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I wore this one last night to the band gig, along with some OCCO Red & Guerlain's Manderine Basillic. Talk about a man magnet! We were surrounded by the boys in the band, their manager, the bartenders. It was like I bathed in honey. And they all were reluctant to leave & to the things they were supposed to do.


Case in point. It took me 2 years to develop a friendship with the bass player (he's a close to the vest, type of guy). Last night he sat right across from me & talked & talked & talked. My buddy Joe had to come get him for the second set. Finally DH turned to me & said "OK, what potion did you wear tonight?"


Who...me??? :12_small7:


Awesome stuff this.

Edited by paganlady
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This is a super SEXY blend.... I'm going away soon and wanted to get SS4W before my trip so I could use it if I get a chance.


Anyway I road tested this in my gym, yes bad idea I know, but I saw my parcel had arrived just as I was leaving the building to work out, so I slipped the package in my gym bag and when I arrived at the gym I had to rip it open and test the goodies. I only gently swiped SS4W on my arm to get an idea of the scent, I also swiped detective and dame but perhaps this was inappropriate and foolhardy of me.


The one guy that talks to me in the gym is a trainer- apart from a sweet gay man- and is French Canadian, has always been a bit blatant. I suppose the two of us speaking French means he thinks he can say what he likes without anyone understanding but yesterday all he could talk about was sex sex sex and dirty sex!! It was just as if SS4W had opened the floodgates and he was verbalizing all these dirty thoughts and I was honestly shocked! He even told me how he was blatantly staring at my behind. I tried to interject but it was as if he could not stop himself!!! I just gave him a nod, a condescending one at that and ended up walking away more amused than anything as I realised what had just occurred! Normally I would have bitten a man's head off for such talk but he is my only acquaintance and really I wonder if it is not my fault for wearing shorts and SS4W!!!



I think next time I will have to wear Dangerous Games or Tabby so I can put him in his place and put him back in his place, get the verbal whip out!


Mara has outdone herself again...

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I think next time I will have to wear Dangerous Games or Tabby so I can put him in his place and put him back in his place, get the verbal whip out!


That may only turn him on MORE ... backfire!! LOl

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That may only turn him on MORE ... backfire!! LOl


hahhaha.... Indigo! LOVE YOUR STORY!!! WHAT a great experience with SSW4 on!!! :D:D:D How about wearing Dominance??? :D

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Road Test- SS4W in alcohol- EDITED TO SAY - ALL HITS WERE IN SS4W - I totally should NOT have written both PP and SS4W reviews at the same time - on my lunch break in a hurry - and I got the text all mixed up....GOOFED IT! Please see corrected....


Took on a business trip - sprayed at airport - security people tripped over themselves being overtly friendly and flight attendant couldn't come back often enough to see if I needed anything else.


At hotel? Busy like crazy - and I am not a member of the frequent guest program...no matter - bumped up for free to the elite floor with the lovely granite counters, kitchenettes, and seriously upgrade furnishings, puffy beds and high thread count sheets- all for free.


And meeting with my new customers who are really PO'ed about service they have received by previous leaders? Started out bad - within 10 minutes they calmed down enough to listen to my business plans and give me a chance to explain my 45 day, 90 day, 6 month and 1 year visions. They would have run me out of dodge if my business strategy was poor or I didn't understand my specialty - but I do credit SS4W for helping diffuse some of the profound aggression that each meeting started with.


And when my return flights were all canceled and I was going to be stranded? The airline staff went way out of their way to find me seats on another airline at a cost their own so I could still get home. I have traveled for years and I know how unusual it is for the desk team to work for a half an hour for one single travelor.


Thanks Chris and Mara for bringing SS4W back!

Edited by Shelly B
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"BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR!!!" LOL!!!! could not agree more.....


Thanks guys! I have put SS4W safely away in my closet for ultra sexy moments en mi casa only.


I think Tabby (dominance in perfume) should work to establish space, I sometimes wear Dangerous Games to the gym as it seems to make other gym goers respect my space more, esp men and last time I wore it, the guy -the one who went gaga with SS4W- was very polite and respectful when I was wearing DG. It also gives me a no nonsense edge. This is my first time wearing tabby in the outside world but I suspect it will make me give off the 'don't push it with me' attitude as a trial run at home made me feel very much like the strict Mistress of my Domain...Tabby it is and no more shorts either for a while!

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Wanted to add a general comment now that I've played a little further with the new SS4W in spray...


SS4W seems to work great for men and women - doesn't matter which gender - it just gives this very "Wow, she has GLOW!" goofiness to the people in your wake...really - both sexes. It's almost silly. Women are all smiley - even one I hadn't met before but came with a man-eating reputation...and one male I met who was loaded for bear because something a coworker did? Went from sparkin' hot to pulling his chair up next to me, grinning like a school boy.


I have to do heavy duty business travel - not George Clooney "Up in the Air" heavy duty - but heavy duty. And my fellow road warriors and I don't talk to others. We can recognize the newbies, the vacationers, and our fellow frequent fliers. We have our own rules. If you saw the movie - the scene about going teaching the new hire how to go through airport check in and security - nearly made me wet my pants laughing because it is 100% true. Why do I say all that?


Because due to a serious set of weather issues - my connecting flights - instead of taking me through the states - took me through Canada. Why important? Internal domestic Canadian security policies are different than ours - and suddenly "Ms. Smooth Know this inside and out" - was a newbie. Normally - no one helps you, remember? SS4W before entering the airport though...and TADA! People killed themselves at every turn helping me figure everything out, fill out forms, one even took 5 minutes to explain why my particular boots were setting off security


My personal fave - and this is how I know it was a total score...another fellow warrior - again - we know who we are...is sitting next to me on the chairs waiting to board. They call gold elite in french - I can't understand - I ask her - excuse me - did they just say Gold Elite? She said - Yes. Oh you must only speak English? I said yes. "oh by all means - come with me..." And off we went - new airline, new procedures, she explained the elite policies there, told me I'd been all hosed up by their concierge at the front on a number of things, blah blah blah, and proceeded to talk to me for 10 minutes - even after we were seated in adjoining rows. Road Warriors do NOT speak. Not to anyone. Least of all for 10 minutes. It violates the unwritten rules. Someone might want to keep talking for the whole flight and then we would have to slowly kill ourselves with the ball point pen in our handbag.


Even better - the signs at the next airport were big letters French - baby letters English - and I was having trouble figuring out how to find the US Connection point/US immigration station. Even though she had gone part way down the Canadian domestic exit - my fellow road warrior looked back- saw me confused...turned around - came back - got me started in the right direction - and sent me on my way. Road Warriors don't do things like that - not because we are mean - but because when our butt is off the plane - we haul it off the plane and we are running to wherever we have to be next and we don't look back...I still can't figure out why she turned around.


I have so missed this one.


If you can't already rock the 'tude - it won't work. If you aren't already confident - this isn't going to make you that way. But I've got attitude in spades so throwing on the the SS4W over the top is just a Ga Ga inducing phero.

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I wore this one last night to the band gig, along with some OCCO Red & Guerlain's Manderine Basillic. Talk about a man magnet! We were surrounded by the boys in the band, their manager, the bartenders. It was like I bathed in honey. And they all were reluctant to leave & to the things they were supposed to do.


Case in point. It took me 2 years to develop a friendship with the bass player (he's a close to the vest, type of guy). Last night he sat right across from me & talked & talked & talked. My buddy Joe had to come get him for the second set. Finally DH turned to me & said "OK, what potion did you wear tonight?"


Who...me??? :lol:


Awesome stuff this.



Awesome report paganlady. It is great when you get such obvious hits. And what your DH said about what potion you were wearing was great. I still have some Super Sexy from years ago. I think I might have to get this current version as well,

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Shelly B. You might be able to chalk a little of that up to the fact that as Canadians we are just polite. Really polite. Freakishly polite. I've noticed a huge difference between airport security travelling within Canada and going through Homeland Security into the US.



HS: Ma'am, step back and take off your belt.

(takes off belt ... beep)

HS: Ma'am step back and take off your boots.

Me: Ok. But if you want me to take off anything else you'll have to buy me dinner first.

(cricket cricket)


So for anyone who tried the old Super Sexy how does the new one compare? I had a sample of the original a couple of years ago and used every drop but when I went to order a bottle it was sold out and I shed a wee tear.

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Shelly B. You might be able to chalk a little of that up to the fact that as Canadians we are just polite. Really polite. Freakishly polite. I've noticed a huge difference between airport security travelling within Canada and going through Homeland Security into the US.



HS: Ma'am, step back and take off your belt.

(takes off belt ... beep)

HS: Ma'am step back and take off your boots.

Me: Ok. But if you want me to take off anything else you'll have to buy me dinner first.

(cricket cricket)


So for anyone who tried the old Super Sexy how does the new one compare? I had a sample of the original a couple of years ago and used every drop but when I went to order a bottle it was sold out and I shed a wee tear.



LOL!!!!! I so get the Canadian polite thing...I've worked with Canadians for years. :-) However - I'm going to say even with that - behaviors were over the top. The grinning, the smiling, the looking under the lashes...yup - say what you want about polite - I get it. I'm still saying - there were hits with the SS4W and there were no ifs ands or buts about it.


As to this one and the old one?


I loved the old one (eventually - it had to grow on me - when I started using it - I was just trying to decide about leaving the Ex-Mr. Shelly so I was pretty down in the dumps. And down in the dumps and SS4W just don't work together. No 'Tude plus SS4W = no hits due to incongruence.)


Anyhoo - while I loved the old one - the new one in Alcohol disperses *SO* much better that the hits ARE way way better and more obvious. I would NOT buy this in a 2x strength though. This is not a more is better Phero. 1X is plenty on this one ladies. I did 2 sprays on the top of the wrists (one on each) and rubbed (I'm a hand talker), one on the front of the neck, one on the back of the neck - and called it good. And it was very very good.

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Oh and for a fast giggle -


Me and Homeland Security at my home airport - who seriously - see me all the freekin' time.


Them - "Excuse me you have to go through the scanner"

Me - "Again? I'm not wearing baggy clothes this time..."

Them - "You have been selected randomly for an electronic search"

Me - "Sighs."

Scanner machine runs. I walk through. I have to go to the holding area until I'm cleared.

I lean over to the person with the microphone who has to keep track of me til I'm cleared and whisper "I have to do the naked scanner every time I come through. Seriously, I couldn't hide anything under these yoga pants. I swear ya'll make me do this just because you want to see which thong I'm wearing today."


Crickets. More Crickets.


"You are clear to go Ma'am."


Whistles while I walk off. :lol:

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LOL Shelly B. Apparently to work any type of security you have to first complete some sort of Clockwork Orangey mind training that sucks the sense of humour out of you.


Merry meet ravenwing!

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Oh and for a fast giggle -


Me and Homeland Security at my home airport - who seriously - see me all the freekin' time.


Them - "Excuse me you have to go through the scanner"

Me - "Again? I'm not wearing baggy clothes this time..."

Them - "You have been selected randomly for an electronic search"

Me - "Sighs."

Scanner machine runs. I walk through. I have to go to the holding area until I'm cleared.

I lean over to the person with the microphone who has to keep track of me til I'm cleared and whisper "I have to do the naked scanner every time I come through. Seriously, I couldn't hide anything under these yoga pants. I swear ya'll make me do this just because you want to see which thong I'm wearing today."


Crickets. More Crickets.


"You are clear to go Ma'am."


Whistles while I walk off. :great:




:lol2: :lol2: :lol2::666: :666:

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bottle and a half? how did that happen!? the way the reviews are i figured everyone would have the last ones bone dry by now. :)


I assume Tee loves SS4W so much that she saves her bottle and a half for special occassions only. Just like some of the solo bottles of GGG scents I have. I will use them on special days as I don't want to lose any of them forever.

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I am waiting for my SS4W- it should be here by this weekend. On Saturday, I will be at a surprise dinner party for a friend of mine- it will be just a small group of about 10 people. The guys there are mostly gay except for just three, two which are taken and one single guy that I happen to have a crush on (different from the other guy I've mentioned in the past). I know all the women at the party and friendly with everyone.


I'm wondering- should I stick to just 1 spray in my hair? I have both the silicone and alcohol spray 1x coming. I was thinking 1 spray to the hair and a small swipe of the silicone for the back and side of neck (the alcohol spray for diffusion and the silicone for the endurance). I'll top that off with just a smidge of OCCO Red and some MRF (no phermones).


What do you think?

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OK, so i have a roll on bottle of unscented super sexy.... Tried it a few times and have gotten no results from it, i don't feel especially sexy and people around me are as normal as any other days without pheros on! :)


environment: studio, classmates- age between 18-24 mainly female, a few are male...

Could it be the age and environment???


I increased the amount i put on every time i try it! But i know i've reached my limit once i got to 3rd trial!! There are no self effect apart from headaches and exhaustion! :)


1st trial: dots on back of hands and neck... feel slightly happy?

2nd trial: swipes on back of hand, arm and neck

3rd trail: chest, neck and back of hand


Why is that? Does this mean that i don't react to super sexy!!???? :o:O:O Hmm.... might consider putting it in my trading post.... :D

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IMO, you haven't given yourself a proper chance to try this yet. First of all, the environment - instead of a school day around other females, try a night out on the town when you are dressed up! Secondly, the amount - You're probably getting closer to the right amount on your third trial. I doubt the headache/exhaustion you felt were related to the use of the phero blend, but if you believe that to be the case, you might want to try not applying to your hands and just apply to back of neck and your torso. Give it another shot! It's possible it is not the phero blend for your chemistry, but I think you have to give it a real chance before you decide. Good luck! :D

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Edit: because my twin beat me to it! *shakes fist*


As Mara notes, how you are presenting yourself makes a difference. Super Sexy doesn't just automatically make people pay attention to you (no pheromone, in fact, works strictly by itself). If you're not projecting a particuarly attention-worthy vibe, then it's likely you won't get a response from it; and not everyone gets self-effects from pheros either. For me, SS will help me shine if I'm being outgoing already but I don't get that much self-effects from it, not like with Cougar, for example.


Plus, as a primarily sexual mix, it might work better for you in an intimate setting than in a social one.

Edited by luna65
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I think you should try wearing it out and see if men try to talk to you or if you get a lot of stares. It might just be the wrong environment. Also, try wearing it shopping. I noticed that the female sales associates were really helpful when I wore it! but I agree that you should see the greatest effects in an intimate setting so you might wanna save it for those kinds of times. :D

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Re LUNA: For me, SS will help me shine if I'm being outgoing already but I don't get that much self-effects from it, not like with Cougar, for example.


I can recall times that people surrounding me in a midst of conversation! I think i was wearing the dective and the dame that day! Does super sexy count as a social phero too??


Thankyou for your advice PM, Luna and bruiseviolet! Now im thinking... Would spray be more effective than roll on? I might try applying it on the back of my neck and torso in my next trial :wub: And probably save this when MO returns from UK :lol:

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Does super sexy count as a social phero too??


It can, I've had it work that way, but I was also supporting the congruence by being outgoing in the situation.

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I really need to get me an unscented bottle of the new SS4W in my next order.....I am going to have a WHOPPING phero order......need some more LAM, more OCCO, Essence Oil, and SS4W.....can you tell I have been using LOTS of pheros lately? I am running low on EVERYTHING!

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Soooooo.... Since cop heavy mixes are a bust with the HSF - I broke out the beta of SS4W while he was doing homework and I was 6 feet away reading. He resisted while I was up and down cooking lunch, even while eating lunch but when I went and cuddled up after lunch? Neck got huffed. Huffed again.


And I got the cave man treatment in one astonishingly hot way. Dayum. :)


I need a nap. :) !!!!!!!

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GOOOOOOO Shelly.....aka "Dolly's Twin".......

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