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PheroGirl Cougar Potion

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It never hurts 'em on the T.V.! :)


bastards. they look so happy as they're being pelted by mini paintballs on their faces... I do like em tho- skittles and dr. pepper, best gasoline station combo when you need a sugar rush and are at the world's largest thermometer in Baker headed towards Las Vegas...

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That is awesome! I want to try this mega incarnation of cougar!


Mega-Cougar is scented Cougar Potion with a full strength Cougar phero-add in ($30). I will say in my personal experience with Cougar, more is definitely more!

Edited by Beccah
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  • 3 weeks later...
Totally FUN Mega Cougar Hit....


Define Mega Cougar...Cougar fragrance in a beta - amped with 2X more Cops and 2X more Stone Cougar.... YUMMERS!


Oh man! will I ever get this amped, mixing, add-in stuff straight? How do you even order this? Think I'll just stick to the pre mixed blends for now until I get the hang. :thumbup:


Is this thread about the current Cougar fragrance, or a past blend of Cougar and Phero girl? I am still on the fence with Cougar. I like the effects, but the scent is meh on me. Too fruity.

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Oh man! will I ever get this amped, mixing, add-in stuff straight? How do you even order this? Think I'll just stick to the pre mixed blends for now until I get the hang. :thumbup:


Is this thread about the current Cougar fragrance, or a past blend of Cougar and Phero girl? I am still on the fence with Cougar. I like the effects, but the scent is meh on me. Too fruity.



Most of this thread is about the grapefruit-scented Cougar, although some posts are about getting the Cougar pheros boosted into a different scent.....threads here "wander" sometimes....LOL


To my knowledge, there never has been a blend of Cougar scent and PheroGirl scent....Cougar scented has always been a musky pink grapefruit scent......when the phero blends first came out, they had "PheroGirl" or "PheroBoy" tacked on the front. There was the ORGINAL PheroGirl, which is the honey based scent with cops.....then, there was PheroGirl Dominance, and PheroGirl Cougar.....

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Right, the first three pheromone-enhanced scents for women were all called "PheroGirl."


Admittedly it's very lax here in regards to what is discussed in threads; it would drive other mods crazy I'm sure! :thumbup:

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Right, the first three pheromone-enhanced scents for women were all called "PheroGirl."


Admittedly it's very lax here in regards to what is discussed in threads; it would drive other mods crazy I'm sure! :kyrii_green_wink:



EXACTLY! But, when stuff starts rollin', you just gotta let it roll.....

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I am still on the fence with Cougar. I like the effects, but the scent is meh on me. Too fruity.


Sparkle Fuchsia :w00t:


...you are welcome :kyrii_green_wink:

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....then, there was PheroGirl Dominance, and PheroGirl Cougar


That's what I was wondering about. Now the pheroGirl Cougar is actually two dif scents right?



Not really two scents.....Cougar comes in Unscented and in the Grapefruit scented.....

Edited by Dolly
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Ha, just to add to the confusion, I think where you're getting the three from is:

-Cougar Potion (phero-enhanced grapefruit musk scent)

-Sparkle Fuchsia... (phero-enhanced pink pumpkin scent)

-Stone Cougar (unscented pheromone blend).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dabbed on some Cougar yesterday as a refresher in the afternoon at work. One of the hot young things I work with told me I reminded him of Salma Hayek.UMMMMMM

I'm buying a thousand bottles!!!

This is the SHIZZzNIT I love how it smells, it makes me feel soooo goooood.

It also relaxed me? I felt so sleepy and relaxed, or maybe I was already tired. I had to get some coffee at 4pm to stay awake. Even if it does induce narcolepsy, I don't care I'm stocking up. Hell, if it makes them think I look like Salma Hayek I don't care if it gives me conjunctivitis! GIVE ME COUGAR!


I love the whiteness of this smell, It made me feel like a sexy pretty lady having champagne and fruit on a yacht with one of those ugly couture V front bathing suits that have all these weird cut outs and gold embelishments. I LOVE IT! Almost like Goldie Hawn in Overboard except with Carla Bruni and not as bitchy. Elegant, rich and classy.

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I love love love Cougar. I love how it gives me energy and makes me happy. I love the self effects of this. I love the Magickal properties of this.. I love this ONE and AM SO GONNA STOCK UP!!!

See when you are happy and feel good, magick happens. OMG I love this stuff what happened to bitch girl from yesterday?


I feel dirty today because I didn't wash my hair. In the parking lot I saw a guy I used to do happy hour with.. I walked super fast to try and lose him.. um didnt work he must have sprinted to make sure we walked in to work at the same time. I mean he was literally on top of me.


I got a call from the front desk. I had a visitor. FUCK! My heart started beating because I knew this would happen I knew someone was coming, I had no idea who or when but I knew I would have a visitor at work soon.. but no not today GOD please no I look like CRAP.. she told me the name and I could have died- it was a total hot broker coming to drop off a gift for me. He said he was in the neighborhood and wanted to drop off some tequila for me. HELLO HE WORKS IN ONTARIO! AN HOUR AWAY!


I was daydreaming and wishing good would come to my family.. especially my cousin, who has been depressed lately and whom I love dearly and in the middle of a nasty divorce, she is due a whole lotta clams.. ummm I get a text from her, her ex called her and wants to be fair and give her what is due..


Cougar I love you. Mara this is some potent stuff~ what's in here placentas? spleens? the cream of some young fool?

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Yup, this is definitely good stuff :) The scent is very pleasant, and rather mild, so I can easily wear something else with it if I want to.


Effect-wise, everything seems to go my way when I wear this. It's more seductive than sexual - I don't get over-the-top male attention, but it certainly gives me an extra boost of charisma, and it also seems to make me more approachable.


As far as self-effects are concerned, it's very congruent with my personality - so no dramatic changes to report, it's more of an enhancement effect, a little extra confidence, an added bounce in my step.


I could wear this every day (and I almost do), as I find it as useful for work meetings and negotiations as it is in social situations. This will definitely be my first scented phero bottle, and I am even contemplating boosting it further, a la Shelly's Mega Cougar...

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  • 5 weeks later...

Here's one of my best Cougar hits yet...just a little while ago I had to go run some errands and pick up something to eat and so slathered myself before leaving. I'm totally a schlub today: I did shower but no makeup as usual, hair pulled back, t-shirt and sweats...and I'm sitting there waiting for my food when this MILF comes over and asks if she can sit with me and I said yes. She then proceeds to act like I'm her BFF, talking a mile a minute, and she says she's "pushing 50" which means she can't be more than four years older than me but she says, "Oh you're half my age, I know, but let me tell ya, once you hit 40 you're just worn out!" and before I could tell her how old I really am she moved on to some other topic. Granted, people do think I'm younger than I am due to my moon face but the glamour was in effect!


Now when I tell you she's a MILF I'm serious: cute hairstyle, cute clothes (the Forever 21 aesthetic), everything perfect, and even though she did look her age, mostly, she was a hottie. Ahd she's touching me while she talks and I'm just dumbfounded. I think she was totally high on my Cougar cloud, lol. I left before she did and she said, "Oh you take care now, sweetie!" and I just laughed all the way to the car. After years of the community MILFs looking down their noses at me in various encounters it was refreshing to have one act like I was special, heh.

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Awesome hit ,Luna! ...got to love Cougar in any form,but the grapefruit scented does seem to have more of the classic glamour effect <I get it with the grapefruit in Money Honey too,even though it has SWS> ...while Sparkle Fuchsia is more me me me ,watch me sparkle,watch me shine!


...and yeah,you Are special...about as special as they come :love:

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is soooo fun! I'm not a cougar, but was reading about all the great self effects just from wearing it. It begins with a fabulous mouth watering grapefruit. And this is a juicy pink grapefruit, none of your screechy white bitter grapefruit here. It's totally lucious. As it dries down, you get the musk peeping through interweaving with the vanilla. The grapefruit dissapears after a while as all top notes do, but it still leaves a bright golden aura in its wake.


I'm not sure if younger women are supposed to get hits while wearing this but I didn't notice anything from anyone else. But I did feel a bit more girly and giggly while wearing it for a while , so that's always fun!

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  • 3 months later...

Not sure yet how I feel about the scent of this. For some weird reason, I feel like I smell like I'm wearing a men's fragrance. Am I weird?


Not sure about effects yet. Everyone in the store today was rushing to help me, but then again, store workers here in SoCal tend to be incredibly nice...seriously...I had one dude offering me a cart I didn't need...one woman asking me four times if she could help me "just in case" I needed her. :P I didn't...This was a sports supply store...


Men & women alike seemed fine w/me...no negative reactions or anything.


Let's see how this goes.



ETA: I forgot to list the self-effects! At first I felt almost high! Then, just relaxed, yet peppy. I've been leery...I feel like beta-everythings have a "sadness" factor for me and alpha-everythings give me a headache (both of these effects happen within 5-30 minutes). But you know what? Five hours later, and neither of either of those. Maybe balance is a factor with me or something. Or maybe there's just little enough of each in the mix.


I am also very frisky...just frisky in general. Not really horny, just in a fun mood but not a "Happy Helmet" fun mood (which I've gotten before with too much A-nol, LOL!).


Feels...good. Right. So far. :)

Edited by WildAutumn
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Don't believe everything you read :Hug_emoticon: ...I have absolutely no hesitation to wear Stone Cougar,which is what is sold here...I wear it,I do not drink it. Your choice,of course.


I have worn various pheros every day over a long period of time,with no adverse effects that *I* can discern.

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Don't believe everything you read :) ...I have absolutely no hesitation to wear Stone Cougar,which is what is sold here...I wear it,I do not drink it. Your choice,of course.


I have worn various pheros every day over a long period of time,with no adverse effects that *I* can discern.




That makes sense, Calii (not drinking it)...thanks!


I do like how I feel with it on. Just...a nice feeling. I still get a little whiff of Eau de Guy.

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Ohhhhhhh...I might have to give this another spin. I am now curious. A bit anxious, though...I was getting hits and have since ended up seeing a guy 16 years my junior WITHOUT the Cougar. Yikes...what will this do????! (BTW...I never considered myself a Cougar before I started dating him, but I don't know if I will EVER go back now!!)



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That makes sense, Calii (not drinking it)...thanks!


:D ...ummm,there was supposed to be a :) after "I don't drink it!"

Cougar is one of my all-time favorite blends,for self-effects and attention from all,not just younger men,although I have no problems enjoying that :( It was the first phero I ever tried and the one that made me a believer :)

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Ohhhhhhh...I might have to give this another spin. I am now curious. A bit anxious, though...I was getting hits and have since ended up seeing a guy 16 years my junior WITHOUT the Cougar. Yikes...what will this do????! (BTW...I never considered myself a Cougar before I started dating him, but I don't know if I will EVER go back now!!)






All I know is the SELF-effects are so so nice for me. I don't like feeling overly jazzed Happy Helmet-ed, but I do feel I need a lift once in a while. This seems to make me feel balanced, yet lighthearted, and ready to take on my day happily. I'm also being nicer to people. :)


It just feels good. Well, to me.

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Hey you fine creatrixes: (creatrices?) Do you think there's any way to intensify the grapefruit in this fragrance and/or make it last longer? Is there a complementary fragrance you carry? I just LOVE the grapefruit that this starts out with.


Do you think Clinique Happy would be a nice complement?

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I can't really speak to that except to say that citrus notes (such as grapefruit) are prone to burn off faster than any other in general. So this is an issue you would face with any blend with that note.


I think it would really depend on if you thought the two fragrances were complimentary.

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I had the same complaint - the only complaint - about the scented Cougar. And yes, I did slather often and much to compensate. Problem is that my skin, already being oily in the areas I usually apply it, started turning into Grease Slick City and getting my clothing greasy too. Otherwise I'd just let that be my summer fragrance.

Edited by AlienChangeling
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Ohhhhhhh...I might have to give this another spin. I am now curious. A bit anxious, though...I was getting hits and have since ended up seeing a guy 16 years my junior WITHOUT the Cougar. Yikes...what will this do????! (BTW...I never considered myself a Cougar before I started dating him, but I don't know if I will EVER go back now!!)



Hey! New face on the boards! (at least to me) Welcome rnmomandie!


Hey you fine creatrixes: (creatrices?) Do you think there's any way to intensify the grapefruit in this fragrance and/or make it last longer? Is there a complementary fragrance you carry? I just LOVE the grapefruit that this starts out with.


Do you think Clinique Happy would be a nice complement?


Yes, WildAutumn, you can have my chemistry for this one. The scent stays stronnngggg on me all day, which is why I never ordered a full bottle. I Don't care for citrus scents. I amp them like crazy. I use Sparkle Fuschia for my Cougar fix.

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  • 2 months later...

I wore Cougar Potion today to work. I should note that I work as a canvasser/street fundraiser, someone who stands on the sidewalk and convinces passerby's to give money to charity. As such, I deal with people from all walks of life. I didn't sign anyone up today (ugh), but I did have one 30-something guy offer to buy me coffee (I declined) and then asked if I'd like to go see a movie with him (ditto). On the way home, I was waiting by the bus stop and a 40-something transit official starting chatting to me and raving about the new transit system and how you can go online and see exactly where all the buses in the city are at the moment, which is admittedly AMAZING, but wasn't prompted by me. He then also insisted on showing me the the computer system in his van. It also wasn't so much a chat as him telling me about it and me going "mmmm" and "is that so?" at intervals. He then told me that the bus system was hiring, if I was looking for a job.


Also! I have a new co-worker (hopefully to stay - he's in his evaluation period and I'm hoping he can make it) and I can't tell if he's actually interested in me or if he's just being his charming sociable canvasser self (and admittedly I'm his supervisor - so it's in his best interest to be charming towards me). I really enjoyed his company the last time I worked with him, but I think Cougar Potion has self effects on me because I spent the afternoon having stupidly naughty thoughts about him, and he makes me feel all glowy and warm inside. (At least until I looked at his Facebook page when I got home, at which point I was less impressed).


So in short - I think there is the possibility that Cougar may have enhanced the interactions I had today, and I enjoyed the novelty of being asked out by someone who had all of their teeth and didn't smell like stale tobacco smoke or roll cigarettes in front of me using a filter they picked up from the wet pavement, and I'm TOTALLY wearing it tomorrow to see what happens. That said, I'm hesitant to place this all on Cougar - I have weird interactions from time to time due to the nature of this job, and I'm 24, so I feel like some of these interactions would have happened even without the oil. So who knows!

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Cougar does not discriminate based on age, ladies! lol. I was in my mid-20s when I first started with Cougar Potion. (Well...I might have been 27, so maybe that's my late 20s...) I got it for the scent and its "sparkle adding" capabilities, not the "young man catching" ones. I found that it tamed the cantakerous women I work with, and that's what makes it a winner for me (that and the scent. It really works with my chemistry) . It did seem to really, really attract the mid 30s to mid 40s men, which wasn't my goal but hey, it is what it is. :lol: That kinda sounds like what's happening to you m4mitchell. But don't lose sight of the social aspects to Cougar. I, personally, love it for work, and I think it could be really, really good for what you do. (And maybe some Open windows too. Try Stealing Heaven.)


ETA: I haven't been giving my Cougar Potion the love it deserves. Will have to move it to the front of my stash.

Edited by BlueBear
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Yeah CP tends to do well for me at work also, but then again I'm not really wearing it for its intended purpose either, as I'm not in the market for a (real) boytoy, lol. I think it can definitely lend sparkle to anyone!

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::shrugs:: I got Cougar because I a) love citrus, including grapefruit, B) was curious about copulins but didn't want a blatantly sexual blend and c) wanted to enhance my attractiveness to men.


I'll probably try Lace next given that it's a "younger" blend, but given the ingredients in Cougar I see no reason as to why I couldn't wear it.

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Much as I love Lace I prefer Cougar, Lace makes me very feminine, very sparkly but also bouncy and a bit giggly which is fine with girlfriends and in informal situations but Cougar is excellent in all situations whether work, family or love as it does impart a glow whilst the wearer remains suave and sophisticated.

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