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I only need two sprays on a good mood day and 4 on a depressed day to get me to a happy place. More than that does give me a headache. So with 2x if you're doing more than a few sprays, I can only imagine the headache your getting.



Maaaaaaaaassssssssssiiiiiiiiiiivvvvvvvvvvveeeeeee headache.


Did I say Massive? Massive.


I did research on neurotransmitter viti's today - so will be giving myself a big boost shortly to offset.

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  • 3 months later...

How does this compare to alpha-androstenol alone? Most of your experiences seem like they're coming from the a-nol and not the est. I'm trying to decide between this or Woozy Floozy or other straight a-nol.

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How does this compare to alpha-androstenol alone? Most of your experiences seem like they're coming from the a-nol and not the est. I'm trying to decide between this or Woozy Floozy or other straight a-nol.


I have UN Lace and love it, tends to make me feel flirty, people want to hold doors for me and such. I also got the Alpha Androstenol at the Woozy Floozy strength, 7,500 per bottle. They both make me happy but the Alpha makes me and those around me over the top happy and giddy.

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Wore this to the gym today. Very interesting. Guys keep looking at me. I had a few spritzes of Cougar scented on, but I don't think they noticed that. I think it was the Lace. Definitely a man magnet. I was mostly ignoring them except for two men I'm friendly with that I chatted with for a few minutes. Yet every time I looked up or turned around there was some guy watching me, hovering near me or repositioning himself to watch me. Of course, I'm thinking 'really guys? Now that I don't care? Now you show interest?' Even looking like hell... no makeup, hair up, showing some of the weight I gained this past winter. Did they care? Apparently not. I use the mirrors to check my posture and form and without fail, some dude was always facing toward me, looking right at me (hard to ignore when you're looking into mirrors - corners of my eyes always catches this - a paranoid vigilant behavior developed after being attacked many, many years ago). The extra plus side here is that the Lace also makes me all 'la la la la, don't care, two, three, four' as I'm doing my sets. Kind of a win-win. Made my workout actually FUN where Leather makes them intense.


Funny thing is that I put Lace on because I felt like grrr this morning, and on those days, Leather on me is definitely not good for my mood. Makes me bitchy and cranky and like I want to give lots of dirty looks to pretty much anyone that crosses my path with a questionable look (which is anything but a smile). And I have to say that Lace is PERFECT for these kind of days. It's like magickal fairy dust that makes me feel peaceful and relaxed and all joy to the world. Sometimes it even makes me want to take a happy nap (particularly after a kicka$ workout).

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And I have to say that Lace is PERFECT for these kind of days. It's like magickal fairy dust that makes me feel peaceful and relaxed and all joy to the world. Sometimes it even makes me want to take a happy nap (particularly after a kicka$ workout).



Exactly my experience w/ Lace Starlitegirl! The feeling of having always someone looking at you, I have felt that too!

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Exactly my experience w/ Lace Starlitegirl! The feeling of having always someone looking at you, I have felt that too!


Thankfully, I'm very happy and relaxed from the lace otherwise I'd be like 'What are you lookin' at?!' which is probably more of a Leather response. :)


I was using Lace mostly at home because of the self-effects. Now? Loving it even more because it's got a nice social aspect to it.

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I read this and then grabbed my bottle....after a good spritzing, I went to get a cat scan....everyone was so nice & I was in and out so quickly....I Love Lace!!!!!

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  • 1 month later...

I got a sample of a PE boosted with this in the last order. Let's just say, after the Loopy High I got, I think I know what my next bottle will be....

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I decided to wear this today for the first time. Before I had applied lets just say I had had a very stressful morning dealing with Comcast while trying to get a new modem.

Afterward I had to shop and go to the hairdresser. I did not notice a lot of self effect and mostly dealt with women during the transactions out and about, but they were all extra ordinarily kind and helpful. I will try this tomorrow at work and see how it goes!

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Please come back and tell us how it goes at work for you. I'm in a tizzy trying to decide between this, Elevation Potion, or Woozy Floozy for my "perk me up" potion. I don't really care about the est in this one, but am slightly unsure of giddiness from any of them (don't won't to come across like a goofball at work), so I haven't bought any of them yet!


Edit: I think I've got TOO MANY LPs and whatnot. I just remembered I have Open Windows somewhere around here (is there a phero for getting better organized????) and it is one of the mood elevators. I need to find it and experiment more....

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My only Lace experience is in Garland & Lace but my two cents - I would *totally* wear Lace to work - nice moderate lift, happy making. Not a lot of men in my workplace so at least for me no worries about the est "men following me around hanging on my every word with cartoon hearts telescoping out of their eyes" problem.


(Just to respond to your comparisons- I know it's because I put on waaay too much & then reapplied on top of it, but in my last use of Elevation Potion I was soooper hyper and jittery, and had the mother of all hangovers afterward, just misery. Adore the scent though. As for OW, personally it doesn't give me so much of a lift, just a more general contented "ahhhhhh" sense of well being- seems to have more effect on other people- makes them more sociable and bubbly- you can see in their faces that they're like, hm, why do I suddenly feel so much happier? :) It's great for getting together with the girls; haven't tried it around teh menz.)

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  • 3 weeks later...


I got the unscented roll-on and holy moly, it works. The self effects are amazing! I woke up kinda stressed, but when I put it on, I was relaxed, happy, and dancing around my room singing along with my music which I never do when other people are in the house.

And, it turned my infamously bitchy cousin into a giddy goofball!! Twice!!! The last two car rides with her have been ridiculously fun. It's uncanny.

Love love love love LOVE this stuff.

I think I might see the effects of layering it with my OCCO gold for a flirty mix at the next party I go to...

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I got the unscented roll-on and holy moly, it works. The self effects are amazing! I woke up kinda stressed, but when I put it on, I was relaxed, happy, and dancing around my room singing along with my music which I never do when other people are in the house.

And, it turned my infamously bitchy cousin into a giddy goofball!! Twice!!! The last two car rides with her have been ridiculously fun. It's uncanny.

Love love love love LOVE this stuff.

I think I might see the effects of layering it with my OCCO gold for a flirty mix at the next party I go to...

LOVE IT!!! I have Lace x3 Beta spray, and find that I am delighted with the entire Universe when I wear it.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest icing



Does Lace seem like it would be at all compatible with Rocket Fuel/Blatant Invitation?


(Oh yes, I am definitely new!)

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I don't think you'd necessarily want to mix Lace and BI unless you're really driving the sexual aspect home, as it were. Lace can be sexual but it's more social-sexual, IMO. Whereas BI gets right to the point. But you can always experiment with strategic placement and whatnot.

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Does Lace seem like it would be at all compatible with Rocket Fuel/Blatant Invitation?


(Oh yes, I am definitely new!)


Well...Lace is A-nol & Est...and BI is A-nol,A-none,Est & Cops.Sure they can be worn together,but why?


Many people,including myself,get great effects with Lace & Cops! ...I have a Sugared Pure spray with Lace that I wear with Occo Red,for instance.


I believe in wearing one _blend at a time...of course Cops goes with anything :D


ETA...yeah,what Luna said...hah 5 people can post while I am still typing.

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Guest icing

Thank you for answering luna65 and Calii!


I was mostly curious because I don't get very much A-nol (which I love) out of Rocket Fuel (that is in the BI in the latest version of Rocket Fuel, right?)... and I wanted to know if I wore Like a Magnet or Lace for most of the day and then dabbed on a little Rocket Fuel/Blatant Invitation later, if that'd be a cocktail of conflict.

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In that case, no, I don't think so...if you want to send a more sexual signal in the evening then that's a good strategy.

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  • 4 months later...

I had a bit of an odd reaction from someone when wearing Lace the other day...


There's this nurse at work who never, (and I really mean neeever) smiles or says anything nice. I'm assuming she's a lesbian (though I might be stereotyping) because she's got that short boyish chopped hair, one big ear-ring & is very butch in the way she acts, speaks & walks. She's certainly never seemed to like me much before, she normally just glares or stares at me and leaves whenever I walk onto the ward :)


A few days ago I was wearing my Whoopsie Daisycakes amped with Lace and I got bleeped to come sort out some very trivial things that hadn't been mentioned to us when we did the ward round. So I get there and start sorting out the bits & bobs of writing up fluids, drugs etc... She sticks to me like a bad smell! Hovvers around me the whole time. Then when I'm done & hand her the charts she goes; "Oh, thank you ever so much, that was very nice of you, really...you're lovely" And it wasn't said in a sarcastic way either, it was with a genuine, sweet voice laced with sugar :) WTF? Where the hell did that come from?


Other than wearing the Lace there wasn't much that was different with me...except that I normally have a my male colleagues in tow (the always seem to walk behind me for some reason) & I don't normally wear skirts which I did that day...I can't figure it out...maybe she was having a stroke?


Has anyone else had reactions from other women when wearing Lace?

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I had a bit of an odd reaction from someone when wearing Lace the other day...


There's this nurse at work who never, (and I really mean neeever) smiles or says anything nice. I'm assuming she's a lesbian (though I might be stereotyping) because she's got that short boyish chopped hair, one big ear-ring & is very butch in the way she acts, speaks & walks. She's certainly never seemed to like me much before, she normally just glares or stares at me and leaves whenever I walk onto the ward :)


A few days ago I was wearing my Whoopsie Daisycakes amped with Lace and I got bleeped to come sort out some very trivial things that hadn't been mentioned to us when we did the ward round. So I get there and start sorting out the bits & bobs of writing up fluids, drugs etc... She sticks to me like a bad smell! Hovvers around me the whole time. Then when I'm done & hand her the charts she goes; "Oh, thank you ever so much, that was very nice of you, really...you're lovely" And it wasn't said in a sarcastic way either, it was with a genuine, sweet voice laced with sugar :) WTF? Where the hell did that come from?


Other than wearing the Lace there wasn't much that was different with me...except that I normally have a my male colleagues in tow (the always seem to walk behind me for some reason) & I don't normally wear skirts which I did that day...I can't figure it out...maybe she was having a stroke?


Has anyone else had reactions from other women when wearing Lace?

Maybe she really reacts well to a-nol, and the EST softened her more?

..Or she was just having a really good day?


I've noticed that women that are naturally standoffish tend to be more easygoing and helpful when I have Lace on, but definitely heterosexual super alpha women are super!chatty and my bestest bestest best buddies ever when I have Compromising Positions/Sexpionage on (similar, but less dramatic effect with Blatant Invitation in Rocket Fuel).. It's such a dramatic shift from their usual personalities, that their friends will repeatedly point out that they never act that way around anyone else.

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Est can definitely soften up cranky women. I used Lace a few weeks ago to deal with an extremely hostile gov't worker, whom after 20 minutes of inhaling my fumes, she was my bestest buddy.


Rosebud, you are a STUNNING woman. I can imagine that Ms Macho might be annoyed by a beauty who always has an entourage of men in tow. And then when she got you to herself, she finally realized you are a real and kind person, not an arrogant supermodel, and I'm sure the pheros helped pry open her eyes a little too. If I were you, I'd try keeping her on my side with a few kind greetings from time to time. Congrats on the success!

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If I were you, I'd try keeping her on my side with a few kind greetings from time to time.


Very true...any time we can make a connection based on the true perceptions of ourselves rather than the exterior, we should take advantage of it.

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If I were you, I'd try keeping her on my side with a few kind greetings from time to time. Congrats on the success!


Oh, I always go out of my way to be friendly with the nurses. It's something that I learnt already whilst in Med School... ALWAYS be especially friendly with nurses & path-lab people...it makes your life so much easier & you get requests for your patients done so much quicker than those doc's who treat nurses like they are there to serve the doctors rather than be part of a team. The best way to make life difficult for yourself is to be stroppy to the nurses...


I also tend to gate crash their handover meetings to see what's going on with my patients on the nursing front. It's amazing how many doc's don't care about who's peeing/poohing/puking/eating or not when it has such a big impact on recovery

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've only used Lace in the form of G&L oil, and now several tries with my un-spray in 1x. I get lovely effects with the G&L, but with the spray, I'm not getting much in self-effects (very mild wooziness) or hits (just a tiny bit of extra chivalry from men, may be coincidence & not statistically significant).


With the G&L oil, I'll do a few inches stripe on my chest and/or maybe an inch or 2 on each arm. With the spray, I'll do 2 on torso and one on each arm, or 2-3 in the hair. Opinions please - am I not using enough? -- I'm *terrified* of overdoing a-nol...

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I've only used Lace in the form of G&L oil, and now several tries with my un-spray in 1x. I get lovely effects with the G&L, but with the spray, I'm not getting much in self-effects (very mild wooziness) or hits (just a tiny bit of extra chivalry from men, may be coincidence & not statistically significant).


With the G&L oil, I'll do a few inches stripe on my chest and/or maybe an inch or 2 on each arm. With the spray, I'll do 2 on torso and one on each arm, or 2-3 in the hair. Opinions please - am I not using enough? -- I'm *terrified* of overdoing a-nol...



Well maybe you're overdoing your current dosage, as G&L is 1/3rd the strength of the unscented Lace?

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Hmmm,since you get such good results with the strength in G&L I would say the unscented could be too strong,kinda like I get better results with most pheros at half or less strength.The slower,longer dispersion of oils could be part of it too.I would start experimenting with adding the UN to some oils,I think it is 1 part to 3 <?> I dunno,I don't measure mine,just about a third of one of the 4ml sprayers and fill wih UN.I did this with PP and S'mores,which is why I ordered another bottle :lol:


ETA: oopsie ,I meant to start off with,yeah,I agree with Beccah :)

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huh, no kiddin, even at 1x eh? I figured I wasn't ODing because I'm not getting any of my usual a-nol OD symptoms (supercrabbiness + headaches)... ok I will try LESS! thanks dears


Yeah,that does not make sense huh,but I don't know why else you would get good effects with G&L and not UN ? I have been useing a LOT of G&L,I do the total Mara Manuver,and my hands,wrists,and inner elbows...super crabbiness with a-nol.hmmm,now I will have to pay attention,that might explain something that happened with a friend with Flying Potion,or maybe just a bad day :lol:

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Tyvey ~ Yeah, that sounds like you are using too much. 7 sprays? I only wear 3, and get great results at that dosage.


Calii ~ I wore too much Flying Potion one day and also had some bitchy reactions from people. That can happen with straight alpha-nol. It reminded me why I designed Popularity Potion to begin with. When I asked Chris to formulate that with me, I said to him, 'sometimes being the center of attention inspires jealousy in people, so, I want the attention aspect of alpha-nol but I want it tempered with other ingredients that make people think it's OK for you to be the center of attention.' Know what I mean?

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Calii ~ I wore too much Flying Potion one day and also had some bitchy reactions from people. That can happen with straight alpha-nol. It reminded me why I designed Popularity Potion to begin with. When I asked Chris to formulate that with me, I said to him, 'sometimes being the center of attention inspires jealousy in people, so, I want the attention aspect of alpha-nol but I want it tempered with other ingredients that make people think it's OK for you to be the center of attention.' Know what I mean?


Yes,I know exactly what you mean...even better tho, "I" feel like it is ok to be the center of attention! :lol:

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Well the person who is the star likes it well enough, of course! But to me, anything which gives good feeling to everyone within range is preferred to the total attention whoring pherobomb type of experience. I guess it's my Piscean empathy, lol.

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I get the best reactions with about 3 sprays of un-lace. I love it! Know what I have tried it with that is just the bomb? Blatant invitation. About two sprays of each, and people are really friendly and will go out of their way to accommodate you. Wore the combination of the two the other day when I went shopping at World Market. Bought a faux fur throw for someone for Christmas; it was $59.99. The lady at the check-out was friendly, chatty, and said out of the blue, "I will give you $10 off for it". o.k. I was happy about that. When I looked at the ticket later, she had charged me only $32.00 for it. I think this combo makes people goofy happy. Nothing wrong with that!

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I get the best reactions with about 3 sprays of un-lace. I love it! Know what I have tried it with that is just the bomb? Blatant invitation. About two sprays of each, and people are really friendly and will go out of their way to accommodate you. Wore the combination of the two the other day when I went shopping at World Market. Bought a faux fur throw for someone for Christmas; it was $59.99. The lady at the check-out was friendly, chatty, and said out of the blue, "I will give you $10 off for it". o.k. I was happy about that. When I looked at the ticket later, she had charged me only $32.00 for it. I think this combo makes people goofy happy. Nothing wrong with that!


Whoa! That sounds amazing! :Snow-Angel: You got HALF PRICE! :PolarChristmas: I need to try this out soon!!! :Mara_makin_Magick::D:D friendly, chatty and goofy! oh yah!!!! :(

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