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Cuddle Bunny and Cuddle Bunny 2009

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Btw, WOW widow is right...I have been feeling like that since he *discovered* this game in December..hehe


How do you deal with all this Katz??


Honestly? Some days better than others. You have my sympathies - I know the kind of WoW addict you describe - this was my sweetie 2 years ago before I broke up w/him. It took that for him to figure out I meant more than some online social group. I have to give him credit, he will drop raid night for things like Valentine's Day or if I have specific PLANS for us - I'm not a very good planner, unfortunately.


I'm lucky in that I have had a 'buddy' I hang out with and do stuff with on Sat. nights, but I dislike the whole "fixed schedule" we have. He has to "commit" to doing so many raids/week to keep his 'status' and crap...well, it really makes for NO spontaneity. No last minute "oh hey, there's something fun going on tonight, how about we go X or Y?"


Anyway, lately I've gone online to look for things for ME to do (via Meet Up) and have discovered things like hiking/biking groups and at least one meditation group I might check out. My 'buddy' will be moving out of town soon, and I need to have backup plans. However that leaves less and less time for us. Oh well, choices eh?

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Honestly? Some days better than others. You have my sympathies - I know the kind of WoW addict you describe - this was my sweetie 2 years ago before I broke up w/him. It took that for him to figure out I meant more than some online social group. I have to give him credit, he will drop raid night for things like Valentine's Day or if I have specific PLANS for us - I'm not a very good planner, unfortunately.


I'm lucky in that I have had a 'buddy' I hang out with and do stuff with on Sat. nights, but I dislike the whole "fixed schedule" we have. He has to "commit" to doing so many raids/week to keep his 'status' and crap...well, it really makes for NO spontaneity. No last minute "oh hey, there's something fun going on tonight, how about we go X or Y?"


Anyway, lately I've gone online to look for things for ME to do (via Meet Up) and have discovered things like hiking/biking groups and at least one meditation group I might check out. My 'buddy' will be moving out of town soon, and I need to have backup plans. However that leaves less and less time for us. Oh well, choices eh?


Katz WOW,


That's my hubby to a T...

Right now he has about 1000 gold..sure I was proud and happy for him but I still have to remind him it is just a game!!


For goodness sake I tell him to take a break...and we did for a while...he just goes through so much at work so that is probably why I do not try and harrass him...too much!


The other day he told me that his raids and quests are the same way I act about my LP's and this forum so I could not say no they are the exact opposite cause he is sort of right...I do spend mad amounts of time on here buying and trading goodies...cannot help it I suppose...


I do get out sometimes but the other day I did so much walking my feet are hurting like mad now....but I wish we lived close to a beach or something..I just love being outdoors and he unfortunately is not one for those kinds of activities...


LOL...what can I say!! If noone does anything nothing gets done!!


going to be a slow process but I gotta do something for me...even if I am taking all these baby steps...it is something....


I'm proud of you for taking that huge leap...wow...It's going to take me a while to join a biking group or any group...I do better one on one...

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Katz WOW,


That's my hubby to a T...

Right now he has about 1000 gold..sure I was proud and happy for him but I still have to remind him it is just a game!!


The other day he told me that his raids and quests are the same way I act about my LP's and this forum so I could not say no they are the exact opposite cause he is sort of right...I do spend mad amounts of time on here buying and trading goodies...cannot help it I suppose...


I do get out sometimes but the other day I did so much walking my feet are hurting like mad now....but I wish we lived close to a beach or something..I just love being outdoors and he unfortunately is not one for those kinds of activities...


LOL...what can I say!! If noone does anything nothing gets done!!


going to be a slow process but I gotta do something for me...even if I am taking all these baby steps...it is something....


I'm proud of you for taking that huge leap...wow...It's going to take me a while to join a biking group or any group...I do better one on one...


Believe me I'm *terrified* to join groups. I'm very very shy by nature. I have yet to DO it, but at least I'm looking and thinking about it. I get these "email reminders" of meetup events...it keeps prodding me into committing to GO, so eventually I know I will, terror or no. Hugs to you in support of our own fulfillment and happiness!

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Believe me I'm *terrified* to join groups. I'm very very shy by nature. I have yet to DO it, but at least I'm looking and thinking about it. I get these "email reminders" of meetup events...it keeps prodding me into committing to GO, so eventually I know I will, terror or no. Hugs to you in support of our own fulfillment and happiness!



How strange Katz!!


I'm pretty shy myself...my hubby has to drag me here and there but I refuse to go...

It's worse cause his family is huge ...but thank goodness they live in Miami...we moved to cali 3 years ago...hehe. NO more mother in law hassles...lol


I love animals and have never had problems with them...so cute and so understanding...the connection is easier with them.


I love to volunteer at the animal shelters for that reason...I even helped get the animal of the month adopted when the others couldn't...I know it is prideful to say that but I was very proud...It's hard just talking to strangers for me...what's worse is that I'm very emotional by nature and some ppl think I am nutty..lol.


Unforunately we move so often so I never get a chance to meet and keep in touch with others..we recently moved from north cali to south cali and I was so happy to find another animal shelter close by...until....I called them and they said they had enough volunteers...I think they are lying to me but hey, I am going to call them again next week...hehe. I may be shy but I am not giving up...sometimes determination just comes out of nowhere and I scare myself...


It's going to get major worse when I get that cuddlebunny....I might just go up to strangers and get over my fear...lol. I've always wanted to skydive too...and I am so scared of heights..One fear I have never had was the fear of death though...after my dad died that was it for me...no more fear!!


Katz I wish u all the best as well...

If u ever need to chat about your own shyness or anything else u can always give me a shout out....


Take care




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I love animals and have never had problems with them...so cute and so understanding...the connection is easier with them.


I love to volunteer at the animal shelters for that reason...I even helped get the animal of the month adopted when the others couldn't...I know it is prideful to say that but I was very proud...It's hard just talking to strangers for me...what's worse is that I'm very emotional by nature and some ppl think I am nutty..lol.



Katz I wish u all the best as well...

If u ever need to chat about your own shyness or anything else u can always give me a shout out....


Take care




I volunteer (when I can) at the local rescue group too, hah! I've told people I have no people skills, but animals? Easy! So, I give back in the way I can...makes me feel good, and the animals *always* appreciate it! Keep pursuing that route...for sure!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cuddle Bunny 09 is beautiful! :(


I had read reviews that it was aquatic which worried me since my skin takes aquatics & morphs them into dryer sheets.


But, this reminds me of a soft blanky fresh from the laundry, all sweet, soft & fluffy.


It definitely fits the name!

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Cuddle Bunny 09 is beautiful! :(


But, this reminds me of a soft blanky fresh from the laundry, all sweet, soft & fluffy.


It definitely fits the name!


Oh! Brilliant! I need something truly cuddly...I got a bottle coming, can't wait !!

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I love the scent. Comes on a bit strong wet but dries down nicely. I'm glad I'm not getting dryer sheets (although I like the scent of them also). Not florally, but girly, for lack of a better explanation. It makes me feel feminine and soft, which is nice for a change.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ooooh, I hope my bottle arrives today!!!! *crosses fingers*


I'm very excited to try this one, and very curious. I have (and love) UN CB, and wasn't really planning on getting the scented, but y'all made it sound so good... :lightsaber1:

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I got a full bottle of this unsniffed just because it's Ail's version and that's pretty much guaranteeing it'll be REALLY good...


I've only tried it at home by myself sofar but I'm keen to try it around my TG to see how he reacts to it. The scent on me is not one I'd typically go for; it's a light & fresh slightly grassy/floral scent that is quite unisex on me...almost reminds me a little of CK One before drydown. Though I'm not a huge fan of this type of scent I don't dislike it either and it would be a very easy fragrance to cover by layering with another lurvely LP :lightsaber1:

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  • 2 months later...

I was a bit scared to get a bottle of this because of the "maple" note. I usually get/feel sick when I smell sickenly sweet maple based food (I like the toffee though lol)


Anyhow, I keep kicking myself for not buying a bottle of this. It's sooo beautiful. sweet, fresh and bright yet clean. The throw is amazing too, better than the first one imho. I'm going to save up for a bottle of this me likey!!! yum!

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I was a bit scared to get a bottle of this because of the "maple" note. I usually get/feel sick when I smell sickenly sweet maple based food (I like the toffee though lol)


Anyhow, I keep kicking myself for not buying a bottle of this. It's sooo beautiful. sweet, fresh and bright yet clean. The throw is amazing too, better than the first one imho. I'm going to save up for a bottle of this me likey!!! yum!


Oh, this scent is gorgeous, I am glad it works on you. I think I may have a total of 6 or 7 bottles between the two releases, and I am wanting more. To be honest this is my ulitmate LP scent. I can mix it with so many Lp scents and it is just AMAZING!


I hope we can have a CB ever year so that I can grow old with this scent :)

Ironically, when I firast tried this one, I wasnt sure about it. I actually think I gave my samples away...(the pheros went wonky and I wasnt patient)...but now I am loving it and SO glad I gave it a second chance. This scent is great to wear to fine dinners and get togethers. There is a touch of elegance to it. Although it can definetly be worn on casual excursions.

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Oh, this scent is gorgeous, I am glad it works on you. I think I may have a total of 6 or 7 bottles between the two releases, and I am wanting more. To be honest this is my ulitmate LP scent. I can mix it with so many Lp scents and it is just AMAZING!


I hope we can have a CB ever year so that I can grow old with this scent :)

Ironically, when I firast tried this one, I wasnt sure about it. I actually think I gave my samples away...(the pheros went wonky and I wasnt patient)...but now I am loving it and SO glad I gave it a second chance. This scent is great to wear to fine dinners and get togethers. There is a touch of elegance to it. Although it can definetly be worn on casual excursions.


I know, I regret not buying a bottle! But I'm glad that this is not sold out yet!! Will buy a bottle as soon as I have some moola! It's beautiful!


LOL @ your 6-7 bottle collection, you are the true master of hoarding! lol!! But I see what you mean, I can see this layered with anything as well. It's amazing, I love the throw!


I can see this worn on a winter day with a wool sweater...oh sexy!

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Just a little tip ladies, I am on my second jar of Cuddle Bunny in the LP Body Cream and it is absolutely WONDERFUL. It layers with anything, and it always makes me feel all sexy and cozy. If you haven't tried this you really should!!


LOL now don't tempt me!! :)


lol there there! ... but yum I can see cuddle bunny in a lotion, damn!

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Yep, I agree with the ladies here... the new 09 version is A-MA-ZING!!!

Love this stuff! It is very soft and sexy but yet elegant and as Esmeralda pointed out it has a great throw!

I loved the first one and I'm gonna have to get a full bottle of the new version!

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omg I need to go home. I read this as "casual exorcisms"... :blushing:




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out of curiousity...do the cuddle bunny potions come in a roll-on bottle?


CB2009 scented and the PCom unscented both do.

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Just a little tip ladies, I am on my second jar of Cuddle Bunny in the LP Body Cream and it is absolutely WONDERFUL. It layers with anything, and it always makes me feel all sexy and cozy. If you haven't tried this you really should!!



I tried to order this buyt accidentally closed the browser. Whatr cream do you have it in? I want a body butter but cant remember which I chose :hotjump:

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  • 2 months later...

Some of them do not. For me, the P-com version of CB, the phero mix, is a bit strong without a cover. Dominance and BI I'd never wear without a cover. Stone Cougar, on the other hand, is not unpleasant, nor is Swimming With Sharks or Drop Your Guard. A-nol is not too bad on its' own. It all depends on what your nose can tolerate, but I don't agree when people characterize them all (i.e, all pheromones) as having the same kind of scent because I do not believe that's true at all.

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  • 3 months later...

Maybe this is just me, but it seems like Cuddle Bunny has a more 'traditional' perfume scent to it. I like it! It has a nice, clean, floral scent to it, both in the bottle and on my skin. It kind of reminds me of a Ralph Lauren perfume a friend gave me for Christmas a few years ago. But that perfume sometimes makes me sneeze, and this one doesn't. :magicstick:

I better go before I'm late for work.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Everyone,


So I have used up the entire little vial of Cuddle Bunny. I like the scent clean and fresh; I couldn't stop smelling me. I tried this one out on two of my friends and the results were somewhat interesting. My first test subject part time cuddle partner; Cuddle Bunny made him vey aggressive in a playful way. Talk about getting ones hair pulled in kinky way. With him there was no cuddling which was totally out of charcter for him (pyscho reved up bunny). My other friend I tried this scent out on told me I smelled like Johnson and Johnson Baby lotion. Ummm. I don't think I will try a full body of this one but testing it was funny.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Devastated! Wet/in vial, this was one of the most heavenly things I've ever smelled. But within 2 minutes my skin turned it into freshly laundered cotton soaked in baby pee. Thanks a lot, skin, you jerk.


Still I wanted to test it, so I didn't touch it and went out and about. Spent a bit of time with a guy friend. Initial DIHL reaction, then very solicitous and helpful, then he seemed sort of distracted and spacey, ex: losing his train of thought (not like him). Curious looks from male strangers, not lustful, not hostile, just curious. Cheerful friendliness from female strangers which was unusual given the context.


Now about 90 minutes after application, it has died down to a very fresh, cheerful, fluffy laundry smell, like Tide. I get zero sugar/maple :'(


My first est. experience, so it may be that my skin doesn't like it. Will have to put up for trade. :'(

Edited by tyvey
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Reminder: Copulins will smell rank for the first 10 mins after you put them on...then they meld with your chemistry and calm down. This is the case no matter what blend you put them in, so don;t make a judgment on a copulin-laced perfume until like 20 mins have gone by.

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I gave it adequate drydown time this time (admit I totally forgot about it last time, but this time I waited about 20 minutes) AND even actually put on enough :) and went out and all I can say now is that the results were FULL ON BANANAS.

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  • 1 month later...

I get the yukky dryer-sheet smell on this one. I'm thinking that I'm better off amping a bottle of Bayou Musk or Silken Moonlight (if it ever comes back) with the unscented phero.

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Some of them do not. For me, the P-com version of CB, the phero mix, is a bit strong without a cover. Dominance and BI I'd never wear without a cover. Stone Cougar, on the other hand, is not unpleasant, nor is Swimming With Sharks or Drop Your Guard. A-nol is not too bad on its' own. It all depends on what your nose can tolerate, but I don't agree when people characterize them all (i.e, all pheromones) as having the same kind of scent because I do not believe that's true at all.


I smell A-nol a LOT, though I keep hearing most people don't. :neutral: I also find it VERY interesting that the *Pcom* CB is mentioned as being smelly, somehow (though I cannot stand the stench of cops) Pcoms UN-CB was nearly odorless to me... and worked, shall we just say, WELL. :666:


When the betas were finally introduced, I quickly ordered the last CBs in spray, but my long awaited P-c CB sprays got bumped by a non-beta order :censored: and Pharmacom's Cuddlebunny was lost to me forever... Then through an order mix up, the replacement (Ail's original) CB stayed 2X, though on a hunch I'd changed it to 1X... Lo and behold, the end result was that I now have a full bottle of 2X UN CB that I cannot use, because the est and cops alone are intolerable to me. Everytime I see that bottle I cry inside... :winktongue:


I have NO idea why, and it doesn't make sense, but something in the UN Pcom blend mellowed my nose, at least. Plus it worked like, well, magic. I bought the *scented*, but unfortunately am a member of the Tide detergent contingent.


I actually just ran off to try it again, it's been a while. It's very pretty actually, but too floral, just not my thing... I know someone in particular it would probably be awesome on, but am wary of giving it to her unless she promised never to wear it around me; I could NOT compete with that!*** I know the awesomeness that is/was CB!



***...Did that sound bitchy? :wink2:


eta for semblance of clarity!

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It's a secret we don't always share.


That is interesting...the other ingredients in the P-com version made it "smellier" for me, but yes, it works oh so well and I'm hoarding the last of my stash for those times when I want very special molestation. :666:

Edited by luna65
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I wore CB the other day, and it was interesting, I was wearing some cut little outfit, with kick ass lace up booties, and OMG, I got soooo many compliments from women. Really. Guys were staring, but women were being super friendly. I guess I remembered that EST affects both gender. I felt that it softened me up a little, and it seemed that people looked at me as more approachable.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I put on Un-CB (Ail's) 20 minutes ago and I can't smell it at all!! Very faint whisper of swingset-pole a la Super, which I figure must be the est. BUT NO COPS. Based on my experience with scented CB, which was Tide but the scent/cover wore off very quickly leaving just major stink, I am SHOCKED and delighted. Unless my nose has completely stopped working, in which case I'm about to go offend a lot of people (well, the women anyway).

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Unless my nose has completely stopped working, in which case I'm about to go offend a lot of people (well, the women anyway).



Hun, you will probably get some very important data from doing that! I have put on half a bottle of EoW (WITH NO COVER) and taken a little trip to the local market, for testing purposes. That is one place where I feel totally safe wearing cops in public (I live in a very small town that has no violent crime. EVER)......there is always a wide range of ages and genders there, so it makes the perfect testing ground.....

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