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Love Potion: Black


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Put this on the other day and my sweet male colleague who always make it a point to visit me everyday said that he didn't like LP Black on me!


This is dark but not as dark as the way Fade To Black turns out on me. Anyway, I'm hanging on to my new bottle and another one coming from a trade since this gets better over time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I get STRONG PATCHOULI when wet... then a minute later its STRONG HONEYCOMB!!! OOO... wow.... This is DEEP.....

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  • 4 weeks later...
I get STRONG PATCHOULI when wet... then a minute later its STRONG HONEYCOMB!!! OOO... wow.... This is DEEP.....



Yes, it is! One of my absolute faves.....hands down! You should try it with OCCO Black....OMG......

Edited by Dolly
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This is my favorite out of the LP love line. Red comes in close behind. It's deep, dark, tempting and sexy. This one to me feels like those amusement park rides that are thrilling and scary. The ones that only the thrill seekers and storm chasers can handle. It has twists and turns that make you gasp but at the same time excite you and make your heart pump wildly. I am in love with LP Black, I get it. I totally get it. It takes you deep, into a dark, mysterious, exciting, rollercoaster ride.. I feel like it teases you, and like it whispers.. " Can you handle it? Must be this tall to ride "


Reminds me of that one sexy ride at Disneyland, its all black and there are stars everywhere. What is it called? It has the coolest music that blasts as you ride through the dark at 90 mph.

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Space Mountain


LP Black is definitely not for the faint-of-heart. Jouir de is the only other one I would say is like that, but in a totally different way. :)

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Space Mountain


LP Black is definitely not for the faint-of-heart. Jouir de is the only other one I would say is like that, but in a totally different way. :)




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Space Mountain


LP Black is definitely not for the faint-of-heart. Jouir de is the only other one I would say is like that, but in a totally different way. :)



That's it Space Mountain! Love that ride. I should go to Disneyland wearing LP Black and ride Space Mountain.

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It's likely two different sources. And depending what it's blended with, it can either work or not, I have that happen to me all the time.

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This one to me feels like those amusement park rides that are thrilling and scary.


Hmmm .... never thought about it this way! Let me slather some on tonight and let my imagination run wild!

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  • 2 weeks later...

LP Black is very, very sweet on me - other reviewers have nailed it, there is something that smells exactly like maple syrup. Unfortunately, I don't particularly like maple syrup, even on my pancakes. I am a bad Canadian.

*hangs head in shame*


I've worn LP Black 4 times so far, and all stubbornness persistence aside, it may be time to accept that it's not going to work for me. Drat. I can see how this must be beautiful on the right person, but it's not playing nice with my skin chemistry, sadly.


Oh well, at least I have Naughty on the Nile to turn to for slinky sexy mysterious darkness!

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  • 3 months later...

Just got my samples (smeared from wrists to elbows lol) and LP Black was the first I tried! Delish chocolate scent first - dark chocolate, my fave. Then it began going a tad less sweet and richer (not that dark chocolate is that sweet to begin with, but I wouldn't have liked it if it was any sweeter). Has mellowed out into a lovely ambery, resiny, powdery, IdunnowhatitisbutIloveit fragrance. Elegant, enticing, and rich. Totally my style.

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No, I already have a bottle of cops so I didn't need to order any more for now. This is LP Black. I know my description doesn't sound quite exactly like the notes in it. My body chem does strange things to perfumes. I can wear a retail fragrance and it will smell on me like no one else.


I just put on a couple more swipes on my chest and cleavage. It's hovering around me more than either of the other two scents I tried (Spontaneous Combustion and Dark Seductions III) almost like a cloud enveloping me so I added to it. And maybe the scent is...mocha coffee? With a hint of maple maybe...

Edited by AlienChangeling
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No, I already have a bottle of cops so I didn't need to order any more for now. This is LP Black. I know my description doesn't sound quite exactly like the notes in it. My body chem does strange things to perfumes. I can wear a retail fragrance and it will smell on me like no one else.


I just put on a couple more swipes on my chest and cleavage. It's hovering around me more than either of the other two scents I tried (Spontaneous Combustion and Dark Seductions III) almost like a cloud enveloping me so I added to it. And maybe the scent is...mocha coffee? With a hint of maple maybe...



LP Black and OCCO Black are FABULOUS layered.....one of my most favorite combos!

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I STILL HAVE plenty of scent left over from last night on this fragrance! The Dark Seductions Lavender went away; there's just a HINT of Spontaneous Combustion; but LP Black is still droolworthy! I am LOVING this fragrance!


And I didn't mention but I got Cougar unscented so I can layer it with stuff - and more unscented pheros on the way!

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OK I just added a freshh application of LP Black with nothing else on but it.


I get a nice deep rich vanilla, mixed with maple syrup, and hints of amber and patchouli. I guess the honeycomb and brown sugar is what comes off smelling like maple syrple to me. I dunno what Chypre is so I dunno if I'm smelling that or not. I need to go hunt that one up.



EDIT: Ok so now I know what Chypre is. Since I don't know what any of the ingredients smell like except the musks, and I'm not getting anything musky yet (except maybe it's blending with the amber and patchouli) I don't guess I smell it to know it.


2nd EDIT: Ok I SO did NOT need to know what ambergris is.

Edited by AlienChangeling
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No, I already have a bottle of cops so I didn't need to order any more for now.


That's something I'll have to learn from you, AlienChangeling! I have so many bottles of scents, cops and pheros I like, always telling myself that I need the extra bottle!

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That's something I'll have to learn from you, AlienChangeling! I have so many bottles of scents, cops and pheros I like, always telling myself that I need the extra bottle!



Well, until I "make it big" as a writer, the budget for such things is limited and I tend to focus more on what's going to be "social" to help me build my career in public. Cops is more of a private sort of use, and if I have some, I don't need a whole lot more. (Besides, I'm afraid to use it out in public because I'm afraid someone will ask me why I haven't bathed in a month or something!)

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  • 3 weeks later...

FWIW I discovered last weekend that LP Black is too heavy a scent to use when one is hiking around downtown Atlanta and sweating like a horse. I can't explain it, it was just too heavy. I switched to scented Cougar and all was well. But I have a tendency to want to put on just a dab of Black even when I'm just lolling around the house - and I sleep better when wearing it!

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Well, until I "make it big" as a writer, the budget for such things is limited and I tend to focus more on what's going to be "social" to help me build my career in public. Cops is more of a private sort of use, and if I have some, I don't need a whole lot more. (Besides, I'm afraid to use it out in public because I'm afraid someone will ask me why I haven't bathed in a month or something!)


True about the usage of cops. However, I do wear cops to work about once a week.

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FWIW I discovered last weekend that LP Black is too heavy a scent to use when one is hiking around downtown Atlanta and sweating like a horse. I can't explain it, it was just too heavy. I switched to scented Cougar and all was well. But I have a tendency to want to put on just a dab of Black even when I'm just lolling around the house - and I sleep better when wearing it!


Me too...this is strictly an "around the the house when I'm alone" scent and in the cold months I wore it to bed a lot...but only when sleeping alone! It would completely freak Lover out for sure. Also I loved it mixed with Snowbound last year, it mellowed it out quite a bit! Try that.

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LP Black is definitely more a night time or colder weather scent. It's thoroughly incongruous with sweltering summer days - way too heavy for that.


This is true for resin heavy blends in general, AlienC.


I added a "sort by" (Type of Scent) category in the perfumerie section...tho I have yet to populate it thoroughly because I haven't had the time. In there, is now categories such as Office Friendly, Nighttime Scent, Springy, Summery, Autumnal, Wintery. This is to help those choosing by appropriate atmospheres in which to wear a particular scent.

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LP Black is definitely more a night time or colder weather scent. It's thoroughly incongruous with sweltering summer days - way too heavy for that.


This is true for resin heavy blends in general, AlienC.


I added a "sort by" (Type of Scent) category in the perfumerie section...tho I have yet to populate it thoroughly because I haven't had the time. In there, is now categories such as Office Friendly, Nighttime Scent, Springy, Summery, Autumnal, Wintery. This is to help those choosing by appropriate atmospheres in which to wear a particular scent.



Yes but I SO <3 the resin scents! I was planning on making LP Black my signature fragrance, but it looks like I will have to swap up according to season. The grapefruityness of scented Cougar was perfect for the hot muggy summer weather. Then when the cold front came through with TSLee (what an ODD combo of weather!) I could go back to LP Black.


I was really shocked to have that happen - I've never had a fragrance that was so... "weather-related" before. (That's not well put, but you know what I mean.) Then again, I've always tended to wear cologne before rather than perfume oils, so that's a lighter application to begin with.


I've been using the sort function for type of scent (like spicy, resiny, etc), but haven't tried using it for "appropriate for" yet. I'll have to play around with that.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't know why but some days I think this might become my new LP love....but other days I don't think so...

Today LP Black likes me and I like it....Today it makes me feel like a gothic belly dancer...all sexy and dark....all I get today is a dark vanilla and creamy dark butter...and it is the best of the LP varieties...today it smells so good that I want to spread it like butter all over me....why could it be turning against my skin on other days? I know it has to do with my skin chemistry, but today I'm in those days of the month and it smells lovely on me...I would expect for it to turn bad on me during these days but it doesn't...I want to love this one everytime... = (

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Because there's no fixatives there's just no guarantee it's going to smell the same on you every time. So maybe you're the exception to the rule in that you have better skin chemistry during menstruation. It very rarely smells good on me all by itself, in fact the times it has it's like a miracle. That's why I used to layer it with LP Red (but now that there's Passion & Desire I don't have to).

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So maybe you're the exception to the rule in that you have better skin chemistry during menstruation.


Well, at least there is one positive thing I get from menstruation....lol!


I have to try the LP Passion& Dessire, thanks for the info Luna!

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  • 1 month later...

I didn't try this until this week. Why? because LP original and red didn't work well for me -- they both started out fabulous but then the patchouli and spices would amp up and take over. And I usually can't do brown sugar -- it ends up smelling like hot dogs on me. Plus I generally don't like resinous scents on me (okay to smell, just don't go with my personality). So far, the only scent that works for me that has patchouli is LP Pink.


So I was surprised at how marvelous this is! I don't get the funny brown sugar effect, and while the patchouli and resins do take over, its not so much, plus I mitigated that somewhat by layering it with a vanilla-centric scent. I've tried both Nom, nom, nom, and LP Pink and both tame down the resins and patchouli in the black and keep it smelling like it does wet.

Edited by xev
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Aren't Pink and Black great together? Black /Red gets all the accolades but I prefer P+B myself, it makes pink more sultry than girly and enphasizes the yummy vanillic side of Black... and though it does not smell like licorice, it has a certain 'quality' of it for me... As a matter of fact, whenever I hear about the aphrodisiac properties of the smell of licorice (which I've never really 'gotten') it is THIS blend I think of, like--oooh, that makes sense now!!

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  • 1 month later...

I LOVE LP BLack, but my ability to wear it is VERY dependent on my hormones!

It doesn't like me either :( I get almost no sweetness from it! it's all Resin Attack. so weird


I've tried this three times now... and only once out of the three did it smell good. The other two, it was like Tyvey's experience. Dry, dusty resins and patch. I have only gotten negative comments today :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was having an ugly day yesterday and felt like I needed a big dose of bad ass. I reached for my bottle of LP Black with Lace and immediately did not give a fuck if others thought I looked like hell. This is instant feel like a bad ass pick me up. It makes me feel like a powerhouse, like a vixen, like a black widow spider. It makes me feel secure. I also love how it smells on me, I can't explain it, it's like a sweetness. Like a dry sweetness. Almost like a black sugary powder of sorts. Oh I know! This is very Kate Beckinsale in the Underworld movies. That's what I feel like. I love it.

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I am loving LP black more and more. It is sexy sexy with a touch of darkness and just a hint of hippie (from the resins I guess -- I've always thought resins=incense). Anyway, I've just about burned through my trial vial so I'm going to have to pick up a bottle of it.


I think my scent preferences have being going through (yet another) metamorphosis. Like, I'm ready to try other things that I thought I'd never like (or tried in the past and didn't like).

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  • 1 month later...

This smells like pee on me.

Pee and patchouli chalk. Why?! :cry:


@icing, I feel the same way. I just got a sample of the 10pk set and I wanted to try this since it got such great reviews. Alone LP-BLACK smells like really strong, rank/nasty honey and then it turns to pee once dried. But if I layer LP-ORIGINAL (which I LOVE)directly over it, then the honey is quite bareable and almost nice. I wish I could get the other scents everyone else seems to enjoy. Straight out the bottle I can smell all the delicious base notes, but once on my skin after 10min or so :Emoticons04269: I smell nothing but funky honey.


I've also tried layering it with LP-RED, since I hate the red on it's own but that went south pretty quickly as well. I'll just put this away for a while and then revisit it some other time.

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  • 1 month later...

This is most def my favorite LP so far! On me I don't get too much resin action, it's more dark vanilla, creamy sweatness and a touch of patchouli.... it is so so so so so amazingly yummy and I get complimented CONSTANTLY on how good I smell by total strangers even. It has awesome lasting power....I love how it lingers on my honey's sheets after an evening together!

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