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Love Potion: Black


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I know this post isn't very value - added but want to thank all for their reviews. Now I wish I had ordered sample of this in most recent order. Sounds delicious. And mysterious. Love how detailed reviews are - as it gives me a lot of info - I probably wouldn't think of having in next order - but reviews make me want this NOW. :D


That said, likely 2 samples will be in my next order along with the sugars. I love rich vanilla and creamy type scents, so I am hoping this works for me as I also want to explore resins more. My skin did something awful to LP Gold (amped and morphed everthing like mad, horrible, had to wipe it off like within 5 min after applying - was so sad). Love the notes in LP Black, so hoping my skin will 'play nice' with it. WIll post back after proper testing and review.


ETA: Have 2 samples on the way now - yay! If it is as good as the reviews and luscious decadence per Memorare& Dolly - OMG, will be FB for sure. I can't wait to try!! :cat690: End of pre-squee. :Emoticons04263:

Edited by Beach Goddess
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My third stop on my tour of the permanent LPs in the women's sampler was LP Black. This is another one which, like Pink, I would not have chosen on my own, so you can imagine my astonishment when I absolutely fell in love with it!! I am a big fan of Sugared Honeycomb and I could clearly detect the honeycomb in this, especially when wet. After it's had some time to dry down, the honeycomb blends in a lot more and stands out a lot less, and the overall effect is freaking amazing. Rich, creamy, and sweet, but not candied. Sort of gourmand, but not "I just slathered myself in a cupcake." Black doesn't change as much or as often on me as LP Original does, but it does evolve to some extent as it is worn. I got a lot more patch in the beginning, a lot more vanilla at the end. At no point did I remind anyone of a hippie, not that there's anything wrong with hippies but I know patchouli gets a bad rep :P


I also got a lot of positive reactions from others when wearing this one out, I would have called them hits if I had been wearing any pheros (I wasn't). My man also enjoyed this one on me, he claims he likes it equally to Original but Original didn't get me any action and Black did so....hmmm on that one :D

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Sort of gourmand, but not "I just slathered myself in a cupcake."


My man is not into foodies, so as soon as I smell like I slathered myself in a cupcake, he reminds me of that....lol.....it's ok though, because foodies are not my preference either.


He and I both love Black because the patch and amber keep it from being too foody but still rich and decadent.

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That is exactly the word I was trying to find and couldn't think of, Dolly...decadent. That is Black in a nutshell!

I keep coming back to this one, a FB is going to be in my next order for sure. Now I just get to wring my hands over whether I want it in oil, spray or both...I really love sprays but I can imagine myself overdoing it with this one and knocking out the neighbors...If some is good, more must be better, right?? :P

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I cant wait to get another sample for winter. I loved layering it with Snowbound. I needed so little of it it lasted me a year. I would like to try it layered with Sugared Cream and Birthday Cake to start....who knows? I may like it on its own by now, the way things change for me. Next order for sure...

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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  • 2 weeks later...

Got 2 samples due to reviews of this being awesome, so here goes - this one got travel shock for me, so I suggest waiting a few days after receiving prior to testing. That said, of course I didn't wait for my 1st test. I've tested 4 times now, so feel good enough to post: In bold below is the descrip from LP - copied/ pasted directly from LP website:


Magical Properties: Seduction, Sexual Stimulant, Sensuality, Yearning, Attraction, Enticement, Love, Lust, Fertility, Eternal Youth, Playfulness, Fascination, Riches, Luck, Healing, Protection & Hex-breaking.


GIven all the above (including the hex-breaking which anyone can always use) - I'm in.


Wet: Smell patch, brown sugar, amber. more patch. Patch amped like crazy on me 1st test - attributed to travel shock. I was so worried my skin would turn this into a trauma like it did LP gold , thankfully after later testing Patch backed off.


On dry down: Starts to smell perfumey (again invoking my prior experience) - must be the patch or maybe patch and amber together. No idea. Brown sugar definitely shows its face, it's a nice brown sugar that does not turn to maple on me (yay!). Brown sugar definitely blends in nicely for warm intoxicating scent. Take that bold patch! (I like patch just not amped like a mad scent that pierces).


I have a hard time smelling the vanilla on my skin - is it my nose or my skin chemistry? No clue, I *know* it's there but can't detect on myself. :( For some reason think it's my sniffer. Maybe after more resting' vanilla will bloom more? Or maybe the scent just starts to blend so nicely my novice nose just can't smell it.


This is a beautiful complex and very rich (decadent as others have said) scent. It's growing on me and gives me nice 'warm fuzzies' when wearing. As bold as it is (and not bold in the throw, just bold in the sniff), it's very elegant. This could be worn anywhere alone, layered, or boosted. (heehee)


I'm an LP Pink girl, that and LAM BCP will always be my #1s (ok OCCO Ambrosia. BB & SD too)... but LP Black is going to be a staple for me. I feel confident wearing alone but can't wait to play more with layering. It wears well with LP Pink and OCCO Ambrosia. I find those 2 make anything more playful and bubbly light.


Wearing solo: makes me feel warm, comforted, also like a very elegant beautiful woman who has the world at her fingertips. It has the feeling of cashmere (fabric not fragrance) but less fuzzy, much more smooth. If that makes sense (??)


It's a super elegant super rich scent - and love the magickal properties.

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You can also layer it with OCCO White which is nothing but vanilla.....and of course, it is FAB with OCCO Black too

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You can also layer it with OCCO White which is nothing but vanilla.....and of course, it is FAB with OCCO Black too

Thanks Dolly! Is OCCO white a foodie vanilla or perfumey vanilla or a combo? I'm hoping for decadent dark foodie vanilla -- or even the sugary foodie vanilla, but my skin tends to make perfumey vanilla SUPER piercy perfumey.

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I guess it would be considered foody by some, but I don't find it overly foody.....if it was, my man wouldn't like it too much, but he loves it.....on me, it is very THICK smelling, if that makes sense......mix it with LP Black or OCCO Black and it is explosive!! OCCO BLack + OCCO White = sex in a bottle.....

Edited by Dolly
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I think you'd be fine with OCCO White, BG. It reminds me of vanilla frosting, not perfume. :) Adding it to my list of combos to try with LP Black, once I have more of it! I'm clinging to my last few drops in the trial vial, it's quite the sad state of affairs!


Dolly (or anyone who'd like to chime in who has tried it!), would you say OCCO Black is similar to LP Black like OCCO Red is to LP Red? I love LP Black but it hadn't even occurred to me to try the OCCO as I wasn't sure they are actually supposed to "match" or if their colors are coincidental. Ok I just read this three times and I'm still not sure the question makes sense, I hope it does!

Edited by Memorare
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They are supposed to be "similar", so that they can be layered easily, but they are a bit different. I think Mara said she made the OCCOs like "simpler" versions of the colors......the OCCO Black is like LP black in that it is resinous, but it doesn't have the vanilla and honey vibe going on. I like OCCO Black just by itself as well.....it is resinous, but isn't too dark, so a person who is not into dark perfumes could still pull it off. If you love LP Black, YOU MUST get OCCO Black! I have a bottle that is half OCCO Black and half LP Black, because I wear them together that much! It is dangerous!

Edited by Dolly
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I think you'd be fine with OCCO White, BG. It reminds me of vanilla frosting, not perfume. :) Adding it to my list of combos to try with LP Black, once I have more of it! I'm clinging to my last few drops in the trial vial, it's quite the sad state of affairs!


Dolly (or anyone who'd like to chime in who has tried it!), would you say OCCO Black is similar to LP Black like OCCO Red is to LP Red? I love LP Black but it hadn't even occurred to me to try the OCCO as I wasn't sure they are actually supposed to "match" or if their colors are coincidental. Ok I just read this three times and I'm still not sure the question makes sense, I hope it does!

I guess it would be considered foody by some, but I don't find it overly foody.....if it was, my man wouldn't like it too much, but he loves it.....on me, it is very THICK smelling, if that makes sense......mix it with LP Black or OCCO Black and it is explosive!! OCCO BLack + OCCO White = sex in a bottle.....

Thanks M and Dolly! I have OCCO Pink (shocker) and but haven't tried OCCO White yet. It sounds like white may be the best one for me to layer with LP Black to get the Vanilla to go BOOM.


I don't get any Vanilla from OCCO Pink (i don't think it has vanilla, so... makes sense) but like layering that with LP Pink which is LOADED with Vanilla. So will add OCCO White to my list. Ah, it this rate I won't get to sugars until Nov or later, but oh well. A gir's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. :)


ETA: I have layered with OCCO Ambrosia which gives it a different spin. M and Dolly, if you like both of these, you'll probably like these together. It creates difft scent (of course) but is yummy and elegant.

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Dolly (or anyone who'd like to chime in who has tried it!), would you say OCCO Black is similar to LP Black like OCCO Red is to LP Red?

Not to me - the Reds are similar in their spiciness (although OCCO Red is more fruity), but LP Black is really creamy whereas OCCO Black is entirely resinous.

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  • 1 month later...

I tried a swipe of my sample on my wrist a few weeks ago and something smelled really dirty on me. It was probably the honeycomb. It just stayed warm, sweet and dirty. I had to wash it off.


A couple of weeks later, when I discovered that I was warming up to LP Rouge, I tried it again.

I applied a couple of swipes on my wrists and belly. Although I found the two LPs very similar when wet, LP Black, to me, is creamier and darker than LP Rouge, and not as perfumey, but for some reason it still smells dirty on my skin... I get no spice (no wonder, there is no cinnamon). My skin just smells sweet, creamy, warm and... dirty. Or maybe dark is the right word? You know, the" smokey powder" scent :(
Maybe my nose just hasn't graduated to the LP Black level yet. :Emoticons04269:

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It is probably the patchouli. I personally love it, but some people perceive it as dirty.....

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  • 1 month later...

I'm new to LP but have tried quite a few samples. Of those, on me LP Black is by far the most variable from day to day, though in all cases it's very long-wearing; sometimes I can still smell it even after showering! Today I'm wearing it and mostly getting yummy honey (the first time I've gotten a foody vibe from this), another day it was "incensey" (heavy on the resins?) and on another day...I don't know how to describe it in terms of notes, but I smelled like sex on a stick (and it made me insanely aroused, which is awesome as far as I'm concerned :666: ).


Then I had a couple of times where the scent was completely overwhelming and I had to wash it off (one of those times was the very next day after I got the super horny effect, which was a real bummer). I've used about the same amount in each case. I do know the two times I really disliked it it was a week or two before my period. I may have to track when that tipping point happens because when I love it I realllllllllllly love it. I'll probably get a full bottle of this at some point (so many :perfume: , so little :moneyfairy13: , though that hasn't stopped me from spending an embarrassing amount of money since I stumbled upon LPMP like...a month ago :blink: ); is it possible to order perfume (roller ball) in a silicone base, or is that reserved for pheromone blends/enhanced fragrances (and only when ordering sprays?)?

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is it possible to order perfume (roller ball) in a silicone base, or is that reserved for pheromone blends/enhanced fragrances (and only when ordering sprays?)




You can get UNscented blends in a silicone base in Roll On, but no scented blends.

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Interestingly, when I wear LP Black, I read the sweet notes. I know the patch is there and find it incredibly complimentary/grounding but others seem to read it as incense because I've gotten that, "What smells like incense?", or, "candle?", comment before.

I haven't ever read LP B as dirty or even dark really...fascinating...mysterious...veiled...inviting...

To Dolly's point, I have a friend who loathes patchouli. I wonder if I were to ask here if she reads it as dirty, would she say yes, just because she feels so intensely about it as a note?


I would never have gotten anything from LP B that I would have said I read as dirty, and I've not ever really believed I was a great fan of patchouli. I just seemed to fall under "like it", or, "don't like it" in a fragrance. :huh:


LP Black and Pink have turned out to be my 2 favorites - OH! And LP Latte...for as long as it lasts...

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My b/f always gets the incense feel from LP Black. Sometimes it seems really sweet to me, and sometimes it is quite naughty (probably the honey/honeycomb). Patch often goes "dirty hippie" on me, but this one never has.

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^^^YES! If I had to pick out something naughty, I would probably think it was the honeycomb first :D But knowing how my friend feels about patch is making me wonder about perception...

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After 12+ hours I'm starting to smell the amber; about halfway through the day the honeycomb shifted to brown sugar. I haven't gotten vanilla from this at all so far, and the patchouli is so well blended I haven't noticed it as an individual note, though I think it's part of what adds depth to the fragrance.


Interesting questions about perception of scents; if I smell, say, honeycomb, when I'm wearing it, would Rose say I smell like vanilla, Bella's boyfriend say I smell like incense and NuTrix's friend say I stink of patchouli (my poor beloved patchouli ;) )? I've not noticed this variation much with commercial perfumes--maybe it's the fixatives they use? I love the way these fragrances bloom and morph, though. It makes each one as personal and unique as the individual wearing it. :)

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Scent perception is so cool! It's back to the fact also, that Mara does not use a stabilizer. Y'know.. I was thinking about this the other day and recalled a commercial perfume back in the 70s that my Mom and I shared. It was called "You're the Fire," and they promoted it as an incense like perfume that was designed to smell distinctively different on everyone who wore it. It smelled a bit different on my mom than it did on me, but not TOO much. Then again, we were close blood relatives. They probably left out the stabilizer too. And BTW, I love that perfume' s name! :)

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  • 1 month later...

This is the most intriguing LP perfume to me. I ordered it not too long ago and tried it almost immediately. In the bottle, this is divine. It's so dark and grown-up and mysterious. I put it on and was so taken by the scent. It's stunning! Within a few hours, it turned into play doh on me. Damn it!!!

I have to try it again (and again and again). I'm not giving up on this one! I want to smell like this! I want to look like the lady on the bottle! ;) I've been looking for scent lockets too, just for this scent alone. (I'll have to get another one for other scents.) I'm going to try the bra trick. I'm going to try just about anything because this is a fantastic perfume. ❤❤❤

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I have LP: Black although I have added cops in mine which, I guess, will alter the scent a little.


It pulls a lot of honeycomb on my skin which I love but I don't get much of the vanilla coming through and I wish I did as I love Vanilla (I've ordered NOCO white to remedy this). The patch doesn't take over on me and the honey smell stays pretty consistent. At first I wasn't too sure whether I liked this one but having tried it a few times now it is really growing on me. And I adore, adore, adore the label for this one.


However occasionally it smells a little of pee. Do you think this is the added cops as opposed to the scent blend?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've noticed that LP Black can *sometimes* smell like pee on me too, but only when I go out in the rain. How weird is that? It's like it smells gorgeous but if it's raining, suddenly like a cat pee smell. I thought maybe it was just me but has happened a few times now. Luckily it doesn't stay that way long but it is odd.

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I have GOT to layer Black with something vanilla-ish or it's just too.....SOMETHING on me!

MDC - have you tried it with OCCO white? It also layers well with LP Pink. What am I saying? I'm newbie here still, so you probably have tried these. DOI. :D


But it layers well with both of those, I haven't layered it with much else - yet. But will. It's a strong scent and at first not a 'me' scent, but there is also something so wonderfully elegant and strong about it.

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MDC - have you tried it with OCCO white? It also layers well with LP Pink. What am I saying? I'm newbie here still, so you probably have tried these. DOI. :D


But it layers well with both of those, I haven't layered it with much else - yet. But will. It's a strong scent and at first not a 'me' scent, but there is also something so wonderfully elegant and strong about it.

Sadly I have never been able to wear LP Pink! I do like Black with Occo White but my very favorite to mix it with is Snowbound! LP Black and Snowbound is my favorite bedtime combo. I don't remember the notes of Snowbound but it is very vanilla with smokey almonds or some such thing.

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Anyone tried mixing with Aja ? I have a very lonely bottle of straight Aja in my closet and she wants to be put in something....probably many different somethings since I *really* smell it in tiny quanities.

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I don't remember the notes of Snowbound but it is very vanilla with smokey almonds or some such thing.




MAPLE SYRUP ~ Love attraction, longevity; money attractant.

HICKORY ~ Aids legal matters. Love, lust, protection.

CHESTNUT ~ Amplifies male potency, love.

ALMOND ~ Fertility, stamina, masculine energy, business success, money, prosperity, wisdom, intuition, insight.

COCONUT ~ Protection, purification, receptivity.

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MAPLE SYRUP ~ Love attraction, longevity; money attractant.HICKORY ~ Aids legal matters. Love, lust, protection.CHESTNUT ~ Amplifies male potency, love.ALMOND ~ Fertility, stamina, masculine energy, business success, money, prosperity, wisdom, intuition, insight.COCONUT ~ Protection, purification, receptivity.

No vanilla?! Lol. Crazy. Did not even renember there was coconut in there either.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have GOT to layer Black with something vanilla-ish or it's just too.....SOMETHING on me!



I'm that way too. I'm wearing LP: Black this morning and I'll definitely have to offset it with some OCCO: White or BBM or something. I like the fragrance, I just find it to be a bit too intense on me sometimes. Even after having let it age for a number of months, it still retains a dark resinous value that winds up feeling a bit overwhelming. I'm a bit extreme when it comes to the resinous scents. Spark in the Dark wears incredibly lightly to me. It might as well be air. Whereas LP: Black is deep and stays strong for a long time on my skin.


I was actually thinking of buying a bottle of it for a friend who loves patchouli, amber, honeyish scents. I think it'll make a great gift and introduction to LPMP.

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VexedGlory, I wrote LP Black off for, I think, an entire year or maybe more! It took some adjusting and growing for my appreciation of the artisan fragrances here to develop. Black isn't anything like I had recalled it when I first tried it! I ordered another sample to give it another try - had quite liked LP Passion and Desire and thought I could always combine Black with Pink to use up the trial. To my utter surprise - it was wonderful! I don't wear it very often - I just have so many it's sad - but I adore it now. Do you like/have any pink scents? They do seem to very much like one another :) Maybe you can give them a whirl together?

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  • 4 months later...

A few months ago I'd gotten my bride a sample of this. She finally got around to trying it and really likes it. Years ago, I actually wore this for a short time before it got confiscated by a friend. She wanted it for herself. I love the brown sugar in this. My beautiful bride is funny, I'm starting to get her into the scents and she described LP: Black as a cross between LP: Red and Wicked. Interesting comparison but I'm just happy she is starting to understand my love of the stinky stuff from here.


On my bride this is ALL brown sugar at first but then after the drydown it is sweet and dark and resinous and more of a mysterious sexy vibe than LP Red which just smells straight up sexy on her. She's starting to want to go out more after years of being in a cocoon and I think the LP's are helping her confidence. She is so much more beautiful than she gives herself credit for and when she wears her LP's not only do I compliment her but even random strangers do and I think it is helping her feel better about herself.

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A few months ago I'd gotten my bride a sample of this. She finally got around to trying it and really likes it. Years ago, I actually wore this for a short time before it got confiscated by a friend. She wanted it for herself. I love the brown sugar in this. My beautiful bride is funny, I'm starting to get her into the scents and she described LP: Black as a cross between LP: Red and Wicked. Interesting comparison but I'm just happy she is starting to understand my love of the stinky stuff from here.


On my bride this is ALL brown sugar at first but then after the drydown it is sweet and dark and resinous and more of a mysterious sexy vibe than LP Red which just smells straight up sexy on her. She's starting to want to go out more after years of being in a cocoon and I think the LP's are helping her confidence. She is so much more beautiful than she gives herself credit for and when she wears her LP's not only do I compliment her but even random strangers do and I think it is helping her feel better about herself.

I can see that comparison. Of course skin chemistry plays a roll. If she gets the brown sugar and all the patch that's in Black yea, I might not have thought that right off but hearing yes I get it.


Well if she likes Black, she's in as far as Artisan smellies go. IMO. It don't get less comerical than Black. Unless you go full SLF!! Get her "Horny"!

Edited by StacyK
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