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I haven't worn this around people yet but I know right now I will need some of the un-pheroed Carmel Musk. I love this scent and want to have some to wear with some of the other phero blends. I will be trying out TMI around people soon but I am not looking for unsolicited secrets as much easing communication.


I think Carmel Musk would go well with just about any of the blends. Great scent.

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Irish eyes--I have some up for trade. It's not strong enough of a scent for me.

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Thank You, I will keep that in mind. I have so many other scents to go through first. Trying to weed out the "definitely not for me" ones from the rest. Carmel Musk is on my list of "need to get"s....but I am not sure when that will be since my list is getting longer by the day. LOL

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No that was my bad. Sorry.

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It wasn't directed at you only. I have seen it several times since we have been closed. It's understandable, I get it. But we just need to keep it in the proper forum.

Yes, as I posted seven months ago:



Please keep in mind that when you are posting in a review thread, in either the Reviews or Pheromone Arena subforums, that we desire content which is helpful to others, and only post content which is relevant to the discussion and as substantive as you can make it.
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  • 1 month later...

Oh, wow, this one smells great. The musk is prominent right after application, but the edges are rounded with the sweeter scents. As things are progressing the musk is actually coming out more, which is the opposite of what I would have expected. I love musk so this is excellent. I wasn't too fussed about the phero blend itself (I'm sure it has its uses but I don't have any particular ones in mind) but I could see wearing this just for the fragrance. I'll report back if I start telling people my most embarrassing secrets!

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If you want the scent phero free it is called " Carmel Musk" and it is permanent. There was a big call for a virgin version of the scent. I have the TMI and love it. I don't think it turns me or anyone else into a blabber mouths for secrets but it does make everyone ( me included) more chatty. Love the musk in this one. Wore it with a hoodie and several days later when I picked up the hoodie I got a whiff of this scent....made me want to wear it for that day. La Sylphide does the same thing. Just a hint lingers and makes me want to pick it for the day.

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Yeah, this really is one of the most beautiful and satisfying scents I've discovered so far. Because it's just 4 different types of musk it has a pure simplicity to it, but is so elegant and gorgeous, and on me it lingers strongly for ages and ages. I only have the Caramel Musk version, as I'm intimidated by T.M.I. But this is the scent I've had the most constant complimentary comments on. I've got a bottle of True Confessions coming, which I chose over T.M.I. because it sounds a bit less intense as a phero.


To anyone who's tried both this and True Confessions, how did the feeling/experience of them vary for you? I know this is more b-nol heavy.

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Can't help with the True Confessions comparison :( The closest I've come to that is wearing BLAM! (LAM! + BAM! hehe) But THAT is still a favorite combo.


You are all making me want to try that Caramel Musk. I have the TMI unscented and it DOES bring out he "chat" in people hahaha! It's never been anyone spilling a crazy amount of info yet but EVERYONE wants to talk with me when I wear it, meaning not just a quick hi or bye...it's a conversation. I actually DON'T wear this one to work b/c it can slow me down from getting things done, but on a day where things are more relaxed it's been great :)

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To anyone who's tried both this and True Confessions, how did the feeling/experience of them vary for you? I know this is more b-nol heavy.


Personally, I prefer TMI to True Confessions: TC (in the Seer) made me feel very distracted and absent-minded.

TMI gives more depth I think, and makes it easy to feel close to someone and open up. Once you're aware of the effects, I think, it is quite possible not to open up too much.


But I might not be the best judge, because I am starting to think that I don't do well with A-nol in general (it seems to make me feel irritable and not comfortable in my own skin, distracted; guess I'm not one for a party mood....).

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For those who want to try the Carmel Musk, there is a 1/6oz size of that one available as an option. Like I said, Musk ( department store) has always done awful things on my skin. Turns into to cheap stinky tobacco... I just figured I was one who couldn't wear it. The Musks I have tried from LP have opened up a whole new world to me. I love the musk in TMI. All musk...but in a blended well behaved way. The light musk of LP White is heaven...I am excited to try more scents with that note. Actually I think I amp musk a bit but love it on the center stage.

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For those who want to try the Carmel Musk, there is a 1/6oz size of that one available as an option.

REALLY?! Cool! Off to go check it out! Thanks for sharing that - it never would have crossed my mind to see a 1/6 oz as an option :)

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Thanks Platypuss- I went for TC in the Seer too, but have yet to receive it (if those postage gods don't bring me an offering soon I shall have to appease them with a sacrifice!). You could be right that it might be the strong a-nol content. It does make me feel a bit flibberty gibberty in high doses.


I wonder if the T.M.I. phero also makes people tend to move physically more into your space while wanting to converse with you? I have an image of this phero making people want to crowd in on me, which is very intimidating for me. Also, I'm afraid someone will come out with a terrible truth that will scar me forever. You know, something like, "Your face looks like a horse's arse!" or "I really hate you, and I don't know why..." Lol! I don't actually have a horsey-arsed face (I hope), but you know that feeling of vulnerability about what others might think of you, and not quite being sure you want to know.

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I know what you mean about not being sure you want to know - but that is not my experience with TMI (or B-nol in general).

It makes people feel close to you emotionally.


Not psycally though, on it's own - perhaps if you add cops or something. But no crowding in that I have experienced with b-nol blends. If anything, I get that from stuff like Perfect Match, where people are SO happy to see me and talk to me that they pat me on the arm, give me a small hug, etc.


But TMI to me, gives more an effect of people feeling comfortable with you, and easier to share things with (the same goes for me when I wear it, although less after the first time).

I don't think they are likely to share 'truths' that make you feel bad about yourself; because they feel so connected to you they'd be more likely to tell you things that they think will make you like them back, if you know what I mean.

They might share more than you'd like to hear (I haven't had that happen yet though) but it would be more about painful and embarassing things about themselves - not criticisms about you.

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Thanks again Platypuss! Well that sounds much better than the ideas my imagination had come up with for this phero. I have enjoyed the B-nol I've used in blends so far. And sexology (in X Appeal) was a real winner for me the day I wore it around people. I think this blend is around 80% B-nol, 20% A-nol, while TC is 60% B-nol, 40% A-nol. So if that one isn't too much for me I'll definitely give this a try too, particularly as I adore the scent.

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You gals made me want to wear this today! I was testing out Strawberry Cream Cake and the atmosphere at work was going to scream for ne to take TMI for a spin...I added a smidge of Un CB too.


Well! I got lots of delicious tidbits from lots of different departments and lots of attention! I'm know b-nol is great for getting inside info and the extra affection...I'm sure the Est in CB was getting me some softer lovey-dovies from coworkers - men AND women - which is always SO cool :D


Of the times I've worn TMI solo I've never had negativity directed toward me, I have had people confide in me to a point where I've asked myself, "Why on earth are they telling me this?!" Only to remember - oops - TMI :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

The original sample of this I received when it came out is just heavenly. The caramel is the most prominent note, both wet and after dry down, sweet but not too sweet, and backed up by a nice clean musk.


I just bought a full bottle on the trading post, and it is different so I believe it must be from a subsequent brewing. There is less caramel and more musk, and it has a sharp note that smells to me like rubbing alcohol. It is more perfume-y (in the sense of conventional perfumes) It tames down a little after it's dry, but not completely. I still like it, but on my skin it does not work quite as well as the original brewing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

TMI worked like crazy for me today, although not necessarily in the ways I wanted...on one hand, it had the guy opening up to me and being pretty chatty when he first came in today. On the other hand, it also had ME being a bit talky and confrontational too! I usually tend to think that I don't get alot of self-effects from pheros, but it's days like today that make me wonder if I'm getting more than I realize. I HATE conflict, and as a result will usually not speak my mind and stand up for myself if it means it would create conflict that I would rather avoid. Today, though, I did stand up for myself (in a work matter) with the guy, and while he became a bit defensive at first, in the end he agreed with me. So maybe TMI will end up being my stand-up-for-myself potion!


Oh yeah, and I should add that I layered it with Ail's Voluptuous Vanilla, and it smelled really nice! I still like the way it smells better with OCCO white, but would rather not have the cops.

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LOL I have to make a conscious decision while wearing this to NOT say everything running through my mind...nobody, and I mean NOBODY, needs to know what lengths and depths THIS mind goes :lol:

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Aw, I'm sorry you had such a trying day! :(


It does sound as if you may have worn too much. That's what happens to me when I wear too much of something. Well, unless there's EST or B-nol involved, I tend to skip right over the sad feelings, and bound right into headachey and furious for no reason, (and then once I realize how absolutely horrid I've been - usually to my BF - *THEN* I get all weepy, 'cause I feel like an ass, and I have to apologize, which I hate, blah blah... <_< ).


I'd say, wash it off, drink some water, take it easy, and give the phero a break for a few days. Try again, but with a much lighter hand. They take a bit of practice, these pheros. They present a real learning curve sometimes! But at least you know that what you wore today is probably too much. ;)

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Eggers: Yep. Less is more I guess, for sure. I "slept off" the TMI I guess, cuz feeling fine today, lol! Today I have on trusty LP original and LP Pink samples. Nice. I'm sure I'll give TMI another whorl at some point, but very lightly. Some stuff I can slather on, not so much this one or Cuddle Bunny, but they sure do smell good.....

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TMI is very strong and self effects are often inevitable . I personally would not wear it to work. Maybe someone who has had enough practice in their private time with it...Where and how much to apply and so fourth. I've never ordered more than a trial because the 1 time I tried it was pretty intense. True Confessions is a bit easier to manage tho it will take practice as well.

My advice to start out with a small amount . Place on tops of hands and on wrists (don't touch your face). Wave your hands about a little and don't make your first trial in a really important situation. especially a situation where you need to keep your cool.

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  • 2 months later...

So I tried this out with the hopes of convincing my man to apply for a new job. His is very spotty as of late. I like the effects. While he did not agree yet he was finally willing to discuss it. That is a win in my opinion. I am using again tonight and Sunday and hope we can continue the convo (with a little help from TMI). Will report back with any results. I am hopeful as he usually does not want to discuss it at all.

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It's wonderful that TMI helped with opening up dialogue Hinzmanal! That's a win for sure. Good luck on your next two trials -would love to hear results so yes, looking forward to your report. The unisex fragranced version smells divine! I have a trial vial that I got with the purchase of the women's sampler pack. Haven't taken it for a test run tho. I'm rather afraid it may be used against me :say19:




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I can't believe I forgot to post my review, including one of my favourite hits EVER. A few weeks ago I decided to try wearing this to choir practice, just to give it a whirl, really, and since I don't see many people in the week choir is my main place to test pheros on a group of people with whom I am familiar. The smell was pretty and although it is sweet it is not OTT, so great to wear in any situation including those where you might be needing T.M.I. to work its magic. The sweet muskiness sort of reminded me of Cuddle Bunny (along with the risk of make me more prone to headaches), so if you are headache/migraine-prone you might want to be careful to avoid triggers when you wear this one.


The star, though, was the phero. I noticed was the centre of more friendly chatting than usual and that was great! The stand-out magic of this one, though, was when a friend from choir invited me to join her on her walk so we could continue our conversation. She dished some very juicy gossip basically unsolicited. She also went on to elaborate and give details, plus her opinion and insights. Again, this was basically unsolicited and out of character for her considering our previous interaction.


In summary, T.M.I. is a winner and I would like to have the UN on hand to pair with any scent as and when needed. It's an excellent tool.

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Yes, this one is a winner! I picked up the Un oil in one of the lovely NuTrix's wild sales, and I find it very powerful. I am sparing in usage -- short swipe across the top of each hand, and one on the back of my neck -- and I find I am not overwhelmed by it (I don't have that much of filter anyway, LOL!) but I have used it twice now in a pretty controlled setting, a private meeting with one person, and it helped to finally get the missing piece of info about a painful situation, which was not comfortable but ultimately very healing.


In short, as the more articulate donsie said:





In summary, T.M.I. is a winner and I would like to have the UN on hand to pair with any scent as and when needed. It's an excellent tool.



I definitely would not use at work, and I'm not sure about a social setting with a lot of people, but I'll contemplate and get back to y'all.

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YAY! BC, glad it's working it's magic for you ^_^ and happy that it has a lovely new home. It's mighty powerful stuff and I'm sure you'll continue to find it advantageous to have on hand! :)

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I want this and am afraid of it at the same time. lol! I wore Heart and Soul for a new employee's first day, bc I wanted to feel relaxed and connected and help her to feel the same way. The next day, I was so mortified at all the 'connecting' I had done -- spilled so many beans about office relationships and commented on cuties ... as if we were best friends! (I still die inside when I think of it!) I can only imagine what might come out of my mouth if I were to wear this!! lol! I just wish I could wear it aroud my BF without necessarily having it affect me, as well. But my experience with H&S has me very leery about wearing TMI or True Confessions.

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YAY! BC, glad it's working it's magic for you ^_^ and happy that it has a lovely new home. It's mighty powerful stuff and I'm sure you'll continue to find it advantageous to have on hand! :)

NuTrix, it's *exactly* what I needed for this one situation, and I have a feeling there will be other times it comes in handy! I think it will come out less frequently than some of my other pheros but I am SO thankful to have it!!

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:LIKE: Congrats on the great hitz with TMI everyone :) . I can't stop extolling the virtues of the scented potion. Looking forward to using it. In terms of use, @ BlackCat, you mentioned putting it on the back of your hands. You weren't afraid of succumbing to the phero?

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:LIKE: Congrats on the great hitz with TMI everyone :) . I can't stop extolling the virtues of the scented potion. Looking forward to using it. In terms of use, @ BlackCat, you mentioned putting it on the back of your hands. You weren't afraid of succumbing to the phero?

Well, I figured I was less likely to succumb if it was out there at the end of my arms than if I had it wafting up from my cleavage, which is my more usual go to spot for pheros!


But I was also using it in a situation where I trusted the other person, and I was OK with having my own tongue loosened. If I were going into a situation with someone I knew I couldn't trust, I don't think this would be the phero I would choose.


Edited to add: But I've just gotten started with this one! It may be one where I figure out a way to make it work in less safe situations. The above is just where am I right now, as a newbie to TMI.

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Okey dokes, thanks for that . I saw you also put TMI on the back of your neck which I understood. But when I saw the hands, I was like "Uh oh." But should have known you'd be in a trusting, controlled environment.


True Confessions is another option. A little safer maybe. I used it once and haven't done a proper review. Found it to be more of a social the time I used it. I think one person had potential to spill beans about something. I ran!!! Didn't want to hear it..not from him anyway lol.


Yes, lots more testing to be done on these ever-so-effective pheros!

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Edited to add: But I've just gotten started with this one! It may be one where I figure out a way to make it work in less safe situations. The above is just where am I right now, as a newbie to TMI.


Most of the time when I wear pheromones, I apply and forget them and just let things happen. TMI is the only one (besides BAM!) where I make the conscious effort to REMIND myself that I'm wearing it and hold my tongue! It can be done, I promise ^_^ But the mind does ramble even if the tongue doesn't, I just have to keep reminding myself to stayed "shushed" :lol:


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