Topper. Topper seems to make anything more "sparkly".

It took me forever to figure my sweet spot with PP. I kept going ok more sprays?! And finally tried a tiny bit and got hits. Hmm... I have never tried silicone. Can you spray in your hair? For diffusion.

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I need to get perfumer's alcohol. It's in a roll on.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a bottle of sugered lavender enhanced with popularity potion and it has always worked. It's actually from a few years back and I thought it would have gone bad but I put a dab behind me ear and thought it was quite effective for being that old. I had really good self effects as well. It stayed close which was perfect because I just wanted it to work with my boyfriend. We were both in such a great mood! We usually spend our late nights together but he is usually glued to the tv and then comes to me when he wants sex. We would cuddle a little but then do our own seperate thing. The night I put it on we did not stop talking, cuddling, and doing other intimate things until the early morning. It's great but I wish I didn't need it lol. When this was brand new the effects did not stay close but effected people around me. Whenever people seem a little too fascinated with something, you can assume the popularity potion had something to do with it. The first time I wore it my "then" boyfriend was playing a video game at an arcade and I was next to him. A crowd of people came over to watch him play this video game.


I also have a sample of Clementine enhanced with popularity potion which is a little newer. I have only tried it once, but will try again. Does anyone know if popularity potion has ever changed? I know that some of the pheros have changed when love potions started using Stone's ingredients.

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PopPot is one of my favorite social pheros. Speaking from my own experiences, I've noticed the most hits with the 60/40 spray version. I spray 5-6 sprays over my exposed skin then a few more spritzes on my clothes. I've used Darling Catalina and the UNPopularity Potion spray with another fragrance, and had great results with both.

OMG I love this I used this I got roller bottle with SS4W ~ last time I went out I had a blast totally forgot I was wearing this combo until I got home this couple came into the bar to get a bottle and each of them took a picture with me.I danced all night they had I got so drunk a great band. I got so drunk I fell on the floor from my wheelchair. I did not drive got dropped off and took a cab home.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OMG I love this I used this I got roller bottle with SS4W ~ last time I went out I had a blast totally forgot I was wearing this combo until I got home this couple came into the bar to get a bottle and each of them took a picture with me.I danced all night they had I got so drunk a great band. I got so drunk I fell on the floor from my wheelchair. I did not drive got dropped off and took a cab home.


I would have never thought to pair this with SS4W, great idea

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For anyone traveling, Pop Potion is such a great blend to help smooth out the security line and airline check-in process... As well as helping you get nice comps and perks at the hotel registration :) The only downside... No one leaves you alone during the flight itself so you can't get any shut-eye ;)

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For anyone traveling, Pop Potion is such a great blend to help smooth out the security line and airline check-in process... As well as helping you get nice comps and perks at the hotel registration :) The only downside... No one leaves you alone during the flight itself so you can't get any shut-eye ;)

Ha! Good to know, Chai...what scent did you pair it with?

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  • 3 months later...

Shit, Popularity Potion helped me kill it at work today.( I work at a makeup counter) I was the center of attention and sold sooo much today. My co workers were like wth?! Because it was crazy! We were slow for a Friday, but every customer that walked up made a beeline to me. People were even waiting for me to finish with clients I was already working on even though other co workers were available. I only worked 4 hours today - and I sold over the amount the of the whole counter goal! PP made people love me today!

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For anyone traveling, Pop Potion is such a great blend to help smooth out the security line and airline check-in process... As well as helping you get nice comps and perks at the hotel registration :) The only downside... No one leaves you alone during the flight itself so you can't get any shut-eye ;)


Chai is on the money with this one. I've used Popularity Potion before flights, and I feel like it makes the security line totally smoother. Chatty, smiley security guards and easy goings through the x-ray scanners and everyone always beams as if I'm the only person who knows what they're doing (which I might be sometimes, haha).


But like MissHazel before me (from whom I'd purchased the PP, incidentally), I have yet to discover the sweet spot of what amount works for me. Gotta keep trying!

Edited by VexedGlory
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Shit, Popularity Potion helped me kill it at work today.( I work at a makeup counter) I was the center of attention and sold sooo much today. My co workers were like wth?! Because it was crazy! We were slow for a Friday, but every customer that walked up made a beeline to me. People were even waiting for me to finish with clients I was already working on even though other co workers were available. I only worked 4 hours today - and I sold over the amount the of the whole counter goal! PP made people love me today!

So awesome! I hadn't thought of PP working well with sales. Wonder if it would work with my industry...clients usually seem to prefer quiet relaxation.

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  • 1 month later...

So I had an unexpected experience, a bad one. I'm at a friends house, and they have a pitbull. It starts whining as if it wants to be petted. I assume it's okay so I approach and it's calm, it licks me, then the within like 10 seconds it bites me and starts barking rather viciously. My friend is like omg, he never does that. I am wearing popularity potion, 3 sprays. And a circle of occo white around my navel. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Do dogs not respond well to certain pheromones. I am dog lover and have always approached dogs and have never had one snap at me or bite me before it was pretty scary. Luckily the bite wasn't bad and barely broke skin. Any thoughts?

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So I had an unexpected experience, a bad one. I'm at a friends house, and they have a pitbull. It starts whining as if it wants to be petted. I assume it's okay so I approach and it's calm, it licks me, then the within like 10 seconds it bites me and starts barking rather viciously. My friend is like omg, he never does that. I am wearing popularity potion, 3 sprays. And a circle of occo white around my navel. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Do dogs not respond well to certain pheromones. I am dog lover and have always approached dogs and have never had one snap at me or bite me before it was pretty scary. Luckily the bite wasn't bad and barely broke skin. Any thoughts?

I bet $100 right now that it was NOT the phero.


I love it when dog owners say the "he/she never does that!", it ALWAYS means 'oh shit not again!'

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I have/had a house full of dogs. We had 5 all at once at one point before homing 2 of them...WAY too many in case you're wondering :lol: They have had varied reactions - from fawning over me, cuddling up next to me, being downright pushy to give me kisses, curious as hell about what I'm wearing (phero wise) snifing at me like I was a beggin strip... :D But never anything aggressive :( So sorry that happened to you.


I knew a dog that, (although he had never tried to bite anyone fortunately), he would scare people pretty badly because he would want to be petted and LOVED it, but when you stopped and started to walk away he would begin barking - he was a 120lb rottie - and THAT would alarm anyone but it was apparently his way of communicating "DON'T STOP! KEEP PETTING ME!!!" (Can you say counter productive?LOL) But he would go from sitting politely to standing and barking, and I saw him unerve more than a few dog lovers that way. The owner's could be putting you, or anyone else, in a terrible position if they don't know - or are in denile - about their animal's behavior. Whinning can also indicate over excitement/stimulation and can make a dog behave unpredictably. It's very possibly they may have been telling the truth about it never having happened before...but they may have just been lucky before you too :Emoticons04280:

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  • 3 months later...
Guest cutie.pie

For me, it doesn't matter how much or how little I put on I have massive headache :(

What do you think, what else could give me results like PP? And I don't mean the headache, but POPULARITY :)

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For me, it doesn't matter how much or how little I put on I have massive headache :(

What do you think, what else could give me results like PP? And I don't mean the headache, but POPULARITY :)

Treasured Hearts, Open Windows or Levitation, Heart & Soul or DHEAS would be my considerations.

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Have you tried Open Windows? That one seems to make me pretty popular! LOL!


Yes! Open Windows was one of the easiest phero blends for me to figure out. Doesn't seem how little or much I wear, it does cause people to flock to me :D PP feels different, but OW could be a great substitute!


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If you need time off or want to try something different...G2 may be good alternate IMO. People are friendly and generally among women it works as a Pop Potion. Men are also friendly, buddy style.

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There's scientific evidence to support the idea that you are more likely to be attracted to someone who has a different pheromone profile than you do, and an evolutionary adaptation to help avoid exchanging genetic material with someone who is more closely related to you. This is pretty much why the sweat from one man may be gag worthy, but the sweat smell from another man can be swoon-worthy. Well, at least I find some men to have that sexy musky sweat scent.


Anyways! To me, this has that strong slightly acrid note that I find appealing in man-sweat. It's a little too strong to take without a cover (because it really does smell like man armpit to me), but it certainly gives me that fluttery feeling in my stomach. That kind of stinky and yet I want more stinkiness. It's a little hard to explain.


That being said, I find it ironic that this smells like good-man-sweat to me. According to science, this implies that I have very little of this pheromone cocktail in my system :P

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There's scientific evidence to support the idea that you are more likely to be attracted to someone who has a different pheromone profile than you do, and an evolutionary adaptation to help avoid exchanging genetic material with someone who is more closely related to you. This is pretty much why the sweat from one man may be gag worthy, but the sweat smell from another man can be swoon-worthy. Well, at least I find some men to have that sexy musky sweat scent.


Anyways! To me, this has that strong slightly acrid note that I find appealing in man-sweat. It's a little too strong to take without a cover (because it really does smell like man armpit to me), but it certainly gives me that fluttery feeling in my stomach. That kind of stinky and yet I want more stinkiness. It's a little hard to explain.


That being said, I find it ironic that this smells like good-man-sweat to me. According to science, this implies that I have very little of this pheromone cocktail in my system :P

I agree.. a little OT but to take that thought a bit further, I have wondered about EST levels in women related to PPD. I love EST just a little and I'm usually a "happy camper", I'd at times even describe the effect as "bouncy".

My experience using EST really made me consider if it's not that drop off of EST that occurs naturally in a woman's system after giving birth that can at least contribute to PPD.


Interesting in regard to Pop Potion.. I don't really get hits from "older" individuals with it. Older meaning anyone over say 35. I reach for Pop when I'm dealing with younger adults and teens. Pop with a "young'ish" scent and I'm almost one of the girls with my daughter and her friends.

G2 is similar but a bit "deeper" fir lack of a better word, in terms of connection.

TH is very effective and can be worked in a similar fashion but the dynamic is again notably different. IME I've found TH to be most effective across the board when dealing with a wide range of ages and it's the best of the 3 (for me) with older sometimes feisty women.

I practically used nothing but socials this past Holliday season to really test these out. Of course this is my observation which on the whole is a very small subject pool.. but that's what I've found so far.

Edited by StacyK
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  • 5 months later...

This is my first day wearing Pop Potion and in the first hour the hits are so funny I just had to report. When ever anything is outside the norm I know it is the phero. I used very little mixed with a perfume because i am so sensitive to stuff, but sprayed alittle on my clothes. We went to a mexican restaurant for breakfast and the cashier at the counter told my husband after I left how CUTE I was and proceeded to give him a fresh squeezed lemonade for free! I am so far from cute it is not funny, I am 55 (look pretty good for my age) but also Scandinavian amazon 5'9" and built like a linebacker with big boob. I agree that this makes you seem younger-hello! She also went out of her way to say good bye when we left.


I am wearing scrubs -oh they are so sexy - and hubby kisses me on the ass! He is affectionate but this is beyond!

Selfies slight, just feel good nothing special, nobody staring or DIHL

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest cutie.pie

PP in Sweet Chic and Lamb turned my bitch switch, but amazing Molls gave me some Lick of Pink w/PP and everything was ok (by ok I mean my bitch switch stayed off). I'm confused...

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Yea I have a couple of bottles and no Pheros there.

Your boosted LOP bottle is a stronger concentration of the Phero blend than the other two which are 1/3 the strength.


Maybe the higher concentration of pheros gave you a little mood boost. Perhaps the other two with less of the phero didn't really affect you at all?


I'd say you'd have to test more over time for a definitive answer.

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Hah,I just made a post about PP in the energy thread...I have PP in UN and in several scents, my absolute favs are Darling Clementine and Darling Catalina,something about that amount of phero <lesser> and the combo ingredients used just is perfect for me :) ...finding your own sweet spot is the adventure !!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest cutie.pie

Hah,I just made a post about PP in the energy thread...I have PP in UN and in several scents, my absolute favs are Darling Clementine and Darling Catalina,something about that amount of phero and the combo ingredients used just is perfect for me :) ...finding your own sweet spot is the adventure !!

Have you considered Atomic Mandarin w/PP but 1/3 strenght (like in DC)? I read AM and DC are similar, but I just read it didn't try it. ;)

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Have you considered Atomic Mandarin w/PP but 1/3 strenght (like in DC)? I read AM and DC are similar, but I just read it didn't try it. ;)


This is an excellent idea ,Atomic Mandarin is yummy and the orange citrus is so uplifting...hmmm,Oranzipan would be another great choice,luv that one too ...I am grateful to have a nice supply of both the DC's ;)

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No. I think Molls had it boosted.



Yea I have a couple of bottles and no Pheros there.

Your boosted LOP bottle is a stronger concentration of the Phero blend than the other two which are 1/3 the strength.


Maybe the higher concentration of pheros gave you a little mood boost. Perhaps the other two with less of the phero didn't really affect you at all?


I'd say you'd have to test more over time for a definitive answer.


Yes, the little spray bottle I had was of UN PP, and I just added a sample vial of Lick of Pink to it :)

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Guest cutie.pie




Yes, the little spray bottle I had was of UN PP, and I just added a sample vial of Lick of Pink to it :)

Thank you so much for that Molls!! Because of you I'm gonna give PP another try!!!! :)

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