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Got my order!!!

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WOW! That was soooo fast! I didn't even get a chance to start harassing anyone, and my ginormous order is already here. I am so excited!

Unfortunately along with an extremely generous amount of extra goodies, there was a cocoa butter body cream sample which I have already tried and love.



This is very bad news. I've intentionally ignored that section of LP but guess who is now five items into her next order. :banana052: At this rate, I may actually have to go back to work to support my new habit.

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So, inquiring minds need to know, what did you get??


I already had 12 full sized sprays so I added the goodies below to the family. The Lovely ladies included 3 full sized fragrances, Turkish Delights, Lioness, & Sultry Afternoons as well as a bunch of samples. I'm in heaven! The dastardly sample of Ann's Cherry Almond Honeyed Vanilla Cocoa Butter Body Cream is what is sending me over the edge. :banana052:



Happy Ending, The Captivation Equation, Garland & Lace V2, Jouir De, Cuddle Bunny, Neanderlicious, Couer de l'Amour



Like A Magnet (I currently only have it in Sugared Vanilla & Honey), BAM! (I currently only have it in Sugared Vanilla & Honey), Overt Cops for your Covert Ops! (I currently only have Red and White)


Beta Test Sprays:

Focus Potion x2 strength, Ail's Cuddle Bunny x2 strength, Treasured Hearts x2 strength (have it scented with PG and not sure I love that one yet), Estratetraenol 20k mcg per bottle, Alpha_Androstenol 7500 mcg per bottle, I rounded my order off with two spell kits


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Nice!! That's my kind of order!!


Dittoing you on that one Lynne!


You made some real nice choices LadyRose, and just try ungluing your nose from your arm (or other available testing limb) when you try Captivation Equation...it's nigh impossible :)

Edited by Invidiana
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I already had 12 full sized sprays so I added the goodies below to the family. The Lovely ladies included 3 full sized fragrances, Turkish Delights, Lioness, & Sultry Afternoons as well as a bunch of samples. I'm in heaven! The dastardly sample of Ann's Cherry Almond Honeyed Vanilla Cocoa Butter Body Cream is what is sending me over the edge. :)



Happy Ending, The Captivation Equation, Garland & Lace V2, Jouir De, Cuddle Bunny, Neanderlicious, Couer de l'Amour



Like A Magnet (I currently only have it in Sugared Vanilla & Honey), BAM! (I currently only have it in Sugared Vanilla & Honey), Overt Cops for your Covert Ops! (I currently only have Red and White)


Beta Test Sprays:

Focus Potion x2 strength, Ail's Cuddle Bunny x2 strength, Treasured Hearts x2 strength (have it scented with PG and not sure I love that one yet), Estratetraenol 20k mcg per bottle, Alpha_Androstenol 7500 mcg per bottle, I rounded my order off with two spell kits



Sweet order....pun intended :)

You are armed & ready for anything and everything!!!!

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I already had 12 full sized sprays so I added the goodies below to the family. The Lovely ladies included 3 full sized fragrances, Turkish Delights, Lioness, & Sultry Afternoons as well as a bunch of samples. I'm in heaven! The dastardly sample of Ann's Cherry Almond Honeyed Vanilla Cocoa Butter Body Cream is what is sending me over the edge. :)



Happy Ending, The Captivation Equation, Garland & Lace V2, Jouir De, Cuddle Bunny, Neanderlicious, Couer de l'Amour



Like A Magnet (I currently only have it in Sugared Vanilla & Honey), BAM! (I currently only have it in Sugared Vanilla & Honey), Overt Cops for your Covert Ops! (I currently only have Red and White)


Beta Test Sprays:

Focus Potion x2 strength, Ail's Cuddle Bunny x2 strength, Treasured Hearts x2 strength (have it scented with PG and not sure I love that one yet), Estratetraenol 20k mcg per bottle, Alpha_Androstenol 7500 mcg per bottle, I rounded my order off with two spell kits




I don't have my creation yet. Lucky you! I cannot wait, I got notice it was on the way Wednesday...Hope I get it soon, I am so excited!!! I am really glad you like it.

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Nice!! That's my kind of order!!
I never do anything halfway. This was my 4th big order since November, I just can't seem to help myself.


Whoah baby! Nice!
I'm sooooo, loving it!


Dittoing you on that one Lynne!


You made some real nice choices LadyRose, and just try ungluing your nose from your arm (or other available testing limb) when you try Captivation Equation...it's nigh impossible :)

You are so right! I'm absolutely in love with Captivation Equation. I believe a full-sized bottle is in order.


Sweet order....pun intended :D

You are armed & ready for anything and everything!!!!

I already had the 12 full-sized sprays and numerous samples so it took a lot of time to put together this last order. After I sent it I realized that I missed a few that I wanted. I guess I will grab those with the order I'm putting together now.


I don't have my creation yet. Lucky you! I cannot wait, I got notice it was on the way Wednesday...Hope I get it soon, I am so excited!!! I am really glad you like it.
Oh gee, so you"re the one to blame for sending me into the body creams and such? :) Seriously though, I adore your creation, it is amazing. I don't wait very well, I have the attention span of a gnat on speed so I always do Express shipping. This order came so quickly!
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there here, there here,!!! aaahhhh!!!! Iam so excited. Right in time for a gourges, warm, sunny, weekend away with my sweetie. Soon as I get home my babies should be in my mail box. Iam gonna rip the box open. I may have like a few minutes to sniff one or two but ill probably have to sniff the rest over the weekend cause soon as I get off work my sweetie and I are off for our weekend getaway. Anyways, you guys have a great weekend too.


Much Love

:) :For-Adrienne: :):D

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[/size][/font]Oh gee, so you"re the one to blame for sending me into the body creams and such? ^_^ Seriously though, I adore your creation, it is amazing. I don't wait very well, I have the attention span of a gnat on speed so I always do Express shipping. This order came so quickly!


Yep..started as a PE, the ladies must have thought it would work well in the lotions too...I may be purchasing some myself! LOL I cannot say I am sorry for tempting you though! I look forward to getting my $200 worth of scents. (3 orders within 7 days--I obviously have no patience either! LOL)

If you all love it feel free to ask them to make more! I would love for us to all smell like cherry almond honeyed vanilla! LOL

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I had a notion it would smell reeeaaallly good mixed with the natural aroma of the cocoa butter cream, and it does - just luscious. Lady Be Good, I put one in your package too. Hope you like!


I am already giddy with anticipation...you just knocked it up a notch! LOL Thank you!!

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  • 1 month later...
I got mine too! So super fast too! Mara and Danna must have an army of elves helping them pack boxes


Sounds Good, iam still waiting for my April's new releases smellies. Let us know what they smell like. Aw, I want my babies :)

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Hey Everyone,


Iam feeling positive today! I recieved my last order over the weekend. It sure made my weekend! :lovebuggy: and my c.c. has given me an ok to go ahead and purchase something from the sale list...hehehehe! I think ive decided iam gonna go with "Sweet Revenge" hopefully its still available!

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I got my fix !! :pumpkin2:


don't know what to try first !!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Ladies,


I recieved my order this morning and the ladies have done it again. Trainen-Esqu smells absolutley fabulous. Gourges florals. Also i was very happy to have gotten my "Sweet Revenge" yay!!!

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Just got mine yesterday!!! That was ridiculously fast, and many thanks for all the generous freebies; lots of sniffies of things I've been meaning to try awhile! :666:

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I recieved my order yesterday. I just wanna say thank you ladies for all the beautiful smellies. "Babe In The Woods" is deff. on my list of of big bottle buy.


xoxoxoxoxooxoxox ladies



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Hey Ladies,


I just placed another order for "Babe In The Woods". Omg i had to have it!!! such an incredibly gourges scent. I also have a sale order placed so I should be soon recieving 3 gourges big bottles. yay! :blushing:

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Hey Ladies,


I just placed another order for "Babe In The Woods". Omg i had to have it!!! such an incredibly gourges scent. I also have a sale order placed so I should be soon recieving 3 gourges big bottles. yay! :blushing:



I ordered a bottle of Babe in The Woods today too!!!! Unsniffed...I lurvs powdery scents...Im hoping my chemistry will play nice...

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A watched pot never boils!!!

I know it is sposed to take 2 weeks...but I can't help myself from checking my email 50,000,000 times a day. I just want my fun package! waaaa!

Okay, I feel better now. :lol:

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oooh what did you get Miss Shelly?


A BI 1x in beta - since hot wild sex in my life again - albeit less frequently than I'd like - I want to wallop him with a BI load in July to see what happens.


A Honeyed Cherry Beta with Leather and Cops 2X - My way big splurge


A beta kit to put my Synch II in - which will be perfect for work


Samples of Port Jolie - which I LOVE, Mellonia - which is carmelized honey and for me not so much for summer but in the fall - ooh la la.... and Dad. Which I adored in the bottle. And I may yet get for the HSF who once again - I still adore.


And Luna - I texted the ex-KSBF I'd be meeting him at a conference in August should nothing change on the job front - this one the follow on to the Springs Come Out Party conference - and extremely important to both our careers - and the first thing he asked? Yep. Booty Call?


Men - you can't kill them. Seriously. You can't. You'd go to jail. LOL

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hey ladies,


i got my order today with my sale items along with babe in the woods. it was such a great box of goodies. thank you mara + danna. you guys made my day!!! :kitty4: and now my friends and i are out to the club. iam wearing "babe in the woods" hehehehe

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Men - you can't kill them. Seriously. You can't. You'd go to jail. LOL


Yep there is that pesky detail of prosecution. :kitty4:

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Nice order Shelly!


I agree...and I Luv your avi,Halo :) ...'taint no grass growing under that broomstick.


Well,my smaller order was delivered yesterday and is up at the store.I do love stamps.com.Since I have to be there tomorrow,decided not to make the extra trip,as I have other things planned...HAH,now not too long ago I would have walked to get it ...really :10_small16:

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I forgot to check the mail yesterday...Remembered today, and my package was in my mailbox all night!!!!!!


It was a petit order of some staples, occo white & Sweet Babe. My new unsiffed bottle was Babe in the woods.

I have been wearing it all day. I was leary of the Tonka & Ginger (doesn't always play nice). But this is so beautifully blended. I am so happy I went for the bottle.. :J001:

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Got my last order last Saturday! Must have a big bottle of "Babe In The Woods". But, I'm boosting mine with B2 (or as I like to call it "It's all good!).


Just waiting for the money fairy....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got my order today! Samples of Unisexy, Mercuralia, Dangerous Games, Excalibar, Pie in the sky, and Bodice Ripper. Plus sniffies of Toasted Coconut Donut (OMG it smells soooooo good!) and Legend. Thanks for the extras! I can't wait to try all of these and review them. Very excited to begin contributing more to the forums. :o

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hey everyone


been so busy here. everything looks great. Stopped in to grab something from the sale items and get some samples. miss u guys. ttyl........remind me again u guys. i love u



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YEAH, BABY!!!!:lol:

My order is heeeere! It didn't even involve any hunting down the postal worker or guilting my teen for sleeping through the doorbell. Now that I have unwrapped everything and tried the 12 bottles, and the samples too, I smell like a whorehouse.:w00t: But I'm HAPPY!

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Guest icing

I placed my first-ever order on the 28th, and my package arrived today, that is fabulous turn around time!!

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