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Cataluna LPMP Has Sent You A Package


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I was all bummed about not getting mine after seeing everyone starting to post on the new scents. *mutter* East Coast *grumble* *kicks imaginary dirt* But it turns out that my brother had brought the mail in and had set it off to the side in some random place. I just happened to see it late Friday night. "Hey, what's this?" Wooohooo!!!


I love the packaging and Thank you for getting here quickly, despite my brother. ;)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

My package with the November sampler and PE's came yesterday and it was the perfect timing. I took the box to work with me so that I could try scented Balm Bomb. You might have saved a scrawny little weekend manager's life. ;) We were in the store past midnight. MIDNIGHT! Thank you very much!

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The package is in my hands safe and sound!


Thank you!

Super super excited!!


ETA: upon opening the package it appears that one of the bottles leaked a bit. Either the Majmua or OCCO SLF, probably the occo. The whole room smells like pretty amazing incense. It's alright, nothing big.


Thanks for all the free sniffies! Omg!!! And the mesh sachets with the rainbow foil pattern! Wow wow... everything is so beautiful!


Now, to hide everything but the pashazade from the husband ;)

Edited by reincarnated
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Have to go sin for them tomorrow.

*sign. But sin leaves everyone wondering what the local post office makes you do to get your packages here ...



ETA: Got it!

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I still haven't received a ship notice and I ordered within 24 hrs of the descriptions being listed. I can look up the date/time when I get home.

Idk what anyone's time frame was but given past experience this seems weird. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ordered from Etsy 1/16, payment received 1/18, package shipped this afternoon (1/21). Should be just a few days, ahhh!! I'm glad it got out well ahead of the February releases...


EDIT: There were some USPS-related shenanigans along the way, but we have landing as of 1/29! :D

Edited by bellumed
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just got a big (little) package of trials and a couple of Sugared layerables! I was literally giddy with excitement opening them up! So beautifully packaged and I got a few extra sample surprises including lemongrass and tea rose honey soap!! I have a major thing for lemongrass so I'm pumped to try it! Best part was I made an order on etsy, then got overly excited and made another on this site a few days later and to my pleasant surprise they arrived together so no extra wait time! OMG it's like Christmas hehe... can't wait to get to them all. I think I already found a new favorite! :D ♡

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  • 5 months later...

YAY!! I GOT MY SHIPPING NOTIFICATION!!! I'm a little excited.

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