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Silk stalkings and stiletto heels today. Oh yez.

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You may have to refresh your page. But there's nothing there yet. (sulk sulk stalk stalk)

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i looked there. I'm on my phone so i get what i get. I don't think refresh is an option. It does normally show new threads though. :(


It's kind of a sub-section, right below the Specials. Your phone might not show that. :(

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I can't see it as I cannot access LP website from here. My VPN does not work at work. Can someone help me by attaching the link to the sales link for me, please? Thanks so much!

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I Should be making dinner for my family but I can't FOCUS!

Lady V- let them eat cereal :P Priorities, right?


Popcorn is cheaper ... aim them towards the homeless soup kitchen ... let them forage. Tell them they need to pretend they are homeless so they appreciate what they have better. A week ought to cover your expenses and make them more appreciative all at once.

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good idea qg- it might take longer than a week to cover my expenses! I've made a small payment to my mounting electric bill though! Water is a different matter!


Well, LadyV has an adult male to feed. You just have small kids. Not sure if one is a boy but if so, wait until he hits 15 or so. Then one week will cover it easy! Of course what always got me is how much small kids clothes are. I mean hell, there is only 1/4 of the cloth, so why does it cost as much as adult clothing if not more. I buy generic jeans. My kids' jeans would cost about the same as mine. WTHeck?

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Well, LadyV has an adult male to feed. You just have small kids. Not sure if one is a boy but if so, wait until he hits 15 or so. Then one week will cover it easy! Of course what always got me is how much small kids clothes are. I mean hell, there is only 1/4 of the cloth, so why does it cost as much as adult clothing if not more. I buy generic jeans. My kids' jeans would cost about the same as mine. WTHeck?


Food here is way more expensive than the USA, like LOADS. Even so, my expenses will be HIGH! So one week will not do...


Re kids clothes:Jeans I think are tricky to sew and kinda harder to make small than they are big, plus they have the same amount (usually) of hardware-zips/studs etc that adults have. Other stuff, I think they just know they have you by the balls lol.


My kids have much nicer clothes than me though. I just hope I smell so good I don't need clothes hahaha

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Food here is way more expensive than the USA, like LOADS. Even so, my expenses will be HIGH! So one week will not do...


I believe you. I did not spend much time in England and what little I did we did not eat out much.


Other stuff, I think they just know they have you by the balls lol.


I think that is the key right there no matter what the clothes are. They prey on you knowing you have to buy them and that you want your kids to look as nice as possible.


I just hope I smell so good I don't need clothes hahaha


I think it would be hard for you to smell so bad that a guy would ask you to put some on ... :say66: I really like the smell of my wife after she has been exercising and she has never understood that. She thinks she smells gross and just wants to go take a shower. I think she smells good and I just want to ... :666: . I even like the taste of the salt her sweat leaves behind. TMI I am sure ...

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I think it would be hard for you to smell so bad that a guy would ask you to put some on ... :say66: I really like the smell of my wife after she has been exercising and she has never understood that. She thinks she smells gross and just wants to go take a shower. I think she smells good and I just want to ... :666: . I even like the taste of the salt her sweat leaves behind. TMI I am sure ...


I think that is sweet. I think it's good to hear men say they like their wives/women actually being women and not a plastic mannequin!

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I think that is sweet. I think it's good to hear men say they like their wives/women actually being women and not a plastic mannequin!


I think it is because I am barely one step beyond a caveman. Eat, Sleep, Hunt, Sex, Repeat.

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..................I really like the smell of my wife after she has been exercising and she has never understood that. She thinks she smells gross and just wants to go take a shower. I think she smells good and I just want to ... :666: . I even like the taste of the salt her sweat leaves behind. TMI I am sure ...

Not TMI at all. Mr. Matt and I are like that, too! We are in the physical world at the moment...might as well enjoy being an animal for a while! B) Hell, that's why our phero perfumes work so well. I'm always cracking Mr. Matt up by sticking my face into his armpit, snoofing long and hard, and exclaiming, "Aaaaahhhhhhh!" He perceives my sweat stench as the same kind of nectar. Heee!!! S'all GOOD.


By the way, QG, I LOOOVE your avi pic!!! You & your wife both dive, yes? Two of Matt's and my best friends are a married couple of physicists who do all sorts of cool things....and they dive together, too! They've come back with some outsdanding pics! Bet you've got bunches, yourself! :)

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I really like the smell of my wife after she has been exercising and she has never understood that. She thinks she smells gross and just wants to go take a shower. I think she smells good and I just want to ... :666: . I even like the taste of the salt her sweat leaves behind. TMI I am sure ...

Do we not keep telling you there's no such thing?! I say the same thing about Quince...there have been times when we've been together for a few days and I wouldn't let him out of the house because I didn't want him to shower. Sadly during the vay-cay I couldn't beg him to be stinky for a couple days, lol.

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Popcorn is cheaper ... aim them towards the homeless soup kitchen ... let them forage. Tell them they need to pretend they are homeless so they appreciate what they have better. A week ought to cover your expenses and make them more appreciative all at once.


I made bologna sandwiches!

I'm terrible I know.

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I made bologna sandwiches!

I'm terrible I know.


That's protein and carbs, what more do they need? I have a couple of recipes for guilt free fast-feeding at times when you have your addiction(and it really is, when I'm saying shhhh can you go and watch your dvd for five minutes so I can concentrate... :wink88: ) to deal with, I might put 'em up somewhere :) It requires that you make them in advance but that takes no time at all.

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I have a couple of recipes for guilt free fast-feeding


Some of us would probably be willing to PAY for those recipies, cinnamonmel -- out of sheer desperation!!


Beautiful kissie in your new avi, BTW. She looks so soft and cuddly!

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We should have DHEAS in hand within the next two days, which means Topper, La Femme and the lone molecule will be back in the cart at that time.



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Recently I told BF I love his natural smell and his breath. He says he only likes my smell when I am not covered in that crap. That crap? Those are my beloved perfume oils. Now I know how he really feels ;)


Ooooh, ouch.

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i'll post them soon then! Thanks jd- she's very soft but not very cuddly. She won't really be picked up without freaking out. She'll tolerate being stroked sometimes and gets a bit silly then, but she can be very nervous. She's increasingly chatty recently though!

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WOOOOO!!! *chants* D! H! EAS!! D! H! EAS!!


Trying to imagine Syn in her old cheerleader's outfit .... :rolleyes:

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Okay now you're a perv lol.


Whaaaaaat? I meant her wearing it now ... not when she was 16. :P Hell, that is the age of my kids. Ewwwww. Several of my friends have kids in their early 20s so it is a little hard to even consider women that age "of age" anymore. They just seem like oversized kids. I do martial arts with some young adults 18-21 or so and I am not sure I even speak the same language ...

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LOL QG :P you know I'm only 26 right :P


Yeah - I knew you were mid-20s. But at least we speak the same language (outdoors) even if with different accents. Although you would probably be telling me I was hiking too slow and taking too many breaks! But getting told I am old in an Australian accent could be a definite plus. :lol:


And I think you guys won another gold!

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Yeah - I knew you were mid-20s. But at least we speak the same language (outdoors) even if with different accents. Although you would probably be telling me I was hiking too slow and taking too many breaks! But getting told I am old in an Australian accent could be a definite plus. :lol:


Lol nope, I am likely to be the slow one... I am a dreamer when I hike. I want to explore everything and take time to soak up the world and that doesn't make for very productive hiking :P


I wonder what you guys would think of my accent... American accents sound so strange to me, but then I suppose Australian sounds strange to you! I have a slightly "British" Australian accent, so I even sound a little different to the other Aussies here. I've had a few people with English as a second language tell me I am easier to understand than most other Australians - growing up in a kind of posh area, I tend to pronounce everything fully and correctly, and I don't skip over sounds or run words together, etc. I also don't have that awful Kath and Kim type accent you hear from eg Julia Gillard!


And I think you guys won another gold!


Lol yep, we do great if water is involved - sailing, swimming, canoe, those are our gold medals it seems :D Now we just need gold in diving and water polo and we are set :P

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