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Focus Potion

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This potion focused me right to sleep :huh::wacko::blink:


I hadn't tried it yet and I wanted to run Teddy BB again today with hubs but he's sick. Then I read something on Focus Potion and thought HEY! I'll give that a whirl....While I was whiling, I dozed off...woke up, decided dozing felt kinda nice (first day off in weeks) and went with the nap scenario :lol:


I'm not on any other meds that would have interacted, I'm not on meds of any kind. Although FP did bring the calm, I think I must've just needed the rest. I was just reading and had no need to focus at a particular task. Poor potion...I'll have to give it another go around...It smelled great paired with Merry! as a cover :D


Has it made anyone else drowsy?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I tried a little bit of this on yesterday as soon as I got my hands on my first LPMP order, because I have something I really should focus on but find myself constantly distracted. It wasn't an ideal moment though, because I only had about one and a half hours before I had to go and do something else, AND I had just received the package of LP goodies and had no motivation to do anything else but explore all the lovely samples... I probably didn't put enough on, either, just a little bit on my neck and chest. I will be trying this again today, because the task I need to focus on is still there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Does anyone else notice a delayed reaction to this?


I put it on yesterday afternoon early and just went about doing normal stuff. Went to sleep and woke up, went to the bathroom and thought, you know, I should really clean my bathroom counter (I say this all the time over the past two months-- too many beauty products.)


And all of a sudden it just clicked-- oh, I can move this one thing on my bathroom shelving and then I can line up everything and all of a sudden, fifteen minutes later I had scrubbed my bathroom counter after putting beauty products on my bathroom shelving where they belong. And, to boot, just because, a little while later, I cleaned all my beauty brushes.


These are things that don't take but minutes to do, but I just couldn't be bothered and really, I can only explain it as something "clicked" in my brain and then it was easy and not painful at all, and then it was done. but there was easily 13+ hours between applying it and the cleaning.

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I need to try this sampler on again, as the first time I sprayed my sampler I did 2 sprays and headed to work and did not feel any more focused then before…

Over the last week, I have had a very difficult time staying focused on my projects at work and I’m really hoping this will work for me.

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  • 4 months later...

I am such a geek. I have had so much stuff to do around the house, basically since we moved in a year and a half ago. I'm not exactly making the progress I'd like to have made by now, so I got some Focus Potion with the hopes that it will help me get stuff done that I don't particularly like to do, and get it done painlessly. Well, my FP arrived today, and I've been itching to use it all day, but for some reason, I've been afraid to put it on! :huh:

I read upthread that someone, (Katz, maybe?), had had issues sleeping after wearing it, so I don't want to apply it tonight 'cause I'm afraid I won't get any sleep.

And then in MissHazel's review a couple of posts above, she said she had kind of a delayed reaction to it. I think that would be a l'il bit irritating to have it suddenly kick in 13 hours later.

I think I'm gonna save it until tomorrow. I'll apply early in the day, and see how long it takes to kick in, and what kind of stuff I can get done.


Anyone else been using FP recently?

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I am such a geek. I have had so much stuff to do around the house, basically since we moved in a year and a half ago. I'm not exactly making the progress I'd like to have made by now, so I got some Focus Potion with the hopes that it will help me get stuff done that I don't particularly like to do, and get it done painlessly. Well, my FP arrived today, and I've been itching to use it all day, but for some reason, I've been afraid to put it on! :huh:

I read upthread that someone, (Katz, maybe?), had had issues sleeping after wearing it, so I don't want to apply it tonight 'cause I'm afraid I won't get any sleep.

And then in MissHazel's review a couple of posts above, she said she had kind of a delayed reaction to it. I think that would be a l'il bit irritating to have it suddenly kick in 13 hours later.

I think I'm gonna save it until tomorrow. I'll apply early in the day, and see how long it takes to kick in, and what kind of stuff I can get done.


Anyone else been using FP recently?


I have Hathor boosted with focus, and I love it! No issues here......

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Thanks Dolly. I have sleep issues, that's why my concern. I don't want to suddenly wake up in the middle of the night with a desire to re-tile my bathroom or something! :lol:

I think Imma give it a whirl tomorrow, unless something unexpected comes up, 'cause I've truly got a ton of stuff that I need to get done, but which I don't anticipate enjoying in the least. I'm hoping FP will make it a l'il less painful.

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Really Luna? Okay. That makes me feel a little better. Thanks! :)

Wish me luck tomorrow. I've got a list of stuff to get done that's about as long as my leg...


Please report how it goes! I generally suck at getting things done at home, wonder if focus potion would help with that :)


I ordered Focus Potion for the cool description though, not aiming for any specific effect :D

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I've really been hogging the phero boards today but have to add my review of this one anyway:


I'm currently studying psychology at university via distance ed. One of my subjects this semester is Advanced Statistics, which (although I am good at maths and logic) is a diabolically boring subject. I'm regularly heading out to my car and driving around for hours at a time with no destination or purpose other than to escape the hellish tedium of this stats course. So yesterday I used my newly acquired focus potion to force myself not to procrastinate and just get something done!


I used UN focus potion without a cover scent (no naughty LP distractions for me :nono:). It works wonderfully. I got through 2 long textbook chapters, did an assessment task and then wandered round the house feeling all motivated and purposeful, looking for things to do! I vacuumed, cleaned bathrooms, cleaned the kitchen, started organising the chaos that is my bedroom, exercised, started a food diary and ended up going to bed at 3:30 am, not because I was tired from all the work but simply because I thought I should get some sleep. This was a majorly wonderful experience for me. I'm one of the world's worst procrastinators, and I usually have this perverse teenage reaction towards anything I'm supposed to be doing, which is to do everything possible to avoid doing that one necessary thing.


I don't know if anyone here has ever tried any brainwave entrainment audio tracks, but the only thing I could compare this phero to would be a particular mp3 brainwave entrainment track I've tried that is designed to switch your brain into gamma wave mode to enhance mental clarity and encourage laser-like focus. I'm almost afraid of what might happen if I were to use them both together... :hypnotic:

Edited by vladmyra
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Vladmyra, nice review. I've wondered on and off about getting FP. You review, along with a couple of other recomendations up thread, have convinced me. I generally like studying but I'm currently taking a class I find I have to push myself in. Not to mention all the other distractions that are coming my way lately. Ive been on mental and emotional overload. FP really does sound as though it would be helpful.

Your description makes it sound not only like a Focous potion but a bit of an ambition potion too.


Is anyone else getting that effect?

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Not quite that extreme, no. Then again I'm old and I don't have much ambition for anything, much less the things I have to do.

LOL Luna! :)

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  • 1 month later...

I had a uni exam for Advanced Statistics for psychology this morning. I've been sick with some damned throat/head virus thing that reared its head just 3 days before my exams started (as they do). So I showered myself in Focus Potion (6 sprays) and a little caramel musk (yumyumyum) and off I went to sit my exam, armed with a bag full of throat lozenges.


My head was kinda swimming and my nose was kinda leaking, but my Focus potion definitely helped me through it all, bless its little phero heart. I don't think I would have been able to concentrate at all without it.


And to celebrate finishing uni for the year I came home and immediately ordered a nice big lot of LP perfumes... :funnyanimation17:

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Ugh... I was so excited to get Focus Potion, and I STILL haven't given it a try. WTH? I should give it a whirl this weekend. I have a house that desperately needs cleaning and re-organizing... And a garden that needs some attention before it gets too cold...


Hee! I bet that Focus Potion really helped you focus on your new phero order, Vladmyra! :lol:

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Ugh... I was so excited to get Focus Potion, and I STILL haven't given it a try. WTH? I should give it a whirl this weekend. I have a house that desperately needs cleaning and re-organizing... And a garden that needs some attention before it gets too cold...


Hee! I bet that Focus Potion really helped you focus on your new phero order, Vladmyra! :lol:


Oh yes Eggers, it really did. I sat down at my laptop thinking "I'll just buy a couple"... Next thing I knew I had like half the store in my cart, and had to focus on getting my order down to a conservative 8 or 9 bottles. You really should give yours a go.


If you're like me, the reason you probably haven't tried it yet is because you'd rather be doing something fun or interesting, or even doing nothing at all instead of whatever it is you're supposed to be doing. Focus Potion is great, but it's all business, no play.

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I keep wanting to give it a try when I have the house to myself, and can concentrate on cleaning, which I really and truly despise doing. So maybe Sunday. BF is working, so I've got the house to myself, and the house is filthy! :lol: So the conditions are perfect. Now, if I don't get my ass handed to me at work tomorrow night, I just might have the requisite energy to, oh, I don't know, *clean*.

My problem is that I always get distracted by other pheros. Because I have a feeling Focus Potion will make me a Cleaning Lady Whirlwind. And I flippin' hate cleaning so much that I can't imagine spending a perfectly good Sunday scrubbing my floors. :lol: I suck. :P

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Okay. I've put off testing this long enough. Now I have a sinkful of dishes, a floor that needs sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming, bathrooms need scrubbing, laundry needs washing and hanging out on the line, a garden that needs a final weeding, and rice pudding that needs making.


I'm currently having a coffee, and enjoying the cool fall temperatures. But once the coffee is done, I'm havin' a bath, and then I'M GOING IN. Wish me luck and a safe return. :lol:

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Okay. That wasn't so scary. I'd had about 3 cups of coffee before I applied FP, so I felt kind of jittery and really WIDE AWAKE! LOL! I started doing the dishes immediately, and was getting into a good rhythm - had all sorts of things planned, and was really boogyin' to get it all done. And then BF came home, all excited because today was his last day at his crap-ass job, and we started talking about all the stuff we want to do to the house, and before I knew it, I was VERY, VERY FOCUSED on how I was going to design my kitchen! :lol: And redo my ceilings, (we've got super-ugly ceiling tiles in almost every stinkin' room, and have spent months coming up with clever ways to make them interesting instead of butt-fugly). I've still got to wash my glassware! Hee! But I had fun with him, taking one of the acoustic tiles out of the kitchen ceiling, to see what's up there, 'cause we thought instead of drywalling, we'd just take the tiles & framing down, & paint the rafters & all the pipes white - reaching for a sort of industrial look, with cool pendant lighting... Well, it turns out that, after a very focused inspection of what exactly is above said ugly ceiling tiles, we can actually do just that: paint it all. It's very nice & clean & streamlined under those fugly things. :D Woot!

I also found some very nice pressed tin for our foyer celing! :lol:

I can see how this would be great if I were studying for something. And I can see how it would be awesome for getting housework done quickly, instead of dragging my feet all day. But clearly I need to use this stuff when I'm alone. It was too easy to be distracted by BF and all his talk of home renovations that I've been DYING to get done.

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  • 2 months later...

So, I just received my 2nd order from LPMP and opened up Focus Potion. Have high hopes for this, but almost immediately got a headache and nauseous. Anyone know what is in this? To be fair, I may have put a little too much on since it came in the dropper. I am fairly new to pheros, so maybe it's still just trial and error. Any advice? I will be really bummed if this doesn't work for me. :thumbdown:


Also, close to that TOM...so maybe body chemistry off?


Thanks all!

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Does anyone else notice a delayed reaction to this?


I put it on yesterday afternoon early and just went about doing normal stuff. Went to sleep and woke up, went to the bathroom and thought, you know, I should really clean my bathroom counter (I say this all the time over the past two months-- too many beauty products.)


And all of a sudden it just clicked-- oh, I can move this one thing on my bathroom shelving and then I can line up everything and all of a sudden, fifteen minutes later I had scrubbed my bathroom counter after putting beauty products on my bathroom shelving where they belong. And, to boot, just because, a little while later, I cleaned all my beauty brushes.


These are things that don't take but minutes to do, but I just couldn't be bothered and really, I can only explain it as something "clicked" in my brain and then it was easy and not painful at all, and then it was done. but there was easily 13+ hours between applying it and the cleaning.

I think FP should be my very next purchase , once LP is open for business again ! It sounds JUST like what i need , for various reasons :).


As for the delayed reaction , I have noticed exactly that with other phero blends, Rarely , but every now and then it happens that I oversleep and have to dash to work just taking a shower without having time to wash my hair ( after spraying it with pheros the day before ) , or i'll run out on a weekend to do errands before jumping in the shower. Every once in a while i get such a big giant hit , that I realize afterwards - whoa people are not this freakily staring at me for no reason , it HAS to be the pheros.

I am wondering if the natural body chemistry / heat / phero signature amplifies the strength over time ? It has to be !

Edited by fluffygirl12
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  • 2 weeks later...

I use two sprays of a regular sized bottle. Since this one I use entirely for myself, I use one spray on my chest and the other is a spray in area in front of me that I walk through. This works wonders for when I am studying or before an exam.

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I use two sprays of a regular sized bottle. Since this one I use entirely for myself, I use one spray on my chest and the other is a spray in area in front of me that I walk through. This works wonders for when I am studying or before an exam.

Thank. I didn't want to over do it. can't wait to test this out today.
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I got this one in the UN oil. Excitement quickly faded when it didn't seem to work on me. In another thread (with another phero), I saw a comment about someone needing to really up the amount more with some pheros in order for that forum member to feel effects.

Since other pheros seem to work best on me in spray form, I converted some FP into a spray to test it. It's in a tiny bottle I ordered for mixing UNs and scents, so the spray volume is probably pretty small. The effects definitely worked!! I used about 5-6 sprays in the air walking into each one before spraying the next and making sure one was a good face level mist. I'm amazed at how this late in the evening and this level of fatigue that I can remember the next three things I wanted to do without having a list! This is a good potion to keep on hand!!

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Excellent, WnG! Glad to hear you found what works for you with this! FP is actually my Holy Grail of pheros, as long as it's in the spray form. The roller bottle version did nothing for me, too. But spritz on about 5 or 6 doses and BOOM I'm off to the races!

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Yep, I tend to just spray this one straight in my face with eyes closed. I have the UN in 60:40 alcohol/silicone, so it's a bit gross and oily at first, but I rub it around a bit and it sinks in. Once I had the bright idea of trying to spritz it kind of up my nose, but from a distance (so I wasn't phero-snorting or anything). That was kind of a weird mistake. No nostrils were harmed in the course of this experiment, but it was less than pleasant and- it occurs to me now- more than slightly insane.


Don't phero-snort kids. Just say no.

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Yep, I tend to just spray this one straight in my face with eyes closed. I have the UN in 60:40 alcohol/silicone, so it's a bit gross and oily at first, but I rub it around a bit and it sinks in. Once I had the bright idea of trying to spritz it kind of up my nose, but from a distance (so I wasn't phero-snorting or anything). That was kind of a weird mistake. No nostrils were harmed in the course of this experiment, but it was less than pleasant and- it occurs to me now- more than slightly insane.


Don't phero-snort kids. Just say no.


Thanks for the laughs, Vladmyra!!!


Ironic to read this today. I was doing the 5-6 like Ducky mentioned, but today opted for straight in the face, eyes closed with 3 sprays. And, no, no phero-snorting was done. :smiley-laughing024:

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Don't phero-snort kids. Just say no.




(I confess to having been tempted to try it, though!)

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  • 4 years later...

Hi, wondering if anyone gets a similar vibe with this as they do with Dominance? @halo0073 @Dolly? I've been wearing it for the past two days and let's just say it's not going well for my ex-husband, I've come down with a case of "And another thing!!!"

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