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Treasured Hearts

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I have Treasured Hearts in Terra Mater trial vial. I love the scent package but in concerned the TH makes me morose and mopey. I applied shortly after a two day phero break from my usual scents and I was super dejected all day after hearing news that the a-hole doctors I work with fired a temp worker. I wasn't even close to her or particularly liked her, but I appeared to be in a funk all day afterwards. Everyone else seemed normal, but by the end of the day, I had a headache. Tested again, and I got another headache. Not one to get headaches, I am going to chalk it up to TH.


Anyone else get a bit of a crash? I think it's so bizarre that I would crash on this blend... Maybe it's just psychological?

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I don't get a crash, or feel mopey with TH, but if I wear too much, it makes me feel kinda snarky. 3 sprays=great mood. 5 sprays=grumpy Eggers.


If you used Terra Mater both times, it could be the scent contributing to the headache, rather than the phero. Unfortunately, I get headaches from all kinds of scents, especially florals.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am slowly discovering I love this phero!


I get such lovely hits from it; people giving me extra money, making me cups of tea (whereas in that situation I am the employee and he the employer; I would have made more sense if I made him the tea!), going out of their way in order to make me happy with an exchange in a store...



Today I combined it, sort of by accident, with Occo White.


Whoa, world, watch out!!! :halloween-ghost:


I had people (both men and women) falling over themselves to help me, offer me food and drink, a place to sit next to them, helping me carry stuff - there were even two guys at a counter who both insisted on helping me at the same time; one ended up pouring my tea, the other handling the payment. It was so cute, like two little kids both trying their best to please their favorite parent, fighting over who could do the most....

And everybody was just so happy to see me, like they had been waiting all day (all their lives even) for me and I was even better than they'd hoped.



Loving this, but I have to remember to only use these Powers for good! :banana124: :banana124: :banana124:

Edited by ssupytalp
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Hehehe...You make me want to break this one out. Hmm, and I have OCCO White...

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  • 3 months later...

I have had great luck with this last week I wore it hoping for some help dealing with some " bristly females" at work and ever and I mean every female I saw that day has something nice to say about my appearance-it was bazaar and the women at work that are usally well let's just say not very nice went out of there way to be helpful- I have always gotten that I'm intimating which I eve never understood but people tell me they were imitated by me until they got to know me- so maybe this really does make me seem less imitating because the days I wore it every one was very caring and helpful- the only thing is

I felt kind of sad and mopy and did want to be social (complete opposite of how cougar makes me feel and LFM makes me feel like myself only better) what I didnt expect was the response from men I got very caring- interesting stuff

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Yep. TH works very well in dealing with groups of gripey females.

It took a little time for me to get used to working with it. I didn't feel depressed or sad but there were maybe 2 times where I felt a little grouchy after wearing it. But that has not happened in a long time and I have worn it a lot lately. It's one of my holiday survival blends. :)

Tweaking your dosage a bit might help you. It might also be a cycle thing. Try it again at the same dose and see how you feel on a different day. After that I'd just play around a little with the dose and see what works.

Sounds like it really helped tho.

Edited by StacyK
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Guest cutie.pie

I tried few scents enhanced with TH, but nothing. Maybe I just couldn't find my sweet spot. But then I ordered a phero enhanced wax melt and used it at a family gathering ---- and pure magic happend! Everyone was nice, relaxed... I'm so happy I got TH to work for me, even if it works only in a wax melt :)

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TH took a while to work for me, too. Or maybe it's just that it took a while for me to figure out what the effects are on me, and the people around me. It had different effects than I'd expected, (makes BF want to cook for me. Every. Single. Time. :huh: ). Oddly, it's a touchy phero for me to wear, because if I wear too much, (5 sprays) it makes me and females around me kinda bitchy. If I wear less, (3 sprays is my norm these days), it seems to work well. When I wear it to family stuff, it makes my dad a bit giddy, which is really cute, because he's not the type of man to get giddy. Ever. He's tightly wound and straight-laced. Not with TH.

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I have Treasured Hearts in Terra Mater trial vial. I love the scent package but in concerned the TH makes me morose and mopey. I applied shortly after a two day phero break from my usual scents and I was super dejected all day after hearing news that the a-hole doctors I work with fired a temp worker. I wasn't even close to her or particularly liked her, but I appeared to be in a funk all day afterwards. Everyone else seemed normal, but by the end of the day, I had a headache. Tested again, and I got another headache. Not one to get headaches, I am going to chalk it up to TH.


Anyone else get a bit of a crash? I think it's so bizarre that I would crash on this blend... Maybe it's just psychological?

I had the same type of effect when I tried this pheromone. I was miserable and sad! I was decorating cookies with my family, which is something I normally love to do. I have had reactions similar to this with a few other pheros too so I'm trying to determine what the similarities are between them. (I'm creating a spreadsheet.) It could be because we tried too much at once or maybe this one is just not right for us. Who knows. It makes me nervous to try it again though. Edited by tink333
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I had the same type of effect when I tried this pheromone. I was miserable and sad! I was decorating cookies with my family, which is something I normally love to do. I have had reactions similar to this with a few other pheros too so I'm trying to determine what the similarities are between them. (I'm creating a spreadsheet.) It could be because we tried too much at once or maybe this one is just not right for us. Who knows. It makes me nervous to try it again though.


I'm not quite sure why it wouldn't work for us, Tink, but you're right that it just may be the way things are. I've tried Terra Mater multiple times since my last post, successfully without headaches, but also without the positive responses everyone else has had here, unfortunately. Generally I feel grumpy or subdued.


This one seems tricky to get a sweet spot on, but I'm convinced it's worth figuring out so I'll keep trying!


I only like TH in very small amounts. The enhanced perfumes are just about right. Probably the only phero I'm like this with.

I was considering an UNscented spray, but I'm not sure if more concentration would help or hurt considering it's been touchy in the enhanced scents...

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maybe taking that edge off and feeling less intimidating to others and having people be "softer" to me is what made me feel kinda sad some how.


You were all intimidating and supernatural then you became mortal and approachable. :superhero: Its no surprise that you feel a little sad about it. ;) Teasin. I haven't tried anything with Treasured Hearts so I have no insights on your reaction to it, except could it be related to monthly hormones? I know Heart and Soul and I didn't get along during PMS.

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maybe taking that edge off and feeling less intimidating to others and having people be "softer" to me is what made me feel kinda sad some how.


Or in a world where sincerity in caring can be hard to come by, and with your own increased awareness, maybe a bit of sadness that it would be a nicer world if people could be that way on their own more often without the influence of super phero powers? :heart:


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm still learning about pheros and how to use them. BUT I've re-ordered this one. It's my first re-order. It really does smooth ruffled feathers. It took me a while to recognize the hits, but they are there for me. Even if the grumpy person is still grumbling a bit, at least they're not grumbling AT anyone! Win-win!!

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I'm still learning about pheros and how to use them. BUT I've re-ordered this one. It's my first re-order. It really does smooth ruffled feathers. It took me a while to recognize the hits, but they are there for me. Even if the grumpy person is still grumbling a bit, at least they're not grumbling AT anyone! Win-win!!

it was the same for me with TH. My first phero ever was LFM and TH is just as effective but the type of hit is different and much more subtle. It took me time and constant trials to get it, but it's so worth it. A very helpful social phero. :)

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  • 1 month later...

I bought TH for myself as a birthday gift in February, and I am noticing the hits more and more. I *love* this phero.

It smells like fresh, dank sweat on me, so I have to use it sparingly and definitely use a cover. I love the smell, though...I like the scent of "human" as long as it isn't stagnant and rank, lol. I feel like my sweet spot is just a tiny dab on the inside of each wrist and at the top of my considerable cleavage. Much more than that, I ghost.


Yesterday I wore it to our family Easter gathering and...wow. I am the black sheep of the family so I usually go, hang out with the kiddos, and stay to myself.

Well...I was just sitting on the couch, playing Candy Crush...when the in-laws started LINING up to come over to me to give me hugs goodbye.

I'm telling you, I've known these people for over 20 years...and NEVER have they sought me out for anything, much less to get a hug and say goodbye.

Even my brother-in-law, who I tend to avoid because he's a straight up a-hole (he takes pride in this), came looking for me, and did this weird thing where he hugged me, got really present with me, and took and held my hand for a minute, looked at our hands, squeezed mine, and then left.


After everyone left, I was thinking..."What just happened here??" and remembered the phero. Woot! Definitely 2 thumbs up for TH.

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This is my first post, but I had to comment on Terra Mater. I LOVE it! It puts me in a GREAT mood. I haven't really noticed it's effects on others because I'm such a perpetual good mood that I hardly notice anyone else. I had the sample and recently purchased the full bottle. I had a meeting where the other person was really reaming me and I just sat there unfazed. I wasn't even mad about it and that's rare for me.


I'm so happy to have this in my arsenal now.

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Something pretty disappointing just happened in my personal life, so I was really down on Sunday. Thankfully, I spent Easter with my family, and decided to wear Winter's Grace with Treasured Hearts to the dinner. Usually I get really blue for some whacky reason with TH, but I suppose already being pretty morose, I figured there was nothing to lose.


Unlike the times when I tried Terra Mater w/TH, Winter's Grace w/TH actually gave me a sense of calm and peace. I was still sad from the night before, but it felt distant and almost tamped down, because I was so grateful to be with family members and just be around them. I realized how much I loved each of them, and was glad to even be in their presence. It wasn't a big, banners and balloons, "AW I LUV U GUYS" kind of loving feeling. It was more, "This is my family, and they care for me so much--just like I care for them."


Before, during, and after dinner, everyone got along so well and smoothly. It was the quietest, most comfortable family event in a while. On a strange side note, I noticed no one raised their voice that day... Not even to shout between floors or out the door when someone was taking the dogs outside. Everyone maintained a conversational level volume. Which is interesting because we like to get excited and yell comments over the television or interject loudly while watching movies if something silly happens or shocking.


I agree with Halo that the enhanced perfumes are probably best if you have troubles figuring this one out. It's totally worth the try.


This is my first post, but I had to comment on Terra Mater. I LOVE it! It puts me in a GREAT mood. I haven't really noticed it's effects on others because I'm such a perpetual good mood that I hardly notice anyone else. I had the sample and recently purchased the full bottle. I had a meeting where the other person was really reaming me and I just sat there unfazed. I wasn't even mad about it and that's rare for me.


I'm so happy to have this in my arsenal now.


Welcome, MelaninEnriched! :) So glad to hear you hit your sweet spot already with Terra Mater. I hope you expand your collection and report back with us on more experiences!

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  • 4 months later...

OK, so I have not, for some reason, experimented with my TH much, but the other day, I had the third of three experiences with it that are making me wonder if this phero is just not right for me. I had an appt with a new doc the other day and I really needed it to get off to a good start. I hadn't used it in quite some time, but went through the UN phero sprays that I have and since the new doc is a woman, I thought maybe TH would be a good choice. I sprayed a bit on each arm and on my neck. I won't get into details about the whole doc thing and what is going on right now. She is a VERY brainy, somewhat eccentric woman and I would say that it went well with her. My problem is with self effects that I feel might be due to TH. It seems to flip my bitch switch in a big way! I mean everyone else around me seems cheery enough, but it just makes me...GRRRRrrrrrrrrr!!! To be fair, I did have good reason to be angry, but my response felt inappropriately INTENSE. As I said, it has been quite a while since I have used TH, but as I recall, the last time, I was simply at home and wanted to have a nice, quiet laidback evening with my partner. He seemed OK ( I get the best results with him with EST) but I remember that I ended up copping a major bitchy attitude for NO reason at all. There was one other time, when we were out and about that this happened to me. Again, no logical reason. Yes, everyone else seemed fine, but I was NOT fine. So I must confess, I am now a bit afraid to try this again. Maybe I should sell my spray and rehome it with someone that it plays nicely with. Any thoughts or input would be welcome! :(

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Guest cutie.pie

I get bitchy when wearing Popularity potion (but only when it's 1/3 strenght, I'm OK with UN, weird).


Well, there are so many others pheros you can enjoy instead! ;)

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OK, so I have not, for some reason, experimented with my TH much, but the other day, I had the third of three experiences with it that are making me wonder if this phero is just not right for me. I had an appt with a new doc the other day and I really needed it to get off to a good start. I hadn't used it in quite some time, but went through the UN phero sprays that I have and since the new doc is a woman, I thought maybe TH would be a good choice. I sprayed a bit on each arm and on my neck. I won't get into details about the whole doc thing and what is going on right now. She is a VERY brainy, somewhat eccentric woman and I would say that it went well with her. My problem is with self effects that I feel might be due to TH. It seems to flip my bitch switch in a big way! I mean everyone else around me seems cheery enough, but it just makes me...GRRRRrrrrrrrrr!!! To be fair, I did have good reason to be angry, but my response felt inappropriately INTENSE. As I said, it has been quite a while since I have used TH, but as I recall, the last time, I was simply at home and wanted to have a nice, quiet laidback evening with my partner. He seemed OK ( I get the best results with him with EST) but I remember that I ended up copping a major bitchy attitude for NO reason at all. There was one other time, when we were out and about that this happened to me. Again, no logical reason. Yes, everyone else seemed fine, but I was NOT fine. So I must confess, I am now a bit afraid to try this again. Maybe I should sell my spray and rehome it with someone that it plays nicely with. Any thoughts or input would be welcome! :(

Oh Rose, I can totally sympathize! I remember when I bought Fairy Musk and wore a very modest amount to work, it made me feel really connected to people. But one day, I put on an extra *little* dab, I was extremely melancholy, questioning my whole career path with a co-worker, to the point of "WTF have I done with my life?!?" It really freaked me out, and I have been really hesitant to wear it again, I even sold my back-up bottle. This might be a phero that you need a very small amount of, maybe in an enhanced fragrance to get your sweet spot. The same thing happens to me with LFM, it's awesome in Pirouette and La Sylphide for me, but the UN is just way too much, just my experience :)

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I'm sorry you had such a crap time with TH Rose. I can get bitchy with it if I wear more than 3 sprays of my 60/40 spray. In fact, I've even noticed other women getting quite snarky with me while I've been wearing 4 sprays. My boss's wife, for instance, becomes really bitchy and accusatory if I wear 4 sprays. I noticed it with her especially because she's normally such a soft person - a real pushover, actually. But get her around me, with four sprays of TH and she's nasty! And probably, at some point in the day, I will feel pretty nasty, too.

I don't go over 3 sprays anymore, ever. I don't even touch up. 4 sprays gets me cranky and bitched-at. 3 sprays has BF cooking breakfast for me! ;)

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Thanks SpriteLeigh and Eggers! So sorry for your experiences too! Pheros can definitely be tricky. It might just be that this one has a hair trigger on me. I remember one time when I first began using Levitation of all things, I was so overly enthusiastic about it that I went a bit overboard by perhaps a tiny spritz or so and had an intense experience where it was as if an emotional dam had broken. I was so, SO sad and cried myself into a massive headache and sinusitis attack. Thankfully, I was at home by myself! It's all so worth it when we finally get it right! I might try TH again when an appropriate opportunity presents itself and just use a tiny bit, but it could very well be that this phero and I just have a personality conflict. I will definitely report back when I do, unless I opt against it. I am hardly using pheros at all these days, but I felt I could use the extra help that day. I DID get the effects I was hoping for on others!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I dilute TH to a 20% phero/ 80% alcohol spray, in small 10ml batches, and spritz my hair and neck. Anything more and I ghost or am a weepy mess. I pair it with a Clinique Happy Heart at work since I work with a bunch of nasty, mean-tempered men and am not trying to put out a sexy vibe! I will even add a dropper of alcohol to the bottle when it gets low and keep diluting it. I can definitely smell it, even when I dilute to near-homeopathic levels, and still get hits.

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OK, so I have not, for some reason, experimented with my TH much, but the other day, I had the third of three experiences with it that are making me wonder if this phero is just not right for me. I had an appt with a new doc the other day and I really needed it to get off to a good start. I hadn't used it in quite some time, but went through the UN phero sprays that I have and since the new doc is a woman, I thought maybe TH would be a good choice. I sprayed a bit on each arm and on my neck. I won't get into details about the whole doc thing and what is going on right now. She is a VERY brainy, somewhat eccentric woman and I would say that it went well with her. My problem is with self effects that I feel might be due to TH. It seems to flip my bitch switch in a big way! I mean everyone else around me seems cheery enough, but it just makes me...GRRRRrrrrrrrrr!!! To be fair, I did have good reason to be angry, but my response felt inappropriately INTENSE. As I said, it has been quite a while since I have used TH, but as I recall, the last time, I was simply at home and wanted to have a nice, quiet laidback evening with my partner. He seemed OK ( I get the best results with him with EST) but I remember that I ended up copping a major bitchy attitude for NO reason at all. There was one other time, when we were out and about that this happened to me. Again, no logical reason. Yes, everyone else seemed fine, but I was NOT fine. So I must confess, I am now a bit afraid to try this again. Maybe I should sell my spray and rehome it with someone that it plays nicely with. Any thoughts or input would be welcome! :(

I have had the grumpies with TH 2 times. twice I got a splitting headaches with cougar. I got both symptoms with BI. It happens most frequently with BI. I think Halo commented, when I described this, and what 'mone might be causing it, I'd have to look back.

Anyway, that's when I started experimenting a bit with adding a single molecule to TH. At first I tried a bit of B'nol, just one light spray. It was a good combo. Softened the TH. But my fav is TH + EST.

TH & EST is a nice combo. IMO, TH is sort of an Alpha/neutral social mix. It's great dealing with older bitchy females, those that might not respond as favorable to something like H&S. When I add a bit of EST it softens the dynamic. I'm ordering a mad mix of this because I love it so much.

My advice leave the TH for a bit. If you think you want to try to keep it in your life, try it in an enhanced scent. More importantly keep track of your dose and where you are in your cycle when you wear it.

Have you tried Girl/Girl ? I commented to your post in the TSABH thread about it.

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Great advice Stacyk. I recently sold my TH, but with November coming, I can always get a little bottle to experiment with. They were just such intense reactions..I was wary to try again. I am laughing because it turned ME into the older bitchy female! I am older,I am female, but I try to only be a bitch when I need to be. Not that I would hesitate to go there. ;) As far as my cycle influencing its effects, I am post menopausal, so I don't think that this is part of the picture. I do love EST, B2, and have recently fallen in love with Teddy BB. No idea why I waited so long to try it! But you might be right. I can see where the EST would take the edge off, or perhaps a mad scientist blend is needed. Pheros are awesome, but given that our personal biological and psychological makeup is so unique, our reactions are bound to be unpredictable. Ah well..experimentation fascinates me!

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Definitely. :)


Meh, if it's not ringing your bell or worse it makes you feel like shit then I wouldn't spend more $ on it. You never know, Mara may have a magical brew boosted with it for the holidays (the primary reason I tested it so much a couple of years ago). You could always try your luck with a future trial. :)

Edited by StacyK
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  • 1 year later...

I just have to ring the TH bell today.


I'm softly playing taps because I used the last of my "Get Happy" last week. ? Ah well...


So today I'm wearing TH and "Garland & Lace IV".


TH just has a magic effect on family. It took me some time to get my dosage right with this one. If I OD I get the crankies (sometimes). But, I can't do better than TH when dealing with my family. I have tried ?. I figured out a couple of years ago that just a bit of EST balances it out for me BUT doesn't make it too soft (H & S doesn't work as well here). I had momentarily considered "Indiscretion". I thought it might be an interesting experiment, then thought again.


I've accented TH with LACE before (again, proportionately a small amount). I was concerned about the A'nol content in the combo but I got my ratios just where I like them. TH, IMO, has this sort of social but subtlety alfa (don't lean too heavily on that word) thing going on and my additions, if done right, don't seem to dilute its primary effects. But, help me wear it better.


So HURRAY for TH!! It's great for Peace On Earth.

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  • 4 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Tomorrow I am testifying against my ex and his parents (they were charged for mentally and emotionally abusing my children). The judge is a female in her late 40s. Should I go with TH? Or maybe LFM? Or SWS maybe?

TH puts me at ease, and I will be super stressed and nervous. But I also want to be confident. Help please

Edited by citrine
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@citrine Man, I feel for you! How abhorrent!


 I wish you all of the  strength, and communication resources that dwell within you,  and the awareness to remember they are there to draw on, for your ordeal tomorrow. 

Whichever pheromone works to  instill  confidence.  It’s going to be an emotionally charged situation for you.  Being confident and resolute is going to calm you. 



Edited by Eve
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Thank you @Eve :love:


I went with Altar of Venus with TH. I did feel super stressed, nervous and almost had a panic attack. Almost, but I didn't. I do believe TH helped.


At the end, after some breef discussion it was postponed for November. But not before they called me names infront of the judge. But I was cool enough not to respond.


I this that next time I'll go with SWS or MLH, that make me feel a bit more confident...

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  • 2 months later...

I love wearing this around my mom. Her defense mechanism is to be bitchy when she feels stressed and nervous. Like my grandpa's funeral. As she entered, she started arguing with my aunt, her sister, about flowers, candles, pictures... But then when she stood next to me, she became mellow, calm and normal. 

I remeber few years ago there were wax melts with TH, I bought them especially for her. Love this phero!

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I have a question, my abusive ex reported me to CPS (not sure what for, but that's his game 🙄) and I have a meeting with them tomorrow. And I am not sure if I should wear this or LFM? I know I have a meeting with a female, not sure how old...

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  • 5 months later...

I finally came around to this, idk why I avoided it for so long cuz I actually ended up absolutely adoring this blend with how it just...for me, bulldozes over everything with good vibes


I don't have any super specific stories, I think I get v strong selfies that I would expect from BB. Im pretty sure I end up being the one that's tamed by this blend (not that I'm complaining!) that everyone else just follows my lead. 10/10 for pherobombing self I suppose 🤔






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