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Garland & Lace

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V1 went plastic-y the second it was on my skin, V2 I LUV, LUV, LUV.....or I thought I did, this year it went wonky, like it didn't age well :( , V3 I gave away, by mistake, never got to smell it....again :( , waiting for V4 sample, hoping I don't like it cause I have feeling it'll me sold out.

Edited by liz
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I just tried this last night. My first 'pheroma'. I absolutely loved it. It went on my skin like creamy, slightly spicy eggnog, and pretty much stayed that way all night. It went over really well with my boyfriend too, which was really nice. He actually tucked his head under my shirt when I asked him to smell it!

I was surprised by how little this changed, and by its staying power. It faded a little overnight, but I could still smell it in the morning. For a first pheroma trial, it was a really happy one!

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  • 1 month later...

I don't wear G&L (V3) very often at all. I told myself when I got it that it is soooo good that I can only wear it for special occasions but I haven't found many occasions special enough to splurge with it because I was being so overly protective of this bottle, lol.


So I decided that last week, for no reason at all that I would break this bad habit and spray away and I'm so glad I did b/c I forgot how well this works for me and the people around me. My SO reminded me just how much we love the phero blend Lace for our relationship too. He was in a super cute mood, happy and care free and laughing a lot-- it was so nice to see his old self again that it melted my heart : ) Later on that night he said the same thing about me (awwww). It also brought back memories of when we first met, being all cutesy and flirtatious so it was a fun day for the both of us b/c we really needed that break. I also felt less anxious and more sociable which helped my come out of my cave that I've been living in lately.


Oh and SO wanted me to write that it smells "Just like cookies, not kinda like cookies, not similar, but just like REAL, EDIBLE COOKIES". This confuses him how perfumes can mimic the scent of scrumptious food without being like "that fake, plastic vanilla stuff other girls spray on and burn as candles" but I told him it's just the magic of Mara and LP : )

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I am going to try this version. I was hesitant b/c G and L 2 made me smell like an Indian restaruant. Went all savory on me and not cookie at all. But after reviewing the ingredients I am going to give this one another try.

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Nice Honeybee :) ...try the V4,when you run out of V3 you will be glad you did...oh and I hope Mara sees this part,how neat:



Oh and SO wanted me to write that it smells "Just like cookies, not kinda like cookies, not similar, but just like REAL, EDIBLE COOKIES". This confuses him how perfumes can mimic the scent of scrumptious food without being like "that fake, plastic vanilla stuff other girls spray on and burn as candles" but I told him it's just the magic of Mara and LP : )


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Nice Honeybee :) ...try the V4,when you run out of V3 you will be glad you did...oh and I hope Mara sees this part,how neat:


Thanks Calii! I am excited to try out the V4 whenever I can get my hands on some and any and all versions after that. It's so nice that we have these things to look forward to in the future!


I thought it was neat too how my SO was so perplexed about this scent, lol. I'll have to watch him now, he might try to taste test it like I hear a few people on the boards have done. :rolleyes:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay I know it's late, almost midnight but I've been playing in all the LP's from my new order I am exercising restraint and not trying ALL at once, but I did put just a dot of this on inner arm. So far so good. V3 ended up smelling like Indian food on me. This smells like cinnamon and......what is that? I can't tell,,,,,,(checks ingredients:)



EGGNOG ~ Fertility, beginnings, eternity, rebirth, future life, nutrition, prosperity, lessening of inhibitions, mood elevation, sacred odes.

GINGERBREAD~ Increases gold in the home, evoke a sense of family, deflect illness.

PUMPKIN ~ Fertility and plenty, sexual stimulation.

ALLSPICE ~ Luck, health, prosperity, money.

LACE PHERO BLEND ~ Contains Alpha-Androstenol (mood elevator, attraction amplifier) plus the precious ultra-feminizing pheromone Estratetraenol.



Okay so there is no cinnamon, so it's....Alspice maybe? not getting any pumpkin or eggnog., :-( Will retest properly and come back to add to this post,

Edited by Raq On
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I am covered head to toe (literally) in G&L v4 un. At least today, it is VERY allspicey w/a sheer pumpkin back...no gingerbread or eggnog...sort of the opposite of my passionate obsession G&L v2 which is gingerbread soaked in eggnog and just barely dusted with cinnamon. It's so cool how they're related but opposite but I love them both.

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I have been wearing this mix a lot lately. I have so many bottles of it (different versions) and still eager to try the fourth one!

I love how it helps me to relax, if I know I'm gonna be in a stressful environement. Been wearing this today and a few days ago, and every time, I feel like I get a special treatment!

I went to the Louvre museum today, got a lot of attention, from my BF and from total strangers. There is something about this mix that makes me "float through things" a bit. I feel like everything will be fine, and why bother worry? :say09752:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I meant to write this last week: I wore Garland and Lace to my Grandmother's visitations. I don't know what possessed me. I think I just felt so crappy that I wanted something a little uplifting for myself... I got quite a few compliments on the scent, (lots of hand-shaking and hugs at these things), and for some reason, all of my uncles - Mum has 7 brothers - kept introducing me as 'the family beauty', 'the beautiful one of the lot', and things like that. It was very sweet. A second cousin, whom I haven't seen in about 15 years came up to me and said something along the lines of, 'You're the one who got all the looks.' I blame it all on the Lace. It really does seem to lend a youthful air. I think it also helped to lighten the atmosphere a bit, which was very nice. Gramma would have liked that; our family has always had a graceful way of grieving. I remember being worried about choosing such a fun-loving type of phero for an event so serious, but looking back, I don't think I could have chosen better.

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I think it also helped to lighten the atmosphere a bit, which was very nice. Gramma would have liked that; our family has always had a graceful way of grieving. I remember being worried about choosing such a fun-loving type of phero for an event so serious, but looking back, I don't think I could have chosen better.


Yes! ...you definitely made the right choice,I have seen G&L lighten the day of many :Hug_emoticon:


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I meant to write this last week: I wore Garland and Lace to my Grandmother's visitations. I don't know what possessed me. I think I just felt so crappy that I wanted something a little uplifting for myself... I got quite a few compliments on the scent, (lots of hand-shaking and hugs at these things), and for some reason, all of my uncles - Mum has 7 brothers - kept introducing me as 'the family beauty', 'the beautiful one of the lot', and things like that. It was very sweet. A second cousin, whom I haven't seen in about 15 years came up to me and said something along the lines of, 'You're the one who got all the looks.' I blame it all on the Lace. It really does seem to lend a youthful air. I think it also helped to lighten the atmosphere a bit, which was very nice. Gramma would have liked that; our family has always had a graceful way of grieving. I remember being worried about choosing such a fun-loving type of phero for an event so serious, but looking back, I don't think I could have chosen better.

Yes! ...you definitely made the right choice,I have seen G&L lighten the day of many :Hug_emoticon:

Chiming in, Eggers! Excellent choice!!! You guys doing okay...?
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EOSP, yes, we're doing okay. Thanks for asking. It's tough, and I don't think my own Mom has stopped to feel the loss yet, (concerned about Grampa now), but I'll be there for her when she does. Today was a little rough, being Mother's Day and all, but Mom and I spent the day together, and we did well. :) xox

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EOSP, yes, we're doing okay. Thanks for asking. It's tough, and I don't think my own Mom has stopped to feel the loss yet, (concerned about Grampa now), but I'll be there for her when she does. Today was a little rough, being Mother's Day and all, but Mom and I spent the day together, and we did well. :) xox

That's good, Eggers. That's what we're all here for--each other. :heart:
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  • 2 weeks later...

My sample of G & L 2 let me experience what's it like to smell like the bakery box the goodies came in. I mean it, stray dabs of cream cheese and cinnamon atop white cardboard innards. Thanks anyway!

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  • 3 months later...

So when I want something other than sex from the BF, like when I want him to apologize or kiss my ass, I either Red Lace him or G & L him. Here is my G & L Story... so my assistant invited me to his wedding this past Sat. Of course I had to go. BF does not really care for him after assistant displayed unusual acts of love for me, like bear hugging, kissing, and drunk texting. Not pornographic at all, but I can understand why it would bother BF. I didn't necessarily want to go the wedding, but I had to, besides we were going to double date with my BFF and her fiancee. I texted BF on Friday that I really wanted him to go.. He responded something about ' How dare you".. real dramatic and king like. I rolled my eyes, and decided to ignore him the whole day. When I got home on Friday I bathed myself in G & L. walked past him.. and he had puppy eyes.. he wanted to know why I was ignoring him.. I continued to ignore him.. and went to go watch women murdering their spouses on tv.


We went to bed and all night I could feel him trying to inch closer to me or turn in my direction. He sleeps just like a vampire. On his back. I don't even think he breathes. Well I ended up near him and I realized I was near him so I immediately scooted all the way over to my side. I could hear him sighing. I knew he wanted to make up but I was not ready. I needed a real dramatic finish.


So come Sat morning, we are still not talking. I refuse to eat breakfast at the table with him, and took breakfast to my chamber instead...


Well it was about 2 pm and I figured I needed to get this show on the road if we were going to go to this wedding.. So I asked him if he was going to go with me and why he was ignoring me.. He was so fed up with me by this point that his face looked like it was going to explode and knives were going to stab me..


DAMN he was supposed to look at me with longing.. so I switch to plan B. I start crying. He doesn't flinch. FINE I yell. I will go ALONE

We go at it.. you don't love me.. this is my co worker. this is my career, dont make this awkward at work for me,. I have to go.. blah blah blah.. he still is not even considering. I storm away.. FUCK now what? Plan C. I grab my keys and purse and head for the door stomping in my sandals.. ( heels would have been tacky in shorts ) at the same time he is headed for the door, as he needs to go get his picture taken .. and we both make a mad dash for the door.. I reach it first kinda.. I tripped on something in the hallway ( our fuckn hall way still has boxes ) he puts his arm out so he doesn't trip with me.. which ends up slamming into me. BRILLIANT PLAN D


I retreat and clutch my arm.. HOW DARE YOU


I hobble over to my bedroom and hide underneath the crib. He runs over asking me if I am okay and to stop acting like a maniac. I say " get the fuck out of my house and face before I kill you , you savage"

" I lost all respect for you "


He gasps. I look at him and I see his face contort into something that is broken, and sad. I know when he is about to cry or trying not too., I have never seen him actually cry. I think he really is a vampire, his voice changes and his breath gets stuck, but no tears come out, I guess this is called crying in the male word..

so he walks away - I also forgot to mention that in my rage I broke his tea kettle...

he walks away to clean up the broken tea kettle and broken dreams..


So now I feel really bad. He starts packing his toys, and pictures and I ask him what he is doing. Still he has not said.. okay I will go with you to the wedding and time is running out.. I have to go in deep. I have to let him smell me.. so I run over and throw myself on his lap and wrap myself around his neck and start sobbing.

I tell him to please look at me. He is trying not to because he knows what is coming.. I say.. all I want is for YOU to please come with me to this wedding.. please please please


2 seconds go by and he says.. okay.

Edited by LadyVictoria
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I even did the Synergist and threw my chest in his nose.. afterwards he had to go run a quick errand and when he came back he looked defeated. He said something like.. I am evil. Very evil. I say and do evil things. I got scared and asked him what evil things? ( I started to pray backwards and forwards.. please God please don't tell me he discovered where I keyed his car )


He mentioned me breaking his tea kettle. Phew! I told him I couldn't help my temper, I'm a Mexican female. Then he said.. You were born in the US.

Then I noticed he had a huge erection.

That was the grand finale!

Thank you G & L ! BF cannot resist me when I wear this. He crumbles.

Edited by LadyVictoria
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That was the grand finale!

OMG never have I read such drama outside of a telenovella! Someone needs to give you an Emmy on sheer principle alone.


So will this be released this year as well? It sounds amazing

Garland & Lace has been in production for several years now.

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I know. That's what he said. I am way to dramatic and over the top. I think it has to do with the fact that I am ovulating right now and I get like Telemundo crazy. Of course I apologized for overreacting, I need to do a better job of reigning in and controlling my emotions.

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If for no other reason than for the next sixteen years or so you're going to be living with someone who will likely have the same problem, and that condo won't be big enough for the both of you. :lol:

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If for no other reason than for the next sixteen years or so you're going to be living with someone who will likely have the same problem, and that condo won't be big enough for the both of you. :lol:


LOL. There aren't enough doors to slam! And even when I tried to slam them, they slam softly.

I feel bad for him. I mean he knew I was a couple fries short of a happy meal but I think he is starting to realize maybe there is no prize there either and only 5 chicken mcnuggets.

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Oh you mean the BF, lol, I was talking about Jude. But at least you can tell him, "Look kiddo, I have a PhD in Drama Queen, so don't even try it!"


LOOL I think Jude knows... One time he upset me by purposely spilling milk, and I gave him the look and told him to go to his room and not come out until I came to talk to him.. He looked at me and said Momma.. I said WHAT

then he replied

" Sorry Momma "

In that cute adorable 2 year old voice.. I think he knew it was better to apologize and kiss my face then to let me go on and on about rules and how could he do this to me??


Poor kid.

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  • 3 weeks later...

just figured i would mention how well Garland and Lace v.4 has changed as it aged. I get so much more of the eggnog now, before it was just spice. It almost felt like eggnog riot.

I will have to re-try mine, I remember thinking 4 was too spicy when I first got it

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  • 2 weeks later...

... I have had this for a while and never reach for it. Well, wearing it today and its amazing. It's all creamy eggnog goodness. ( I have v. 4) it's not too spicy, which is good bc I usually amp spices. I will be using this a lot more often these upcoming months. And Lace is always a great phero blend. Love!

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