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Like A Magnet--WOW

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my 2 cents :D


Those are some excellent observations and suggestions, Nu Trix! Thank you for sharing!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oooh where to begin?...

First, I have the Orchid Rose scented LAM. It's very nice and delicate, though no matter how long I let it dry down I still seem to smell like cops (though my friend doesn't have this issue so it may just be me), but even if I don't try to cover it, it still works like freaking *MAGIC* :heart106:

So... on to the effects of the pheros. OH MY GOD. Slather this on (or even don't slather so much on), and I instantly get butterflies in my stomach, like that feeling you get in the few seconds leading up to your first kiss (cheesy, yes, but accurate lol). I'm jittery but in a nervous giddy "first date" kinda way, even when I'm sitting by myself in the car. All this said, I definitely get a reaction when wearing LAM. Guys are friendlier, flirtier, and I dare say I sit up taller and giggle more

All in all, it makes me feel :Sexy: lol, very sexy

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to say now that I am kind of like Luna in that LAM has become my "happy sauce". When I am at home alone, just me being me, I find myself reaching for the LAM Sandalwood. It is just a soft, unobtrusive scent.......and it also layers well with the darker scents that I tend to wear, in case I want to "amp it up" if I am going out in the evening or whatever.


LAM original? I go through GALLONS of that stuff with my man......he is ok with the S&R scent, but he loooooooooves the original......

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  • 4 months later...

LAM + TH + LFM = Me feeling happy and sexy. Too bad I have to spend most of my time on the computer for networking right now, I will be out this weekend for real world experimentation.




Spicy Brown Sugar: Cops are almost evident, but I layer with other scents for a reason. Very sexy, IMO.


I never thought to put LAM + LFM, together... I am going to give that one a try real soon.. My LFM bottle gets very little use and I'm trying to figure out ways to use it...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Everytime I wear this, I marvel at the sheer effectiveness of it. And the fact that it can be worn in so many ways.....it can be layered with other scents, or in my favorite way, which is straight up when I am fresh from the shower....my man's fave variety is the original scent (sugared vanilla and honey)......it is not an overpowering or loud scent, and the pheros are TOTALLY effective! LOVE IT! I have gone through so many bottles of this that it isn't even funny! I lost count, actually......

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I decided to give my LAM Pink Amber sample a go tonight. I was feeling very happy and sensual after coming home from a dance class, and I felt that LAM would have the kind of vibe that would compliment my mood. Took a quick shower and applied a small-ish amount of the scent to wrists, neck, collarbone, cleavage and tummy (sounds like a lot of places but I only dabbed a little bit of the oil with my finger). As the scent is supposed to be light I was cautious not to apply too much, thinking that as a newbie I could easily go over the top without the scent giving me indication of having applied enough. The scent is very pink, sweet and delicious. I absolutely LOVE it! :love: It's so delicious and sweet I want to keep on sniffing myself, and I like the fact that it's quite light, even though I wouldn't mind having a similar scent in a stronger variant.


As to the phero effects, can't say I had any luck tonight. My husband had his mind set on working this evening and although he was perfectly nice, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. I certainly didn't draw him in like a magnet even though I tried to initiate a conversation with him several times. In the end we did have a conversation, but it was very serious and not at all the light and flirty kind. We talked about a certain issue I've been feeling sad and frustrated about lately (not related to the two of us or our relationship), so it ended up with me crying uncontrollably and him comforting me. Now he's working and I'm going to go to sleep alone. But hey, at least I smell really really good! B)


I will try this one again to see if it has any effects on him, but I'll have to do it when I know he won't be preoccupied with his work. I do wonder whether I applied enough, but I think that tonight's disappointment was mostly about him just not being in the mood for loving. <_<

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Pink Amber is my to-go scent among the entire range. I often pair it with BAM under pink scents, particularly LP Pink. Maybe you didn't apply enough. Maybe he really needed to work. You'll have plenty of opportunities to test drive pheros around him. Have fun!

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  • 1 month later...

Love my LAM......going to be wearing Sandalwood and Resins scent today......just because I like it!

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I love spicy brown sugar! I've read the complaints about cops bleeding through, but...I'm not getting it?


In fact, I haven't smelled cops in any of the cop-containing formulas...but maybe that's because I don't know what I'm supposed to be sniffing for.


What if I'm anosmic to cops and everybody else could smell my stink?! OOOO.OOOO

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So here is an account of the first time I ever wore LAM. My last order ( not the NRs) I received contained my much anticipated trial of LAM brown sugar. So I can't wait the next day to give it a try .. Just for me, you know day off, errands personal stuff, kids, ect. You know how it is when you want a test drive.

so loved the spicy BS scent, that just adds to the peppy-ness of the phero IMO. So here I go about my business.. about an hour after application I really feel good.. I honesty felt at one point like I was just vibrating a bit. Good energy. So off I go to drop of my daughter ect.. It's now about 90 min after application. I go to get gas. I pretty much never go in the gas mart or whatever, but there's this drink at one particular place so in go just to get it.

Now I'm dressed for comfort and speed today. Sneakers, tank top with a old stretched out hoodie ( I mean it has coffee stains not sexy, just a cover for the tank while out. .. and slightly big but still fitted,yoga pants ( really not at all tight, no camel toe ect) these suckers are a lightweight fleece ok no tight ass Lycra, cotton, spandex ect. I'm comfortable but presentable. No make up,hair in a ponytail.

So I walk past these,, humm lets just say two guys, they both do a hard double take a third guy is walking out as I go in. he turn and followed me back in. I see these 3 (men?) Lets just stop here to take into account what Mara has said about people with LOW social filters. I mean thank good it's daytime with witnesses. I go in not really paying any attention to them or anyone. But I FEEL the eyes on me. My senses and past experience say make use of that peripheral vision. ( Did not want my ass grabbed or anything) So I turn to go to the register with my drink, because fuck them I came for it and I'm not about to just leave w/o it! They all just mill around staring ( yea, I really did not expect to be hounded by dudes with neck tats) one of the cashiers is giving me the stink eye. This girl is at least 20 years younger than me, but apparently she likes the attention she gets from the guys who I'm guessing by now are regulars. She hisses a one of them " I know what you thinking". WTF??

She the totally ignores me ( next in line) and takes the guy behind me to cash out. no big I just focus all my attention on the other cashier, who is watching all this as she does her thing. She takes me next and I have to walk by the guys again to leave one opens the door for me while another semi blocks it for a sec. I get out , get to my car, leave, the end. Never wear LAM to a gas station lol. I have not been leered at like that in humm 10 years. This was with a trial. no mara maneuver ect

Lesson ends here.


BTW. My sweatshirt was zipped up aprox 1 inch below my collar bone.. after I entered the store I zipped it all the way to my neck.. trying to contain the LAM as close to me as possible.

Edited by StacyK
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  • 2 months later...

snap stacy those are some pretty intense hits! Gas stations down south are pretty scary.... but i somehow ending up blowing a good chunk of money there haha. At least youre alright and nothing bad happened to you :^^:





This was my story for the playdate w/LAM.

Slathered it on two different times today (on both sides of the neck and a 'cross' first, 'x' the second on the chest so i can deeply huff it without looking too weird in public lol) ...and i used titillating temptress on my tummy for the hell of it because i originally didnt plan on leaving the house at all accept to go get milk thats less than a block away....i let everything dry down instead of rubbing it all dry and its actually alot better because the smell is more "whole". I didnt pay attention or look for hits but now that i think of it i did get a bunch, I soiled my own plans on being lazy and left the house after getting milk and all the ladies were shooting me venomous glares. A little uneasy because i dont really wanna fight--too lazy for that. it was pretty weird. I spaced cadet about the mones until i got home whoops....but no real hits from guys all day. In the mid P.M. I went to a friend's bachelor pad where all my Guinea pigs....i mean male possy chill at, I did notice that all my guy friends were touchy and friendly which i thought was weird because theyre all nerdy nerds with their video games and magic cards, they dont usually acknowledge me much. I didnt wear anything special-- airforce jacket that "hides my figure" so to speak, a picture tee, and pants.


Boring TMI sorry its pretty wordy cuz schoolgirl gushing about a crush



I hung out with My TG(first ex whose an aries. hes abit.....ill say "young" to be committed at this point. strong attraction but its complicated)


He doesnt know how to interact with a friendly ex so it was kinda weird. We originally were six feet away from each other because being "fresh" out of a relationship and still being friends after has this awkward air to it. His B.o is intoxicating so it was like i got drunk for a minute but i swayed the opposite direction instead of into him. Like it STINKS but it smells like beautiful tart musk(mixed with his dank sweat) that i want to roll around in it and bask in its stinky glory and share it with the world haha im sorry you had to read that :Blusher:


Anyways he was across the room and i sitting on the arm of a extra large love seat on the other side. I initiated interaction with some food because i wanted to see him make ugly faces when he ate something weird. After i handed him the foody stuffs he probably got a whiff cuz he got up and stood closer, thats what happened until he got distracted by friends magic game on the floor near me--he sat on the floor n elbowed my shin then almost gave it a kiss but stroked it instead. he got up after a bit to sit on the couch then his attention was all on me like i did something magnificent when he wasnt looking and i had this shit eating grin on my face cuz i was pimpslapped with a wall of feel-good cozyness. yeaaaah those selfies are abit late to the party.


He eyed me suspiciously for while but he relaxed--ALOT--he leaned onto me then was practically sitting on me by the end of the night, Like he couldnt get any closer to me with out it getting graphic lol He just got LAM'ed. Everyone else got LAM'ed too but(they didnt matter to me atm. had a hunk on me) i think LAM makes everyone lazy, nobody wanted to get up and do anything! wherever i went they would get upset and ask where i was going everytime i wanted to do something which is queer cuz its a come n go as you please house. We(me n TG) left, not before he did a game of "omg peekaboo are you still outside?" with the door. we walked to the grocery store cuz he wouldnt shut up about being hungry and wouldnt do anything about it. He was probably more in tune with his feelings or something cuz he just wanted to chitchat but i wanted to make sure he stuffed his face so i got impatient with the banter. i kept cutting him off telling him to get food and he kept bumping into me and fallowing me around the store. He wanted pizza but he fallowed me down the canned goods, candy, and meat isle until i chased him away with crab pinchers (its a tickle move where you use your index and thumb fingers to grab at a fat roll or someone's sides) After he did his thing we were talking about life and stuff then it dawned on me that he was getting ready to go for the kill(the kissy kissy kill) the slow walking, the fidgeting, deep breathing ect. I bounced back and yelled something about the weather. He chuckled and talked about his dreams and i shared some ideas. was pretty okay.


The night ended alright, he was kinda reluctant to leave my side when i walked him halfway to his house, i chirped my curt goodnight. After that he branched away and booked it across street then up the stairs. aaaah what a scream im still gushing about how hard the hit was :001_302:


TMI rant over/

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  • 6 months later...

So I had been very much infatuated with this guy who works at the cafe I go to get my work done. We've enjoyed many small conversations, smiles, and furtive glances, but nothing ever too bold. I have been on a phero detox, and decided to LAM it up next time I decided to go. Nothing really happened, but that couldn't kill the buzz I was getting from LAM. The next day however, he found me on Facebook and sent me a sweet message. Here is a snippet of the message he sent me:



I feel really sheepish saying this for a lot of reasons, BUT it's something I feel I need to say... I haven't been able to get you off my mind for a while now. Honestly, for a long time. It's crazy, but especially after seeing you the last time here. I haven't felt at a loss for words(like when I saw you last) for a long long time.


Turns out I phero'd bombed him speechless! XD Oh how I love LAM.

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So I had been very much infatuated with this guy who works at the cafe I go to get my work done. We've enjoyed many small conversations, smiles, and furtive glances, but nothing ever too bold. I have been on a phero detox, and decided to LAM it up next time I decided to go. Nothing really happened, but that couldn't kill the buzz I was getting from LAM. The next day however, he found me on Facebook and sent me a sweet message. Here is a snippet of the message he sent me:



Turns out I phero'd bombed him speechless! XD Oh how I love LAM.

That's great. :) You now have to give a report of what happens.

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So I had been very much infatuated with this guy who works at the cafe I go to get my work done. We've enjoyed many small conversations, smiles, and furtive glances, but nothing ever too bold. I have been on a phero detox, and decided to LAM it up next time I decided to go. Nothing really happened, but that couldn't kill the buzz I was getting from LAM. The next day however, he found me on Facebook and sent me a sweet message. Here is a snippet of the message he sent me:



Turns out I phero'd bombed him speechless! XD Oh how I love LAM.



Go get him Moonholly! That's the best hit I have seen in awhile!

Totally impressive indeed!

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So I had been very much infatuated with this guy who works at the cafe I go to get my work done. We've enjoyed many small conversations, smiles, and furtive glances, but nothing ever too bold. I have been on a phero detox, and decided to LAM it up next time I decided to go. Nothing really happened, but that couldn't kill the buzz I was getting from LAM. The next day however, he found me on Facebook and sent me a sweet message. Here is a snippet of the message he sent me:




Turns out I phero'd bombed him speechless! XD Oh how I love LAM.

Bravo, Moonholly! So sweet of him to look you up and leave you a message on Facebook.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, ladies, I have to share this real quick, cause I think I put something of a phero grenade on someone, and I have to ask your opinion. Last week I put on some LAM, and by that, I mean, quite a bit of LAM, and some Occo Ambrosia on my wrists, and was dressed sharp and in a good mood. Day was loaded with work, and my boss was on a trip, so he asked me to ask another guy in the department to look over a project that had to be finished that day. I can do that pretty much on my own, but my boss just wanted me to have someone for back-up. So I tell this guy about it, and in the afternoon he comes to my office, takes a seat and gets to work. Thing is: to do the job assigned, there was no need to be in my office. He could have been across the hallway in his own room. But he sat there for 4 hours, talking to me, asking my opinion, getting close, hovering next to me. At some point we were both giddy and laughing, people were coming in and out, everyone in a silly, high-strung mood, glad to be finishing a good project. So we finally left in laughter and high spirits and with some flirty banter, all very pleasant and flattering.

I had a great weekend after that Friday, and then yesterday at the office I overhear this guy talking to a colleague, saying he had the worst weekend, he had kind of a breakdown immediately when he came home, like all the energy drained out of him, felt really strange, like a teenager unhappy in love. And couldnt get his mood up all weekend. So I am thinking that of course, the project and the adrenaline get you some sort of high, but maybe the LAM really bumped it up to a new dimension? And then came the hangover? I felt a bit bad for him, especially since I had a great time all weekend.

What do you think?

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It's hard to say for certain, but it sounds like he had a form of withdrawal. I think you Phero bombed your office and he had prolonged prolonged exposure. Poor guy, he may not be used to that level of highs and lows.

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I guess. I think LAM really hits them. I had another friend-colleague hug me on that day in the morning, and when he released me, he took a step back, stared at me and said, Jesus, I was about to really kiss you now. I mean, really smooch you! He was laughing, but also really confused.

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Oh yea, LAM a body slam with pheros. It's a potent head turner. Remember, with great power, come great responsibility ;)

Edited by StacyK
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  • 2 weeks later...

Oddly, Sandalwood and Resins completely fails to cover LAM on my skin. I find this entirely weird, because Sugared Honey and Vanilla *totally* covers it. I would have thought heavier notes like wood and resins would cover it better. It smells like EOW added to Popularity Potion on my skin.

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I realize this is an older post, but I didn't know where to put this (& I don't want to start a new topic)


I admit, I am overly-excited about finding LPMP recently, quite by accident (but really, are there accidents!??) I ordered many things in a short amount of time, and last week I got some of my latest treasures - one being LAM spray, original scent.


Ok so last night (Sat) I'm under the assumption that my two teenage boys will be hanging out with friends... Leaving hubs and I at home alone (a rare occurrence). I am also trying to shake a wicked sinus infection (perfectly timed with the receipt of my latest box of LP of course, can't smell much of anything) so I feel decidedly UN-SEXY. So in a WTH moment, I spritz myself with LAM thinking I will "test" to see if hubs pick up on it. I can't smell anything...I try a little LP Red on my wrists to see if I can get some olfactory stimuli...nothin. Hubs is napping.


I decide to go empty the dishwasher (sexy chores, I know) when my oldest son (an athletic, healthy, gorgeous 18) comes blasting through the front door... "MOM I need you to help me with somethin' real quick..." Turns out he ISN'T disappearing for the night, but is working on a physics assignment (decidedly out of character for my son). He puts his laptop on the dining room table, and pulls up what he wants me to help with. I exit the kitchen and stand next to him; we are both looking at the screen, reading. Suddenly, he starts to get 'sniffly'... like he might sneeze, or cough, or his nose is itching. I back away from him and walk back into the kitchen wondering if I have bombed him with LAM. He seems to shake off the sniffs, is talking to me (from the other room) about the assignment. Says, "what about this...come look at this." So I walk back over towards him, reading the screen again, and AGAIN he starts rubbing his itchy nose and sniffling. I said "What's wrong darlin'? Is my perfume too strong?" He said "No mom. I don't know what's happening to me." So I left the room again and it subsided.


Poor thing never put it together that he was, at least temporarily, "allergic" to mom. I don't know what else it could have been, other than the LAM. Thank God he never showed any Oedipus complex symptoms (which would have been a dead giveaway- but I'm relieved that didn't occur!) So I'd like opinions from the experienced forum members... Does this sound like a reaction to the Phero/cops in LAM or perhaps the spray diffusion (up to this point I've only worn the oils- including LP Red w/no adverse reactions)?


It was an unexpectedly humorous case study at the very least. And hubby was very touchy-feely the rest of the night (no major action but the kids ended up at home too) but at least he didn't magically become allergic to me!

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I've been in situations where wearing LPs seemed to make people sneeze -- always within the first hour of so of applying.


As for Oedipal things *shudder*, I think the generally-accepted wisdom around here is that pheros can't make people do things that they wouldn't naturally/are totally out of character for them. So, it's likely that the worst-case scenario is that your son though you smelled funky. But people with children would be able to shed more light on this, I think. Just wanted to allay your fears!

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I realize this is an older post, but I didn't know where to put this (& I don't want to start a new topic)


I admit, I am overly-excited about finding LPMP recently, quite by accident (but really, are there accidents!??) I ordered many things in a short amount of time, and last week I got some of my latest treasures - one being LAM spray, original scent.


Ok so last night (Sat) I'm under the assumption that my two teenage boys will be hanging out with friends... Leaving hubs and I at home alone (a rare occurrence). I am also trying to shake a wicked sinus infection (perfectly timed with the receipt of my latest box of LP of course, can't smell much of anything) so I feel decidedly UN-SEXY. So in a WTH moment, I spritz myself with LAM thinking I will "test" to see if hubs pick up on it. I can't smell anything...I try a little LP Red on my wrists to see if I can get some olfactory stimuli...nothin. Hubs is napping.


I decide to go empty the dishwasher (sexy chores, I know) when my oldest son (an athletic, healthy, gorgeous 18) comes blasting through the front door... "MOM I need you to help me with somethin' real quick..." Turns out he ISN'T disappearing for the night, but is working on a physics assignment (decidedly out of character for my son). He puts his laptop on the dining room table, and pulls up what he wants me to help with. I exit the kitchen and stand next to him; we are both looking at the screen, reading. Suddenly, he starts to get 'sniffly'... like he might sneeze, or cough, or his nose is itching. I back away from him and walk back into the kitchen wondering if I have bombed him with LAM. He seems to shake off the sniffs, is talking to me (from the other room) about the assignment. Says, "what about this...come look at this." So I walk back over towards him, reading the screen again, and AGAIN he starts rubbing his itchy nose and sniffling. I said "What's wrong darlin'? Is my perfume too strong?" He said "No mom. I don't know what's happening to me." So I left the room again and it subsided.


Poor thing never put it together that he was, at least temporarily, "allergic" to mom. I don't know what else it could have been, other than the LAM. Thank God he never showed any Oedipus complex symptoms (which would have been a dead giveaway- but I'm relieved that didn't occur!) So I'd like opinions from the experienced forum members... Does this sound like a reaction to the Phero/cops in LAM or perhaps the spray diffusion (up to this point I've only worn the oils- including LP Red w/no adverse reactions)?


It was an unexpectedly humorous case study at the very least. And hubby was very touchy-feely the rest of the night (no major action but the kids ended up at home too) but at least he didn't magically become allergic to me!

I have an 18 year old son. While LAM would not be a choice I'd make intentionally, I obviously have had on pheros while my kids are around, sometimes unexpectedly like your case. Your LAM was in spray so maybe he was reacting to it, you have introduced something new to the environment that is diffusing in the the air all around you (sprays diffuse a wider area that the oil), it is a possibility. He may have been "ready to sneeze" because of the seasonal changes and the spray was just the final catalyst. I have never had a severe reaction to pheros in spray but I have definitely sneezed, when I was already somewhat compromised.

A far as wearing LAM around him.. he'll survive but don't be surprised if your kids are not fond of you wearing sexy scents or pheros. It may be a little disconcerting that you don't smell like "mom".

The strongest reaction I've ever had from my kids was with a fragrance (no pheros) It was "Lick of Pink" my daughter did not like it on me. Her eyes went big and she said "no!".." you shouldn't smell like that!" lol Mom likes to have fun too kids!

Edited by StacyK
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Kids or your siblings are likely to be turned off (as well they should be!! lol) by the cops in a phero.



I think I have a LAM junkie on my hands! I was wearing LAM Buttercream Peach all day yesterday. The Marine and I were unloading the dishwasher in close quarters, so he got a nice hit of LAM. i asked an innocuous question, and he answered with what I knew to be a lie. i looked at him funny and he said, "I'm sorry. I don't know why i just said that. i don't know why I'm saying anything." And he truly didn't look like he knew what was happening! Then he just stared at me and started blushing. (And we are well beyond that stage.) we moved into the living room and had coffee and watched TV. He kept sniffing my neck and my chest and picking up my hand and sniffing my wrist--all places where I had applied the LAM. i said, "I'm guessing you like my perfume" to which he responded "What perfume?" :lol:

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I've been in situations where wearing LPs seemed to make people sneeze -- always within the first hour of so of applying.

It was within 30 min of my applying...and I had no operating sense of smell so who knows what kind of force field I had goin on. (That's why I asked him if my "perfume" was too strong.)

I think the generally-accepted wisdom around here is that pheros can't make people do things that they wouldn't naturally/are totally out of character for them.

I forgot about this, but it certainly makes sense. I was JK about the Oedipus thing, but now I know that my formerly "oversexed Louisiana Bayou bad boy" hubby may indeed return someday with my LP mojos hard at work! ;) Edited by LoveStruck55
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I think I have a LAM junkie on my hands! I was wearing LAM Buttercream Peach all day yesterday. The Marine and I were unloading the dishwasher in close quarters, so he got a nice hit of LAM. i asked an innocuous question, and he answered with what I knew to be a lie. i looked at him funny and he said, "I'm sorry. I don't know why i just said that. i don't know why I'm saying anything." And he truly didn't look like he knew what was happening! Then he just stared at me and started blushing. (And we are well beyond that stage.) we moved into the living room and had coffee and watched TV. He kept sniffing my neck and my chest and picking up my hand and sniffing my wrist--all places where I had applied the LAM. i said, "I'm guessing you like my perfume" to which he responded "What perfume?" :lol:

Too funny BB!
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