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New Releases for OCTOBER 2015! Booo!

Potion Master

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Awesome art find and execution Mara !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :witch1095: ...and LunaChick,as always your cleverness captivates me :abfx:

do they shut to keep me in, or keep something else out?

but but but...sniff...the all night bakery?

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Yeah I know...but it's the same announcer who does the commercials for the All-Night Bakery doing the one for the Candy House. :D

I almost did an All-Night Bakery spot for Haystacks, but that story just came to me. That's usually how it goes, there's one particular image in my mind and that is what the story is about.


I'm glad you liked my attempt at Creepypasta, heh. It was based on my favorite one, which goes something like: In all the years I've lived in this house, I've opened more doors than I've shut.

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Very nice descriptions as always, Luna. And I loved that one.

Edited by quietguy
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I really loved the one for Blue Smoke, Luna.


That's the scent I wore to the party, btw, and what an awesome party it was! Our best yet!


One of the Readers marveled, "People just do not want to leave this shop!"


Oh and another note to all....I am in the process of loading up Etsy with a bunch of GGGs and all the Autumnals on there are being listed on SALE for $16.95. We've also got a great grab bag of 'Weenie trials, 12 of them for $24.00 and packaged in the glass Halloween lantern we bought for last year. Only a dozen available, so grab quick!

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I really loved the one for Blue Smoke, Luna.

Yay! :love: It's a bonfire song, which is probably not A Thing, but it seemed like it should be.

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Yeah, I had finished my ordering and was all happy with myself for not spending a fortune...now, I've added Etsy stuff. :faint:


I loved the writing, Luna. I swear I had a dream about the story in Autumn Rain. Just the first few lines, a few days ago. I also really loved Blue Smoke and the story for the Bewitching Hour. Do you have a link to stories you've written somewhere? Please, please! :abfx:

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Loading more things on Etsy throughout the evening, so check back!


Wendy, the readers were great. It was mostly a meet and greet for them, and one of the ladies, Laura Clarson, she is so charismatic she could have her own TV show. She's wonderful. Everyone LOVED them. One of the guests somehow wheedled both of them into giving her free consultations, and she ended up in emotional tears and needing to be driven home. :lol: She might have had a little too much of my Witches Brew tho, as well.


Oh yeah, the Witches Brew went over fantastic, people were actually asking for the recipe, and Jessica and I were cracking up and pretending it had been so much effort to concoct, when we really just improvised it on the spot. No one even drank the champagne we had out! Here's our recipe....

Big punchbowl filled with Apple Cider, lemons, apple chunks, a gallon of Dark Rum, a litre of Spiced Rum, and a bottle of Triple Sec. Weee!

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DolphinDolls and any other interested parties, it turns out we have a few bottles of Pirouette left and they are now back in the cart.

DDolls. I am holding one aside for you (not in cart), so email if you are interested.

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Luna, truly enchanting descriptions for these New Releases.

Thank you! :)


I loved the writing, Luna. I swear I had a dream about the story in Autumn Rain. Just the first few lines, a few days ago. I also really loved Blue Smoke and the story for the Bewitching Hour. Do you have a link to stories you've written somewhere? Please, please! :abfx:

Thank you; if you look in my blog you'll see a couple topics with links: "My Stories" and also the "ladykiller" one has a WIP if you're interested. Some day I plan to move stuff over to AO3, I'm just so lazy.

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Oh yeah, the Witches Brew went over fantastic, people were actually asking for the recipe, and Jessica and I were cracking up and pretending it had been so much effort to concoct, when we really just improvised it on the spot. No one even drank the champagne we had out! Here's our recipe....

Big punchbowl filled with Apple Cider, lemons, apple chunks, a gallon of Dark Rum, a litre of Spiced Rum, and a bottle of Triple Sec. Weee!


OMG, you had liquid Flying Potion there!

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Big punchbowl filled with Apple Cider, lemons, apple chunks, a gallon of Dark Rum, a litre of Spiced Rum, and a bottle of Triple Sec. Weee!


OMG - my friends here would love you .... :D

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I'm glad you liked my attempt at Creepypasta, heh. It was based on my favorite one, which goes something like: In all the years I've lived in this house, I've opened more doors than I've shut.

Loooove creepypasta stuff! My favorite is a /r/nosleep post I read about a year ago... https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/26rhij/i_came_home_today_and_someone_else_has_been_in_my/ Loving the descriptions of the NRs as well!

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The party was great I'm so glad I went everyone was so nice and welcoming and the October sents are all wonderful I think this is my favorite collection yet- I went way over my perfume budget( yes I now have a perfum budget lol) I was able to get some sents I really wanted but had missed during the sale - it is so awesome to be able to read a descriptionand then smell a sample right there in the story - I'm finally figuring out what the common smells I like on me are - can't wait to go back -

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OMG!! Just opened my October sampler and WOW!!!! I absolutely love how they are presented!!! I don't want to spoil it for everyone (I don't know if it's mentioned somewhere else yet), but the sampler is a must!!! Right now I am huffing the newest Flying Potion (of course!) and saving the others for a day or two later so they can settle a little...Mara, you outdid yourself on this months packaging and potions!!! :)

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Um, well, Molls, I envy you! I can't bring myself to tear apart the adorable presentation of the monthly sampler. I will let mine rest for the week & then cry as I open the packaging to sniff them, lol.

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Well, if anybody *is* dying for a sneak peek of the sampler..... I did 'Gram it ;) I'm @beccahsworld

Edited by Beccah
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'Wait' to open the monthly sampler? Is that a thing some people actually have the willpower to do? I am in awe of your restraint. As for me, mine came in today and I tore into it like a hungry wolf. I also enjoyed the presentation! So cute!


I love most of the monthly scents, but I also ordered Lina's Candied Violet Fluff and Blood on Snow from Etsy, so at the moment I'm slathered in sweet violet deliciousness.

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'Wait' to open the monthly sampler? Is that a thing some people actually have the willpower to do? I am in awe of your restraint. As for me, mine came in today and I tore into it like a hungry wolf. I also enjoyed the presentation! So cute!


I love most of the monthly scents, but I also ordered Lina's Candied Violet Fluff and Blood on Snow from Etsy, so at the moment I'm slathered in sweet violet deliciousness.


I never wait either, Lainey!
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'Wait' to open the monthly sampler? Is that a thing some people actually have the willpower to do? I am in awe of your restraint. As for me, mine came in today and I tore into it like a hungry wolf. I also enjoyed the presentation! So cute!


I love most of the monthly scents, but I also ordered Lina's Candied Violet Fluff and Blood on Snow from Etsy, so at the moment I'm slathered in sweet violet deliciousness.


Well, I didn't used to have the willpower. Over the years my collection has grown, & I've had enough snafus with not letting a scent settle causing me to pass up something beautiful, that I now have the patience of a saint. Plus, I don't want my first sniff of anything to be marred by travel shock.

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