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Shen Tao


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This is intense juicy peach with other notes that make it perfect. I would eat this if it were a sorbet. I didn't expect to like this one the best of the July for August releases, but I do!

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I have personal issues with peach, I can't wear it or eat ( artificial ) peach flavor. I like this in the vial, & I think I could diffuse it in the room with no issue. I do really like this peach as it's not too sweet, more like a fresh peach. I have got to @ least get a light ring diffuser....

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I can't do Peach either. It turns cloyingly sweet on me until I want to puke.


Drank a whole bottle of peach coffee flavor syrup when I was little ...can't stand the smell on my skin, but as a room scent it's ok.

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In the vial this is very delicate and sweet but on me the peach deepens almost immediately to a stronger note. The cream smoothes it and the spices give it depth and imparts that "floriental" feeling which is something beyond the heart note. It's not that this is analogous to fragrances like Empress of Persica or Something Voodoo or Hotter Than Hell, but it has that same aspect of being something greater than the peach itself, if that makes sense. I love peach, but I'm not sure this is really me...my sort of peach is more along the lines of Kittenish or one of Shelly's PEs but this is more of a mature and ornate peach; I still stand by my assessment of it not truly being gourmand (which is kind of ironic given my tale for it, heh).

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This is one of those scents that if I smelled it on a woman I would be following her around sniffing her. :)

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ITA w/Luna that it is actually not that foody -- the peach is 'sheer' if you can imagine that -- it's not the gloppy syrupy thickness of peach cobbler guts, but more like a gossamer peach-scented veil. Or, think peach tea as opposed to peach syrup. In fact it does give an overall tea-like impression. Don't get me wrong, I *love* the kittenish-type peach cobbler guts, but this feels as different as you can get while still being the same flavor. It's coolly distant and vurry sophisticated... I imagine wearing this while reclined on a divan on a riverside veranda swathed in linen and and sipping something cold.

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ITA w/Luna that it is actually not that foody -- the peach is 'sheer' if you can imagine that -- it's not the gloppy syrupy thickness of peach cobbler guts, but more like a gossamer peach-scented veil. Or, think peach tea as opposed to peach syrup. In fact it does give an overall tea-like impression. Don't get me wrong, I *love* the kittenish-type peach cobbler guts, but this feels as different as you can get while still being the same flavor. It's coolly distant and vurry sophisticated... I imagine wearing this while reclined on a divan on a riverside veranda swathed in linen and and sipping something cold.



Hmm maybe I'll get brave& do a tiny swipe....

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I've been a little leery of peaches and cream due to the fact that some peach notes can turn cloyingly sweet on me, but I love how this is not just lovely sweet peaches and cream that doens't go cloying but has a sexy undercurrant of musky sandalwood that makes it really sensual as well. I don't know if it's something I'd wear in the fall but definitely once springtime rolls around again, and I imagine it aging really well by then too. :)

Edited by Invidiana
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Those of you worrying about the peach...please don't let this one fall to the wayside. I just put this on about 2o minutes ago....I am loving it. It is more floral then peach, though the peach it there....and as a person who normally hates florals the is fantastic!

This feels very warm body fresh from the shower after using a wonderful body wash....floral, peachy (more like sniffing a fresh peach skin), and downright sexy....Gah! I am turning myself on. This is one of those scent to me that is a show stopper, the kind that you wear when you want your men practically kneeling before you. I have this one at the tippy top of my list for a full bottle once my finances shake out.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
This is an absolutely beautiful fruity floral on me...or is it a florally fruit? Ha! Mara threw it in as an extra with an order...am planning on purchasing, because it sings wonderfully with my skin chemistry! YUM!!!


I totally agree. This one if full bottle worthy.

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From a guy's perspective, if I smelled this on the right woman... :abfx:

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From a guy's perspective, if I smelled this on the right woman... :001_302:


Snoopyace, I just want to pick your brains in this area. What kind of scents do you like to smell on your right woman? I'm plain curious as most of the guys around me don't seem to be into scents.

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Snoopyace, I just want to pick your brains in this area. What kind of scents do you like to smell on your right woman? I'm plain curious as most of the guys around me don't seem to be into scents.


I don't know how much help I can be but at least for me (on a woman as well as on me) I tend to favor the woody, more resinous scents. Purple Pitch, Remind Me Again, LP Black, etc. I do have exceptions (like Shen Tao). I have a friend that knows she'll drive me crazy if she wears Sultry Afternoon, Wyz (nothing to do with the intent but it just smells awesome on her) or Little Goth Girl Next Door.

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I don't know how much help I can be but at least for me (on a woman as well as on me) I tend to favor the woody, more resinous scents. Purple Pitch, Remind Me Again, LP Black, etc. I do have exceptions (like Shen Tao). I have a friend that knows she'll drive me crazy if she wears Sultry Afternoon, Wyz (nothing to do with the intent but it just smells awesome on her) or Little Goth Girl Next Door.



I feel that I feel more mysterious when I use the more resinous and woody scents. The flora and fruity makes me feel more feminine. Thanks for your help!

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  • 5 months later...

I have been on a crazy peach fetish lately...not sure why. Lovers in Clover has become a staple in my wardrobe this spring to the point I have had to order a second bottle.... Anyway I decided to pull this one out this week and test out the peach of it, LOL. I liked it when I first got it, that has turned to love! Yesterday I wore this, and it was a light floral on me, today the peach was a little more prominent. It pretty much stays at a light peachy floral for me and does not graduate or evolve like some do. This one is close to the skin but seems to effect people around me.. Everyone seems really upbeat and social, and that certainly has nothing to do with the dreary weather we have had lately!

This one has a subtle staying power...get in close, nose to the skin and it is just so soft and lovely...been huffing my wrists ALLL day today...Next order is a big bottle of this one!

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  • 7 months later...

Got this as a freebie along with a sample order...I am surprised, I LOVE this...and I don't normally like anything floral. It 's grown up yet playful and yes vurrrry sexy. Just barely enough peach in there to make things interesting.


I feel like a woman...I mean I am a woman, but, oooooooo I reeeeally feel like one now...not in an overpowering way but in a "wouldn't you like to come just a little closer? You won't be sorry" way.


Will order come January. Oh yummie.


P.s the jasmine amps on me! So that's probably what is making me love the floral aspect; there's something just softly musky yet sweet about jasmine.


Mmmmm (eating own arm)

Edited by WildAutumn
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  • 4 weeks later...

Found an old sample vial of this and gave it to my GF. I smell a Valentine's day present coming her way! (In the beta spray version). Forgot how much I liked it but it was cute when I asked her to sniff it. 'Ooh! That smells nice!' :Emoticons04235:

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  • 3 months later...

FINALLY got around to ordering a full bottle of this for my fiance. (Did I REALLY just type that?!!) She is almost through the sample vial I gave her and she told me last night that she would take a full bottle of that (hint taken). I also decided to get a bottle of LP Red for her because that has always intrigued me (even though I've never smelled it) so *fingers crossed*.

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FINALLY got around to ordering a full bottle of this for my fiance. (Did I REALLY just type that?!!) She is almost through the sample vial I gave her and she told me last night that she would take a full bottle of that (hint taken). I also decided to get a bottle of LP Red for her because that has always intrigued me (even though I've never smelled it) so *fingers crossed*.

Oh, DUDE! You're engaged? CONGRATS! Much good and love to you both. :heart:
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks everyone! Got the notification that my order should be in today. Can't wait to smell Shen Tao on her again! Also looking forward to smelling the LP Red and I also got a bottle of Excalibur boosted with Perfect Match in a spray just to see how it works. My poor fiance is under a ton of stress thanks to a stalker ex and I am hoping the phero blend can help her to relax and feel better.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I am so glad I finally got a bottle of Shen Tao. I wore it to work last night, for a change from my regular, Stealing Heaven, and it was a great change of pace. This is soft and creamy, slightly spicy peaches - just light enough for a work scent, although the initial application had me a bit worried. I love peachy scents, and this one is a real treat since it's not quite juicy, it's gentle, creamy peach, like a fresh peach custard. It's a refreshing take on a fairly common perfume note, which I appreciate all the more because I'm such a sucker for peaches, (and mangoes!), and seem to gravitate toward anything peachy. It's awesome to have so many widely different peach perfumes. I can see myself wearing this a lot. It's beautiful.

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  • 1 month later...

Hmm... So Shen Tao got the stamp of approval from my boss today. I wore this to work, and two seconds after I walked in Chef asked what I was wearing. I immediately apologized, 'cause I assumed the scent was too strong, but he said, "No, no! I like it. It smells clean, like you just had a shower. Your perfumes always smell pretty and clean.". :huh: I was shocked! Firstly, I didn't think he could smell my perfumes because I take care to wear ones that are softer. But he said he can always smell them, and he always likes them because they're not intrusive; they just smell great. :D YAY!!! Here I was, worried that I would get in trouble for wearing LPs to work, and the darned Chef *likes* them! :lol: He particularly liked Shen Tao.

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Hmm... So Shen Tao got the stamp of approval from my boss today. I wore this to work, and two seconds after I walked in Chef asked what I was wearing. I immediately apologized, 'cause I assumed the scent was too strong, but he said, "No, no! I like it. It smells clean, like you just had a shower. Your perfumes always smell pretty and clean.". :huh: I was shocked! Firstly, I didn't think he could smell my perfumes because I take care to wear ones that are softer. But he said he can always smell them, and he always likes them because they're not intrusive; they just smell great. :D YAY!!! Here I was, worried that I would get in trouble for wearing LPs to work, and the darned Chef *likes* them! :lol: He particularly liked Shen Tao.


I bet that made your day! I love when things like that happen...so happy he told you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

@ Eggers What a GREAT compliment! That would have me grinning for DAYS!



I just wore this for the first time today and upon allowing my friend to huff my wrist, her eyes lit up followed by, "Mmm, and what's this one? I like it A LOT!" Which is exactly the same reaction I had upon my first sniff :D It began a soft fruity floral, light and refreshing. It finished to a soft creamy deliciousness on me and must've lasted for 6-8 hours easy and was still detectable, faintly and close up, 10-11 hours later. When I got home I got on the elliptical and that last bit of creamy sweetness jumped out again quite obviously...we're talking 11 & 1/2 hours later! That's insane! This is SO yum and I intend to get a bottle ASAP. :love:

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I bet that made your day! I love when things like that happen...so happy he told you!


It totally made my day! It was sort of tempting to try out some of the heavier scents I have, but I don't want to push my luck. He likes the soft ones I choose, so I'll stick with those kinds of scents. His wife, on the other hand, has almost made a habit of smelling me when I come in, just to ask what I'm wearing that day! She loves these perfumes, and is deeply amused that I always seem to be wearing something different from the day before.


@ Eggers What a GREAT compliment! That would have me grinning for DAYS!


I just wore this for the first time today and upon allowing my friend to huff my wrist, her eyes lit up followed by, "Mmm, and what's this one? I like it A LOT!" Which is exactly the same reaction I had upon my first sniff :D It began a soft fruity floral, light and refreshing. It finished to a soft creamy deliciousness on me and must've lasted for 6-8 hours easy and was still detectable, faintly and close up, 10-11 hours later. When I got home I got on the elliptical and that last bit of creamy sweetness jumped out again quite obviously...we're talking 11 & 1/2 hours later! That's insane! This is SO yum and I intend to get a bottle ASAP. :love:


It *did* have me grinning for days! Lol! And Shen Tao really does last and last. You get a lot of bang for a little bit of perfume. I can sometimes still smell it when I wake up the next day. I'm so glad I scored a bottle in the sale. It's a happy scent for me. :D

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It *did* have me grinning for days! Lol! And Shen Tao really does last and last. You get a lot of bang for a little bit of perfume. I can sometimes still smell it when I wake up the next day. I'm so glad I scored a bottle in the sale. It's a happy scent for me. :D


Oh yes, She Tao is really long lasting, on me, too. But at the same time not overly strong. May be, the musk helps the scent to last longer. I love those sweet floral/fruity and musky scents.

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  • 10 months later...

DD, I can't wait to read what you think of it :)

NT, thanks, I'm getting so excited about all of these scents that I have wanted for awhile but due to budget constraints I was unable to purchase. I really appreciated that Mara put this Bargain Bin up, its giving me my chance to pick up a few goodies....

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  • 5 years later...

Bringing over the details from Luna's Archive thread:





Sweet enough for the gods themselves...a delicious peaches-and-cream blend made warm with floriental accents, abundantly powerful...just as the immortal peach granted longevity and good fortune to all who tasted it.


PEACHES & PEACH BOSSOM ~ Love. Promotes fertility, happiness, and abundance. A symbol of marriage. Longevity, wishes granted.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
BUTTER/CREAM ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships. Goddess energy.
BERGAMOT ~ Relaxant, confidence builder. Uplifts emotions, protection, attracts riches.
DEWBERRY ~ Healing, money attraction, protection.
JASMINE ~ Self confidence, anxiety reduction, prosperity; powerful love attractant, spiritual love.
HYACINTH ~ Attracts love and luck; protection, playfulness, joy, relieves grief, eases childbirth. Dependability, constancy, friendship.
SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric; aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism.
PINK, WHITE & MUSCOVADO SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing




I was surprised to see that there was peach in here, because I don't pick it up and also it doesn't turn plasticky on me. It's very faint. I just reapplied it and now I can kind of smell peach. Nothing about this is intense for me. It's soft and pretty, and doesn't last that long. I like it, but I'm not brokenhearted that I missed out on a bottle. 


Edited by Lainey
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2 hours ago, Lainey said:

Bringing over the details from Halo's Archive thread:




I was surprised to see that there was peach in here, because I don't pick it up and also it doesn't turn plasticky on me. It's very faint. I just reapplied it and now I can kind of smell peach. Nothing about this is intense for me. It's soft and pretty, and doesn't last that long. I like it, but I'm not brokenhearted that I missed out on a bottle. 



I LOVED this scent on my bride.  By the time I got her to wear it and I found out how wonderful she smelled in it, I was too late and it was already sold out.

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