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Nosfy's Aperitif

sultry brunette

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Nosfy's Aperitif

Nosferatu is preparing for his evening meal with a light libation, won't you join us in front of the fire? Sweet Bavarian cream, Indian Amber, Wild Roses, Carpathian Chocolate, Barbados Sugar...these are all of the nefarious reasons why this is Nosfy's favorite aperitif...try it yourself and see what appetites you can stimulate....nyehehe...




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:
CREAM ~ Soothing, eases troubled relationships.
AMBER ~ Fertility, luck, riches, sensuality.
ROSE ~ Self-confidence, strong aphrodisiac properties, attracts affection and love, fertility.
CHOCOLATE ~ Lightens emotions, evokes feelings of love.
SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness, riches, lust inducing.


Wow. Wet, this was very interesting. I could smell resins like they were standing up out of the scent waving their arms saying “hi, here I am”. They weren’t overly powerful, just demanding to be noticed. This scent gives me the image of 3-D in my mind. The notes are in noticeable layers and pop out, almost like a 3-D image. This is not at all a bad thing. It is unique and intriguing. It is standing before you with its arms crossed challenging your sense of smell. As it dries, the notes start to weave themselves together into a finely spun silken layer of scent that caresses your skin. It is sweet, but not sugary. It is like a catholic school girl standing before you as the picture of innocence, but you know better when you see the glint of danger in her eyes.

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Initially - first sniff and application - this reminds me of La Boom! because the aura is so ethereal. It calls to mind both La Boom! and PG Dominance when wet. BUT it changes, so don't expect that kind of experience with wear. The amber doesn't really come out for me until about 5-10 minutes after application. But I'm assuming there's a spicy amber and chocolate at work here - not foody spice but deep warm spice, plus a darker sugar, less refined. The chocolate and the cream move to the background for a smooth evocation and the spice, which now mingles with the rose, is like a shadow upon the sweeter notes. This is one of those I think a guy could wear it as well - it's got more "feminine" elements, sure - but the spice notes lend that touch of mystery. However like the others I've mentioned it stays soft as a cobweb through its' evolution.

Edited by luna65
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At first application I get a huge PG Dominance blast. Wowsers. Must be the chocolate and rose...


After dry down it is still faintly rose, but now it has developed a soft spiciness, and a delicate dusting of cocoa powder. It is much softer and more melded than Dominance is on me.


Very ethereal (lovely word, luna) and beautiful. Glad I got a bottle.

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I love you both!! Thanks! Jo's gonna send me a wee sample too, so maybe I can find a teeny tiny pretty perfume bottle(like those mini Chevkoslovakian kind-I apologize in advance for butchering your countries title if your from there) and pretend I have my own lil bottle of it....

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Not for me, turns to Tootsie Pop on me.

Ewwww...so sorry.


I am wearing this today and it is veddy veddy nice. Now after several hours I swear there is a woodsy drydown. First off it is rosy cocoa - dry cocoa, not creamy chocolate. It is probably softened somewhat by the cream, but I don't get milk chocolate sort of vibe (which is good). And just sweet enough without making my teeth ache.


I really enjoy it.

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I'm not sure about this one. I can see some similarities with PG Dom but I wouldn't go as far as saying I'd use it as a substitute for PG Dom. PG Dom is darker on me with dark roses & orris , some cocoa (but not chocolate) in the background...


Nosfy's Aperitif on me is all roses, but it's the type of strong perfumey rose scent I associate with grannies, not the kind I love. I get no cream, amber or chocolate...it's all roses :P

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  • 1 month later...

YUM. For anyone afraid of rose, you need to give this a try, because while the soft red rose is there it's a beautiful complement to the rich chocolate and cream goodness. It's a gorgeous sexy-foody scent (think about it: chocolate and rose are both aphrodisiacs!). Too bad it didn't come with a real Nosferatu attached, preferably Lestat :P

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  • 2 months later...

Ok, Chocolate at first....then IN YOUR FACE rose.....then after about 30 mins of ROSE it goes to amber....then at the end I just get rose & chololate in a nice mix. I think I like this one, except for the loud rose time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

At first, this is all chocolate on me. After an hour or so, the roses come through, with a hint of the chocolate in the background adding sweetness. The amber lingers the longest on my skin. Beautiful!

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YUM. For anyone afraid of rose, you need to give this a try, because while the soft red rose is there it's a beautiful complement to the rich chocolate and cream goodness.

So right! I don't like rose but wanted to be open-minded and try this because of the other ingredients. This concoction is stunning. Not only is the rose in here gorgeously lush and elegant - it meanders in and out with the other elements beautifully, over time but also even within any given huff.


Like everyone else I got a lot of dark chocolate up front. It wasn't gooey or even especially sweet. Also highly elegant in its own way.


To me, the overall feel of this one, not the smell, I mean the mood, is being in a hushed, champagne-chocolates-caviar, white silk upholstered furniture filled VIP fitting suite of a haute couture house in Paris accessible only by private keyed elevator. Not a bad feeling to start the day. :great:


ETA I'm back to rave some more. Now 7+ hours since application and it's still going strong. I am wafting chocolatey roses and totally in love with myself.

Edited by tyvey
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  • 4 weeks later...

Smells like a reeses piece cup! Chocolate peanut butter yummerz :lol: then dries down to slightly soapy bathwater?

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  • 5 months later...

I had a similar experience as Paganlady. The first note was chocolate, which left the room and replaced by an almost incensy rose (this may be a combination of the amber and rose). This one is hard to pin down, it's very complex and interesting!

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  • 1 month later...
YUM. For anyone afraid of rose, you need to give this a try, because while the soft red rose is there it's a beautiful complement to the rich chocolate and cream goodness. It's a gorgeous sexy-foody scent (think about it: chocolate and rose are both aphrodisiacs!). Too bad it didn't come with a real Nosferatu attached, preferably Lestat :lol:


Lestat is nice but in some ways to much a drama queen. handsome devil though!019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.com].gif This scent is awesome though. I get the cocoa right off and then it fades roses. love it!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

THIS IS DEEP DARK CHOCOROCO! I got dark choco on my skin for about 3 hours!!! :003-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co I LOVE DARK CHOCO! This stuff is SO strong that i couldn't go back to sleep with it on! :surprised: It felt like i was bathing in yummy dark choco... MMMM.... YUM YUM YUM! Wanna bite my arm.....


So a few hours later... i got this very DEEP ROSE... LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! This is a velvity rose.... Itz much more subtle on my skin now and noone can smell it.... unless they sniff me on purpose :( Goodness this is GOOD! It is subtle but it has its own style :) LOVIN' IT!


Im a CHOCO + ROSE addict :):):) I wouldn't wear it as an everyday scent... I would wear it when i'm in the mood for dark choco :):):)

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  • 5 weeks later...

I adore this scent but realized I don't wear it very much because it's HUGE :) However, just doused my sheets with my homemade spray of it, and if there's a more inviting bedroom in the world right now I'd like to see it :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

It has been a VERY COLD week here and I've been reaching out for this quite a lot!!! I love the quality of it, it somehow "warms" me up with the dark chocolate and rose scent.... It actually reminds me of the Dark chocolate from Thorntons! hahaha!!! :D I LOVE....... MMM....

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  • 2 years later...

I had a sample vial of this one that I ended up passing along. I am really leary of rose scents, but I am always willing to give most a try at least. Sadly, this went all rose on me. I love the notes amber, cream, chocolate, and sugar since I am a gourmand fan. I really wished some of those notes would have taken over the show more. I have to say too this went on initially as one of the strangest blends. It sort of messed with my nose at first. I was not sure which way the dry down would come out. I hope passing on my sample allowed my customer to experience at least this same unusual start to a scent.

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  • 8 months later...

Wore this one yesterday and walked into the room my mother was in. She said something smelled sweet like donuts and had a greedy covetous look in her eye.


This one is warm but soft and subtle on me. I put quite a bit on, because after a few minutes I couldn't smell much and thought the scent was disappearing. Some time later it bloomed into life. I don't get any rose. It is a soft chocolate/vanilla/amber type scent with a faint hint of floral tones hidden beneath the food notes. I find it very relaxing.

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  • 1 year later...

This was one of my first fragrances and let me just say I do get roses!. I love it. Out of the bottle, it is the perfect mix of Tootsie Roll and roses. It smells like chocolate, then dries down to rose on me. In fact, the rose takes over on me. I never really liked florals, but this smells like a Halloween floral. Probably because I wore it for Halloween. I think ultimately that it is a perfect Valentine scent – chocolate and roses drying down to luscious amber and cream! Love it!! Since I've worn it -- my daughter has walked into my room once and said "What smells like Tootsie Roll?" and at work I overheard a co-worker from a different department ask if our department had installed an air freshener to which my manager replied that it was me -- that I wear perfume with honey in it. :rolleyes: It's funny how everyone smells something different. I also never knew what the word "aperitif" meant until LPMP!

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  • 5 months later...

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