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Love Potion: Red


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^^^ :lol: Too true Donsie!


Sounds like a real charmer, that one. What's another one that may make him behave, LFM? MLH? Duel signal - sexy Red, but you mind your manners!

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I finally got an incense comment. A coworkers asked if he could not sit next to me on a plane because I a) wear too stong of perfume and B) it smells like incense. So I told him to f--k off. He doesn't deserve to sit next to my LPMP greatness.


So the next day I nailed him by wearing LP Black at a dinner function. Boo yah.

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I get mixed comments for LP Red. I find it so weird. I love this scent especially for colder months. I burn incense and this smells nothing like it!

Some people think i smell like incense, others like coffee, others like cinnamon, others like a hukkah and others like vanilla ... go figure.

Funny thing is that they are either going to love it or they are going to hate it, there is no in between with this one.


I do love it, and i have awesome and intense memories from wearing this but i do feel self conscious at times because i don't know what to expect from others.


Johnsonlisa didn't he have any comments on the LP Black??? LOL!

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OHMYGOSH!!! I've gotten the hukkah comment too :lol: Or candle, women usually go for the "what smells like a candle?" thing.


With the exception of 1 friend who dislikes patch, most mean it in a "something smells good but I can't quite identify it" way. It's actually similar types of comments for black as well...hmmm....

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My bride has gotten the candle question while wearing Red. She only has a trial vial of LP: Black right now but she's had someone ask if she smelled brown sugar and she proudly said, 'That's me!'

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Guest cutie.pie

I finally got an incense comment. A coworkers asked if he could not sit next to me on a plane because I a) wear too stong of perfume and B) it smells like incense. So I told him to f--k off. He doesn't deserve to sit next to my LPMP greatness.


So the next day I nailed him by wearing LP Black at a dinner function. Boo yah.



ETA: You're my hero! :)

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I finally got an incense comment. A coworkers asked if he could not sit next to me on a plane because I a) wear too stong of perfume and B) it smells like incense. So I told him to f--k off. He doesn't deserve to sit next to my LPMP greatness.


So the next day I nailed him by wearing LP Black at a dinner function. Boo yah.

Boo yah!

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For some reason, last night I suddenly got obsessed with finding my bottle of LP Red and wearing it to sleep in... usually I think of it as a fall/winter scent but things had cooled off a bit with the thunderstorms.


OMG!!! I have always loved Red, but somehow my current bottle has aged to pure perfection. The cinnamon is warm but perfectly tempered by the vanilla for a rich, full-bodied sexy sweetness. I could not stop huffing my arm! Also, when I woke up this morning, there were lush quiet traces still remaining.


I was going to wear Farmhouse Afternoon today, since I'm spending the afternoon at the farmhouse that inspired it, but with this cold rainy day I think I need more LP Red!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a silly question, but excactly how much caution should one exercise when wearing this (without hops or pheros)? Do people react more strongly to red than pheros? I'm a bit apprehensive after reading the description page. I live in a strange area (there are a lot more men compared to women). Has anything super spooky happened to anyone traveling alone wearing red?

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This is a silly question, but excactly how much caution should one exercise when wearing this (without hops or pheros)? Do people react more strongly to red than pheros? I'm a bit apprehensive after reading the description page. I live in a strange area (there are a lot more men compared to women). Has anything super spooky happened to anyone traveling alone wearing red?


First of all let me say that i need to come to your area because i have trouble finding a man where ilive... :P


I love LP Red, mostly because it reminds me of good old days and a certain someone that i'm trying to bring in my life again... I have to say though i get mixed comments for it, from both men and women.

I get the hookah comment quite often, or the "something smell like coffee, incense etc".

I also get positive comments though from people who can appreciate its complexity and depth.

As far as anythong spooky goes, no, nothing that i can recall.

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First of all let me say that i need to come to your area because i have trouble finding a man where ilive... :P


I love LP Red, mostly because it reminds me of good old days and a certain someone that i'm trying to bring in my life again... I have to say though i get mixed comments for it, from both men and women.

I get the hookah comment quite often, or the "something smell like coffee, incense etc".

I also get positive comments though from people who can appreciate its complexity and depth.

As far as anythong spooky goes, no, nothing that i can recall.


Haha, well they say "the odds are good but the goods are odd." I basically live in a major ski bum area, so all of the guys are ski bums who have smoked so much weed they have effictively lobotomized themselves. Super boring!


Thaks for sharing your experiences. I'm excited to try out red. I can't wait to smell some of the complex things that are going on with it. I ordered it because it is something very different than what I usually would wear, but I'm in a phase of my life where I am trying new things, lol.

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I'm still doing that as well (trying out new scents). Scent receptors are right in the brain, so I figure I'm rewiring or keeping things flexible in there. Scent affects me a lot, as do pheromones. It's both a curse and a blessing to be so sensitive :) Good luck on your journey !! I cant comment on LP Red but I adore OCCO Red.

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Haha, well they say "the odds are good but the goods are odd." I basically live in a major ski bum area, so all of the guys are ski bums who have smoked so much weed they have effictively lobotomized themselves. Super boring!


Thaks for sharing your experiences. I'm excited to try out red. I can't wait to smell some of the complex things that are going on with it. I ordered it because it is something very different than what I usually would wear, but I'm in a phase of my life where I am trying new things, lol.


"all of the guys are ski bums who have smoked so much weed they have effictively lobotomized themselves" :smiley-laughing024: :smiley-laughing024: :smiley-laughing024:


My first ever purchase from LPMP was a sample of LP Red and one of OCCO Red. I couldn't describe the scent, i couldn't put my finger on it but it was such a pleasant, calming, familiar yet seductive scent ... i was hooked immediately! Imagine that my next (i don't know - 4 orders?) were all LP red and OCCO Red ... i just ciouldn't get enough of it! I'm sure you'll love it. It's way different than regular fragrances, that's why you might get mixed comments, but i love it :)

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Haha, well they say "the odds are good but the goods are odd." I basically live in a major ski bum area, so all of the guys are ski bums who have smoked so much weed they have effictively lobotomized themselves. Super boring!.

:lol: :lol:


Just FYI, Red with SUGARED Apricots is wonderful and it tones down the incensey vibe but doesn't demolish the intended fragrance.

Edited by StacyK
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  • 4 months later...

When first applied this is red hot cinnamon and warm syrup, very much like molasses having that dirty, earthy element. Gourmand delight, yet very sexy. During drydown, I find the fragrance to become slightly powdery, but in a luxe amber/patch sensual powder. After wear, the perfume becomes warm, sweet cinnamon. It's like I'm getting wafts of gingerbread baking. yummo!

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I love to combine Sugared Apricots with LP Red and OCCO Red together. In fact, I mixed some of these together in a sample vial so I can refresh when I'm out. However, as it's very warm and humid, I do not have much opportunities to use this combination as much as I would like.

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I guess the cinnamon in LP Red does not work well with my skin chemistry (which is odd because I love cinnamon) . But I don't mind, at least I will not go broke :) I prefer LP O and LP Pink.

IMO The trick to LP Red (and O, Black, Exotica..) Let it age. If you have a trial stuck it away for 6+ months then try again. It's the only cinnamon heavy fragrance I can wear. My bottle is 2 years old and it smells better than ever. My LP o is the same age, i didn't think much of it at first but age is kind to Some of these.

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IMO The trick to LP Red (and O, Black, Exotica..) Let it age. If you have a trial stuck it away for 6+ months then try again. It's the only cinnamon heavy fragrance I can wear. My bottle is 2 years old and it smells better than ever. My LP o is the same age, i didn't think much of it at first but age is kind to Some of these.

Ok, I will keep my sample. But I liked LP O right away... no need to age.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm really liking this. I'm learning that my skin eats vanilla quite a bit, so I have a lot of cinnamon and patchouli left with this one. I prefer not too much patchouli, so I added a bit of Sugared Honeycomb and that tamped the patchouli down. I love cinnamon and how that smells on me. I kept sniffing my testing arm :001_302:


On a different day I layered this with Rocket Fuel because, when testing out RF, my skin ate most of it and left only a slight toasted almond scent. I wanted a fragrance boost and these two worked out well together, as expected.

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All of these variants age beautifully. Even ones I didn't think I liked were beautifully balanced after months to a year of aging. There's only one that I can't get to work for me, Black.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had put this away for most of the year and focused on the New Releases, which is a total shame because this is still.just.so.drop.dead.gorgeous !

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I had put this away for most of the year and focused on the New Releases, which is a total shame because this is still.just.so.drop.dead.gorgeous !

I did the same thing but came back to it the other day. It ages so nice, like meeting an old friend and finding out that while they've been gone they have grown even more wonderful.

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  • 7 months later...

I forgot how powerful of a man magnet LP Red is. I had it on yesterday & had to make a run to Walmart. I was not even remotely friendly to anyone because I was there getting Epsom salts since my whole body has been aching due to my woman time. I really felt awful, & I was spending way too much time kind of crouched down looking at this face cream because I just didn't want to get up. I kind of became aware of a guy standing near me but was ignoring him. I finally got up & he asked me if this was where the sunburn stuff was. I was not in the mood so I brusquely pointed him to the sunscreen aisle. :lol: I get the sense that poor man waited all that time to get a chance to talk to me.

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I forgot how powerful of a man magnet LP Red is. I had it on yesterday & had to make a run to Walmart. I was not even remotely friendly to anyone because I was there getting Epsom salts since my whole body has been aching due to my woman time. I really felt awful, & I was spending way too much time kind of crouched down looking at this face cream because I just didn't want to get up. I kind of became aware of a guy standing near me but was ignoring him. I finally got up & he asked me if this was where the sunburn stuff was. I was not in the mood so I brusquely pointed him to the sunscreen aisle. :lol: I get the sense that poor man waited all that time to get a chance to talk to me.


Poor fella


My hubby always says I smell like Christmas morning and cookies when I wear LP red

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  • 2 months later...

I've been meaning to review this one for awhile now, somehow I always end up side tracked with other threads I come across while searching... Lol, I swear reading the forums is an addiction by itself. The description alone sold me so when my order arrived this baby was the first to go on, unsniffed and all. Immediately I fell in love. I felt like I was wrapped in a warm blanket of scent greatness. I couldn't help but to keep sniffing myself all night! My other half wasn't around for this trial but I think it made me attracted to MYSELF!!! I couldn't get enough of me lmao! I've worn this many times since, sometimes with pheros and other scents and I've never been disappointed. Sometimes a different note is more obvious to my nose making it slightly different than the last time I wore it..but when/if that does occur its somehow even more perfect!!!

I think I might need a second job to support my new addiction!!! ???

And thank you ladies for all the advice and information you post, it has helped me tremendously through my LPMP journey.

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I've been meaning to review this one for awhile now, somehow I always end up side tracked with other threads I come across while searching... Lol, I swear reading the forums is an addiction by itself. The description alone sold me so when my order arrived this baby was the first to go on, unsniffed and all. Immediately I fell in love. I felt like I was wrapped in a warm blanket of scent greatness. I couldn't help but to keep sniffing myself all night! My other half wasn't around for this trial but I think it made me attracted to MYSELF!!! I couldn't get enough of me lmao! I've worn this many times since, sometimes with pheros and other scents and I've never been disappointed. Sometimes a different note is more obvious to my nose making it slightly different than the last time I wore it..but when/if that does occur its somehow even more perfect!!!

I think I might need a second job to support my new addiction!!! ???

And thank you ladies for all the advice and information you post, it has helped me tremendously through my LPMP journey.

Welcome Hun! I just got my sample of this today too and it smells just like what I imagine the color red to smell like lol

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Got to finally test this last night and I definitely will never be wearing this out of the house.


Got out of the shower and applied a liberal amount because it smells really good and works with my skin chemistry really well. Well hubby caught a sniff while in the kitchen and said "I don't like it, it's too loud" so I was like "if it's a problem I'll go sleep on the couch" not a big deal right?

Fast forward to about midnight, I've been asleep for about 2 hours (fitfully, I'm 7 months pregnant and very uncomfortable) my husband has never been woken out of his sleep from a phero before so imagine my surprise when I wake up to a 6'4" 280lb lumberjack on top of me! And then AGAIN this morning at 7 I am woken up from him, neither of these times would be a problem but I'm just not interested in sex these past few weeks. (Imagine a beached whale with a skin condition, because that's what I look like ha!)

I have never had a response like this from cops or anything, including compromising positions.


So now it's 10:30 my kids are stuck to me like glue, he has been stuck to me all morning the pets won't leave me alone, this is powerful stuff and I'm more worried about wearing this outside of the home than I was with comp positions, cuddle bunny or any of my other sexual blends ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got this as a sample when I ordered LP Black. When it's wet, it's warm and very spicy. I was concerned about possible irritation from the cinnamon but my skin was fine while wearing it. The cinnamon is definitely dominant, with the amber and vanilla as a faint second. I didn't get any hint of apricot.


When it's dry, it smells similar to Red Hots cinnamon candy hearts, which could bring back memories of Valentine's day. I've been wearing it for five hours and it's still going strong. It's spicy and powdery. Very warm and sexy.


It's too soon to tell if I'll order a full bottle. I will have to give this another try.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I am new to LPMP, but I have to say that this stuff is amazing. LP Red (sample) was the first one I tried with potential BF and it made him all jerkish. He's not normally like that. Very self-confident, quiet type. We were in a room working on some things. He sat close, then moved away, sat close...you get the picture. Then he had to get up and open the door. I couldn't figure out what was going on until I remembered I had the perfume on.


I commend all of you who create these scents, and thank everyone from whose experience I've learned to make my choices. I made one order already and working on my next one.

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